Friday 10 July 2020

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Destiny Unfolding.

By this time, for sure, YOU can see the clever and devious manipulations.
They are legion.

By this time YOU can see what is at stake: The future of our species and the potential to lose our Destiny.
By this time, YOU have learnt to see false leaders.
By this time YOU have come to realise that YOU are stepping out of the matrix.
You are special, and you have a purpose, a duty.
An obligation.
Whatever you understand about the nature of this reality, you understand deep down that it is YOUR task to alter the course of history, to fight the now so obvious Enemy, Evil incarnate.
11:11 2020 is the Moment.
Get busy.

We have written here for some years of our understanding of the coming collective consciousness of our species and how that would be born into the world, how its arrival has been expected by and battled against by the Power in this reality, how its coming is unstoppable and inevitable, how this World Mind of humanity would be a force for Good in the universe, how its arrival would set our species on a new path so utterly different to that which we have been forced to follow for these last millennia that only the word “evolutionary” could aptly describe the vast changes that will rapidly emerge following its birth.

To understand the World Mind consider the analogy of a brain forming cell by cell in a mother's womb. As the child develops so the brain, cell by cell, grows ever larger. As the child develops so, neuron by neuron, the connectivity of those cells increases. As the child grows so the emerging mind comes to understand that it is an entity, a being, that it has life, that it “IS”.

So now consider the faltering growth in our species' population, its more recent growth spurt, the arrival of the connective “neurons” that our technology now provides, the incredibly rapid advances this formidable World Mind has already made. From that you might get the sense that the world is already changing as a direct result of the World Mind but that its true birth is being held back, constrained, indeed that there is an attempt to abort.

The birth of the World Mind is constrained by the Power of those that have controlled this reality for Millennia and misshaped our species. This constraint can be seen in a myriad of areas. The first is through the use of money to control scientific research and the ownership of knowledge through intellectual property rights. So much scientific and technical brilliance has been squandered on the development of weapons, the perfection of surveillance systems, the creation of ineffective medical treatments rather than effective cures, the burying of brilliant ideas that threaten the status quo in many fields and the creation and sustenance of lies that serve the agenda of the world's legacy Power (chief examples of which are the fake science that sustains the lies of “anthropomorphic global warming” and the Corvid-19 “pandemic” which the Power is forcing down the collective mind-gullet of the complacent, the stupid (however “clever”) and the fearful).

We have been held back as a species. Much that concerns us now should be behind us already as a species. Much that causes us to fear should never have been born into this reality. It was science that gave us atomic weapons and ballistic missiles (born of Satanic Nazi scientists' imaginings). It was science that created the vaccine containing the SV40 virus, partly if not mostly responsible for the epidemic of cancer that now plagues us so. That science had funding and was given its purpose and direction by the Power in this reality, the same Power that saw weapons of mass destruction placed in the hands of a number of nations apparently at odds with one another but in fact working for the same global Power and from such Machiavellian machinations have all of the divisions that plague humanity been born.
WE have been easy prey to the mind manipulations of Power for so long.
Look around you and see that WE are still such easy dupes.
But those times are rapidly closing, and our human evolution is progressing day by day, Moment by Moment.

To understand the World Mind and to comprehend its true nature, that which we call “human-heartedness”, you have first to clear your mind of history, clear your mind of the many distractions and concerns that trouble our societies, clear your mind of everything that was a product of the past, every religious mantra, every political “ism”, every evidence presented to you in the media of the wickedness of humanity and the greeds and lusts that drive those wickednesses.
If only you can set aside your “beliefs” you will discover the inner and innate morality of your humanity. It carries no “dogma”, no mantras. It is the human-heartedness that we almost all of us share. Do no harm, do good. The world IS that simple, once WE take away the systems, hierarchies, structures, the “principalities” of Power.

That Moment is coming.
11:11 2020

In this process, clear too from your mind the terror being inflicted upon our species right now, the new divisions being created, the new behaviours being engineered and driven by governments and media. It is difficult to find this space, absent of beliefs which we have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of our lives, and then to see, suddenly, what WE ARE as a species and the innate and inherent GOOD that governs our spirit en-masse.

There is no “race”, only humanity.
There is no “nation”, only humanity.
There are no religions, only Love.
There are no political parties, only oneness.
There is no money, only stuff and energy and good will.
And from that understanding, find Hope, find Beauty, find OUR DESTINY as a species.

Forget the horror stories of the media, see instead WE billions that do NO HARM.
And in that realisation, see our human unity, see the force of it rising in this world, the seven billion spirits that yearn for good, and then realise that WE are becoming what we were always intended to become: A species of Love, a species of Love that has rejected Evil, that is wise to the treachery and trickery of demonic systems and principalities, a species that would have this world a better place for each and every one of us and WILL CREATE that new reality.

A species united in its human-heartedness.

For that, as you understand, is the only option remaining to us.
Unite in human-heartedness.
Reject the systems and principalities of Power.
Make this world Good.

And, forgetting “religion” but looking inwards, find there the Creator's Will.
The Rainbow Warriors will come, as was prophesied.
The Power has tried to steal that symbology.
But the Rainbow Warriors to come are WE human-hearted.
And our time is near.
11:11 2020.

We have, as a species and for all of our known history, existed in a world dominated and ruled by those that are willing and able to cause fear and are indifferent to, or more certainly enjoy, killing, so long as that killing serves their purpose.
Does this not describe the so-called “Royal” families that quite evidently controlled world affairs until a century ago and that still exercise power behind the scenes? Our history is the history of these creatures perpetually warring against each other for the control of bigger and bigger slices of territory and the “subjects” within them.

