Thursday, 18 June 2020

Something we blogged 10 years ago,,,,coming true now.....

Be your own hero.

Change is in the wind.
Who knows what will be the catalyst for the impending great change, this epochal difference that the world will turn to in the next couple of years?
Our global masters are following their own agenda, an agenda entirely directed towards preventing what they understand is coming, a last ditch effort to control the minds of humanity, to control the essences of life (food, drink, air, freedom, friendship and community, thought, health), to forestall and even stop altogether what is inevitable and "written".
They know it's coming. The end to 5,000 years of misery endured under their sovereignty, the end to war and starvation and hatred and the poisoning of our mother earth, the rebirth of humanity and the coming 5.000 years of peace and love.
There will be an end to fear, and end to drudgery, and end to sickness, an end to lies.
What do I mean by "written"?
By written I mean the great swell of prediction and sign that cumulatively present prophesy, prophesy that will become self fulfilling because the expectation of humanity is becoming heightened, because collectively we are getting in the mood for change, because as a species we are feeling the need for it, because as a species we are expecting, hoping for and believing we are capable of a different way.
Because we are being driven to it.
And because we want it, the hive mind will make it happen.
There is a switch in every person, a switch which will turn off the body mind, the ego, the selfish fool that has looked after our bodies, the vessel carrying our higher selves. Our higher selves will take over and there can be only one end when that happens: rebirth, evolution, call it what you will it is imminent.
Stick around. Things are about to happen and, whilst the global scum will try their hardest to wreak what havoc they can, the end is inevitable.
So stick around.
It is this very sense of hope for change that Obama subverted in his campaign, drawing the blind seekers towards the dim glimmer of hope, a dim glimmer that spluttered and died as soon as the lackey got into the job but still lives as an echo in the minds of the gullible fools who fell for the big lie.
Our masters will line up others for us in the same vein.Messianic figures will appear and appeal to the disenchanted. The disenchantment will be stirred up by the global scum just as the herdsman drives the herd. In the end, that direction is always the slaughterhouse and leading the great swell towards the brink will come their appointed puppet wearing the cloak of love and peace, this Judas goat, this figure of hope. Out will come the arcane symbology, the signs that appeal to the inner core of humankind, the shapes we see today in corporate logos, subtle chimes that ring bells and push buttons in the psyche.
Fear will be heightened, great tragedies will be arranged, secret weapons against the body and the mind will be unleashed. The chemtrail mystery will be no longer a mystery, revealed as the great preventative tool that it is, designed to deny us our ascendancy.
Do you ever wonder why it is so rare that we see the beautiful works of art that are known as crop circles in the main stream media? They speak in symbols too, but symbols that the controllers don't want you to see, don't want you to feel the resonance of.
It will not be enough. None of their efforts will be enough. Not the enormous conflagration they intend for us, nor the pandemics they will unleash, not the subtle and sneaky mind control weapons nor the blatant and obvious propaganda.
The global scum and their lackeys will simply cease to be believed.
Once humanity ceases to believe in the false reality, then we can look for and find the truth, and that truth will, at last, at last set us free.
The truth is this: they are few, they are weak, we are many, we are strong.
The global scum will, like any cornered animal, lash out with a visciousness never before witnessed.
They would rather we were all dead than allow us to become free. This is how small minded and wicked they are, these perverts that relish the distress of children, glory in the death of new life, grin as they wipe the blood from their maws.
When this occurs, it will be as well to remember it takes a human being to pull a trigger. A human being to let go the biological seeds of destruction. A human being to wield the whip, to pour the water that is torture, to bully and cajole us. And if they too at last see the light, these misguided human beings, who will there be to sustain the pyramid of power? Who will remain amongst the multitude still willing to be a traitor to their species, the last of a foul lackey mis-breed heading for extinction, cursed forever and remembered as a lesson of how low we can become lest we are vigilant?
We human beings will have to re-invent the way we do things from the base up. Fundamentals like happiness, good natural health, freedom from fear and debt, caring and sharing, repairing the damage to our planet and restoring the environment, stripping out the poisons from the world, gifting justice and equality in a real sense to all peoples, learning every day how to do many things better, how to stop doing things we don't require, how to relax and enjoy our home as we are entitled to in friendship and love with all of our fellows.
We will have to forget SELF.
Learn to trust.
This great future, this impending new reality, is the only way for mankind to choose. There is no viable alternative. The age old paradigms must be consigned to history at this, the last brink, the edge of the void to which we have been driven. If we do not do this, there will be no future worth living for those that survive the horrors we have already committed and daily commit. Our planet will become the cesspool we daily make it, our children will never breathe clean air, eat unpoisoned food, drink pure and natural water, walk the street in safety, have true friends, find happiness, be out of the debt that enslaves. This is already the reality for most.
And that's enough of all of that, isn't it?
To begin this process we must all of us that are aware give leadership to those that are lost. It's hard. We end up being ridiculed and abused. But it's the only thing worth fighting for, fighting with the weapons of peace and love and just not complying with what our global scum masters want us to do. Say no to their evils as many times as you can in as many ways as their control over all aspects of our lives allows you to do.
And then some.
Someone has to be first in your neighbourhood. Someone has to take the steps into the light. Someone has to stand the abuse, the potential arrests as time goes by and the situation gets closer.
Be you own hero.
Do it with love and peace.
The future awaits your heroism.
Love to you,
OLive Farmer xxx

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Prophecy from our ancestors......

