Friday, 31 July 2020

Do YOU want to fight this? The Rainbow Warriors are coming.

How To Find the UNITY WE NEED.

We will keep this as brief as we can.

We will ask you, if you agree with what you have read, to become a part of something huge, something world-changing just when this world needs such a movement.

To let our propagandised and terrified fellow human beings know that a great number of us are standing against this orchestrated attack on our species and that WE have arrived on the world stage and entered the field of battle, in absolute peace, with calm restraint, with courage and honour and decency but with absolute determination.

Even though you are a maverick and not naturally inclined to “join”, even though you have become distrustful in this whirling maelstrom of disinformation, we will ask you to take part in a simple experiment that, if successful, will shatter the mind controls being exercised over our species.

Is it time?

You probably know, in your instinctive heart, that we millions that see what is happening must quickly become a huge and powerful force in this world, that WE must be seen everywhere, that WE must become so prevalent that OUR sign is seen more than their sign of submission, the masks that represent the New Normal of compliance.

Though this is just a blog we believe the ideas here could represent a tipping point in this war for the future of our species.

First, let's see if WE are already in broad agreement.

That is, if WE are already a single entity.

Do You see the world's governments marching in lockstep towards a number of great harms to humanity?

Do You see the great mass of humanity accepting the biggest lies in history?

Do You understand that you, and many like you, are probably the only hope, that WE cannot any longer rely on governments, on nations, on science and other expertise, on organised religions, on anybody but US to push back against this threat?

Do You see people “waking up”, but not enough and not quickly enough?

Do You know that a second pandemic is planned, this autumn/fall?

That it will probably “appear” in November, when in the northern hemisphere the seasonal flu begins to conveniently reappear?

Do YOU realise that something of great strength must oppose our world's manipulators by then?

Do You know that if that does not happen then the future for our species is dark beyond imagination?

Do You know that the 20th Century saw 200 million murdered in death camps, and so do you sense that worse is coming?

Are WE of one mind so far?

Then if so, WE are already together.

Do You know that there are millions of human beings already who see what is happening and see what is coming?

Do You see US on every forum, every comment section, everywhere, thousands upon thousands of us letting our feelings be known, sharing our knowledge of the truth in face of the storm of lies?

Do You know that those millions are dismissed by the power in this world as “conspiracy theorists”?

Does that incense you?

Do You know that this casual dismissal works in the minds of the programmed masses, and so realise that WE must become organised, become something greater than the sum of our parts?

Do You know that we millions are never seen as a single force, a united presence in the minds of the programmed, and regret that absence?

Do YOU therefore know that WE are losing this battle for our species?

If you know these things, WE are already colleagues, allies, friends. Whatever our ethnicity, whatever our faith, whatever our age or gender, whatever our status, whatever our nationality WE ARE already one family rising to grimly set its resolve to oppose the evil that WE see stalking our world.

Are you with us so far?

You know that the battle being fought is for the control of the mass consciousness of our species.

You know that this battle is being fought with mass propaganda, with devious “behavioural” psychology.

You suspect that there is something else at play, some technology, and are quite sure that the role out of 5G represents a further threat to our species.

You know that the ultimate aim is to inject something into every single human being and, though you may be unsure as to its planned effects, you know there will only be harm in it.

Are we still of one mind?

You see that there are large numbers involved in this conspiracy against our species.

You see them in every hierarchy in every aspect of our world's organisation.

You are amazed by how few “whistle-blowers” there are, and even more amazed at how swiftly and completely they are censored .

Amazed at how few Pharma researchers, how few Doctors, how few “opposition” politicos, how few “peace” officers, how few scientists, how few journalists, on and on, how few human beings in all hierarchies are doing their duty to our species.

Therefore You, like millions of your family, understand that what is happening is the result of a great deal of planning, a great deal of the careful selection of candidates for positions in every hierarchy, an incredibly complex and orchestrated war machinery directed at our species.

You see, at the heart of this war machinery, an ethos that is shared and is in every respect only describable by words such as “inhuman”, “evil”, “demonic” or “Satanic”.

You might feel that we are living through a “biblical” struggle, the end-game of an eternal battle between good and evil.

And YOU KNOW what side you are on.

Are we still in broad agreement?

You see that the enemy of humanity has all the best cards.

It controls all media, controls its own opposition with charismatic liars, literally kills and buries powerful truth-tellers and censors inconvenient truth.

It controls every hierarchy of the great octopus of authority that controls and shapes our human reality.

It controls the life-blood of all human activity, that fake money which it summons from thin air to sustain its corrupt activities and to lure and reward its acolytes, the fuel that drives this machinery of hate.

You know that the enemy understands humanity incredibly well, knows how to manipulate or create events that have almost certain reactions, knows how to spin belief into the hearts and minds of the programmable masses and how to use that belief to create chaos or division.

