Please follow along through these steps of reasoning. Though beginning with things not seemingly relevant to this current war on humanity you might emerge with the most relevant understanding of what's happening NOW and what the “great” (sic) RESET will produce next. Turn off your cognitive dissonance and your ingrained belief systems before you begin, please.
Take a look at the latest in computer games, their level of realism.
Take a look at the latest in computational machinery, at the Quantum computers.
Take a look at Artificial Intelligence developments.
Understand that the development of these things relies on the awarding of money for development.
Understand therefore that these advances rely upon (and so are controlled by) the flow of money from its source, the fake money-creating banks and those that own them. These creatures by that means also own and control the intellectual property. That is, as in all areas, they own humanity's collective intelligence and control both the direction of and rate of advance of our species (and use what's developed as weapons against us).
Now imagine a humanity free of that control system and imagine what great computers we might design after 50 or a 100 years of such free sharing of intellectual property (look back over the last 30 years, see the almost inconceivable exponential advances made and especially the sharing of freeware, and extrapolate.....).
Now consider Quantum physics and the nascent understanding of reality as a creation made of information, of numbers.
Recall Max Planck's assertion that at core it is evident that behind reality there is a “Great Thought”, a huge “mind”, and that Planck thought of this before we had invented the first true computers. Truly a man of vision.
You might come to think this: That we live in a reality that is the product of an incredible computer programme (and that such is the Creator, or “God”, the ineffable source) and that, given a 100 years of unfettered and uncontrolled advances, that we might build such a machine ourselves.This understanding goes against ingrained religious dogma and the taught behaviours and understandings promulgated by controlled education and the propaganda that tells us that humanity is by nature the destructive presence in this reality. In a fake reality, in a world of lies, truth is always stranger than fiction.
That reality-generating pinnacle would by then have involved many thousands of scientists, two centuries of development from its beginnings, perhaps hundreds of thousands of programmers. The reality created would be, in effect, the product of our species. If this is true or could become true, does it not become essential that our creative species should find the path to good, to love, before we become so almighty?
The model for the new reality would almost certainly be this reality, for this reality is near perfect in its concept and execution and sheer beauty and, enclosed as it is, its sustainability and the balance between life forms. It is a perfect working model. Those with an understanding of the esoteric might find a study of the Uroborous enlightening, the cycle of eternity expressed as a continuum of self replication, the snake swallowing its own tail.
Dig down through the “earth” and “rock” in this newly created reality and the “player” might find the “fossilised” bones of great lizards, just as we do here! Dig down through the physics of this new reality and a great mind might discover that is is made of information and that behind it lies a great thought.....! Explanations of many puzzles in this reality might lie in such a perspective. Whoever exists within that reality would be set a great series of questions and given the opportunity, en masse, to determine a path to discover how they in turn might replicate such a world...........Think of Russian dolls if that helps.
Now consider how many billions of human beings in this reality have an instinctive “gut” feeling that this is a Creation (rather than an accident) and that there is therefore a Creator and sense that this Creator is an entity of LOVE . Realise that this sense has been played upon and misused for millennia by those (rulers, usually) that invented or co-opted religions, dreamt up “God's” insistences and rules and created and sustained their hierarchies over millennia (using their believers to cause all kinds of evil along the way). Almost as if they knew something hidden from humanity and understood how to harness and misdirect its power. As if they understood how belief could be created by dipping in to the source, the collective instinctive subconscious, and how that belief once established made the believer the instrument of the power that established it. Look at the followers of personality cults, or indeed look at the behaviours of those that have swallowed this Covid nonsense and understand that the creation of a belief system gives the collective power of the believers into the hands of those behind the belief. In that latter example, through which we are passing now, it is not difficult to perceive that those Covid believers could easily be persuaded to round up and kill Vaxx “deniers”, just as Christians or Muslims were persuaded to round up and kill “blasphemers” or indeed Hitler cultists to round up and kill Jews.
Now: Take a look at our human story. See that when we were small in number and divided by geography and language and isolated by ignorance we spent millennia developing simple wheeled transport. (Think, while you do that, of the destruction of the Tower of Babylon and the division of humanity and our scattering at that if we were perhaps RESET once before and took an age to recover and the Bible story spoke of that in metaphor). See that about two hundred years ago our population suddenly began to rapidly grow. See that the more of us that exist, the faster our rate of progress is. Now we number in so many billions that our rate of progress reflects those millions of scientists and thinkers and technologists all striving for advance and, now, all connected. A first for the world, as far as we know. In other words, the more human beings, the greater the collective intelligence and the collective problem solving capabilities and so the faster our speed of advance. From this, contemplate our Global Rulers' desire to reduce our population (and convince us to do the reducing).
