Monday, 5 February 2024

Brain dump.

This is kind of a brain dump, unreferenced. It is written to myself and to any other fellow travellers that can be bothered to read these ramblings.

We either know these things or we don't. Many remain ignorant but the aware, misdirected as they are, are approaching that number required to force a tipping point in world affairs. We will keep exposing the core of rottenness that sits astride world affairs, creating its horrors. Our research reaches more and more minds, makes more and more sense even to the chronically ignorant among us. We are winning in some major areas of the battle for the mass consciousness of humanity. That of course is where our species is at this moment, engaged in a war in which what is at stake is the perpetual ownership of the mass consciousness of our species. Many human beings are co-opted to the very forces seeking that demonic final solution in a circle of self-destructive behaviours that all have their roots in the need for money and the desire for comfort and pleasure. Our world has been so designed by the Imperialists, requiring humanity to exist within an unending indebtedness wherein pleasure has become something that can only be bought.  

Almost all of we eight billion human beings are living in a state of constant nervous disquiet, with a sense of dark foreboding. We are, as a species, looking for the root cause and increasingly larger numbers of we human beings are finding, to our dismay, that there exists an unbelievably rich and influential cohort of "human beings" that see we ordinary human beings as stock. To be milked or slaughtered or disposed of as "THEY" see fit. Almost enough of us have discovered this information for the tipping point in the mass consciousness to be reached. Disquiet about the Covid affair is accelerating this process. This is something that has entered many peoples' consciousness and is driving the formation of our human World Mind (as opposed to the inhuman world mind our tech companies currently control on behalf of their masters). 

These, then, are the two forces at work. On the one hand we find the mass mind-controlling ambitions of our masters, ambitions that are enabled by complicit governments, complicit scientists, complicit media, complicit heads of corporations and of religious and societal hierarchies. On the other hand we find the growing sector of the mass consciousness that, difficult though this journey is, is coming to realise that much of what we humans have been given to believe is fake, is misinformation, is a concatenation of lies that (to paraphrase Tolstoy) has been woven thread by thread into our human reality such that many believe implicitly in a vast construct of untruth. 

As increasing numbers of human beings come to realise this the tipping point will form upon the mass of research, already done now by our species, identifying those that control our world's affairs, their methods and systems and routes to control, their inhuman callousness. The corruption is present in so many walks of life that it is difficult for most human beings to comprehend the extent of it, its breadth and depth in so many areas of our lives. As such the knowledge can lead to a sense of helplessness or to the division of our efforts to counter the problem into silos of interest. Fake alternative media and emplaced false leaders are provided to draw the efforts of the awakening population into divergent areas. There seem to be many problems facing humanity when in fact there is only one. That single problem is that we have allowed in our world one group of people to have the power to create ALL of our money and to issue that money as interest bearing debt to our species. All corruption stems from this single act of stupidity. Our rulers, those ancient "royal" and "aristocratic" creatures that built their empires by the use of brute force in the past, realised a couple of centuries ago that there was a simpler way to hold peoples in their thrall, through the absolute control of that stuff we call money. 

What has perturbed our rulers is the growth of the collective intelligence of our species. They have tried to slow down that growth by dumbing down education. They have tried to control the direction of that blossoming intelligence by controlling the flow of money into universities, into science, into publishing, into media, into governments so as to control. hold back and misdirect human advances. Our rulers realised that the more human beings there are the more geniuses there are the cleverer we become en-masse. This is evidenced by the accelerating speed of advances. Those advances were by and large captured or controlled by the flow of money such that human ingenuity now provides to our masters vast flows of data enabling them to read our minds as a species. It provides them with control mechanisms. It provides them with bombs and missiles and engineered viruses. It provides them with psychological understandings. 

Our rulers buy our ingenuity and use it to threaten or kill us with.  

The stakes, then, are high. The battle is for the World Mind, the mass consciousness of our human species. THEY, of course, are currently masters of that world mind. They can get us to believe almost any nonsense. That is a simple truth. The mass consciousness of humanity is riddled with lies taken to be truths. Individually we are reasonably difficult to fool but en-masse, when in a "crowd", we become something else. That something else can be taken hold of and directed. Observe a lynch mob, observe a witch hunt, observe how the vaccinated were brought to the point, almost, of calling for the arrest and detention of the unvaccinated. Observe how the Germans were caused to build camps for Jews. Observe how the leaders of the Soviets under Stalin caused the population to build Gulags and to push 60 million human beings into them to die in the cold. Humanity is easy to manipulate, easy to drive to unspeakable acts because we are easy to be caused to believe something and once we believe we can be controlled. We generally, for example, believe in "Democracy" and have slaughtered millions in defense of that principle in recent years. As many now are coming to understand there is no such thing as democracy. All governments everywhere are the property of the ruling elite, all "leaders" in whom we place our hopes and ambitions, those charismatic orators, all of them every time are servants of the global power. 

However, for the first time in our species' long story, billions of us are aware of that truth. Our level of trust in science and media and governments and our organised religions has never been lower. Those that shape world affairs realise this emergent awareness and are fighting hard to retain control of the world mind. They are censoring truth everywhere, "book burning", ruining the lives of dissenters, assassinating prominent voices, trying their damnedest to stem the flow of information and the flow of truth. THEY know, more than indeed we human beings do, that the truth will set us free. ERGO they have determined to become the sole source of truth, forever.

When this understanding, that THEY are controlling what WE think, enters the global mass consciousness of we eight billion human beings our world will change, almost indescribably, for the better. 

The greatest stumbling blocks to our collective future will be the belief systems so ingrained in our collective psyche that many will fight against their abandonment. The chief belief system is that of the necessity for money which has become so much a part of our existence that few can imagine how we might structure our human world without it. How might we reward those that labour more than others, how might we reward those that create and invent, how should we distribute what we create that is luxurious, how should we differentiate between us when differentiation is needed and so on? These are questions for the future, questions which we billions will find simple answers to that satisfy us and appeal to our sense of justice, systems for such answers being constructed so as to negate any potential for individual corruption and greed. WE, as a species, have to step into a better world and find therein our better selves, otherwise there is NO END to what we are experiencing now. These answers will be found. The potential for an entirely new paradigm of reality lies within our hands, driven by our collective human heartedness, our mass consciousness given life and authority once we free ourselves of the controls imposed upon that collective consciousness by the legacy power.

A great many of us can now see how our entire species is being toyed with, how our lives are wedded to their systemic control, see who "they" are for the most part. The internet, the neurons that connect the cells of our human world mind, has given us that understanding. Our enemy depends upon the internet for its future plans and is vested in it, but when push comes to shove as it is already the monsters of war and inequality and cruelty will take it down. 

They will do so with the help of some of we human beings, for EVERY action they take against us is fulfilled, can ONLY be fulfilled, with the efforts of some of us that act as traitors to our species for coin.