Know that the Power in the world has tried to steal the rainbow symbol and use it to their own ends and for their own devious purposes.
Forget that, forget them. Their time here is done, and the future is human-hearted.
11:11 2020 is OUR time.


The following prophecies are a selection taken from

There are many more similar prophecies around the world.

"When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the rainbow." -- Old Native American Prophecy

"There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go. Many creatures thought to be extinct or mythical will resurface at this time; the great trees that perished will return almost overnight. All living things will flourish, drawing sustenance from the breast of our Mother, the Earth.

The great spiritual Teachers who walked the Earth and taught the basics of the truths of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy will return and walk amongst us once more, sharing their power and understanding with all. We will learn how to see and hear in a sacred manner. Men and women will be equals in the way Creator intended them to be; all children will be safe anywhere they want to go. Elders will be respected and valued for their contributions to life. Their wisdom will be sought out. The whole Human race will be called The People and there will be no more war, sickness or hunger forever."
-- Navajo / Hopi Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow

"Among the few who possess inner strength to resist the mass unconsciousness will rise a new neo-indigenous people. Prophecies foretell of a people who will rise from earth's ashes like the Thunderbird, symbolizing rebirth. They will bring balance and harmony back to Mother Earth. The first of these beings will come as teachers and storytellers to remind us of ancient truths of the star people and beyond. They will be pathfinders leading the way to a new universe, a new reality.

Great leaders, Warriors and Shamans of many nations will be born and they will cleanse the earth for rebirth. Next will come the Planters sowing seeds of truth, justice and freedom. The Storytellers, Warriors and Planters will live in the way of the Great Spirit and teach ways to keep Mother of the Ground sacred forevermore. They will be called Rainbow Warriors for they will gather the four sacred directions, all distinctly separate but forever connected in the Circle of Life."
-- Lee Standing Bear Moore, Manataka American Indian Council

"There is truth in the prophecies of the Rainbow and the Rainbow people. People from all of the Americas will unite with people from all the other nations, and they will realize that we are all Family, brothers and sisters. This is not my personal vision, but the cosmic vision presented by all the elders, a vision that we all share." -- Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez, Maya Elders Council, Guatemala

"As Native Americans, we believe the Rainbow is a sign from the Spirit in all things. It is a sign of the union of all people, like one big family. The unity of all humanity, many tribes and peoples, is essential." -- Late Thomas Banyacya, Spokesman, Hopi traditional elders, Hotevilla

"This difficult time has seen the beginning of a new nation of multicolored beings. The seeds of the four directions have mixed together to create the first Rainbow people. It is written in time and in the memory of the Indian peoples that our sun will rise again, that we will be able to reestablish our culture: its arts, sciences, mathematics and religion. Mayan knowledge will come forward again. It is for this reason that we, of the Amerindian communities, are once again uniting to reestablish our entire culture." -- Hunbatz Men, Hereditary keeper of the Mayan tradition.

"We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge." -- Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota.

THEY SPEAK OF THE COMING "WORLD-MIND", that shared understanding between we billions and our collective yearning for a better world, OUR HUMAN-HEARTED FUTURE.

With Love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti
xxx xxx xxx

Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses

We speak of the collective consciousness and the world mind that's coming. Our rulers saw us coming, of course. It is for WE to shape that collective consciousness. Get busy.

Monday, 15 June 2020

Hope for Change

We often capitalise the words We Are or WE ARE.
This is because we human beings are about to evolve, and we wish to separate our future selves from the poor frantic creatures we are at present and have been for some long time.

The date for the beginning of this evolution is 11:11 2020.
Mark that date and work towards it.

It will happen quickly, so we capitalise the words “The Moment” to describe this historic change.
It will come, so prepare for it.

When this happens, everything will change, so we capitalise the words “Start Again” to capture the spirit of this great change.

This will not be the miserable “new normal” threatened by our masters, though it may come about because of that terrible new normal. Instead, it will be a world which is fundamentally different from the ground up, and different in a good way.
Be ready to help make this great change orderly and peaceful. You will be among many friends.

We will produce this change in peace and cooperation, with organisation and good order, so we capitalise the words “Keep Calm and Carry On” to describe how this will be achieved.

11:11 2020
The Moment
Start Again
Keep Calm and Carry On

WE ARE the new humanity.

History will record these times, these momentous changes, with those words.
They will spread, soon, to become the world wide mantra of a species taking charge of its destiny and ordering its world to reflect its spirit, its human-heartedness.

Open your imagination to this World Mind, this spirit of humanity, the collective consciousness of our species that will come into being on 11th November 2020.

Do what YOU can to spread this understanding.
It is time to wake up to your duty

The Power complacently believes that YOU, and millions like YOU, will do nothing but watch and whine and wait for a “leader”!

But YOU and millions like YOU are right now forming the spearhead of the awakening World Mind.
You and millions like you are the first stirrings of a new future for humanity, the birth of the World Mind, the spirit of humanity.

We guess YOU always had a sense of this, right?