You know that the enemy's technology, its mass surveillance and its data-mining, allows it to shape the mass consciousness of humanity on a moment by moment basis.

You know that they have many thousands working for them to enable this process, thousands of militarised armchair warriors sat at computers, following orders, destroying truth and worming into the minds of billions of human beings.

Have you said “YES!” to most, if not all, of this summary?

If so, then WE ARE of one mind.

WE ARE already the seed of a mighty tree, germinating, setting roots, springing upwards strongly in search of light.

Shall WE grow?

Shall WE become a great force in this world?

For many years (before he woke up) the Olive Farmer worked at the reshaping of large corporations, including for two years a large part of the BBC, that needed vast changes to meet changing market conditions.

He was well rewarded for a particular skill, an instinctive ability to break away the detail and discover the essentials, then show the organisation how it must reshape to survive and prosper under those changing conditions.

The answers, once ALL detail had been stripped away, were always extremely simple, rudimentary.

Naturally, within every organisation, there were many that had vested interests in old structures, old methods, old hierarchies that were threatened. There were many that clung to what they were used to, fearing change or lacking the vision to see that such change was both needed and inevitable.

IF we are of one mind so far in summarising the great tipping point in our species history and the imminent and dreadful character of our human future, join us in stripping away the non-essential detail and see what needs to be done to survive, and then to prosper.

We that have remained of free mind are essential to our species very survival.

There are millions of us, perhaps a billion or more.

But we are not yet WE, a united opposition to the force of evil.

If we are to win this war, WE must become such a united force, and be seen as such by the programmed masses.

They must realise that WE exist, and that WE exist as something they can join.

This needs rapid action.

We are evidently in a war and need to think that way.

Yes? Still in broad agreement?

The enemy knows all about telling lies and repeating them such that people believe them.

Our job is to repeat the truth, so often and so insistently, that we shake the foundations of the liar's matrix and break into the minds of our fellow human beings.

We are doing that already, but WE are not.

There is no badge of unity.

We are just a bunch of individuals.

But WE must become a huge crowd.

The written word speaks directly to the mind through sight.

The spoken word passes through the ears directly to the mind.

Use them both, all day every day, as often as you can.

That requires effort, but effort is needed.


The enemy knows how to badge its believers such that others “see” that they are a part of the “mob”, the crowd, a host.

The god-awful MASK is their current sign.

The wearers are comforted that they are part of the herd.

The wearers feel strong enough to condemn those who refuse the mask.

THAT is a product of careful behavioural psychology.

It is that which will enable uniformed bullies, everywhere, to enter your home and take you away.

YOU will have been snitched on.

The programmed human beings around you will clap as you are taken away.

You probably foresee these things?

As night follows day so humanity has always been so easy to turn into compliant supporters of evil masquerading as good.

NOW this is getting personal.

WE must get together, today.

Symbols do this, seen everywhere.

Corporations badge their goods with logos.

Religions have their sacred symbols.

Political groups have theirs, from colours to swastikas or hammers and sickles.

Recent fake revolutions, created by Soros and its ilk, understood this crowd-creation strategy. The “Colour Revolutions”, the “Arab Spring”, BLM.

Do you see?

WE must become the great crowd, WE must become the biggest “gang”, the largest crowd, seen everywhere and noticed all day and every day by the mind-controlled masses.

This is far from impossible.

In fact, WE are already so vast a group that within days, if WE act as one, this could be achieved.

The programmed masses would take notice very quickly.

The push back will have begun.

More and more will join us.

And WE will win this war.

Therefore WE must be seen as a single entity in the consciousness of humanity.

WE must have a badge, have a flag, have a “uniform”, have a symbol which we use at every occasion in every forum. Print fliers, wear hats, create banners. To be successful, and WE must be, then every day in every way the great mass of humanity must see our sign.

WE must BECOME the seeming majority.

The enemy is using their “mask”.

Do you see?

Seen everywhere, every day, in every media, the “new normal” is the new world-wide “crowd”.

Now WE must become that which is seen everywhere, every moment of every day.

We suggest this as our symbol:


Look up the meaning of 11:11 and you will find, in essence, that it means “good”, has old associations with an angelic force for good in this reality.

And why not?

That is what WE stand for, isn't it?

Don't you already feel like a warrior in the battle fo good versus evil?

But 11:11 is also a date.

11th November, 2020

A date by which time our enemy will be pushing ahead with the second pandemic.

So the date by which WE must be fighting back in an organised way.

It is also a symbol which speaks of the rejection of lies.

It speaks of winning back the minds of a humanity stolen on 9/11.

11:11 is OUR time.


If you agree so far, then all that is needed is for YOU to spread these numbers, everywhere and in every way you can, beginning right now.

We aren't selling the T-shirts, the caps, the mugs, the flags as many so-called “truthers” are doing.

This battle is more important than getting fake money to buy useless stuff.