 These Judases exist. We saw them during Covid. They are creatures that have sold their human souls so that their mortgage might be paid, so that their sense of superiority might be satisfied, so they get a nice holiday or a house with an extra bedroom, so they can meet the payments on their nicer car, all that rubbish. Mostly, though, because the reality in which they have flourished suits them. As a species we have had to get used to what most of us call "shits" floating to the top in every organisation and hierarchy we have. Some of them are part of the secret societies that flourish in organisations like police forces and local councils and other elected bodies, homes for the smug and self centred and greedy and, in some cases, the perverted.

This information exists and is a part of the whole truth that will set humanity free. When the walls of secrecy are pulled down we will find that there is a record, somewhere, of everything. Every traitor to humanity is on a list, somewhere. The records kept in tax havens of the trillions of illicit gains taken by bent politicians and corrupt judges will be opened and shared and action will be taken. As a species, therefore, our future depends upon the truth becoming widely known, on those billions that have been taught to scoff at anything that does not emanate from the bought mouthpieces of the prevailing systemic evil actually taking the time out of their oh-so busy lives to learn the truth that other human beings have discovered and shared.

Every single human being knows, intimately, of some wrong being done in their place of work or their profession or by some employee of the many agencies and organisations that structure our world. Almost ALL of us keep quiet, for fear. This was notable during Covid, to our collective shame.

The saying "The truth will set you free" is of the greatest import in these times.

It is time for every human to be a whistle blower, for every human to speak the truth they know, even for every human to speak the truth about themselves and the lies they live by. This will bring the great cleansing, so that we might admit our personal sins and "start again" as individuals and as societies. This brings to mind "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone", carrying with it the understanding that there are none without sin.

Those that already know what is happening wonder if it is possible to awaken these lost masses, have felt rejection and been reviled by those ignorant masses to the point where they almost give up trying. Our masters, of course, intend that.

That will change when there is a mass realisation that WE, our species, has been lied to. 

That moment is inexorably approaching. 

A sudden mass, species-wide suspicion is all that is required. Particularly amongst the English speaking peoples and the other westernised societies who seem to have suffered the most, taken the brunt of things, taken or were forced to take the treatment in the greatest numbers. 

Slowly these peoples are coming to the realisation that their societies, their way of life, their skill at organisation represents a threat to the power. The power wants a world of slaves and no longer needs the stalwart dignity of those nations. They have been degraded, with deliberation, and are being degraded further so as to render them weak. However there lies within those nations a solid core of human heartedness awaiting reawakening, an inner strength, a notable determination and indefatigable will once aroused. 

Those peoples are quiet, are peaceful, say little until the moment comes. That moment is coming. They are growing increasingly disgruntled as they come to appreciate that a poison has been introduced to their bodies, a poison that remains, that their DNA has been meddled with and that process is killing many of them. 

Those peoples are dangerous when aroused to anger. That moment approaches. 

We human beings are slow witted, en masse, and easy to persuade by authority, easy to distract or preoccupy, easy to lie to if the lie is big enough and repeated often enough by enough "expert" traitors bought for the job with enough fake magic money.

Safe and effective. The greatest lie in our human history.

A Great Big Lie. Told to our species by a group that see themselves as our masters, who feel they have the power to shape the future to their will. 

There will be a surge, in the world mind that our connectivity has made us become, and this surge is already mounting to spring. It is the coming angry surge of our family that, in good faith and with good will or against their wishes, took a treatment that has permanently changed them. 

That great number of us, we human beings having been treated as lab rats by a great, organised group of schemers, that great number of us will suddenly appear in our midst as an entity, a creature of one mind, billions of human beings digging into every tiny piece of evidence linking the perpetrators, hunting them out. 

The World Mind perhaps will be born in rage. 

But our human future must be raised by our human heartedness, by our human understanding of right and wrong and our intelligent building of societal structures that are created with an understanding of how evil works and prospers and so what we must put in place for our better future.

Those things, those new systems, must stem from the provision of essentials. That nobody goes hungry. That nobody lacks care. That nobody has no home. That nobody is made fearful. That nobody lacks time, the only currency of value, to enjoy this life. We should ALL of us be born into a world where none lack these most basic fundamentals and that should be the guarantee we make to each other. This is easy. WE human beings have this planet and all her resources available to us. Currently a tiny few OWN our world's resources and cause WE to pay to use (or be denied) those essentials of life, those essentials of a good life.

These essentials are easy for us once we realise that money is fraudulent, that we have the resources and the human energy to do all of these things with ease. "Money" is the stuff of dreams in this current fake reality, whereas we have already everything we need as a species to make our human dreams come true. Those human dreams have little to do with money. They revolve around love, around safety, around pleasures, around families and their hopes, around having enough rather than too much in a world where WE KNOW that justice is done, that fairness rules, that WE are the guarantors of such things to each other.

At some point populations everywhere, but especially in the beleaguered "western" nations, will reach the point where they will collectively share an understanding: That a very dirty trick has been played on them by an organised criminal gang. Our species must be careful now. If we collapse into disorder then all is lost. Keep calm, carry on, make sure we manage the foolish that will try to steal or do harm in these times, ignore the false leaders that will try to drag us back to the rulers' systems and beliefs.

YOU are human. I am human, WE share this world.

That statement comes with an obligation. The obligation, the duty, is for EVERY SINGLE ONE US to ensure that our world does not fall into disarray. If we give our authority to others so we open the door to systematic abuses. Power should reside in all of us and be collectively exercised, whilst at the same time being aware of the dangers of the manipulation of that collective consciousness. 

No more witch hunting, no more crusades, no more mob rule, no more lynching, no more riots of the foolish. We must ensure that the transition is peaceful, that every single one of us guarantees the peace we all desire.  

We must also realise that we have been led astray by "revolutionaries" many times, only to discover that they are murderous psychopaths acting for the power in this reality. They attract us, these charismatic promisers, offering what they know we want and making believers of us. WE should have NO LEADERS. This is key. We should progress as a species conscious of individual responsibility, of collective understanding of duty, aware of our individual power and the human heartedness that must underpin our future that every single one of us must protect and preserve. WE must not delegate power to others. In that involvement, in that responsibility, in that duty we will find the power as ordinary human beings to shape our reality and to shape it good.

And if we believe in a God then we must understand that our God wants us to do good, good in its purest form, good stemming from love, from the human heartedness that our God placed within us.

Masquerading as well meaning philanthropists and their paymasters, occupying key government, media, industrial and banking appointments, extending into the data streams of vast tech companies and military and civil intelligence agencies, obtaining for themselves an incredible moment by moment image of the streams of thought passing between all of we human beings at any given moment, this organised group planned and executed an assault on the collective psyche of our species, watching and measuring the effects of their propaganda assault and their censorship assault on the minds of US, the human race, the species they are attacking. That is the trick they played. They lied. They "proved" the lies were true. They took their gains. They taught people to laugh at conspiracy theorists. They are now confident that they can cause us all to think whatever they choose we shall think, that they are masters of the World Mind

They have erred. They are too confident, too arrogant, too expectant of ultimate victory, to reassured by their ownership of everything through their fake money system and their ancient, murderous hierarchies. 