You will be courageous, you will act with honour, your will hold to your conscience and your innate understanding of right and wrong, you will use your energy and your wits and your determination to guide our species out of the darkness and into the broad, sunlit uplands of our coming world of wonder.

You have been misjudged by an enemy that underrates you and believes it controls your inactivity.

Share THIS among WE millions of the “awake” that seek, now, an idea that will unify us all.
Share it among WE “awake” that seek, now, a way forward that will deny the Power of its chief weapon of oppression: Money and the hierarchies sustained by money.

Those things are of the past.
Not our future.
Fix those ideas in your mind and imagine the world we can create from the love that will blossom once WE are free of that parasite and its instruments of control.

Money has proved unworthy of our species and will soon be forgotten in the great upsurging of joy that will begin our human future.

This post reflects our understanding of this reality and from that our certain knowledge of what we humans are about to create.

These understandings come from study and inward reflection, but they also “arrived” as they are “arriving” now in millions of WE human beings as our “World-Mind”, the collective consciousness of our human species, is born into this reality.

Every second of every day more human beings come to understand what is being done to us and the source of the energy that makes these crimes possible.

In the past WE have reacted with fear, with anger, been herded into division and violence as we see right now. But this time those that create these divisions and propagandised this violence by shaping the consciousness of the masses and staging trigger events, those enemies of our species, have made an error.

In their arrogance they believe they can overcome the rising spirit of seven billion human beings and so prevent the birth of our World Mind.

They believe that the data they collect on us will allow them to shape world events moment by moment until chaos reigns and we humans are desperate.
They believe that their control of the internet and what appears there will save them from US.

But the World Mind is coming.
WE ARE unstoppable.

It is this World-Mind that the power that has held humanity in its grip for millennia is now struggling to abort.

The times we are living through, our humanity riven and divided by created fake crises, mean that the birth of the World-Mind will not be without its difficulties.

But be reassured. WE ARE unstoppable.

These understandings will demonstrate that WE ARE a species which is about to progress through an evolutionary phase. This evolution is our human destiny.

It is the evolutionary process through which WE will, as a species, change the nature of this reality to reflect that which the collective consciousness recognises as essentially human, essentially good. That this new reality is fundamentally in opposition to the world we live in today goes without saying. 

Whilst we human beings mostly have an instinctive urge to good those that control our world and all its essential levers of power are essentially inhuman, stand in opposition to the vast numbers of we humans that are instinctively good.

Our world today and our known history evidence that the power in this reality has, for centuries, had a callous indifference to human suffering and misery.

More, our history and our present demonstrate that our rulers have a determination to kill, to kill en-masse, to kill without mercy.

There are still many human beings so lost in the misplaced belief in the idea that they are “free” and have power through “democracy”, so lost in their belief in the endless stream of propaganda through all forms of media, so lost in the reality shaped by other lost human beings that repeat and debate the mantras and agendas and propaganda of the power that they cannot see with absolute clarity these simple facts:
Power is unified now across our globe.
Power is dedicated to the creation of human suffering.
Power is callous and indifferent to humanity.
Power derives its energy from the money it creates from thin air.
Power uses this fake money energy to grow rich while our species suffers.
Power enjoys killing, and is killing us now.

It is these simple facts that WE must spread, that WE must wedge into the understanding of our brothers and sisters.

WE face a common enemy, we human beings.
It is the Power in this reality.

11:11 2020
The Moment
Start Again
Keep Calm and Carry On



This does not mean that we will develop super powers, at least not in the way they are portrayed in comics and movies, but it does mean that WE ARE as a species about to take control of the shaping of our reality and transform that reality into a world of good. From that transformation a period of intense and one could say miraculous advances will blossom. Our reality will undergo fundamental changes, seeing the removal of hardship and want, the removal of sickness and the extension of life, the production of plenty in ways that nourish our biosphere and cause our world to flower, the complete removal of almost all sources of fear, the total end to war, the total end to injustice. This evolution will see the rebirth of those human characteristics we hold so dear and yet are so little practiced in THIS reality. Characteristics which stem from love: Generosity, honour, dignity, pride, strength, fairness, a strong sense of obligation, caring, fun.
Let's go there, shall we?

Questions answered.

  1. Someone left a comment that raised questions that need answering.
  2. You may share these concerns. We hope you will find some resonance and understandings in our answers that allow you to see past the present reality and imagine the world that is approaching for our species

  3. "How do you propose life without currencies? Is it possible for people to trade and make for a living without money?" 
  4. It is difficult, having grown into an ancient system that has been dominated by competing powers and by until fairly recently competing fake money creators to imagine a world that is not divided by such control instruments. WE see now that there is a de facto world government and a de facto world currency (ie debt originating from private banks). In OUR human future there will be a myriad of communities, not necessarily nations as they are today, but WE humans will organise internationally because our world is a complex piece of machinery and every cog is vital to its operation. The governing principle will not be competition nor the lust for power but rather cooperation, sharing, good will and the desire for happiness. To imagine this simply remember that the very idea of "trading" did not happen within tribes, where sharing was a base principle. It happened between tribes, as did acts of territorial aggression, but we never got to witness how those tribes would have civilised and formed peaceful unions because they were annihilated. Further, those tribes operated without money systems and so we never got to learn how a moneyless system would have developed over time.
  5. It is vital to cast from your mind a number of legacy structures that currently organise the world. Take for example systems of hierarchy. These all stem from the power of money and the legacy power of kings or from governments that are merely puppets of the string pullers. Now imagine within each organisation, in a money free world, decision makers being chosen because they are most capable of producing the best effect from the least work bearing in mind the satisfaction of some human need. The great corporations that the Power now "owns" will still exist, still operate efficiently because they work, but the motivation will not be profit but rather the fulfilment of needs. What will emerge from this change is the halting of practices which are harmful or damaging that stem from these corporations. Remember ALL pollution stems from the great corporations. WE will with care manage the gradual shift of these organisational practices to maintain production until "greener" and less harmful practices can take their place.

