Sunday 26 July 2020

From Aktina Pempti

From Aktina Pempti.

My dear awakened spirits,

You have known, for some time, that there is a difference between you and those others that have succumbed to the mind control, the order followers who now make themselves conspicuous through the wearing of their masks.
Their souls have been captured.

You have become frustrated with them, their deafness to your reasoned arguments, their inability to allow even the most obvious truths to enter their consciousness.
You have faced their anger, their finger pointing, their scoffing, their threats.
You have suffered the loss of their friendship, their kinship, their loyalty.

Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

As time has passed so you have felt increasingly isolated, come to feel that you are the only sane one in this vast asylum.
Now, in this most extreme of times, you increasingly think of the inmates as zombies, as empty vessels, as examples of what the future will be like if evil wins.

You are right, but they do not deserve your scorn.
They are to be pitied.

They must be freed.

For that, you must realise, is your duty.
Your obligation to the future.

The purpose of your presence here.
Why you volunteered.
Why you traveled back and were born again into this reality, empty save for the understanding that is only now surfacing in your consciousness.

That YOU would become a Rainbow Warrior.
That you ARE a Rainbow Warrior.

And, as your spirit of duty and obligation is rekindled, so you will remember what you are and how it was that WE dealt with evil.

WE find each other, and WE become visible to the world.
So many, in every corner of our world, that our presence seeps through the mind-matrix that our enemy has woven around the souls of humanity.
The Matrix collapses.
And, in a MOMENT, humanity suddenly awakens from the nightmare.

So, by your actions, will evil be banished from this realm.
So, by your actions, humanity reaches its destiny.

As time has passed you have come to see yourself as a lonely warrior. Sometimes you have come to the edge of submission. Sometimes your blood boils. Sometimes you set your heart with a grim and steely resolve: “They must not win.”

Find and hold that resolve now, dear friend.

Now, at this most important of times in the history of our species' journey, thank the Creator that you are here and that, at last, your purpose in this reality is becoming clear.
And remember something.

WE volunteered.
So that the future would be secured.
So that nothing would change the narrative.
So that humanity reaches its destination.
The future you came here to ensure.

So, know that you are not alone.

Know that You are a part of an enormous army that soon will enter the theatre of war, this great battle for the soul of our species.

History tells our story.

You are a Rainbow Warrior.
Your number is 11:11


By your actions, make this so.
Find your cadre, make your connections, wear your number, speak your truths.

We will meet again, dear friend.
Until then, accept this:
xxx xxx xxx


  1. I came here from Anna Brees YouTube
    And I am glad I did because it’s hard to hold your resolve when it feels like you are the only one in step.
    I would say however that there is a person who is neither lost nor fully awake and it is our duty to speak our truth to them in such a way that they will not feel alone and join our side

    1. You're right, Emma.
      The truth needs sharing.
      One day the lies will all be exposed and humanity will wonder how it was that we fell for them all.
      That is, if WE win this war.
      You ARE a Rainbow Warrior
      Your number is 11:11
      Daft as it sounds, this is prophecy, one that WE will fulfil.

  2. I feel compelled to tell people whats going on and this post makes alot of sense .Wwg1wwG. 👍👍

  3. Unknown, YOU are a Rainbow Warrior. Your number is 11:11
    Welcome to the future.
    We are legion.


We love to hear what you think, thanks.