Monday, 19 February 2024

Is the "moment" approaching?

As Dr MacGilchrist explains in the video linked in the previous post, and in layman's terms, we have slipped as a species into a left-brain dominated reality, leaving behind us as a species the ambition and the will to make ourselves finer beings in symbiotic harmony with the joy that is creation. He speaks strongly of the collective wrong footedness we have taken, a world mindset that we have adopted and which is responsible for the meta crisis which is occurring. 

It seems we have dug ourselves a new cave for the mind and are insisting, between ourselves, that shadows are real, are growing in the conviction that those who refer to the real world deserve no place in the cave.

Even those shining a light are often merely creating new shadows, new beliefs launched into the collective minds to see if they'll stick, produce value in numbers spendable only in the tommy shop we have allowed our reality to become. 

Not familiar with the term? The British were leaders in the anti-slavery movement, having being previously and profitably in the business. A cynic might suggest they had discovered a better method. Indeed they had. During the industrial revolution owners of iron works or mills or mines would pay their workers in part in goods. In bread, beer, other stuff which the workers described as "tommy" goods. Some paid workers in "tommy notes", money created by the owners and spendable only in a shop owned by them. 

That cheaper and more convenient form of slavery is the system which now enshrouds our human consciousness and we are so used to this great shadow that we no longer question its existence. 

In our world there exist a group of families which own the right to create, at the touch of a key, all of the world's money. They generously loan it to us, at interest. Every government is awash with their generosity, placing future generations in perpetual debt to these few families whilst ensuring that those on the gravy train for the egoists and narcissists that is politics never breath a word about this almighty confidence trick. How they must laugh at us. As a species we judge each other based upon the skills demonstrated in acquiring the fake money 

Most of humanity is also in personal debt to these creatures that magic money from thin air, owe the roof over their head to them or the jacket on their back. We teach our kids that this is the world and so what they must do, how they must be, what they must crave and how they must behave in the world that is ordered, from top to bottom, by the struggle for possession of these "tommy notes" which we spend in the shops owned by the same money-creators on goods produced by companies owned by these money creators, in countries governed by creatures that will never speak of this wage-enslavement of  an entire species, never once.

There it is, the first and greatest shadow in our cave. The one we must imagine our world without and then as a species seeing if that can be done. That requires a mindset, and the mindset is this: That there is a global "WE" in existence at this moment. It is just now beginning to stir.....

Despite the cave called 'reality' in which we exist that global "WE" is in a unique position in our existential history as a species. The first time that our species has held in its hands the instruments by which at least 6 billion of us can arrive at a global mindset, an agreement between us all, irrespective of any hierarchical insistence, regardless of what IS but rather how WE would prefer things to be. 

There is a global democracy, taken by a global species in a global world in effect in defiance of what IS because what IS no longer suits us. Such a global will can only spring from the underlying yearning we have almost forgotten for a world run on ideals, on aspirations, where the good among us help us find happiness as a species in a world full of promise and of plenty. The resolutions we can now take as a species can give shape to that world. As a species those resolutions will spring from that instinctive, human hearted hope. We would want a world free of fear, we countless millions, free of war and free of fear of the threat of nuclear or biological weapons or other man-made instruments of terror. 

If 6 or more billion of us want this, then what is to prevent us making it so?

It is merely a process of spreading the idea that THIS is what we are engaged upon as a species, in MAKING UP OUR MINDS. And that we are making up our minds, for example, WE 6 billion of us, to end war between us. There are, of course, millions of us that can find our everything WE need to do as a species to end war. Stop producing weapons for our armies, stop supplying them, stop delivering food to them. Within those organisations begin insisting that the personnel and materials would be better used in forming international rescue organisations. Or just down tools, en masse. Consider: If WE as a species shall have no more war that is a global democracy in action, an act of global will, the decision of a species made up of billions of ordinary people. It's what WE have decided shall BE rather than what WAS.

Interestingly, we can make what IS become what WAS in just a MOMENT of global awareness. Truly, our future lies in the success or otherwise of the sudden emergence of this awareness amongst WE, as a species. That we, however humble, are part of the global mind of our species, are part of that collective consciousness and that WE, as humanity, as a species, we countless millions of indebted human beings can finally have OUR SAY.