We ordinary chattering human beings are talking to each other but other minds, folks that keep their own council, are quietly making up their minds, too. There is a backbone that is not organised, doesn't even realise it exists, of quiet human beings in whom a strengthening resolve is building. The size of the resistance is underestimated by the power, the determination that will blossom to rid our world of such creatures and the controls their fake money has granted them, the greedy placemen and placewomen that have served the power, will find their position and financial gains taken from them and their freedom, however long they live, taken from them. The orchestrated war on farming, on food production, is an example of such quiet human beings finding to their own surprise that they are capable of standing up and being counted, are capable of defying authority. The European farmers are following the Canadian truckers. They will be ignored, they will have placatory things said to them, they will be arrested and roughed up by human beings in uniform, they will have their bank accounts messed with, their livelihoods taken away, they will be targeted by adverse comment that turns the rest of the people against them, they will be misled by placemen to this purpose but, like the truckers, these quiet human beings will develop a core of icy resolve that will at some point re-emerge as the dam bursts.

And the dam WILL burst.  

Our masters can create an event, manage its reporting, manage the political responses, manage the narrative, censor the truth where inconvenient, control precisely what suggestions appear in what streaming service, watch and listen carefully to us all, we human beings, and know what we will or will not do. 

Nothing can be planned that they cannot witness the planning of, lest we revert to paper and whisper.

From this vast stream of data they can, for example, identify a specific flow of truth they would rather contain and produce a champion or two or ten, a clutch of "brave warriors for truth", as required really, to pied-piper the world's growing number of doubters. It will not be enough. No amount of careful planning can avert a tsunami, an unstoppable force. Eight billion human beings are too many to control once the world mind enters the fray.

Our rulers have erred. Their confidence in their ability to hold the collective thoughts of our species in their hands to direct at will is a misplaced confidence. 

Our World Mind exists, the mass opinion of us all that does not arise from "what we are told", does not arise from "what we are taught", does not arise from any outside influence but is born in the hearts, the souls, of WE, the human race. Our rulers took control of that mass consciousness using well planned psychological assaults to make Covid happen, tightly controlling all media, all information, targeting whistle blowers and experts that questioned their scams, presenting such a vast and coordinated front in media, in politics, in corporations, in science that surely, surely all of that couldn't have failed to capture our world mind. 

For a year or two it did. Now WE shall see...... 

They hatched a plot to wreck small business and strengthen vast businesses, enriching those multi-billionaires everywhere?. Now even the ignorant can see. 

A plot to increase the debt of governments, enriching and increasing the debt created stranglehold on our species held by those few individuals who create all of our money and are usurious,  and for those borrowed trillions to be distributed in a global "pals" festival by our politicians, thousands of such pals earning multi-million sums from the spending. Now even the ignorant can see. 

A plot to use the pandemic as an excuse to close down all truth on our human internet, to erase anything they disapprove of. To institute in "Law" their right to control, absolutely, the World Mind of our species. Now even the ignorant can see. 

To use human beings in uniform to enforce that "legislation", to get human beings in suits to monitor and police humanity's global thought and to get us to think it's for our own good, forever. Now even the ignorant can see. 

We have entered, already, a new paradigm, a world in which WE all know we are being used and abused, poisoned, lied to, tricked, manipulated. It is only a matter of time.

Key, at this time, is how many of the greedy self centred human beings that occupy their hierarchies realise where things are heading and the choices they must make if they are to retain their freedom. The subordinate officers of our police forces. The lower ranks of our armed forces. Those that await orders to push a button or release a pathogen or pull a trigger or bully another human being, those creatures that are lost to us at the moment must see the way the river of history is flowing and choose the winning side.

For of that there is no doubt. 

The truth of these things must be known before humanity can understand what to do next.

WE will, at some near point, be faced with that we most fear, the RESPONSIBILITY to manage our world. Fear not. There are literally billions of steady human beings that will step into their authority, exercise the authority that the respect of others gives them. They are not few, such human beings. In every walk of life they are the steady hand, the calm determined unflappable wiser souls. Without fully realising yet what they have been waiting for their entire lives these folks will place their steady hands upon the tiller and steer our species into the calm waters that await us. Behind their natural authority will sit the basic principles upon which WE humans must build our societies and our future, principles which emanate from our human heartedness, from our shared understandings of right and wrong, from those unarguable right ways that our current reality deprives of breath but which our future will nourish and foster and give power to. 

There are two seismic shifts in our collective consciousness that are about to occur.

The first is the breaking of that dam which holds people back from speaking their truth. Billions of us speaking our truth and so exposing the lies is an unstoppable power.

A day is approaching when all of the cracks in the dam holding back the truth will widen, when more and more human beings realise that what they know must be shared. The avalanche of truth about Covid is already beginning. That avalanche of truth about Covid will open other doors. Our masters must be planning to deal with that exigency. Vast censorship of the media and the internet won't cut it. We can always whisper to each other. Eight billion whispers make a lot of noise. So they must extinguish, temporarily, the internet (otherwise key to their plans to control the minds of those of us that remain). Likely this will happen during 2024. Collapse of the internet will lead to collapse of everything, IF WE ARE NOT PREPARED and of ONE MIND. At the moment this seems unlikely, though our world mind may have other ideas. It is, after all, a conscious entity. 

Therefore it desires life. 

Created by the fact that we are dying in greater numbers and nobody in power, none of those that were waving death statistics at us relentlessly during Covid as they banked their millions, are bothered. We are beginning to smell an almighty rat, as a species, and try as our rulers might the time for them to control what we think, as a species, is over.

In the companies these creeps own we find human beings, cutting the throats of their descendants to pay their mortgage today. For money. This is the way our modern day slavery perpetuates its control. First it engineers housing shortages in the western nations, sets out to drive prices of property ahead of wages in those nations, creating a huge debt burden. This increases absolute reliance on wages. The largest employers are the government, spending other people's money and the borrowed billions from the magic money tree of their pals in banking, and the vast corporations, a chunk of which of each is owned by those vary same banking families through vast share funds, bought with money created out of thin air. 

Both government and corporate employees are paid with money created by the bankers. Both pay taxes to their government, which tries to steal it and succeeds. The remainder of their banker created money is then spent on interest on loans from those same bankers, for a roof, or in shops or for energy or spent somehow with companies owned by those same bankers and their friends, their pals, so that we might eat.  

