Monday 15 June 2020

Questions answered.

  1. Someone left a comment that raised questions that need answering.
  2. You may share these concerns. We hope you will find some resonance and understandings in our answers that allow you to see past the present reality and imagine the world that is approaching for our species

  3. "How do you propose life without currencies? Is it possible for people to trade and make for a living without money?" 
  4. It is difficult, having grown into an ancient system that has been dominated by competing powers and by until fairly recently competing fake money creators to imagine a world that is not divided by such control instruments. WE see now that there is a de facto world government and a de facto world currency (ie debt originating from private banks). In OUR human future there will be a myriad of communities, not necessarily nations as they are today, but WE humans will organise internationally because our world is a complex piece of machinery and every cog is vital to its operation. The governing principle will not be competition nor the lust for power but rather cooperation, sharing, good will and the desire for happiness. To imagine this simply remember that the very idea of "trading" did not happen within tribes, where sharing was a base principle. It happened between tribes, as did acts of territorial aggression, but we never got to witness how those tribes would have civilised and formed peaceful unions because they were annihilated. Further, those tribes operated without money systems and so we never got to learn how a moneyless system would have developed over time.
  5. It is vital to cast from your mind a number of legacy structures that currently organise the world. Take for example systems of hierarchy. These all stem from the power of money and the legacy power of kings or from governments that are merely puppets of the string pullers. Now imagine within each organisation, in a money free world, decision makers being chosen because they are most capable of producing the best effect from the least work bearing in mind the satisfaction of some human need. The great corporations that the Power now "owns" will still exist, still operate efficiently because they work, but the motivation will not be profit but rather the fulfilment of needs. What will emerge from this change is the halting of practices which are harmful or damaging that stem from these corporations. Remember ALL pollution stems from the great corporations. WE will with care manage the gradual shift of these organisational practices to maintain production until "greener" and less harmful practices can take their place.