  6. "Currency exists because primitive exchange of goods didn't work at some point, as communities became bigger, and now our community is global. "
  7. See above. "Primitive" exchange of goods was not given the chance to work. Mercantilism, mercantile law and fake money were shoved down the throats of humanity by Empire after Empire. History is the history of the installation of this system everywhere until a single Power dominated reality.
  8. What happens then to all the people whose jobs are in retail? You are an independent farmer. But many people don't want to be farmers at all, what do you do with the people who want to be astronauts or ballerinas? 
  9. First, don't get attached to the idea of "employment" and "unemployment", there being a negative consequence to the latter. Our species enjoys certain things, needs other things and there is no reason at all why that should not continue. Interestingly there will be no social distinction between people based on occupation. The work of a trash collector is as vital to our society as that of a senior manager (and I have done both).
  10. In the 50's automation and organisation and scientific advances meant that we could back then dream of a world where there was more leisure, shorter working weeks. In a factory of 10,000 a new machine could produce either a factory of 10,000 working fewer hours OR a factory of 5,000 working just as hard and 5,000 suffering "unemployment". In our coming human world, we'll take the easier route. It makes sense once there is not the lust for profit driven by management at the behest of the money power. Similarly there are countless "jobs" which now revolve around counting, moving or merely accumulating "money". Those will vanish, leaving those human beings the opportunity to find something of use to our species to occupy themselves. 
  11. "What happens with the criminals, will prisons, police and intelligence agencies also be voluntary or what, and how to protect people and states from criminals and other states who might declare war, and how will you defend yourself without complex products when another side threatens you with nuclear weapons and smart projectiles?" 
  12. WE will deal with criminality as we always have done, but reassure yourself that justice will apply to all and that money will not exist with which to buy immunity. WE will have our police, but consider what level of crime is committed just to accumulate "money", how many organised crimes could not operate without "money". There will still be crime, theft of stuff, bullying and acts of violence, still be idiots and they will be dealt with. "Other states that declare war" are ideas from the past. Ordinary human beings never declare wars, only get to fight them and kill or be killed and in every case this has been on the instructions of Power. WE will never have such concentrated Power again. There will be a world wide understanding that prevents the rise of demonic creatures that take power over a population and turn them to war. When we say "everything will change" we mean just that. WE human beings know, by now, that there are monsters among us that lust for Power and lust for killing and delight in creating misery. First WE will remove money, the source of control, the instrument which creates propaganda and buys tame bullies. Next WE will restructure our hierarchies and the intent of those hierarchies so that dominance and the ability to create fear are gone. And then WE will be vigilant. WE will educate our children in those characteristics that WE as a species value and also educate our children such that they grow with an understanding of vigilance, decency, honour, courage, the strength of the community and the unwillingness to tolerate usurpers and bullies. The future is a destination, the routes must be planned, the object clear: WE will live in a world free of fear, a world of joy, and WE human beings will make it so. It will take the effort of most of us, but the prize is worth it. 
  13. "Life without currency can only function if we are all more or less farmers and basically living like in the 19th century, without money you won't have internet or electricity or a computer or a truck or complex medical equipment and medication, because one or a few people cannot produce a truck or a computer to trade it with others for food, or to give it away. You have to have entire industries for complex products like that, and for industries to exist money must exist. What about metallurgy, and other raw material industries, or shall will go back to making everything out of wood and pulling carts with horses? Do people want to live in a world without any complex and advanced products? Would you be ready to farm without a truck, only with mechanical tools like in the Middle Ages? Because that's what life without money when fully applied really comes down to. I think that life without money will not work for the reasons listed above, there may be small communes of people who choose to live so, and that's that. You yourself use industry products that require money to be manufactured, because it takes too many stages and several industries and many people to source materials, parts and manufacture the final product to rally people in such an organized way." 
  14. There is no reason at all why we should not actually improve our technical civilisation, in fact WE will advance much more rapidly. Example: At the moment an invention is protected (for money!) by intellectual property and by patents so that others cannot benefit from that move forwards and so that one corporation can make more profit or put others out of business. WE will have guilds across our world so that the best technology and newest developments can be spread quickly to the benefit of our species. WE will not do this without care. WE will not hide truths that make products dangerous merely to make "profit". So our pharmaceutical researchers will expose the true natures of some of our drugs (those that make prescription drugs the USA's second biggest killer?). So vaccine producers will remove harmful ingredients. So corners that are cut in manufacture to produce planned obsolescence will disappear. So a proper measurement and carefully planned usage of limited resources will be made. So a more equitable society will develop, such that none starve even in those remote places where peoples prefer to continue a "simple" existence.
  15. These things would be just a dream were the great evolutionary change not coming. Once humanity can see clearly an opportunity then humanity CAN shape reality to achieve that ambition. WE can clearly see the legacy of misplaced Power in our world and the energy of fake "money" that sustains it and helps it produce fear, misery and untimely death. Now WE see it, we know as a species how to deal with it. Ignore "money", change the power structures in the hierarchies "money" sustains, keep calm and carry on to avoid chaos, operate as a single species at last to do what needs to be done. It is with simple understandings and universally shared ambitions that this great change will be made easy for our species and the human-hearted world will be born.
  16. "You are suggesting a global change but societies are so different, you will always have North Koreas or terrorist organizations, you have to be prepared to defend yourself. But the biggest issue of all is that so many people are greedy and love money, how do we detect and change them or eliminate them from their positions? Just 10 or 100 of bad people cannot pull off a global scheme on their own. Evil people in high positions rely on millions and millions of cogs that keep turning because so many people love money and think they can take it with them when they die, and that's how corruption lives on. To which Jesus is the only answer that I know. But how honest someone is in faith, it's very individual. The way of life that you propose existed in early Christian communes and we read about some of that in the New testament. It fell apart because some people were corrupt or lazy leeches, and ultimately it was unsustainable. "A little leaven spoils the whole batch" and that's why the system is always corrupt, it will never be corruption free." 
  17. Early tribal human beings didn't tolerate "lazy leeches" and nor will WE. Our future society will rely on billions of tiny cogs. But they will share an understanding. That WE have created a world free of debt. That WE have removed the source and motivation of unwarranted Power, the source and motivation of most crime, the source and motivation of so much that causes fear. Sure, there'll still be pockets of corruption. But never again vast orchestrated corruption that misshapes our reality and makes it EVIL as we have now. WE will grow to love this world of peace and each one of us will be its vigilant protectors, for there will be much to lose were WE ever to forget the legacy Power WE will have denied the control of our human lives. WE will have certainty. Certainty of peace, certainty of food and clothing, certainty of freedom from fear at every level, certainty of a decent roof and a place to call home, certainty of freedom with the knowledge that those that do harm will be dealt with, certainty of as much joy as WE can collectively create in this world of good will. 
  18. These things will come. It is our human destiny. It is our destiny because such a world has been the ambition of the overwhelming majority of human beings since we began. It is our destiny because WE ARE so many and between we billions ANYTHING is possible. Forget the past, instead imagine the future and how WE human-hearted, in our billions, can MAKE this work. 
  19. "Then there is the issue of welfare and safety. People will always choose to rely on predictably being paid for their work in order to buy goods for themselves and their family, instead of wondering if they will be given enough for their sustenance by others. There are too many problems with money free system in practical application to look at it with rose tinted glasses, and the biggest problem is the problem of evil in man."
  20. The world is full of stuff and human energy. There is no reason at all why our species cannot reassure each other of the continued use of and the distribution of that stuff through our energy. What there will not be is a Power that misdirects, that operates unjustly, that actively milks every human being and concentrates the power that brings in "money" form and uses that "money" to create the misery we witness. 
  21. Forget the past, imagine the future, and know that there will be 7 billion human beings on your side. WE ARE the masters of this reality, and WE ARE good. Our time approaches, dear friends.
Leave a comment. Click to follow. Spread these understandings. The future draws close. 11:11 2020
With Love,
Aktina Pempti and Olive Farmer
xxx xxx xxx