In England in the 19th Century a model was developed. In this model large employers, keen to capture the labour of those forced off their land, built houses, shops and pubs around their steel works or mills. They printed their own "money" and paid their workers in these notes and coins, which the workers spent on rent and on food from the factory shop and in the factory owned pubs. A closed system, a system of slavery and control in which the workers had the impression that they were free. Britain made slavery illegal with the understanding that this new model would serve better. During Covid many small businesses were forced into bankruptcy, leaving humanity largely locked into this same system. The criminals create the money, lend it to human beings to buy an overpriced home. Our wages are in the same fake money, spent in the shops or online stores owned by the criminals, taken by taxation to be criminally wasted by our politicians. They have installed, worldwide, that 19th Century model of wage slavery whilst we human beings still cling to the idea that we are free.

They're not happy even with that. They want to take cash away, be our only source of digital "money", be able to control absolutely what we are able to spend our money on and so control, absolutely, your life and mine and that of our descendants. They are proceeding with this apace, trying to sell their myths to the "World Mind" as they shape our thoughts towards having no choice but to march ourselves into the prison they are building.

They might be right, of course. The number of wilfully stupid clever people out there that believe and reinforce the messages drivelling from the mouths of government lackeys and bent journalists is beyond understanding. There is little doubt amongst critical thinkers that much of what humanity believes is truth or scientific fact is nothing more than a vast over-shrouding canopy of lies. Consider for a moment the long list of religions that have ceased to be believed in. The Romans with their many Gods believed sufficiently in them to despise and throw to the lions the early Christians but that is just one of endless examples of old religions being used to target and destroy folks that believed differently. This is still true today, for God's sake! We can be caused to believe with such fervency that we will kill those who dispute the tenets of that belief. Witness the billions that believed the Covid nonsense and were brought very close to the point of rounding up the "anti-vaxxers" and putting them away. What will those Covid believers, all of them jabbed up to the nines, do when they realise that their belief was created from lies, that they were fooled by those they trusted, that their bodies have been altered at a fundamental level by those in power.

They will "lose it", as the expression goes.    

Increasing numbers of whistle-blowers will expose more and more worrying facts. Too many people are dying and too many governments are not asking why. Where there is rot so there will be stink and no matter how hard they try that stench is rising. At some point, should humanity be careless (or misguided by some "leader" or another - such types will spot and try to seize advantage) populations everywhere will bubble over with anger and a mass rage will ensue, wreaking havoc upon each other as we do when we fail to organise. 

This rambling missive is written to myself as much as anything. Algorithms being what they are I doubt what I think will be read by the wide audience the opportunities outlined here should be given. 

I make that bold statement because humanity, that is all of we six billion of our number connected by this internet, all we ordinary, indebted, hopeful and fearful human beings, those billions of us that sense, inwardly and instinctively, that there is too much wrong with this world for this all to be an accident. That there is a malevolent and careless energy driving world events, using we connected billions to wreak havoc upon each other..

And here we sit, we six or more billion connected souls, with the instruments in our hands to collect together.

That is step one. To spread the idea that we have at our disposal a global commons, capable of making a global decision. Six or more billion human beings agreeing upon something. 

In times gone by we have witnessed the ebb and flow of the herd consciousness, the hive mind. Part of the process of being human is to be unwittingly the co-creator of of a greater thing, the mass consciousness, that which moves people to act in unity. 

All of our history consists of the formation of beliefs that are shared and then the movement, en masse, of the believers. Every idea we have about our lives occur within the bounds of a reality shaped by the most powerful and long lasting institutions and understandings and beliefs established by the mass consciousnesses that preceded us in our human story. 

So: We exist in a world whose beams and columns of societal structure and human interaction are dependent upon what the mass consciousness of our predecessors established. Most of those "memes" did not originate from "ordinary" human beings. Rather they were created and we humans were forced or encouraged to adopt them and their sustainability was ensured by the creation of a hierarchy and the flow of money, the building of structures intended to glamourise and the use of symbols to set them in the mass consciousness. Almost all of our nations were so created by those that called themselves "Royal", those that killed to steal land and peoples and took by violence the right to sit above everyone else. Nations, faiths, the idea of money and its creation, our human science, much of the work we do that has no purpose other than to make or manage money, our history as we know it, our systems of politics and government, our laws and their enforcement and systems of justice and punishment, our transactional systems and value systems,  our morality and ethics, all of these and more make up the world into which we are born and so the shape of the reality into which we are thrust at birth and do our best to thrive and to prosper within.

All of them "legacy" ideas, legacy systems established by the powerful and impressed upon the mass consciousness through violence or via indoctrination. Witness our schools repeating the dogma of climate change and the harms we humans are supposedly causing to see how beliefs are established and maintained by the powerful directing forces that sit above us. 

Examine any historical event involving human activity en-masse, the formation of societies, the doing of trade, the making of war and revolution, the worship of a deity, the creation of nations, all of these involve the sharing of an understanding that forms a belief, an idea that is then transmitted to subsequent generations.

You might say you are British, English even, a Christian, a Roman Catholic. You work as an administrator and earn 30,000 but pay 12,000 in taxes. You have a mortgage of 180,000 at 4%. You are up to date with your vaccines and take statins to lower your cholesterol. You are divorced. Childcare is a persistent drain on finances. You worry that we dirty human beings are causing our world to overheat. All of these foundational structures shaping what you think of as "I" and the life you lead are legacy ideas formed and imposed upon our mass consciousness. We are, as a species, existing in a vast diorama, a fake reality, an inhuman world born of the manipulation of our minds by those that rule over us.

All of those expressions of normality are merely ideas, ideas accepted and believed in by your predecessors that persist into this dystopian present. Some were created by violent force that persisted until those subjected to it ceased to object and came to love their abusers and did their master's will, could be directed and used to fight and die in the service of the master's intent. 

We humans have an almost instinctive desire to discover our creator and create a world that creator would approve of. These shared desires draw us to a mass consciousness the fount of which is the human desire for love, to live in a world of love, to do the right thing, to do what we expect our "God" desires of us.

Emperor Constantine was a ruler that seized such a mass yearning and gave it the New Testament and created the Roman Catholic Church. All religions, once they exist, represent the potential for the manipulation of the mass of its believers by those at the top of the hierarchy. Such hierarchies attract those with the lust for power, the unscrupulous masquerading as the best of us. The human instinct to search for God and to live in love exists and can be captured to create a power base. All of our faiths are questionable, all of our faiths exist in the minds of the faithful,  all of our faiths have histories steeped in blood, in violence, in division. God alone knows what God thinks of the millennial murder fest that religions sit atop of, their legacy of twisted morality and brutal tyranny and straightforward perversions of the worst kind.

The chief of these historically imposed belief systems that affects every aspect of our human lives is the very idea of money. When we were simple tribal people we had no money. We made and grew or hunted or dug for what we needed. What we lacked we traded for with others. We swapped. We gave what we had plenty of and took what we lacked. The idea of money was imposed upon us, tribe by tribe, by the spreading of Imperial powers or by the establishment of a "Royal" line. Over centuries it became understood amongst us that a certain coin or note had a certain agreed value between us such that we human beings could move from barter to trade and save "money" instead of stored goods for future needs. 