But ask yourself:

If on every forum, if down every street, you saw these numbers suddenly appearing, then WE would suddenly become a world-wide force for good.

United in our understanding of the enemy humanity faces.

Determined to fight evil.

So please, share this information and begin making this world-wide unity a reality.

Imagine YOU sharing these numbers 100 times a day.

Then imagine a thousand of us sharing them a hundred times a day.

Then imagine a million.

Within a few short days, a million of us sharing these numbers a hundred times a a week that's seven hundred million sharings of our number.

In a month, 2.8 BILLION times our number will be seen.

THAT WILL impact on the mass consciousness.


All that would take is a small amount of effort.

Share a link to this page.

Start spreading the numbers.

It's a big idea whose time has come if YOU choose to make it so.

Please note that we say nothing of “leaders”, nothing of a “policy statement”.

WE need no leaders, only unity in good will.

WE need no policies, only unity in opposition to evil.

Leaders can be got at, can be blackmailed or bribed or shot, can be foisted upon a nebulous group.

WE will have no leaders.

Policies can be debated, can be attacked by lawyers and politicians, picked at or scoffed at by TV pundits and “journalists”.

WE are, simply, a vast group of humanity opposed to evil in high places.

WE know there is much to do in our world, much to be set right.

But if WE win, then there are over 7 billion of our species to tackle the future and make it good.

We use the words “Start Again”.

So 11:11 means “Start Again”, sweep the decks of evil and its systems and its historic power and find, between we billions, a better way for our species in all its diversity.

Ask yourself if you want to be a part of such an Evolutionary movement?

Ask yourself if you would like to be a part of the generation that ended war, that ended injustice, that reshaped our world and made it good, made it human-hearted?

There is a prophecy that speaks of such a force for good arising in the world.

Prophecies are a matter of choice.

If WE choose, in our billions, to make them come true, then they self-fulfil.

That is the chance we have, to choose to fulfil these prophecies.

To become the Rainbow Warriors and fulfil that prophecy.

"When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the rainbow." -- Old Native American Prophecy

"There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go. Many creatures thought to be extinct or mythical will resurface at this time; the great trees that perished will return almost overnight. All living things will flourish, drawing sustenance from the breast of our Mother, the Earth.

The great spiritual Teachers who walked the Earth and taught the basics of the truths of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy will return and walk amongst us once more, sharing their power and understanding with all. We will learn how to see and hear in a sacred manner. Men and women will be equals in the way Creator intended them to be; all children will be safe anywhere they want to go. Elders will be respected and valued for their contributions to life. Their wisdom will be sought out. The whole Human race will be called The People and there will be no more war, sickness or hunger forever." -- Navajo / Hopi Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow

"Among the few who possess inner strength to resist the mass unconsciousness will rise a new neo-indigenous people. Prophecies foretell of a people who will rise from earth's ashes like the Thunderbird, symbolizing rebirth. They will bring balance and harmony back to Mother Earth. The first of these beings will come as teachers and storytellers to remind us of ancient truths of the star people and beyond. They will be pathfinders leading the way to a new universe, a new reality.

Great leaders, Warriors and Shamans of many nations will be born and they will cleanse the earth for rebirth. Next will come the Planters sowing seeds of truth, justice and freedom. The Storytellers, Warriors and Planters will live in the way of the Great Spirit and teach ways to keep Mother of the Ground sacred forevermore. They will be called Rainbow Warriors for they will gather the four sacred directions, all distinctly separate but forever connected in the Circle of Life." -- Lee Standing Bear Moore, Manataka American Indian Council

"There is truth in the prophecies of the Rainbow and the Rainbow people. People from all of the Americas will unite with people from all the other nations, and they will realize that we are all Family, brothers and sisters. This is not my personal vision, but the cosmic vision presented by all the elders, a vision that we all share." -- Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez, Maya Elders Council, Guatemala

"As Native Americans, we believe the Rainbow is a sign from the Spirit in all things. It is a sign of the union of all people, like one big family. The unity of all humanity, many tribes and peoples, is essential." -- Late Thomas Banyacya, Spokesman, Hopi traditional elders, Hotevilla

"This difficult time has seen the beginning of a new nation of multicolored beings. The seeds of the four directions have mixed together to create the first Rainbow people. It is written in time and in the memory of the Indian peoples that our sun will rise again, that we will be able to reestablish our culture: its arts, sciences, mathematics and religion. Mayan knowledge will come forward again. It is for this reason that we, of the Amerindian communities, are once again uniting to reestablish our entire culture." -- Hunbatz Men, Hereditary keeper of the Mayan tradition.

"We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge." -- Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota.

If you decide that this is an idea that has merit:

Please click to follow here so that we can see that the idea is gaining ground.

We ask for no donations and are selling nothing.

Please comment, and come back and tell everyone through comments how many times you have shared.