Thursday, 11 June 2020

The Human-Hearted Future

This begins, 11th November, 2020.
20 20


Ask yourself:

Now is the time for humanity to be as wise as serpents.
Now is not the time to be an armchair warrior.


In some way, through clever behavioural psychology, those that create and fund the endless agents of cointelpro have created a separate herd, those that have given their beliefs to the pied pipers of the fake opposition. Such human beings become addicted to information, to the buzz of more bad news, always waiting.......... Aktina and I were this way ourselves.

Then we took the next step of understanding and saw humanity's enemy controlling its own opposition, as you would expect them to do.

Well, the waiting is over.
NOW we must ACT, and ACT as ONE SPECIES.


A force to be reckoned with?


So, in all humility, we ask you please to click to follow here.
Send no “money”.
Sure, it's just a blog, not some fancy site, not some funded and wealthy organisation.
Aktina and I are not “leaders”.
We have no money to pay for fancy videos, scripted by experts, TO CAPTURE YOUR MIND.

We are not “charismatic” at all!

But what humanity NEEDS right now is SOMEWHERE where WE can be counted.
This can not be denied.
WE must as a species find togetherness.
Unite behind a strategy and a shared will.
And until and unless we find that unity, we are lost.

Here you will find a few simple ideas will deny those in Power their ability to destroy our world and our species.

The first is that we human beings are mostly alike, unified in a desire for a different and better world.
Therefore WE ARE ALREADY billions strong, and the world should reflect OUR HUMAN desires.

The second is that the world's Power is created entirely by money, and that so long as a tiny few own the right to create money then that tiny few will, FOREVER, hold dominion over every hierarchy in every society.
That ugly forever is what we must set ourselves against, and now.

Together, those ideas lead to an understanding which will shape the future of our species.