We accepted this money between us, barely noticing that the coins bore the images of our rulers, barely understanding that somebody, somewhere had taken to themselves the right to actually create, have minted or printed, the money we had all come to believe in. I ask you to imagine what it must be like to have the "right" to create money at will. Why, you might choose to buy everything of real value in the world, every staple of life from energy to transport to land to the production of every essential, might engineer matters such that every nation was indebted to your fake money, every home bought with fake money borrowed from you. You might end up owning every major corporation such that those that do work largely work for you, paid in money that you create, living in property that you own through your mortgage lending, spending money in your shops on goods your factories produced, absorbing media that your companies produce, taking medicine that you create for illnesses that you have manufactured. 

This, regrettably, is where we find ourselves as a species, a Plato's cave world of shadow plays dependent upon accepted realities that hand control of the shape of our world to mobsters. Our mass consciousness as a species exists within this artificial reality. Almost everything inhuman or sinful that we commit as a species is done within this organised criminal reality and largely has its causality therein. Money itself, rather than the love of it, is the root and branch of much of the evil we perpetrate.

This ability to create money at will is the chief source of power in our current world. Knowing the history of our world's "Royal" families we can understand that they had always had the ability to send killers to remove people they found inconvenient. Royal families are just mobsters on a grand scale, the most successful and long lasting Mafias in our human history, every one of them siting atop vast accumulated stolen lands and other riches got and kept through violence. At some point those royals would have recognised a growing Empire that threatened their power, the growing empire created by emerging banking families creating paper money at will and employing that paper to buy everything of value we human beings build or to shape the affairs of nations through funding or its withdrawal. 

Many of the world's revolutions, some of which involved the murder of Kings and their families, were created by the direction and flow of money and the money placed behind the creation of ideas that would shape mass consciousness and so form a manipulatable body of believers. Communism, built around the nexus of a "central bank", serves as an example. 

From this we understand that at some point a union was, must have been, formed between the bankers and the Royals, so that they didn't spend centuries assassinating one another. Knowing the character of these creatures we might assume that some kind of alliance was formed but that an agreement is in place regarding pecking order. Among such creatures there can only be one "capo di tutti i capi", first amongst equals, King of the World.

Because many of we human beings are encouraged to believe that alien or trans-dimensional creatures are merely science fiction so we cannot recognise the existence of some kind of demonic authority in this reality, some Lucifer or Satan and its cohorts from whatever source or origin. 

What is certain, though, is that our world, our reality, is in the hands of and shaped by powerful "people" that care nothing for we ordinary human beings, that seek and gain control over the mass consciousness of groups of us and set us against others who are in the thrall of other monsters. Often those other monsters are the kin and fellows of the monsters that control us. Our human history then concerns itself with the creation of "herds" of mind-controlled masses and the playing of games with those masses, as God's might cast their dice. As a species we fall for this, time and time again, turning us into mass murderers each on every side believing we do right when we do the very worst of wrongs. We murdered hundreds of millions of our human family in the last 100 years because we believed, we believed, we believed. We killed for religious certainty. We killed for political certainty. We killed for economic dominance. We killed for "ideas". All of these countless murders committed by human beings caused, by those that shape our reality, to believe.

Covid was just such an exercise, the creation and engineering of a fundamental belief that would drive inhuman behaviours and reshape (or "reset") our human world. Those new beliefs have been exposed as false by many of our human family but sadly the majority are still covered by a dark shroud of belief, making them a force of mass consciousness that is now in the hands of and available to our rulers to direct as they will. At one point during Covid the talking heads of controlled media were to be seen putting forwards the idea that the unvaccinated were super spreaders, that the unvaccinated were killers, that the unvaccinated should be forced, coerced or, if they continued in their monstrous refusals, arrested and quarantined, perhaps eventually just terminated. 

Mind controlled Germans killed millions of those separated from the rest by propaganda. Mind controlled Russians killed 60 million objectors. Mind controlled Chinese killed more who were pointed to as the enemy within their society, within their own families. This is nothing new. Mind controlled Christians Crusaded, mind controlled Muslims did likewise. Mind controlled Irishmen formed much of the British Army under Victoria and built the Empire in India and elsewhere, just as mind controlled Englishmen enforced the same Empire over the Irish.

Who or what currently sits as the erstwhile ruler of the world as a result of this alliance is of no matter. What is of importance is that the systems of legacy power and their fruits are recognised by our species and the frailties of that systemic power and the hierarchies that subsist beneath it are seen clearly. All of the expressions of power that occur in our human reality are enabled by our acceptance of ideas implanted centuries ago. We must realise, then, that they only exist in our mass consciousness, that there is no "power" other than the collective power of our human minds. This collective power, this mass consciousness, has been hitherto engineered by the powerful to serve their purposes. Now that we human beings are connected to each other, now that barriers of distance and language and culture have dissipated, a global or species-wide mass consciousness exists. Our rulers recognise this and seek to control both the agenda of and the intention of the "world mind" of our species, creating "global" problems requiring "global" solutions, creating global uncertainty and global divisions. This "world mind" consists of probably 6 or more billion of us. It exists within the parameters of reality established by our legacy rulers but at the same time contains the potentiality to reassess everything we do as human beings, every societal structure and norm that we accept, every legacy hierarchy questioned, every system put under the microscope. This emerging world mind already holds within it great areas of thought and knowledge that contradict or call into question much that we have believed in and given our hearts to for centuries. As such the potentiality for enormous, reality shifting change exists between us. This represents both an opportunity to our rulers and a vast threat. The opportunity exists for the permanent enslavement of the minds of humanity by those legacy rulers whilst the threat of the wholesale dismantling of the world's power structures is a very present reality, a reality only a moment of thought away from the world mind.

If we think of that world mind, the collected consciousness of a species, what we should expect to emerge is a world, a reality, created by the very essence of that species. That which we share and which lies in our human hearts should find itself at the core of what we do, at the foundations of every hierarchy and societal structure and organisation that we create. It should be expressed in what we build, in how we build, in what we make, in how we educate, in what labour we do, to what end and for what reward. In simple terms our societies should be formed from the base upwards upon the foundational principles that grow from love, from fairness, from sharing, from kinship, from caring, from fun and fellowship. None of these things have value or worth in the reality we have had foisted upon us and which we now see so clearly is controlled and shaped by evil, psychopathic, inhuman creatures.

Covid demonstrated this understanding. At the same time Covid has become responsible for the largest single schism in the mass consciousness. Despite the concentrated efforts to censor, to de-platform or discredit or simply murder those exposing the truth there is now a growing understanding in the mass consciousness of our species that great lies have been told and we can, as a species and perhaps for the first time come to the realisation that we were manipulated and caused to do harm to each other. 

