#Walk away from War.
There are at least 6 billion human beings connected right now.
Those six thousand millions can make a decision.
All together, without asking anybody in "authority".
WE can walk away from war.
This is how HUMANITY, all of WE ordinary people, shape our reality GOOD.
#Walk away from War.
What YOU need to do: Simply SHARE this idea, ask those you share with to do the same.
Use all social media, while WE, humanity, still have the chance.
Do that, and WE can ask what else WE need to do to put the world right.
Walk away from War.
With Love,
Olive xxx xxx xxx
Please read this so that YOU realise what power we human beings, our species, has RIGHT NOW.
WE, our species, can end war.
Understandings: We live in a time wherein we can all connect to each other. WE are also aware that at any time some very few of us are actively involved in war, what we should call mass murder for that is what it is. The rest of us, humanity at large, want that to stop. WE are becoming aware that ALL wars are created and that the act of creation involves capturing the hearts and minds of a group of human beings, their collective consciousness. First comes years of demonising the target group through propaganda. Then the creation of an act which is "unforgivable" such that the controlled group bay for blood. Alternatively the target group might be responsible for the unforgivable act and have been driven to it by the people or person that controls their mass consciousness. Witness any religious war you can think of. Examine any war and you will find these causalities. See how "The Chinese" or "The Russians" are demonised by the West, whilst America and NATO are demonised in those countries. Everywhere we find ordinary human beings, plumbers, teachers, road sweepers, builders, bus drivers, all of us, being conditioned to be afraid of other plumbers and teachers and bakers under the thrall of some other "leader". Those leaders make war and use WE ordinary people to do the organised killing. NONE of us want war other than those in whom the desire for revenge has been created. All that is needed is an atrocity, a spark that ignites the blaze. This has been our history as a species. It's time to stop.
As the barriers to travel came down just a few decades ago, as the lack of connectivity between we human beings was defeated by the internet, we came to realise that there is beauty in our diversity but that underlying that diversity was a universal commonality between we human beings, what WE ARE as a species. In every country in every religion we find that commonality. It is born of good will, of love, for our families and our places. WE ARE united in that commonality, that we as a species value and desire those things which come from love.
Ask everyone you know if they think it would be a good idea if humanity decided to never go to war again.
Ask them how that would change our reality.
At any time we would find that a tiny minority actually want war, usually just a few of those actively involved and suffering from a harm which they want to avenge.
Today, between we eight billion human beings, perhaps just a few million or less would say that they wanted war, wanted to kill.
The rest of us, OUR SPECIES, we thousands of millions, would say "NO".
This is therefore a "no brainer".
If WE eight billion human beings took a vote to make war illegal everywhere what would be the result?
The answer is evident.
Now here's the thing.
WE do not need to "vote".
A "vote" is like asking permission.
It involves organisation. It involves counting. It opens the door to those who are in charge of this mess we call life to influence, to subvert, to miscount, to pervert, to lie, to affect our mass consciousness through clever propaganda.
WE don't need a vote.
WE just need a "meme".
The creation, between WE peace loving human beings, of an understanding.
That WE shall have none of it.
That WE as a species will walk away from war.
This could be achieved in a very short time.
A viral meme.
WE human beings don't have any choice in the matter at the moment. Our world's leaders decide when and where war will happen without asking WE ordinary people.
But we need not ask their permission to create that mass consciousness between us.
To create a GLOBAL CONSENSUS between us.
WE can do this right now.
The instruments to do this are in our hands at this very moment.
All it needs is a "meme".
A moment in time when we all ask each other the question: "Shall we #Walk Away From War".
If it becomes known, between us all, that WE will have NO WAR between us, that such is our GLOBAL CONSENSUS, then the withdrawals from those things which enable war to happen will follow.
WE withdraw our consent from governments.
Because WE ARE the true authority in this world.
Our species, our planet.
WE identify companies involved in the manufacture and supply of weapons and drop them from our collective lives.
WE urge those in bureaucracies, members of our families or friends, to withdraw their labour.
WE urge those that do the fighting, members of our families or friends, to withdraw, to desert, to disobey orders.
WE urge those that work to manufacture weapons to walk away.
WE do these things with the overwhelming power of a global consensus, with billions of human being's insistence, with the authority that gives WE ordinary people a voice in shaping our reality and shaping it GOOD.
SO: Share this post.
If you are an influencer, a creator, a personality or name, get behind this simple idea.
WE have the instruments in our hands right now.
They could be lost to us, that global connectivity could be taken from us.
Therefore the MOMENT is NOW.
Please, share.
With Love,
xxx xxx xxx
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