Please post links to this page so that more will join.

Become a Rainbow Warrior and help change the world.

Some suggested simple additions to every comment you make:







Then add a link.

If WE Rainbow Warriors do this simple thing millions of times...........

WE will enter humanity's mass consciousness.

If you have followed this process of simplification, mostly nodding in agreement, then you are already a Rainbow Warrior.

Your number is 11:11




Carry our message to the minds of humanity, the collective consciousness of an embattled species that needs a better future.

Wear your number with pride, dear Rainbow Warrior.

For you are a saviour of the world.

This with LOVE from Aktina Pempti

And the Olive Farmer

xxx xxx xxx

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Badria, actress, a Rainbow Warrior no doubt, reminded us of this: Desiderata: Something needed or wanted, from which "desire".


GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

By Max Ehrmann © 1927

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Manic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next

Words. Thoughts. Truth. 11:11

Very disturbing footage of Bill Gates briefing the CIA on how to control...

As we have said before, THEY are at war with the Creator, the force of Love in this thing we call life. Here's one of their creatures explaining how a virus/vaccine can genetically engineer humanity to lose the "God" connection. It certainly sounds, looks and acts like Bill Gates. The CIA, note, shut up when he tells them to. This is a powerful, high up demon.
More and more pieces of this spiritual war fall into place.
Become a Rainbow Warrior. Your number is 11:11 Share this.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

From Aktina Pempti

From Aktina Pempti.

My dear awakened spirits,

You have known, for some time, that there is a difference between you and those others that have succumbed to the mind control, the order followers who now make themselves conspicuous through the wearing of their masks.
Their souls have been captured.

You have become frustrated with them, their deafness to your reasoned arguments, their inability to allow even the most obvious truths to enter their consciousness.
You have faced their anger, their finger pointing, their scoffing, their threats.
You have suffered the loss of their friendship, their kinship, their loyalty.

Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

As time has passed so you have felt increasingly isolated, come to feel that you are the only sane one in this vast asylum.
Now, in this most extreme of times, you increasingly think of the inmates as zombies, as empty vessels, as examples of what the future will be like if evil wins.

You are right, but they do not deserve your scorn.
They are to be pitied.

They must be freed.

For that, you must realise, is your duty.
Your obligation to the future.

The purpose of your presence here.
Why you volunteered.
Why you traveled back and were born again into this reality, empty save for the understanding that is only now surfacing in your consciousness.

That YOU would become a Rainbow Warrior.
That you ARE a Rainbow Warrior.

And, as your spirit of duty and obligation is rekindled, so you will remember what you are and how it was that WE dealt with evil.

WE find each other, and WE become visible to the world.
So many, in every corner of our world, that our presence seeps through the mind-matrix that our enemy has woven around the souls of humanity.
The Matrix collapses.
And, in a MOMENT, humanity suddenly awakens from the nightmare.

So, by your actions, will evil be banished from this realm.
So, by your actions, humanity reaches its destiny.

As time has passed you have come to see yourself as a lonely warrior. Sometimes you have come to the edge of submission. Sometimes your blood boils. Sometimes you set your heart with a grim and steely resolve: “They must not win.”

Find and hold that resolve now, dear friend.

Now, at this most important of times in the history of our species' journey, thank the Creator that you are here and that, at last, your purpose in this reality is becoming clear.
And remember something.

WE volunteered.
So that the future would be secured.
So that nothing would change the narrative.
So that humanity reaches its destination.
The future you came here to ensure.

So, know that you are not alone.

Know that You are a part of an enormous army that soon will enter the theatre of war, this great battle for the soul of our species.

History tells our story.

You are a Rainbow Warrior.
Your number is 11:11


By your actions, make this so.
Find your cadre, make your connections, wear your number, speak your truths.

We will meet again, dear friend.
Until then, accept this:
xxx xxx xxx

Spiritual Darkness.

What is evident now is the sheer completeness of the demonic action being taken against humanity, just how many are involved, just how utter is their control of every hierarchy, how deep is their penetration of our health systems, our governments, our media, our judicial and policing systems, our armed forces and intelligence agencies, the fake 'alternative' media, our world's scientific community, our organised religions (Chrislam!), on and on.

This is a world-wide phenomenon. It is perhaps the first time that the forces of evil have had such numbers recruited to their cause, that their control of everything has been so comprehensive. There are no agencies that we humans can call upon to rescue us, no nation powerful enough to stand against them or free to do so.

Their power to control the collective consciousness of our species is almost utter. Their understanding of what we think and believe nearly absolute. Their surveillance total.

They could, and probably will, tell us that “intelligence sources” have “reliable data” that “China” deliberately released the “virus”, knowing full well that the mind-controlled mask wearing zombie masses would scream for war.