Now some billions of us have been given some kind of gene therapy that did not do what we were told it would do, promised it would do, that has in fact done us harm. In a world where the third leading cause of death is the medical business this should come as no surprise. This truth is spreading between us just as the lie that big pharma is there to help humanity is widely becoming recognised. We are as a species slowly, stutteringly stumbling forwards into a shared understanding. Against this the psychological operatives working for the legacy power try and convince humanity that such ideas are the special reserve of lunatic conspiracy theorists, that such ideas are those of the "far right". At the same time that same power is ensuring that its own agents are in place to gather up those sentiments and provide "leadership" to the awakening masses with controlled opposition media and controlled opposition politicians. 

Well of course they are. 

The scions of families with millennia of rule to look back on have at their sides the finest minds money can buy, offering strategies that stretch across time and generations, plans that are incredibly well considered, employing age old tactics proven throughout time to be effective. Bribery, corruption, greed, power, violence, murder, fear in all its forms, threats of these things. Behavioural understandings upon which power depends and through which it exists and thrives are now sharpened and professionally studied and understood. A very, very clever game is now being played, has been underway for over a century. Those that rule over us realised the threat humanity would become and took measures to diminish that threat. 

Chief of those threats is, of course, our sheer number. 

The more of us there are the more geniuses we produce. The more geniuses the faster the rate of advance. That is why for over a century all of our science, all of our scientific publishing, many of the key positions in our world's universities, all of the money put into and directing scientific research, all of our research into space and the deeper reality of quantum physics, even all of our exploratory endeavours in the closed off Antarctic (oddly!) have been tightly orchestrated and owned by the same cabal of Royals and their money-creating allies. So they foresaw and feared the rise of our speed of advance and the creation of devices that would bring into the world a species-wide mass consciousness, a world mind. They have engaged themselves in capping humanity, in directing the shape of our science, in owning the product of our finest minds and, perhaps more importantly, hiding from us those discoveries that might threaten the powers that be or their ownership of the world. Free energy? The cure for cancer? The nature of reality itself? We are as a species blind to what may have been hidden from us, unaware of great benefits that might have been discovered then buried. We have allowed the direction of our scientific discovery to be controlled by the money creators to create benefit for THEM rather than benefit for us. 

A critical thinker might idle away a moment checking the life spans of our Royals and our Billionaires, their absence of cancers or dementias or physical disabilities or chronic ailments, ditto those that cast their shadows in the great think tanks or at the most senior levels in governance or in some other way seated near the high tables of power. Ask what it is they get that we do not.

Certainly what controlled science has done is deliver into the hands of those that rule our world a great arsenal of weapons with which they could choose to destroy us all. From nuclear bombs through chemical poisons to created killer viruses they have in their hands, put their by our scientists (for money and career), the means to kill us all at the touch of a button. In truth we exist only because they have stayed their hand so far. 

They probably consider themselves merciful. 

At the same time we have accepted as a species that hierarchies must exists and that we must do as we are told by those hierarchies. Every sphere of our interactions is dominated by these hierarchies. They mostly require that a single individual must be in overall charge. This ensures that to have control of the mass of human beings within such a hierarchy requires the control of only one, the head of that organisation. They will ensure, over time, that like minded candidates for their own replacement pervade the structure. 

One might assume that to create such an enormous multi-generational assault on the control of our world's hierarchies and levers of power would be beyond even such gluttonous monsters as Napoleon or Victoria, would be beyond the capability of any single human being in a single lifetime. You would be right. What is now apparent is that such an overarching organisational plan is in existence and only the wilfully or genuinely stupid amongst us can fail to see it. 

We human beings do not tend to imagine success stretching beyond our personal ability to enjoy its fruits. We have already, by default, lost the game. Those families that control and shape our reality have, for the most part, been the same families for some centuries, debatably for some millennia. They make intergenerational plans, these great houses, evidenced by their continuance through time in positions of great eminence, their continued ability to wreak havoc amongst we mere mortals. These creatures share the spoils of the table created by the unity of power between these ancient families and the nouveau powerful bankster mob. They have mingled their bloods and granted titles in their graciousness and so become one family, a new aristocracy being born with the intent of dividing the world between themselves and owning everything and everyone. 

Thinking of the continued comfort of their heirs as befits the mindset of our rulers they have already decided, between them, that far fewer of us ordinary human beings are required. They would prefer not to mess up their world and so would prefer not to use nuclear weapons, except perhaps in notably ugly places or at need. Rather they would prefer for us to kill each other, cleaning up our mess as we go, burying our dead and so forth, making sure we turned off nuclear power stations, leaving no ticking time bombs as we die off. Somehow blaming each other for this armageddon or this vile plague, pleading with our masters for relief as we die at their intent.

Perhaps, after a time in glorious retreat from the chaos, these "gods" among us will emerge to save us all, to bring order out of chaos, to make everything work again, to cure us, to give us a new money and to share it between us all, giving us a reason to live and to work and to embody as hope-encapsulated like before. 

And there they would have us, we few survivors, to do with exactly as they will. The wet dreams of the psychopaths realised.

Before you think this in an insane world view please call to mind as many of the power-crazed lunatics that have shaped our human history as you can, the millions they had murdered, the lives they destroyed, the minds they captured that became the followers they had and the instruments of their evil and murderous intent. It's what we've always done, this mass consciousness of ours. As individuals we are stubborn creatures, but en-masse we become something else, a creature which can lose its head and its sobriety and morality and its reason to an idea, an idea that is often created and inserted there to serve the intent of those that hold the reins of our human activity.

They know who they are, these creatures at the top table of existence. They know the game now being played out. It is the final stage of the game of the mis-shaping of the mass human consciousness. Each player in the game exercises control over one aspect of reality or another, can sway the consciousness of nations or of continents or faiths or classes. Covid was their first unified exercise, their first attempt to control the thoughts of an entire species and to drive that species to a desired action through a unified approach. 

In that by so doing they revealed themselves and their chief architecture and control structures, their reliance on humanity accepting their fake money and so the enormous fake debt that we are saddled needlessly with, the mastery of everything we human beings endeavour to do and the reaping of a tithe upon every piece of work we do everywhere and always. In acting together they revealed themselves.

Many of we human beings are still ridiculously blind to these creatures and the organisation they have crafted and its intent. Many scoff at the idea of such a vast conspiracy. And yet was there not a vast conspiracy of communists that somehow revolutionised half of the world over time? And another age old conspiracy amongst the intermarrying ruling families to continue through time to own nations and direct its people to kill? Or another of families determined to seize control of the issuance of money everywhere, generational plans to take over the wealth of the world and to create money to buy control of every corporation everywhere? All of which demonstrably happened. Our history is the history of vast conspiracies, the creation of vast numbers of believers, the use of those believers to kill and to steal, the establishment of sustainable myths ensuring the herd can be milked for centuries.  