And the future will have begun.

This is no “communism”, no “national socialism”.
It is something new, yet something very old.
It is the way we human beings, everywhere, organised between us in the days before our tribes were swallowed up by the Empires and our human traditions and understandings ground beneath the merciless heel of power, ...... the same power that gave us “money”.

WE ARE all descendants of those tribal peoples.
THEY (WE) had no such thing as “money”.
They (WE) cooperated to survive and to prosper, we shared work and shared the product of that work.
This is a big idea, difficult for one human being to get their head around.
The Power has made us so reliant on money, so dependent on it for so long.

But, between WE BILLIONS we can all of us:

See just how much that is wrong with this world would NOT EXIST if there were no money.

See that it is money that sustains the great evils in our human world.

Therefore, we SEE the enemy and we SEE where it derives its Power.
Once you SEE the enemy, and know its weakness, so it can be got rid of.

And, between we billions, please see that we can easily find ways to make a world without money work for our species.

How the world will be a better place once we destroy the power of money to corrupt everything it touches.

Frankly, there is no alternative.

Don't look for a charismatic leader:
You know where that always ends.
Don't hope your favourite “truther” will find an alternative strategy........

WE MUST, as a species, deny the Powerful the great source of energy to do harm that money is.
WE MUST do this together, and KNOW, all of us, what we are about.
WE MUST keep calm and carry on and, with love and care and vigilance and resolve, set about reshaping our human reality and making this world GOOD.

Nothing else will do, will it?

The Power, in its arrogance, has already begun its “RESET” of the world.
There is no good in any of it, though they pretend there is.
BUT we humans, in our billions, KNOW THEM for what they are.
And it's time for US to “Start Again” and create our own world order.
Built from the love that is innate within us in our billions.
Our human-heartedness.

So please, click to join here and be counted.
From small acorns do mighty oaks grow.
Or rather, from small seeds to great olive trees grow, those symbols of peace, those life forms capable of many thousands of years of life, forever fruitful.

Help us.
Plant the seed.
Stand here and be counted.

  • Our species is under threat.
  • As more and more millions come to understand this, a “collective-consciousness” is developing.
  • We call this the “World-Mind”.
  • It is the understanding, shared between we billions, that this reality is not as it should be.
  • It is the understanding, shared between we billions, that something should be done.
  • It is the understanding, shared between we billions, that we must act together.
  • It is the understanding, shared between we billions, that we must act quickly.

  • This World-Mind also shares ambitions.
  • We call this shared ambition “human-hearted”.
  • We human beings, our species, shares ambitions which our world does NOT now reflect.

  • WE desire an end to war, and an end to the powerful creating wars between us.
  • WE desire an end to debt, the heavy burden of usury that saddles our species.
  • WE desire an end to the ability, possessed by bankers and those that own the banks, for a tiny few to create as much fake money as they like and then use that fake money to buy our world's resources and to buy our human effort.
  • WE desire a world of true justice, where regardless of their riches and inherited position the powerful can be brought to our courts and tried for the harms they have done, just as we ordinary human beings should be if we have done harm.
  • WE desire a world free of the power of money to corrupt our governments, free of the power of multinational corporations to ride roughshod over ordinary human beings.

YOU could add to this list.
YOU might want to clean up our world of pollution.
YOU might want to end drug dealing.
YOU might want to know that your voice is always heard.
YOU might want to know that our media is truly independent and sworn to truth.
YOU might want to end some wrong being perpetrated that others are less aware of.

In our billions we have an intimate knowledge of one injustice or another.
WE will attend to them, between us.

TO DO SO we must remove the power of money to order human activity.
TO DO SO we must retain our organisations (through which we supply all of our human needs) but we must CHANGE those hierarchies that might wish to order stores to close, order power generation to cease, order lorries to be parked and ships to drop anchor.



WE must act without violence, without looting, without chaos.
Every human being's home, borrowed rented or mortgaged, must become their OWN, respected and protected by our common effort.

WE will change the laws, over time.
Of a roof. Of food. Of clothing. Of heat when it's cold and cool when it's hot.
Keep Calm and Carry On says it all.

The power would expect us to collapse into CHAOS, indeed is creating this chaos RIGHT NOW.

To prevent this chaos, we must find our unity.
20 20
Start here.

Simply add those numbers to every comment you make, every post, every video, every tweet.
Put them in your windows, make posters, make stickers, tee-shirts, caps, whatever.
In this way, those numbers will raise the consciousness of our species.
In our billions WE will prepare.

We Are at war, remember.

YOU have a duty to those you love.
A duty that is all the stronger if they are lost in the fake, engineered reality.
A duty to humanity is not putting it too strongly.

What WE don't need is endless detail about how badly we are being mistreated.
The time for detail is over.
Tell that to your most favourite “truther”.

WE know the bad folks exist, know their source of power, know how to deal with them.

What WE need is this idea, the only idea that will work to deprive the powerful of their power.

What WE need, too, is a unity that every human being understands.

Think about it:
WE need a date.
We need a shared understanding.
We need as many people as possible KNOWING that something is coming.

That, and that alone, is how we fight the relentless propaganda and mind-control of the Power.
By planting a seed in the mass human consciousness.

