Tuesday 2 June 2020

WHY you feel you have a purpose NOW.

Why are YOU here at this time?

What do your instincts tell YOU?
Trust those instincts, weird as they seem.

YOU have reached this site, despite the algorithms, despite the best efforts of the Power.
YOU have always felt, deep down, that you have a purpose in this reality.
YOU have been waiting, all of your life, for the Moment when that purpose becomes clear.
NOW, you understand, that waiting is at an end.

YOU have spent years studying this reality.
YOU have arrived at conclusions.
YOU know that change must come.
YOU know that such change must be fundamental.
YOU know that such change must be created from love.

YOUR purpose is to help humanity take the next step.
YOU are not alone.
YOU are a part of a great movement, what is now a millions strong collective-consciousness, what will become a billions strong collective-consciousness as your work progresses.

YOU don't know your colleagues, yet now you see them everywhere.
When you seek truth you find them. NOT in the provider of information, whom you will not give your faith to, but in the countless comments.

COUNTLESS millions of human beings that KNOW this reality is all wrong.
That it is Evil when it should be Good.

We Are about to join hands across our world.
We will have no leaders, because WE know leaders can be got at, leaders can be false.

Instead, We will have a shared understanding.

That our human world should be built on the foundations of love.

We Are about to change the world.
YOU feel it, instinctively.

It is this change that the legacy Power is resisting with all its might.
But YOU KNOW, instinctively, that it will not be successful.
Because We Are more than seven billion human beings.
Put that on your T-shirt.
On your bumper sticker.
In your window.
11:11 2020

This change will be peaceful.
This change will be calm.
This change will be organised.
This change will mark the end of a dark epoch and the beginning of an epoch of light, of joy, of wonders.

YOU are aware, instinctively, that this reality is a creation.

YOU have drawn away from organised religion, but feel an affinity with good, with love, with care and understand that this affinity makes YOU part of a one-ness with creation.
That this affinity makes YOU a part of something much, much greater.

THIS is the destiny of humanity.
To create, together, a world of love.
THIS was always your purpose here.

YOU feel drawn to truth, have come to despise lies.
YOU feel drawn to co-operation, knowing that co-operation is the human way.
You want to help.
You want to be helped when in need.
YOU have come to distrust competition where the result is misery, yet love competition where the result is excitement and shared joy.

YOU are in possession of simple truths, and know that those simple truths outweigh a mountain of complexity.
YOU know that money creates and sustains evil.
YOU can think the unthinkable, a world without money.
YOU can see the good that will come of it, and KNOW that the detail will follow, the organisation, built on the river of good that will flow through our world.
YOU can imagine a small part of that flow, that organisation.
That is all you need.
WE ARE seven plus billion human beings, and we each have a role to play, each a contribution.
NOTHING is beyond us, once we establish the SIMPLE things, the basis upon which WE can build.
Therefore, fear not this change.
Fear nothing.
There is good out there.
The Moment is coming.

YOU know that humanity is enslaved, and that money and the Power it grants creates that slavery.
YOU know that humanity has been held back and misled.
YOU know that humanity is mostly harmless, and that fools exist.

YOU understand that our history does not reflect the true nature of humanity.
YOU know, rather, that history is the story of a species dominated by a Power that is inhuman in nature.
There is no truth, no good, no care, no love in that Power.
It is NOT as we humans are.
It may be alien, it may be demonic, it may be simply aberrant, psychopathic. It is certainly Satanic, either in the sense of in opposition to your God or simply in its nature satanic, evil.
Whatever its nature, it is in opposition to the great mass of humanity.
We meek souls that will inherit this world and make it good.

YOU see now how humanity as a species is discovering its sense of togetherness.
Finding the simple desires that unite us.
YOU see how the Power in this reality is trying to deny us that unity.

YOU see how we have already begun the incredible journey into our different future.
YOU note the rate of change and understand that it is a result of our growing population.
That the more of us there are, the larger the number of minds, that our collective intelligence grows.
YOU know that the Power has used money to both control knowledge of all kinds and to direct the efforts of our greatest minds.
YOU know that humanity should already be further forwards than we are.

We Are late, late.
For an incredibly important date.
20 20

Don't worry about the detail.
We Are Legion.
Billions of us, together, can resolve EVERY problem.

This evolution is from the ground up.
Every business, every endeavour, everything WE do as a species is the product of OUR effort.

We will forget money.
We will forget the “ownership” that has been stolen by those that create fake money.
WE will OWN the world.
WE will choose those that manage, those that organise.
THEIR objectives will not be for profit.'
Rather they will be for the fulfillment of human needs and desires, driven by the desire to bring good to the world.

WHAT do YOU need to do now?

Simply know in your heart what your duty is to humanity, remember why you are here at this time and trust that instinct.


There is a significance to those numbers.
We Are close.

Seek not for what divides you from others, what separates.
Not skin, not creed, not gender, not tribe, not nation, not beliefs.

Look instead for the human-heartedness that dwells within we billions.

The deep desire to give and receive LOVE.
The deep desire for truth and for forgiveness.
The deep understanding that we share our world, and so should share its harvest.
The knowledge that We Are all different, and that difference makes US glorious.

The Power is dying.
Like the cornered rat it is, it is showing its teeth.
Money and hierarchy, as WE SEE, are its fangs.
But they are old, gnarled, weak, calciferous, crumbling before our eyes..
They are old dogs now, their bark is worse than their bite.



  1. Hello from the mountains of Malaga.Thankyou for your wonderful posts.I visit every day now to warm my heart.

  2. Hi Marf,
    That warms our hearts to hear. Thank you,
    Olive and Aktina xxx xxx xxx


We love to hear what you think, thanks.