Our societies are formed by organisations. Each of those organisations, those hierarchies, interacts with other hierarchies so forming our societies, their direction and form and the focus of their collective attention. There might be just a few thousand individuals sitting at the top of hierarchies that between them hold the destiny of a nation in their hands. The heads of governments, of banks, of major corporations, of faiths, of media empires, of education, law and justice, of armies, of spies, of unions. Those heads interact with each other and socialise with each other. Some are from families with a multi-generational history of the exercise of influence, others are adept newcomers. Own those few thousand heads of hierarchies and you own a nation. Give your family a century to gain that control and an inexhaustible supply of fake money and you can see how it might be done.

When a ladder is climbed new vistas open up. The heads of hierarchies, between them all, recognise that they have entered a new race, a race between winners, a cup-winners-cup for those that thirst for power and wealth and the right to do wrong and be immune from persecution or prosecution. 

This is the thirst that they share. To be above the law. To be as despicable as they choose to be and to face no consequence. To live as Kings and have power of life or death over commoners. To do what they will. So it has always been that our rulers create hierarchies in which psychopaths and sociopaths thrive and gain leadership. Those same psychopathic human beings suit the purposes of the world power eminently, for they are easy to buy or corrupt and so have control of. 

We ordinary human beings see these creatures move from one powerful job to another, flitting in and out of governments, using the revolving door and doing as they are instructed by those that pull the reins. Their salaries are vast and of course they can be rewarded secretly, secret bank accounts stuffed with the numbers our banksters create by pressing a key and that we mortals accept as money. If you can create money at the touch of a computer key then bribery and corruption cost nothing. Almost every human being has their price. A hidden Empire might be built with such a facility,  an Empire spanning the world over time. It would be foolish to discount such power, to dismiss such wickedness because you cannot imagine the depths to which it might plunge. Naturally it exists. All of history proves its persistent nature and its inevitability.

To progress, then, as a species we must first find our capability to find our mass consciousness, our world mind, then use that great consciousness to reshape our world, to rid our societies of the means of control and the captured hierarchies that form the trunks and branches of our human reality. In other words we must Start Again as a species, finding in our global human heartedness a new way of being, building our societies from the base upwards upon the foundations of human principles that we find we all of us share.

The emergence of the world mind, its creation by our inventiveness and our grunt, the current ease with which our masters manipulate that global consciousness, its emergence as the battlefield wherein our human future will be decided, this is where we stand as a species right now. All of our masters' efforts depend upon controlling this emergent global mass consciousness. They are passing laws in every nation to "protect" us from "misinformation". Their algorithms and data mining and censorship shape our every thought. Their event management gives us wars and droughts and supply chain interruptions and, who knows when, another pandemic. They can kill our world mind at the flick of a switch or the release of a computer virus or the staging of an Electro Magnetic Pulse event. They can collapse our world economies at a moment's notice. We are, as a species, in a truly invidious position. We have handed all of the power and control in our human world to a tiny group of monsters. 

As our species comes to this realisation and as this understanding spreads: That there is a global conspiracy that is at war with we billions of "ordinary" human beings, so we draw closer to the great watershed moment. At this point we face our greatest threat and also our greatest opportunity. The only thing that can prevent our masters' pulling of the plug on us is a global, species wide shift in the mass consciousness of we ordinary human beings.

We ordinary people are caused to believe things, en-masse, and so live in a species-wide reality of perpetual debt, of perpetual war or terror, of perpetual threats writ large for our daily consumption and, most importantly, that we believe WE are the cause, WE the problem, WE the creators of this mayhem and this dystopian mass-consciousness. This sense, that WE are killing the world, is being drummed into the minds of our youngest, such that they will accept and even call for the reduction of humanity's number. Most large corporations frame their advertisements such that they reinforce one or another of the perpetual lies we are fed as a species. Seemingly all of our major corporations really care about global warming or the threat of a virus, lining up neatly with "King" Charles' pronouncements. Ditto our churches. Ditto much scientific research and published science and University hierarchy.

We ordinary folks are coming to the realisation, en-masse, that such a vast and orchestrated assault on our species is underway, that the sheer numbers involved beggars belief. Whoever "they" are, they are legion. We can track back the source and energy of much of this through the legacy hierarchies that all marched in lockstep during the pandemic. We can see that the energy that drives the beat of their syncopated rhythm is driven into their hearts and motivates their actions. 

It is money first, this energy, then status, then career, above all health and longevity and the ability to stand above the law, above other people, aside from human being's inherent morality.

How we win this war, we ordinary people, is in actuality quite a simple procedure. Let's say there are 6 billion of us connected to our world mind. Imagine, for a moment, if WE six billion of us asked each other some simple questions.

Each of those questions would address a systemic malaise in our world. It would disempower hierarchies that depend upon that malaise or profit from it. It would focus our human attention on and resources to what our world and we humans require. 

What I am saying is this: Whilst we stay connected to each other let us, as a species of ordinary human beings, decide between we six billions or so how we would like our world to be. A global, coordinated effort of will be 6 or more billion of us to deal with those things we all agree we don't want in our world. War. Starvation. Lack of care when the resources and human energy exists from the ground up. To do this involves us ALL being conscious of what we are doing, all of us being aware of what we as individuals need to do to make this thing a reality, all of us expecting and planning what must be done to move peacefully and in good order to a different reality. An act of global will, an expression of the will of a species, something none can gainsay.

Such global shifts in consciousness are what our masters are capable of and have demonstrated. We are in their hands as long as such conditions of ownership and control through money and debt exist, unless and until that undervalued asset we call "Truth" somehow enters the arena of power in our world. Individual whistle-blowers or protestors can be and are targeted. Their careers and so financial lives can be shattered. Their name can be vilified. They can be made the object of public ridicule or hatred. Past misdemeanours can be brought back to haunt them. They can be arrested and imprisoned. They can be suicided or accidented or just become the unfortunate victim of lethal murderous intent or die of a hitherto undetected sudden illness. All of these things happened during Covid and still happen now. This is because the conspirators are aware of and are frightened by the possibility of an enormous shift in mass consciousness beyond their control. 

Every single one of we human beings knows of some part of their daily lives that is wrong, that they feel powerless to affect, that they are frightened to give voice to. There is now a vast untapped reservoir of truth unspoken in our world, held in place by a huge wall of lies. Daily more and more cracks appear, more and more human beings realise that they have been lied to. What appears now as a manageable trickle of truth will, we think quite soon, finally burst through the carefully structured wall of lies and, cleansing as it goes, sweep through our human world. Thus it will be the truth, first, that sets us free. When 6 or more billion of us see the truth we can share then what will be revealed to us is that it is WE ordinary people that make possible everything THEY, our enemies, want to happen. 

With that truth shared between us then the power that stems from that realisation becomes apparent. WE need no permission from our "governments", from our economists, from our generals, from our weapons manufacturers to, for example, end war between us. WE can agree, between us all, to simply walk away from it. Today. In every aspect of our reality. 