For years, as Aktina and I studied and researched, we expected one “famous” truther or another to try and gather all of us together, to identify the source of evil's power and point the great weapon that is the human species against that shared enemy.

WE were disappointed, as you have been.

This is just a humble blog, created by a couple of farmers.
Is it possible that something great can grow from such humble beginnings?

By repetition, by a million repetitions, a billion, we hope it can.

Can you think of another way?
If you can, share.

If not, please get busy.

Great movements, these days, can happen in a MOMENT.

What do the numbers stand for?
The future.
A world of difference.

WE humans share 99% of our genes.
We Are one species.
Let's act that way, and take back our world.

You see how our enemy is rushing to close the window of opportunity for our species.
Time is short.

WE must UNITE.
With love in our human hearts.

Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti
With Love and Hope and a Quiet Resolve,
From high in the mountains of Crete.
Xxx xxx xxx

About us:
We organically farm about 12 acres of mountainside olive groves.
We are in our sixties, but through grace still manage to do all the work ourselves, though we are often so tired we can barely move.
Like many Cretan olive farmers, we have endured years of adverse weather, low “prices”, increasing “costs” and some very lean times.
We are grateful for all of that experience, for the tapestry of life needs some colour and variety.
We own no home.
We drive a 35 year old truck.
In effect we have become “peasants” and live a peasant lifestyle.
We accumulate no stuff. We live frugally but mostly healthily.
We share what we have in excess (eggs, mostly!) and receive back fruit and vegetables from people's gardens.
We understand that most of we human beings need only love and certainty to find happiness.
That, and the knowledge that what you do is of use to the whole.
By our labours we produce olive oil that is pure, free of chemicals, and so we help feed people good health.
We would do the same, perhaps with even more conviction, if we did this work just for love.

This is what we believe humanity should focus on.
Because at the end of that road lies the most joy for the most human beings.
After all, are we humans not in pursuit of happiness and contentment?
Should our world not reflect that?

Money and the hierarchies that flow from it?
These are NOT the future.
We have had enough misery.
11:11 2020. 
Share this please.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Masks (Part 2) - The Reasons They want Us To Wear Them

The old guy in a chair gets better and better. NO DOUBT he will arrive at the essential truth, the battle for humanity's survival against the Power of Evil that We Are engaged in right now.
Much love to our increasing number of readers. Please click to follow and leave a comment, as they say.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Mind Control

It's never been more obvious, has it?
For years you've tried to explain things to people, colleagues, friends, family.
For years you've been met with indifference, with blank stares, with hostility, with ridicule, with the lame arguments of the left-brain accumulators of "facts", with scoffing, with being called a "conspiracy theorist"/
But now those human beings that are utterly mind controlled have never been more apparent.

It is beyond obvious now, isn't it?

As we have described here too often, the Power's strategy is to control the collective consciousness of our species.

Though you feel exhausted, though you may wish to give up on them, now is the time you should redouble your efforts.

We don't control the internet, don't have teams of behavioural psychologists to shape our message, don't have billions available to buy media.
But every single moment of every day OUR collective consciousness is spreading.

That's beyond obvious now too, isn't it?
We Are legion.

The World-Mind of humanity is approaching.
Nothing can stop us.
11:11 20 20
When the world changes.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

How the Hell Did We Get Here?

Doctor Coleman hits the nail on the head again. Now he's becoming aware of the war against humanity and the separation that's being engineered.
Fear nothing, dear friends. Tough times ahead, but there is GOOD out there and it is our destiny.

Friday, 5 June 2020

The World Mind

What our masters know, but few of we humans yet realise, is that our species is developing a world-mind.
For millennia our species has been in effective isolation.
For millennia we have been divided by distance, by artificial differences and real ones (religion and language serve as examples).
For millennia our masters have tried to limit our growth in number, commonly through war, lately through other less obvious means.

Now, through propaganda and technology, they are attempting to seize control of the emerging World-Mind.

As we see, don't We?
Their success is a tissue thin simulacrum, growing weaker every moment of every day.

Think now.
Maybe 4 humans per thousand are exceptionally intelligent.
Maybe 1 person per million is a true genius.
It took around 200,000 years for the world population to reach a billion.
Maybe we had, then, a thousand geniuses.
All separated.
200 years later, we reach 7.5 billion.
7,500 geniuses......

In those last 200 years, as our human race has flourished, we have invented so much that our world has transformed.
But we have not transformed the most obvious thing in need of transformation, the control systems and those that hold power over those systems.

Now that transformation is arriving.

Now, for the first time, we can communicate without any effective barriers.
A mass collective consciousness WILL emerge from this process.
It is already in progress.
And OUR collective intelligence is prodigious.

Our master's entire strategy is focused on preventing humanity from discovering a basic truth:
That we are mostly good, living under a rule which is not.
The moment we all realise this essential truth is the moment we also understand that there is a World-Mind, and that WE know what WE WANT.

This is the emerging collective consciousness of our species.
Here WE come.
11:11 2020
Fear nothing.
The future will be good.
It is the destiny of the World-Mind, our evolved species.

And it is human-hearted.

With Love,
Aktina Pempti
xxx xxx xxx

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

WHY you feel you have a purpose NOW.

Why are YOU here at this time?

What do your instincts tell YOU?
Trust those instincts, weird as they seem.