Consider us not as a species but rather as a single biological computing machine, each human-being as an individual “processor” in that great machine. Then see that we have built “neurons” (in biological terms) or the wires that connect all of those cells or processors. That for the first time we as a species are capable of reaching out to each and every one of us and arriving at a shared intent based on a shared understanding. That for the first time we might discover what lies in almost all of our hearts as an instinctive desire or set of desires: Our “human heartedness” or “Ren” (as Confucius described it). The very essence of our species, distilled into a simple truth, what WE ARE rather than what we have been made.
This is a first for humanity. A time when a vegetable farmer in Turkey can, in a millisecond, connect with a musician in Australia or an astrophysicist in Rome. WE have now, because of our sheer number and the great rate of advance that sheer number has produced, opened the possibility of being able to share, in milliseconds, a single idea between us all, to find a species-wide commonality, in effect to become an “entity” comprised of billions of biological processors, a “World Mind” akin to a vast biological quantum computer. Such a single idea would, of course, have to be a thing of simplicity, a core principle against which measuring stick we might as a species examine what we do now and discard or retain that habit based upon that core principle. We might, for example, choose to end war. From that simple foundational decision would flow (regardless of what we call “governments' and their “authority”) many thousands of actions, from the dismantling of nuclear weapons to the redirection and retraining of our militaries into international rescue operations. The ability to disregard “governments' would flow from the simple authority of a world majority of our species as a whole. By finding one simple unifying core principle we would discover that the power in this reality had, in a moment, shifted from those who currently wield power to the World Mind, seven billion human beings in agreement.
Considering this “World Mind” that we human beings have already created the connections and instruments to bring into being, imagine, for just a “Moment” (for that is all it would take) if on one day soon we all of us considered together if we should, say, permanently end all war? Or refuse the promised and likely mandatory (in all but name) Vaxx our current masters are creating “to save us”.
And if the collective desire between us all was that we should, what would we do with that shared understanding? How would that change the world, that shared understanding? What actions would it promulgate? What would it make us sense, as a species, in terms of our united authority to change the rules and the nature of this (awful!) reality? What HOPE `would such a feat engender? What possibilities would occur to us? When we once realise that humanity could become masters of our own reality through choice and the collective WILL of an entire species?
Now: Look again at the world we are living in right now and consider all you know of the evil cabal and its servants.
Realise that those that rule this reality, with their think tanks and their bought expertise, saw clearly some time ago the coming birth of this potentiality for a shared, single “thought” spreading through humanity. The birth of a world mind, a species finding its true shared nature, its essence. It is our belief and maybe yours that this true essence of our species can be encapsulated in a single idea: LOVE. That this is what we are and that this is what Power has always hidden from us, creating systems and hierarchies and beliefs that distance us from this basic, instinctive truth. We are one species, sharing one world, living in a reality dominated by evil but desirous of a reality dominated by Love and all that flows from love. To shift the balance of those almighty scales, to wash away the ingrained power structures that sustain this evil reality and “Start Again” as a species is just a simple Moment of agreement between us all, the emergence of a World Mind, the true soul of our species. The Power must never allow us to find that Moment.
More, they saw clearly that once such an event, such a “moment” of connectivity occurred, then many of the great problems that beset our species could be addressed by that process and that, in a very short time, a true “World Mind” would emerge that transcended all government, all un-Common law, all commerce, all fictional money systems. That negated Power as it is and created a new paradigm.
A “World Mind” that would, in a moment, ignore into powerlessness those that have created almost all war and strife in this reality for time immemorial.
The “World Mind” would not deal in detail, because we are over seven billion differences of opinion. The world mind would deal in simple, core principles on which almost all of our species could agree. From those core principles our species could then address the HOW, free of the constraints that prevent us now from doing so because Power will have been assumed by our species.
Should we let a child starve?
Should we make sure we humans that want a decent home have such a thing?
Should we free our scientists from the financial and career restraints that prevent them from doing their best for our species?
Should we ensure that justice extended to all, including and perhaps especially to the rich and powerful?
Should we take, from those that have the exclusive right to create money from thin air, that right? Should we in fact switch to a world of simple equations, a world where there is resource (physical and human) and need, equations that need no “money” to solve, no “taxes”, no “capital” (and its owners), no “money from thin air” bankers, no “profit” motive. From these simplicities a new paradigm of human existence would gradually emerge in which almost all of what we now think of as crime would slowly disappear for, at the last analysis, that fake stuff sits at the base of almost all criminal intent.