There will be some tiny few that want to keep shooting, want to keep killing, want to keep the money or power that war brings them, want to have the authority to direct the actions of humans caught in a belief system (including those in our militaries). When 6 billion have chosen, they will in effect have made those activities illegal. WE, HUMANITY will have spoken our law into being.  

Those decisions, made by the vast majority of human beings, would in effect carry the weight of global law. Each decision would call to question the way we interact with each other at fundamental levels. Chief amongst these is the use of money as a reward system. This naturally leads to "profit" or "cost" as a motive for every activity. 

Example: We have starving people in area A, we have surplus food in area B. We have ships and trucks and fuel and human energy. The only barrier is money, is profit. Example: We have patient A, we have vastly expensive drug B, we have budgetary considerations, other patients. Patient A dies.

Example: We wish to have a new building in town. We have stone and timber and architectural understanding to create a piece of furniture in our world that we love and admire or we can find the cheapest and quickest solution and build a blot on our human landscape.

Example: We have homeless people. We have the existing housing that stands empty, we have the stuff to quickly build decent places for our fellow humans so benighted. Everywhere. What prevents us is not the availability of resources, of stuff, nor the lack of human energy (lots of us are idle), nor the lack of a desire to solve these problems. The only problem is the lack of money, the only fuel we generally accept as a motivating force. Therefore the starving child we are given to consume on our news, and the ads from NGO's seeking our "money" to help whoever is being starved or bombed by our rulers today, that starving child is the direct result of our acceptance of the money system. 

What does that simple acceptance consequentially create? Remember those that run our world control the creation of "money", can make however much they want and use it to buy everything and everybody they want to. After generations of such power and control they have shaped our mass consciousness to such an extent that we six or more billion human beings can see NO alternative to their fake money system even while WE come to the knowledge of how it is created, by whom, how it holds back and taints our science, how it exercises control over our food production, energy supplies, standards of living, levels of debt, governments and laws, hierarchies in every walk of life, the very information we as a species are given upon which we are called to decide. 

We accept their money. We give our entire world to them.

At some near point we will have to ask ourselves, as a species, why we allow such a thing and if we choose not to how then can we dismantle the hierarchies built with its energy that shape our societies to its will, how we can drive our collective will as a species into the job of cleaning up those hierarchies and our world such that we do what needs doing rather than what money allows us to do or constrains us from doing.

There is a danger in this world mind. The money men want to control it. They are winning. Money itself is their greatest weapon against us. They could, for example, choose to have some vast computer virus wipe, from the earth, all of our data banks to do with money. Utter chaos would ensue, unless the mass consciousness of humanity was prepared for such a collapse, had steadied itself and prepared rules and were 6 or more billion strong behind them. Simple rules. Steady rules. Rules that if followed would produce a peaceful transition of authority in our world to we human beings. 

It is at this juncture we stand right now as a species. At the point of being able to calmly remove from power everything the money-empire has constructed over centuries and all of the vile evils that go with it. We are also at the point of losing the ability to think together as a species and make global decisions, of our masters deciding to flip the switch and disconnect us all. Imagine the chaos they assume would ensue. Consider what plans and personnel they have trained and placed for the purpose of maintaining control over the chaos. We must be as wise as they evidently are.

Logic dictates that WE human beings take immediate action. To do that we must act. All it takes is a global meme, a meme that none can ignore, a meme that sweeps the collective consciousness and becomes in that moment the first free decision any of us have made for an entire era. That is an epochal moment. We should CHOOSE to simply walk away from war. Once we agree to do that our world immediately changes.

We must consider the things we need to manage, as a species. We will be asking the munitions workers to stay at home. We must make sure they do not suffer between us all. We will be asking our armed forces personnel to go home, to walk away, to disobey orders. We must think through, as a species, what we do with these bravest amongst us and their vast equipments, what we do with the nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that threaten humanity.

We MUST HAVE such a global shift by the world mind. It must let the human beings caring for our nuclear arsenals and sitting on other vile weapons know that we EXPECT of them that they do their duty as a human being. That they will be considered criminals if they don't act to help global disarmament. THIS is how we ordinary human beings can shape our reality, but it must be done NOW.

If you are part of the rising tsunami of global disquiet then rest assured that the action described here is the only option available to humanity, our only chance to avert a global tragedy, a universal tragedy, the loss of a sentient species' free will. 

If WE don't all become AWARE that WE are making up our minds as a species then WE will lose. They intend to cull the herd, these monsters, and enslave whoever survives in permanent debt servitude in a world where our masters decide what is true and can remove anyone that questions that truth. A perpetual prison of the mind and the body, aided by the technology WE human beings have created and maintain for them to use to imprison us.

Key, then, right now, is for humanity to ask itself these questions. They are the vital questions, because they stem from something we billions mostly share: A human heart.

If we are to agree on anything these things are only capable of stemming from our individual conscience, our core, our understanding of who we each of us are. This has no relation to what letters we have after our names, what work we do, what faith we follow, what we ourselves have done that we are not proud of, that cause us inner shame or make us proud. That person is the shell we present to the world. When we ask each other as a species those questions will come from our inner selves, that which we hide behind the shell we create to sustain ourselves in a world that is unnatural to us as a species.

For that is where we all are and think of ourselves framed within and to conform to to survive or prosper.

That the questions we ask of ourselves are those that stem from our inner selves, our true human beings wanting to live free of fear in this world, will be widely understood. They will all of them deal with the sinful things we most of us would prefer to be gone from our world. We will debate how we might handle best the upshot of our decisions and so what changes to how the world works we must make, as a species, to make this world a human world, a much, much better place for our human family.

These are not pipe dreams. They exist as a potential in THIS mind and are being passed into the world mind as published. Efforts may be made to limit their spread. Few will read this far, this rambling unreferenced thought stream. That means little. Many others are arriving at the same understandings, that a global mind is being born, that such is an almost inevitable evolutionary step for a sentient species, it is where we probably all agree we must eventually achieve, a species of one mind basing everything they create on good will.  

The constant discomfort we all feel is that our world is inhuman, not as we would like it, less than we are capable of building. 

There IS a purpose for humanity. WE are just not turning our attention to it. 

Such is the breadth and depth of control the global conspiracists possess right now is that they can choose to indoctrinate a global generation of humanity. Our teachers do it unwittingly or in the belief that they do right by spreading what they have come themselves to believe. 

The key to such activities as the recent Covid measures relies upon the certainty that the truth can be controlled, that the mass consciousness of humanity is theirs to shape according to their will. 

When humanity at large understands this so at that very moment a new understanding of the world mind must spring into being.

If there is anybody other than myself that has read this brain dump then congratulations for your perseverance. If you can take anything with you from it I hope it is this: Be hopeful. Speak your truth. 

Spread the meme that HUMANITY can choose to simply walk away from war. 

Billions of us choosing to act as a species without reference to anybody else but being directed by our individual understanding of what is right, what is good, what comes from love, what grows from our human heartedness. 

Love to you,

Olive xxx xxx xxx




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