Now, undeniably, there exists behind the scenes a global Power, a Power that has every so-called “democracy” and many other nations that could not be called democratic dancing to the same tune, marching in lock-step to the beat of a drum that drives them all to make war upon their own citizens, to lock them down, to render them sick whilst pretending to save them, to create misery and division within families and within nations, to do all of this under the dark blanket of mass propaganda , to portray themselves as saviours when they are in fact the exact opposite, masking their true nature behind a wall of scientific behavioural psychology and choosing each action according to the results of their mass surveillance and data mining, taking the pulse of and reading the collective minds of our species so that each step they take is certain, each result expected and relied upon.

Look around you at those that believe this relentless propaganda, this assault on human consciousness, those that are lost in fear and in that cowardice become willing to serve the agenda of Power, snitching on their fellow human beings, cowardly “kapos” of the world concentration camp that is being constructed around our species.

Some are right-wing, hating the “migrants” their own governments created through relentless bombing and imported through their vast and coordinated chains of “caring” and well paid NGOs, supported by “philanthropy” and through government “grants” made from borrowed “money”.

Some are “Liberal”, trained to believe humans are killing the planet through “global warming”, hating the elderly, resenting their parents, supporting every viral meme that's injected into their consciousness, never realising how deep the mind-worms have entered their souls just as those Christians that Crusaded never realised, those that supported the Inquisition, just as those German Nazis never understood, just as Lenin's believers never realised or Mao's Red Book wavers.

200 million human beings died last century as a result of these “believers”, and billions have died or been tortured in the last two millennia.

We are caused to believe.
We think that belief is Good.
We do evil in that ignorance.
But we NEVER accept that we have been fooled.

That is our history.
But it is NOT our future.

Clear your mind of these things utterly.
Look within.
Like almost all human beings you have done wrong.
But, like almost all human beings, you have done good.
Like most human beings there are people you love.
Like most human beings you want them to love you back.
Most of humanity sees benefit in good order.
Most of humanity has a strong innate understanding of what Aktina and I call Human Law:
That you should do no harm.
That you should seek to do good.
Some parts of that are embodied in what some call Common Law.

You care for your children, for others of your kin, for those that have helped you in the past or have shown themselves to be worthy of respect.
You understand “obligation”, as different from “debt”.

You know that we humans should protect our world and the life that shares it.

Few human beings would describe themselves as evil.
Few human beings would walk past a starving child.
Few human beings would willingly kill.

Yet our societies have allowed others to starve, our societies have willingly killed.
Our societies, as “nations”, have committed atrocities beyond belief.
There is a psychology in this process.
The control of the “mob” mind.
The unwillingness to be seen as “different”.
Going with the crowd.
It explains “fashion”.
It explains “religion”.
It explains “nationalism”.
It explains otherwise inexplicable social “norms”.

WE ARE as individuals difficult to control.
But as a crowd, easy.

WE ARE one species.

Now you approach an understanding of the World Mind.
There are 7.5 billion cells in this great emerging mind, trillions of neurons connecting those cells that our technology has built.
You know that YOU are mostly good, mostly harmless.
This is true of most of those 7.5 billion human beings.

Do you think the Syrians, whose country has been ravaged by war for a decade, whose society and good order has disintegrated, are any different to you?
The mechanics, the teachers, the fathers, the grandmothers, the trash collectors, the doctors and nurses, the truck drivers, the human beings there?

Like you, each of them is imperfect, yet almost all of those human beings shares with you the innate understandings of what it IS to be human.
Like you, like billions of WE human beings, they share the understanding that almost everything of value in this world is derived from LOVE.

Now, in this time of great turmoil, this engineered turmoil, more and more human beings are coming to understand that WE face a common enemy, an enemy that does NOT share our human-heartedness, an enemy that is utterly indifferent to our suffering, an enemy that willingly kills.

It is this emerging understanding that marks the birth into this reality of the human World Mind.

Aktina and I told you 10 years ago that this “pandemic” was coming and why, and how it would be engineered.
We speak often here against organised religion, against putting faith into the books that were created by Power to engineer consciousness and create evil from good.
If you are a believer, in any religion, you share with millions of others that yearning for Love, for connection to the creative force that we call GOD in all our different faiths.

But there are now billions of human beings that have faith in something that goes beyond old books.
It is an inner sense, a spirit, a soul.
An understanding of what “god” requires of us.
This is humanity, human-heartedness.
It has no mantras, no rules other than two: DO NO HARM and DO GOOD and find, within both, understandings.
In our billions we understand these simplest of rules.
They stem from TRUTH, and from GOOD, and from LOVE and WE call this “human-heartedness”.

NOW understand that WE, the world mind of humanity, our collective yearning for good, is going through the process of being born right now.
The birth is difficult.
But unstoppable.
WE, our species, WILL co-create a better world.
WE, our species, WILL become something immeasurably greater than the sum of our seven billion parts.
This is an evolutionary epoch, a time of great change, a Moment when the past is cast off and our species emerges into a brilliant new future.

Do not fear this change.
There will, as we see, be difficulties.
But our species, after so much hardship, WILL evolve.
You are an essential part of this evolution.
As we suspect you already understand.

The date?
11:11 2020
Be a part of the greatest Moment in our human history.
Imprint these numbers into the mass consciousness of humanity.
11:11 2020

That's how it works, right?
Mass consciousness.
The coming “World Mind' of our species.


With Love to You and Yours,
Aktina Pempti and Olive Farmer.
xxx xxx xxx


  1. This is beautiful. It literally encapsulates much of my own feelings/thoughts. Wow.

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you too. Here's hugs for you ( )
      OLive xxx xxx xxx


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