Those that rule this reality fear, above all else, this world mind. They saw its coming even if WE did not. They have made war upon it.
EVERYTHING that is happening in this world, the wars, the Covid business, the lockdowns, the social distancing, the police brutality, the artificial divisions, the masks, the internet censorship, the massively funded “fake news” operation, the propaganda, the tight controls over the internet we human beings have built to become the basis of our shared understandings and the connections that form the World Mind, everything is designed to prevent the “moment” we come together as a species and discover WE can be of ONE MIND on certain fundamentals. That our world mind can find our human-heartedness.
Once that happens, THEY have lost and HUMANITY will emerge into its own light at last.
How can they prevent this?
By turning off our connectivity. (BY CHANCE THAT WAS NUMBER 33! GO FIGURE.)
These creatures make plans. Before they turn off our ability to act as one species they need to have ownership of the world's assets, to have killed all businesses except their own, to control everything we need as a species to survive. The “Kill Switch” is not the virus that affects our biology. The Kill Switch is the switch that turns off our ability to communicate, the internet, and so our ability to form a world mind. They will try and blame it on a culprit and create a war from that lie. As they want to cause mass death, that Kill Switch will disrupt ALL electronic systems, including power supply. No stock and order systems will work, no transportation systems, no power distribution systems, no heating systems, nuclear power stations will go into meltdown (though they might have planned to prevent that, as they might suffer by that), and so on.
The Kill Switch is intended to kill the World Mind, the only threat to power (to evil itself) and to reduce us, to set us back centuries so that HUMANITY as a single entity is no longer a threat. Another Tower of Babylon moment.
And through that attack upon the world mind, they will kill our human ability to develop into a species capable of building a technology that could create realities as real as this reality.
God is not a beardy guy in the sky. God is the ultimate expression of the scientific and philosophical potentiality of billions of intelligences and human hearts working together over centuries to build such a “Creator”.
God is within us all in that we are all part of a species capable of developing a creative machinery that could create new realities from information as this reality is, all part of the World Mind emerging right now.
The Power in this reality intends to kill the destiny of our species, to kill the unborn child of the Creator. Humanity is the child of God and will grow to become such a Creative force itself. That is our destiny as a species......and WE WILL BE.
This is the war of Good versus Evil.
You should know that there is little time.
The World Mind must be born, quickly, if Humanity is to find its destiny.
A simple question that we ask each other, all of us, so that for the first time humanity can realise that it shares a single mind at core, must quickly go viral.
Fear not. The world mind is considering that question right now and it will emerge. There is a good chance that the question will be related to the vast mistake that the Power has made in rushing to prevent the emergence of our world mind, this fake virus-response that our species as a whole is coming to see as a badly made pretext for other, nefarious plans. No matter how hard they try their grip over those they hoped they'd turned into “believers” is slipping. They expected a “pushback”, imagined that through the threat of law, through brutal policing and through an overwhelming “flood” of propaganda and censorship and through “governments” marching in “lockstep” that their grip would hold. But at every level of consciousness and understanding, from the Professors that step forwards to deny and to debunk the lies of the bought “experts” to the grannies arrested and chucked into police wagons, from the grieving human beings denied access to their loved ones in their passing to the simple men and women who see that their pleasures are being denied them and the contacts and fellowships of shared interests have been stolen from them, everywhere and at every level of consciousness the “pushback” is becoming a seething and boiling pot of human resentment that our masters cannot keep the lid on. Ergo, they will destroy our connectivity SOON. Therefore, the World Mind will have to be found soon. DO NOT FEAR. Billions of human minds are now considering this conundrum and in that considering are connecting. Check any comment section anywhere. What you see emerging is the coalescence of billions of minds into one. The tipping point has already been reached, history will show that 11:11 2020 was that tipping point, the Moment there were more human beings that disbelieved what they were so insistently been told was the truth and recognised that we, as a species, were being lied to by Power. Hard though it might be to see against the storm of lies WE ARE already a species finding unity against a common enemy.
In the mean time, so that you see what we are saying is true, view this vile excrescence speaking of the “world mind”-killing switch they intend to throw and so realise that your individual efforts to find a simple instinctive unity with your fellow human beings has become your most important duty. You are a Warrior of the Rainbow. Your number is 11:11. The future is in your hands.