Forgetting, in their numb stupidity, that there is no “China”, only the leaders of that community in the hands of the world's controlling Power. Forgetting, as they bomb, that they are not killing “Chinese”, they are killing children, grannies, mechanics, bakers, teachers, all innocent, all just human, all full of hope for a world of peace. Of course, unlike the small nations that the West have decimated without fear of counter attack, “China” and “Russia” can and will hit back. If you are in the West you already understand that the power in the world feels you are spoiled and will reduce your standard of living even more than they have already done since the 1950's when this attack began.

They could, and certainly will, release a killer virus (or tweak their 5G masts!) later this year, setting in motion the mass panic they so enjoy and presaging the mass vaccination of humanity that will render us genetically incapable of loving this creation and its creator.

And, of course, reduce our number to a more manageable 500 million or so.
Disconnected from nature.
Locked into sick cities.
Euthanised at 55.
Giving up our children.....


You see? They have now a free hand to do any damned thing they want.

The artificial reality which we experience and think of as “life” is a reality that has been engineered, for all of known history, by a force of spiritual darkness. Within the reality created by this dark evil the soul of humanity has been smothered, our instinctive yearning for good finding almost no expression anywhere.

The Creator gave us all a choice, do you see?
And expects that, at this end, WE will choose right.
Choose Good.
Choose LOVE.
What alternative do WE have?

More of THIS?

The sense of hopelessness, the condition of dependency, the state of fear that is currently all pervasive, the abject willingness to submit to authority in exchange for promises of safety are all signs that the collective soul of our species is entering its darkest ever time.

So, we are not engaged in a new spiritual war. Rather, we are engaged in the final battles of a war that has raged back and forth for many generations, for millennia. This war is now and has always been a war for the control of the collective consciousness of humanity. The intent is now and has always been to kill LOVE, to kill that which is instinctively human, to kill care, to kill charity, to kill hope, to smother joy, to cancel laughter, to draw every human soul into a world of evil so complete that, over time, we become unable to imagine anything different.

We are nearly there right now. We stand on the precipice of a Satanic abyss, on which precipice teeters our future, our destiny as a species, the very existence of LOVE in this reality.

It is a war we each of us individually fight, for every human has within two entities: A spirit of goodness and a spirit of evil. Each and every one of us chooses if we will allow the darkness to overcome the light within. Most of us win. Those that have lost and let the wickedness in WE can ALL see now.

These things were well understood by our ancestors, who learned of this internal battle and taught it to their children so that they were aware of what was required for good to win and so that they learned to recognise those in whom the darkness had overcome the light and to deal with those creatures appropriately.

In our human history, everywhere, these understandings were as fundamental and as evident as the knowledge that our world is the creation of a great intelligence, that its balance and perfection were designed to allow life to flourish and that we humans were caretakers of this reality, had a duty and an obligation to protect it and to add harmonious beauty to what has been given.

And also that we were expected, and relied upon, in our darkest hour, knowing the difference, to choose LOVE.
If you are of faith, forget the dogma, forget the mantras, find the core.

Native Americans called the spirit that darkened human beings “Wetiko”. Christians called them “Demons”, Muslims “Djinn”, other beliefs and other tribes had different names. That every tradition understood that this darkness could be cast out and practiced such exorcism shows that those human beings that allow the dark side to dominate also let something “other” into their consciousness, a something “other” that cannot yet be identified by science but nonetheless and evidently so exists.

One day, as in the film “They Live”, we will merely have to wear special glasses to see these creatures. Life will be easier then.

Psychology has names for these creatures which seek to identify them as aberrations or as sicknesses: Psychopathy and Sociopathy. Jung gave us these names and they have become the universally accepted terms.

But Jung lied.

For in excess of a decade, as recorded in his hand-written “Red Book” that was kept secret by his family for many years, Jung himself described his interactions with Demons. He was not describing some vague understanding of inner, psychological Demons. Rather, these were living entities which he summoned and interacted with and no doubt fell into the possession of.

Hidden from humanity there is a long history of our greatest minds and our most violent leaders having an understanding of and interaction with these entities. When Isaac Newton died his chest revealed he had spent the last decades of his life in such interactions. John Dee, the founder of the British Secret Service as Queen Elizabeth 1's agent (he that signed himself “007” in his secret communications) was a demon summoner. Hitler had his “third eye” awakened and the portal for demonic possession flung wide open when a member of the “Thule” society, a satanic order, (and of course Hitler's vilest henchmen were practicing Satanists.)

There are literally thousands of such examples, whole libraries of studies. There are entire religions extant in our world engaged in such practices, not least amongst which are the followers of Sabbatai Vai (Sabbateans) and Jacob Frank (Frankists) whose membership extends deep into the heart of those power-mongers that call themselves Jews but are not, are instead of the synagogue of Satan and reviled by true Jews.