WE can change this world in a moment, with a meme, a meme that finds in itself the expression of what lies in our hearts, what is instinctive to us. Things that we all wish for that has no expression in this world. And yet, above all things, this is what our world should BE. An expression of our dreams and wishes beginning with those so fundamental that they say what WE ARE, as a species, rather than what we have let ourselves become.

Those things deep down in our hearts of hearts, what makes we quiet folks human, that care we have for each other that is tested now in this artificially competitive reality, everybody busy paying interest, fighting for a bigger pile of tommy notes whilst life slips by them and time is misspent. Our deepest desires care nothing for all that. WE hide them or feel foolish for giving them breath. WE wish the world were different, quietly to our hearts, as humanity. edges ever closer to some crisis.

WE hold in our hands the instruments into which we can whisper those wishes and find that  6 or more billion of us are whispering the same things, that our species' dream of a world consists of fundamentals at odds with that which exists. Know at the same time that everything that exists that is not simply of nature in this reality is made or distributed by WE human beings. If WE human beings decide that we shall have no more the possibility exists for us to simply walk away from it. There will be some smouldering embers of the fire fuelled by dwindling supplies of. the stuff of war. There will be the danger of some lunatic pressing some button somewhere, or some religion's hierarchy calling for destruction of believers of another religion, or some charismatic adept of a leader somewhere capturing the mind of a nation and finding excuse for a fight whilst the ammunition still lasts. There will be some fightback from what WAS, that is certain. What WAS will probably act to prevent our connectivity, to prevent humanity taking control of its own reality by an act of global will.

That, ultimately, is the last weapon in the arsenal of our current global elite.

Therefore time is short.   

Ideals to which we used to aspire, ideals which we hoped and expected would flow through the hierarchies of power in our societies, have largely passed from our conscious consideration. 

We no longer expect those we trust with power over us to be morally and ethically superior to us, for them to be courageous, for them to be stalwart defenders of truth and of justice, to have humility, to show love above all in their deliberations. There are few in the corridors of power in all of our world's hierarchies that do not appear to be the opposite of these things. As a species most of us now have serious doubts about the probity of our world's leaders,  begin to suspect them of malicious intent or ignorance or a combination of both. Many now see them as criminals, and of course it is not uncommon in our history for murderous criminals to achieve dominance over us. In fact THAT IS our history as a species. Our entire history is the story of murderous criminals seizing the consciousness of a mob and using that mob as an instrument for the murderous criminal to capture and to hold more human beings, more minds, in its thrall.

That is what Kings were and are. The great mob gangsters that arise. Dictators. Religions' leaders calling for holy war. The modern day robber barons and money creators. Organisations of such creatures. The history of WE ordinary human beings is expressed through the acquisition and disposal of our mass consciousness. Those that desire power over us seek to gain control of that mass consciousness, to have us in its thrall to direct as it wishes and to kill. Always eventually to kill. Our history is of where we've been, what we've taken from each other by force, and where what we stole ended up. It has always ended up in the same places, in the vaults and the banks, there to be stored and used as a dark energy to control human reality and shape it to the will of the creatures in charge as they squabble between themselves over the carcass they are making of this world. 

Isn't that what we do as a species? Follow these leaders?

And yet despite the capture of our minds we still, within us all, share that core human heartedness, that which should establish in our world a set of absolutes that would make it impossible for someone to rise up and drive us to war. Should we establish those absolutes? Should we ordinary human beings, by an act of global will, merely CHANGE our reality.

NOTHING can happen without us. 

Ergo, WE ordinary human beings can decide what IS in our world.  

I am reminded of the olive tree. If the trunk and branches are grown diseased and cankerous cut them away. A new tree will emerge, full of vigour and fruitfulness. Humanity has that opportunity now. To cut away the diseased and cankerous trunks and branches of our world and grow and shape a different world, a human world, a world of our collective human dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Charles Michael28 June 2024 at 11:18

    MIDGE was the name I gave to my Jack Russle dog...but it was more than was the acronym for: Mind, indestrucable defender and guardian of Earth. I was told to give him that name by what Humankind calls God!


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