  6. "Currency exists because primitive exchange of goods didn't work at some point, as communities became bigger, and now our community is global. "
  7. See above. "Primitive" exchange of goods was not given the chance to work. Mercantilism, mercantile law and fake money were shoved down the throats of humanity by Empire after Empire. History is the history of the installation of this system everywhere until a single Power dominated reality.
  8. What happens then to all the people whose jobs are in retail? You are an independent farmer. But many people don't want to be farmers at all, what do you do with the people who want to be astronauts or ballerinas? 
  9. First, don't get attached to the idea of "employment" and "unemployment", there being a negative consequence to the latter. Our species enjoys certain things, needs other things and there is no reason at all why that should not continue. Interestingly there will be no social distinction between people based on occupation. The work of a trash collector is as vital to our society as that of a senior manager (and I have done both).
  10. In the 50's automation and organisation and scientific advances meant that we could back then dream of a world where there was more leisure, shorter working weeks. In a factory of 10,000 a new machine could produce either a factory of 10,000 working fewer hours OR a factory of 5,000 working just as hard and 5,000 suffering "unemployment". In our coming human world, we'll take the easier route. It makes sense once there is not the lust for profit driven by management at the behest of the money power. Similarly there are countless "jobs" which now revolve around counting, moving or merely accumulating "money". Those will vanish, leaving those human beings the opportunity to find something of use to our species to occupy themselves. 
  11. "What happens with the criminals, will prisons, police and intelligence agencies also be voluntary or what, and how to protect people and states from criminals and other states who might declare war, and how will you defend yourself without complex products when another side threatens you with nuclear weapons and smart projectiles?" 
  12. WE will deal with criminality as we always have done, but reassure yourself that justice will apply to all and that money will not exist with which to buy immunity. WE will have our police, but consider what level of crime is committed just to accumulate "money", how many organised crimes could not operate without "money". There will still be crime, theft of stuff, bullying and acts of violence, still be idiots and they will be dealt with. "Other states that declare war" are ideas from the past. Ordinary human beings never declare wars, only get to fight them and kill or be killed and in every case this has been on the instructions of Power. WE will never have such concentrated Power again. There will be a world wide understanding that prevents the rise of demonic creatures that take power over a population and turn them to war. When we say "everything will change" we mean just that. WE human beings know, by now, that there are monsters among us that lust for Power and lust for killing and delight in creating misery. First WE will remove money, the source of control, the instrument which creates propaganda and buys tame bullies. Next WE will restructure our hierarchies and the intent of those hierarchies so that dominance and the ability to create fear are gone. And then WE will be vigilant. WE will educate our children in those characteristics that WE as a species value and also educate our children such that they grow with an understanding of vigilance, decency, honour, courage, the strength of the community and the unwillingness to tolerate usurpers and bullies. The future is a destination, the routes must be planned, the object clear: WE will live in a world free of fear, a world of joy, and WE human beings will make it so. It will take the effort of most of us, but the prize is worth it. 
  13. "Life without currency can only function if we are all more or less farmers and basically living like in the 19th century, without money you won't have internet or electricity or a computer or a truck or complex medical equipment and medication, because one or a few people cannot produce a truck or a computer to trade it with others for food, or to give it away. You have to have entire industries for complex products like that, and for industries to exist money must exist. What about metallurgy, and other raw material industries, or shall will go back to making everything out of wood and pulling carts with horses? Do people want to live in a world without any complex and advanced products? Would you be ready to farm without a truck, only with mechanical tools like in the Middle Ages? Because that's what life without money when fully applied really comes down to. I think that life without money will not work for the reasons listed above, there may be small communes of people who choose to live so, and that's that. You yourself use industry products that require money to be manufactured, because it takes too many stages and several industries and many people to source materials, parts and manufacture the final product to rally people in such an organized way." 
  14. There is no reason at all why we should not actually improve our technical civilisation, in fact WE will advance much more rapidly. Example: At the moment an invention is protected (for money!) by intellectual property and by patents so that others cannot benefit from that move forwards and so that one corporation can make more profit or put others out of business. WE will have guilds across our world so that the best technology and newest developments can be spread quickly to the benefit of our species. WE will not do this without care. WE will not hide truths that make products dangerous merely to make "profit". So our pharmaceutical researchers will expose the true natures of some of our drugs (those that make prescription drugs the USA's second biggest killer?). So vaccine producers will remove harmful ingredients. So corners that are cut in manufacture to produce planned obsolescence will disappear. So a proper measurement and carefully planned usage of limited resources will be made. So a more equitable society will develop, such that none starve even in those remote places where peoples prefer to continue a "simple" existence.
  15. These things would be just a dream were the great evolutionary change not coming. Once humanity can see clearly an opportunity then humanity CAN shape reality to achieve that ambition. WE can clearly see the legacy of misplaced Power in our world and the energy of fake "money" that sustains it and helps it produce fear, misery and untimely death. Now WE see it, we know as a species how to deal with it. Ignore "money", change the power structures in the hierarchies "money" sustains, keep calm and carry on to avoid chaos, operate as a single species at last to do what needs to be done. It is with simple understandings and universally shared ambitions that this great change will be made easy for our species and the human-hearted world will be born.
  16. "You are suggesting a global change but societies are so different, you will always have North Koreas or terrorist organizations, you have to be prepared to defend yourself. But the biggest issue of all is that so many people are greedy and love money, how do we detect and change them or eliminate them from their positions? Just 10 or 100 of bad people cannot pull off a global scheme on their own. Evil people in high positions rely on millions and millions of cogs that keep turning because so many people love money and think they can take it with them when they die, and that's how corruption lives on. To which Jesus is the only answer that I know. But how honest someone is in faith, it's very individual. The way of life that you propose existed in early Christian communes and we read about some of that in the New testament. It fell apart because some people were corrupt or lazy leeches, and ultimately it was unsustainable. "A little leaven spoils the whole batch" and that's why the system is always corrupt, it will never be corruption free." 
  17. Early tribal human beings didn't tolerate "lazy leeches" and nor will WE. Our future society will rely on billions of tiny cogs. But they will share an understanding. That WE have created a world free of debt. That WE have removed the source and motivation of unwarranted Power, the source and motivation of most crime, the source and motivation of so much that causes fear. Sure, there'll still be pockets of corruption. But never again vast orchestrated corruption that misshapes our reality and makes it EVIL as we have now. WE will grow to love this world of peace and each one of us will be its vigilant protectors, for there will be much to lose were WE ever to forget the legacy Power WE will have denied the control of our human lives. WE will have certainty. Certainty of peace, certainty of food and clothing, certainty of freedom from fear at every level, certainty of a decent roof and a place to call home, certainty of freedom with the knowledge that those that do harm will be dealt with, certainty of as much joy as WE can collectively create in this world of good will. 
  18. These things will come. It is our human destiny. It is our destiny because such a world has been the ambition of the overwhelming majority of human beings since we began. It is our destiny because WE ARE so many and between we billions ANYTHING is possible. Forget the past, instead imagine the future and how WE human-hearted, in our billions, can MAKE this work. 
  19. "Then there is the issue of welfare and safety. People will always choose to rely on predictably being paid for their work in order to buy goods for themselves and their family, instead of wondering if they will be given enough for their sustenance by others. There are too many problems with money free system in practical application to look at it with rose tinted glasses, and the biggest problem is the problem of evil in man."
  20. The world is full of stuff and human energy. There is no reason at all why our species cannot reassure each other of the continued use of and the distribution of that stuff through our energy. What there will not be is a Power that misdirects, that operates unjustly, that actively milks every human being and concentrates the power that brings in "money" form and uses that "money" to create the misery we witness. 
  21. Forget the past, imagine the future, and know that there will be 7 billion human beings on your side. WE ARE the masters of this reality, and WE ARE good. Our time approaches, dear friends.
Leave a comment. Click to follow. Spread these understandings. The future draws close. 11:11 2020
With Love,
Aktina Pempti and Olive Farmer
xxx xxx xxx

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