Humanity is taught, these days, that there is no such thing as demonic possession.
Our media scoff at the idea of Satanic child abuse and ritualised child murder.
They scorn stories of such wickedness in high places, despite the evidence of Jimmy Savile and Jeffrey Epstein and Dutroux and countless other suppliers of children to the highest echelons of power among the world's elite.
Our police forces bury evidence of this worst of crimes.
Officers that pursue these vile creatures find their careers ended.
Others merely die or commit suicide, so many of them in so many countries that were our media to do their job and piece them all together and present them to the world there would be no doubt, in our species' collective consciousness, that there is an organised evil stalking the world.

WE, the free minded, know these things already, see these truths.
Some of us might explain them as merely greed-motivated killers, some as power-hungry psychopaths, but WE ALL see them and know them by their works.

But if we open our minds to the possibility of demons, of a dark pervasive evil that is Inhuman, that has taken up occupancy of a few million seemingly 'human' beings, an explanation for the otherwise absolutely inexplicable emerges.

You might ask how it is that governments across the world are marching in lockstep to increase their control over our species, to remove our rights, to bombard our collective consciousness with an unending propaganda of fear over a “pandemic” that is no worse than the ordinary flu that assails us every year and far less dangerous than many other killers?

Because the demons have taken control of the world's governments.

You might ask how it is that so few police officers in the world refuse orders that break their oaths to constitutions everywhere and seek to criminalise the innocent and deny every human being in every nation of their rights?

Because the demons have taken control of those senior officers, have recruited lesser demons to their ranks.

You might ask how it is that across the world there are no main stream media questioning the great lies being sown into our minds, no investigative journalists revealing the extent of the lies and yet there are thousands of TV channels, many thousands of newspapers, thousands of scientific journals that we would expect to do their jobs?

Because the demons rule that particular nest of vipers.

You might ask why there are so few nurses, so few doctors, so few epidemiologists whistle-blowing on the constant stream of lies. Worse, you might ask how it is that so many of these “health”professionals willingly sent the elderly to nursing homes, there to spread the virus and to die and to cause more death.

You might ask yourself how it is that those health professionals could stand by while their hospitals were emptied, whilst their patients were refused operations or care, while essential testing was refused, whilst the time-bomb of their actions must have been understood by them, the inevitability of a huge number of deaths caused by those actions absolutely evident to them.

Yet few have come forward, whilst many have danced and filmed their joy and advertised their indifference on social media.

Because MOST doctors, most of them, are now demons.
Why else, in their left-brained arrogance, would they destroy health and participate in the allopathic death system that makes Doctors the third biggest killers in the West via their prescribed medications.

Consider cancer doctors, inflicting deliberately slow death, watching an endless stream of grief stricken relatives and friends. A prime job for a demonic entity. Such fun.
That this display of utter indifference to suffering was envisaged and enacted at the 2012 London Olympic opening ceremony, whilst a towering dark entity gyrated above hundreds of hospital beds, is just one more example of those that rule over this reality planning everything bad that happens to us and glorying in that.

What can prevent them?
Only one thing.
An awakening of the human spirit.
An awakening, the birth into this reality, of the World Mind of humanity.

Seven billion human beings, aware of the threat, seeing the chief instruments of the demonic Power, and taking those weapons from the demons.

Those weapons are:
The fake money that is the dark energy of bribery, of corruption.
The hierarchies sustained by that fake money.
The corporations and organisations that own everything we human beings need.

To win?
Ignore money, but still do the work you were doing if that work fulfils a human need.
Ignore hierarchies. Rebuild from the ground up, choosing our best to head teams. People we personally know and trust and can rely on.
Take the keys to our organisations and make them our own.

Today, at this moment, there is still among WE free willed human beings a “normalcy bias”.
Maybe, we think, we can carry on sitting at the sidelines and sniping at Power?
Consider: Is that not what the Power wishes?
Those times are over.

Now, what is required of you, is that YOU, and ALL OF US , become visible as an entity in this reality.
In our millions.
So that WE can be seen as ONE.

In times gone the powerful did this trick using flags, using the swastika or the hammer and sickle, using the cross or the moon and star, using uniforms, black shirts.

People must see our number, must come to realise that WE ARE not just a fringe group.

Symbols speak to something in the human subconscious.
The numbers 11:11 have been around for ages as a symbol of something good.
9:11 was a deliberate perversion of that.
The symbol of the rainbow and the coming “Rainbow Warriors” has been a prophecy shared among many of our ancient seers and their tribes, our human ancestors.
THEIR attempt to steal the rainbow has been evident.

WE MUST RECLAIM those symbols.
Display them everywhere.

Every comment we leave on every forum.
On every T-shirt.
Every cap.
Every bumper.
On notices we create and put up everywhere.

A great ticker-tape parade of those numbers, that rainbow, so that every single eye sees them, every single mind questions what they mean.

They are a signal to the awakening World-Mind of our species.
They say, simply:
WE ARE”, and the future is human-hearted.

The numbers are a date, too.
A date beyond which WE must not go without organising the collective consciousness of humanity against this pervasive, demonic evil.

Please, share this.

The Power is doing all it can to prevent this.
It will not win.
What they plan is NOT how humanity ends.
The future, our human destiny, will be GOOD.
But it will take YOUR effort.
WE must find and express unity, in our millions, and let humanity see us.
WE ARE the Rainbow Warriors of prophecy.
Please share.
With Love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti
xxx xxx xxx

You will note that we are not selling the T-shirts, the stickers, the mugs.

Friday, 24 July 2020

11:11 KILL DEBT!

Tuesday, 21 August 2018


This is a post about killing debt we wrote back in August 2018. It is even more relevant today, as the Banksters have added trillions more to the shackle of debt that our children will pay.  11:11

"Take your cue from this:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Unity IS WHAT WE NEED right now, and unity is found in the simple idea we propose here and ask you all to spread. 

WE are as a species, both at a personal level and at governmental level, now almost totally enslaved by usurious debt.

In almost every nation, but especially in the West and its allies, the law and its army of enforcers stand behind the holders of this debt and force its collection or seize the property of defaulters.

As proud parents we send our children to university, thus ensuring that our children put on the yoke of indebtedness and mature into adults bearing this intolerable weight.

Everywhere the cost of housing in our cities has been artificially inflated, year after year for decades. This was not 'market forces', but rather a connivance perpetrated by the banks and property sales businesses, each of whom benefitted massively from this slow but sure and deliberate policy.

Those older generations that bought in the sixties and seventies have seen the house they bought for pennies grow in value to dizzying and impossible heights.

In 1940 the median house price in the US was $2,938
In 1960 it had risen to $11,900
In 1980 it was $47,200
In 2000 it was $119,600 (whereas if the price had just kepy pace with inflation it would have been only $30,600, according to the US census.)

Latest figures show that the median price is now  $363,300.

Recall, there are places where property is dirt cheap, in the busted heartlands of ex-industrial cities. These keep the median national price down!

In places where there is well paid work, in the mega cities that so entrance our young, a home suitable to raise children will cost from $500,000 to several million.

At the same time, student debt levels have rocketed.
At the same time incomes have stagnated.

The average salary for 25-34 year olds in the USA (ie the time when once people started families and, once, when one partner [usually the mother] would elect to stay at home and create a nest for their family, was $39,416 in 2016.
In the 1940's it was c. $1,000
So to buy a median house in 1940 cost around 3 times the annual salary.
To buy a median house in 2016 costs around 7.5 times the annual salary.

Somebody on minimum wages or close to them, and there are many millions so enslaved, have no possibility of EVER owning their own home.
Frankly, even those that prosper face little prospect of ever owning their own home too.
They will merely occupy a home that belongs to a bank until such time that an income hiatus occurs, brought on by unemployment or ill health. Then the bank will take the home.

The evidence litters our cities, where the American homeless numbers burgeon.

The near impossibility of ever getting out of debt, of ever owning one's own home, has created an intergenerational barrier. Put simply, our young have grown to despise the old because they own a home or have no debt or, indeed, have some savings.

Interestingly, our young are now very much in favour of euthanasia (76%), but not so much in favour as our 40-60 year olds (84%), who are closer to those now countless millions that are ageing in sickness because of the poisoned food, water and air that has been gifted to humanity by corporate greed and purposeful intent over the last 60 years or so.

In the 1940's most human beings would have recoiled in horror at the idea of abortion unless for serious medical reasons. In the 1940's most human beings would have recoiled in horror at the idea of euthanising our elderly.
How times have changed.

Each generational cohort has been assaulted by a devious and clever manipulation of attitudes, driven by those that orchestrate our world's governments, such that what was previously considered horrific or beastly or even satanic is now considered acceptable or casually unavoidable.

The last 50 years, in other words during the watch of the older generations, has seen the complete debt enslavement of humanity and the twisting of its moral compass to such an extent that a 50 year old in 1950 would almost certainly vomit if they watched an evening of today's  television.

The coming world chaos will be driven by the intergenerational strife that has been created by the consciousness shapers and debt creators, as much as it will be driven by all the other assaults on our species from weaponised migration to chemical enfeebling, from engineered rivalries between countries to contrived racial and religious strife.

I simply ask this question:

What would be the outcome if every human being in debt , on one pre-agreed date, simply refused to pay any debt? 

Both personal debt and the vast governmental debt which their taxes pay the interest on and which grows, year on year, ALL OF IT CREATED OUT OF THIN AIR BY THE MOBSTERS THAT CONTROL THE CREATION OF MONEY AS DEBT.

These money magicians have now lent an astonishing $233 TRILLION to the human race.

That's around $32,000 to every single living human being, from a Swedish 2 year old to an Australian Aboriginal grandmother that has always live in the outback and hardly knows what money is .
It's worse, of course, if you are working, because children have no ability to pay these debts, the unemployed and the sick and the elderly are generally equally incapable.

The global workforce is c. 3 billion.
Thus the workers of the world are responsible for $76,666 of government debt each.

Recall that billions of those workers live in India, China, Indonesia, Africa etc etc, where average wages are much lower than the first world countries. Half of the planet exists on less than $1,000 dollars a month and of course there are many places where $50 a month or less is the average.

Bear in mind, too, that the average figures are boosted by, in every nation, the salaries of the corporate and governmental elites and those that hold senior jobs in the vast networks of fake NGOs that have been spawned in readiness for the collapse of democracy and the introduction of the New World Order.

By which we conclude that this fake and artificially created debt, which lies in the ownership of private bankers, can be considered unpayable, ever.

Is this our legacy to future generations? 
A world of chaos and perpetual debt slavery?
A world of perpetual conflict?
A world devoid of hope for our young?

Know this:There is only one way to end this perpetual cycle of misery.

I'll ask the question again:
What would be the outcome if every human being in debt simply, on one pre-agreed date, simply refused to pay any debt? 

If a few so refused then the weight of the state and its laws would be brought to bear upon them and they would lose everything, including their liberty.


Then there would be NO WAY that any agency of government or law could ever try and enforce the collection of this absolutely fake debt.
And by refusal to pay this conjured out of thin air debt, we set our species free.

We could do this almost immediately.


I want you to think deeply about something.

Ask yourself what are the chief causes of fear in the world amongst we human beings?
What are the worst things?

Naturally there is war. There are murderous dictatorships. There is genocide. There are the vast almost uncountable threats to our bodies from pollutants, chemicalised water and food, deliberately murderous medical advice (eg that Statins will help you live longer, that cholesterol is bad for you,..... there are thousands of these). We fear, and suffer from, terrible criminality, from the nation killing bribery and corruption of those in authority through to drug dealing and prostitution and the trafficking of babies for sex or for organ harvesting.

There is much to fear. Too much. And its source is clear.

Anyone that takes a discerning view of history, anyone that takes a moment or two to research these matters beyond what the fake history books and fake media drill into us, finds that it was the bankers' money behind the French revolution and its guillotine, behind the Russian revolution and its Gulags, behind Hitler and his war and his death camps, behind the Chinese revolution and its murderous and still genocidal activities, behind countless dictators from Peron to Pinochet to Saddam Hussein.

Bankers created the death mills of the 20th century.

Big money is also behind every single pollutant we human beings produce and are being weakened and killed by. It is big corporations that make the plastics and the poisons, big corporations that make the cancerous nuclear power stations and the weapons derived from them, big corporations that make treatments that sicken us rather than cures that can help us (and also make truly beneficial medicines illegal, or slowly legalise them in such a way that big money dominates their production and can thereby shape their effectiveness,...or deliberate ineffectiveness).

It's difficult to fight big corporations, because they employ many of us. The are slave owners, and often slave owners that pay not a penny in taxes, not a penny to help we human beings repay the fake debt we are saddled with.




What would be the consequence of we human beings refusing to pay these artificial debts?

The consequence would be that money would collapse.
What would be the consequence of a collapse of money?

Well, our banker rulers would expect the world to become utterly chaotic.
They think they know us better than we know ourselves.

They would expect riots, then wars, mass starvation, that everything and everybody would stop working, that within a few short weeks we would be weeping and wailing and begging on our bended knees for some saviour to bring back fake money to the world and so shackle us forever.
And know: The bankers intend to create such a collapse themselves anyway.
It's one of the last pieces in the jigsaw of horror they are weaving about humanity.


WE'LL WRITE NEXT ABOUT how exactly we human beings can easily handle the fallout from the disappearance of debt and then money.

How it can be managed carefully to prevent injustice.

How ownership need not be threatened but actually enhanced.
How we can between us make it so that everyone, mortgagee or renter, has a guaranteed ownership of their homes, a certainty of food, a hand in government, a world of peace free of fear in which to prosper and be healthy.
How we can reduce the burden of work.
How we can being the process of cleansing our planet.

It will take all of the billions of us that just want these things. A home. A family. Clean food, air, water. Time to have fun. A future worth fighting for. It will take we billions, but because of our number and the very few that will try and spoil that future, it will be done.

The first step?
Simply we all of us refuse to pay debt.

There are thousands of fake or just self interested 'truthers' littering our minds with dross. None of them have a plan. THIS IS A PLAN.



Copy it, repost it, use it as a basis or script for a video, use it as a subject for a podcast, email links to friends, twitter it, put it on Fuc%book.





Wth all our love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.
(See our other posts about how humanity "Keeps Calm and Carries ON" to avoid chaos during the Evolutionary transition.)