YOU have reached this site, despite the algorithms, despite the best efforts of the Power.
YOU have always felt, deep down, that you have a purpose in this reality.
YOU have been waiting, all of your life, for the Moment when that purpose becomes clear.
NOW, you understand, that waiting is at an end.

YOU have spent years studying this reality.
YOU have arrived at conclusions.
YOU know that change must come.
YOU know that such change must be fundamental.
YOU know that such change must be created from love.

YOUR purpose is to help humanity take the next step.
YOU are not alone.
YOU are a part of a great movement, what is now a millions strong collective-consciousness, what will become a billions strong collective-consciousness as your work progresses.

YOU don't know your colleagues, yet now you see them everywhere.
When you seek truth you find them. NOT in the provider of information, whom you will not give your faith to, but in the countless comments.

COUNTLESS millions of human beings that KNOW this reality is all wrong.
That it is Evil when it should be Good.

We Are about to join hands across our world.
We will have no leaders, because WE know leaders can be got at, leaders can be false.

Instead, We will have a shared understanding.

That our human world should be built on the foundations of love.

We Are about to change the world.
YOU feel it, instinctively.

It is this change that the legacy Power is resisting with all its might.
But YOU KNOW, instinctively, that it will not be successful.
Because We Are more than seven billion human beings.
Put that on your T-shirt.
On your bumper sticker.
In your window.
11:11 2020

This change will be peaceful.
This change will be calm.
This change will be organised.
This change will mark the end of a dark epoch and the beginning of an epoch of light, of joy, of wonders.

YOU are aware, instinctively, that this reality is a creation.

YOU have drawn away from organised religion, but feel an affinity with good, with love, with care and understand that this affinity makes YOU part of a one-ness with creation.
That this affinity makes YOU a part of something much, much greater.

THIS is the destiny of humanity.
To create, together, a world of love.
THIS was always your purpose here.

YOU feel drawn to truth, have come to despise lies.
YOU feel drawn to co-operation, knowing that co-operation is the human way.
You want to help.
You want to be helped when in need.
YOU have come to distrust competition where the result is misery, yet love competition where the result is excitement and shared joy.

YOU are in possession of simple truths, and know that those simple truths outweigh a mountain of complexity.
YOU know that money creates and sustains evil.
YOU can think the unthinkable, a world without money.
YOU can see the good that will come of it, and KNOW that the detail will follow, the organisation, built on the river of good that will flow through our world.
YOU can imagine a small part of that flow, that organisation.
That is all you need.
WE ARE seven plus billion human beings, and we each have a role to play, each a contribution.
NOTHING is beyond us, once we establish the SIMPLE things, the basis upon which WE can build.
Therefore, fear not this change.
Fear nothing.
There is good out there.
The Moment is coming.

YOU know that humanity is enslaved, and that money and the Power it grants creates that slavery.
YOU know that humanity has been held back and misled.
YOU know that humanity is mostly harmless, and that fools exist.

YOU understand that our history does not reflect the true nature of humanity.
YOU know, rather, that history is the story of a species dominated by a Power that is inhuman in nature.
There is no truth, no good, no care, no love in that Power.
It is NOT as we humans are.
It may be alien, it may be demonic, it may be simply aberrant, psychopathic. It is certainly Satanic, either in the sense of in opposition to your God or simply in its nature satanic, evil.
Whatever its nature, it is in opposition to the great mass of humanity.
We meek souls that will inherit this world and make it good.

YOU see now how humanity as a species is discovering its sense of togetherness.
Finding the simple desires that unite us.
YOU see how the Power in this reality is trying to deny us that unity.

YOU see how we have already begun the incredible journey into our different future.
YOU note the rate of change and understand that it is a result of our growing population.
That the more of us there are, the larger the number of minds, that our collective intelligence grows.
YOU know that the Power has used money to both control knowledge of all kinds and to direct the efforts of our greatest minds.
YOU know that humanity should already be further forwards than we are.

We Are late, late.
For an incredibly important date.
20 20

Don't worry about the detail.
We Are Legion.
Billions of us, together, can resolve EVERY problem.

This evolution is from the ground up.
Every business, every endeavour, everything WE do as a species is the product of OUR effort.

We will forget money.
We will forget the “ownership” that has been stolen by those that create fake money.
WE will OWN the world.
WE will choose those that manage, those that organise.
THEIR objectives will not be for profit.'
Rather they will be for the fulfillment of human needs and desires, driven by the desire to bring good to the world.

WHAT do YOU need to do now?

Simply know in your heart what your duty is to humanity, remember why you are here at this time and trust that instinct.


There is a significance to those numbers.
We Are close.

Seek not for what divides you from others, what separates.
Not skin, not creed, not gender, not tribe, not nation, not beliefs.

Look instead for the human-heartedness that dwells within we billions.

The deep desire to give and receive LOVE.
The deep desire for truth and for forgiveness.
The deep understanding that we share our world, and so should share its harvest.
The knowledge that We Are all different, and that difference makes US glorious.

The Power is dying.
Like the cornered rat it is, it is showing its teeth.
Money and hierarchy, as WE SEE, are its fangs.
But they are old, gnarled, weak, calciferous, crumbling before our eyes..
They are old dogs now, their bark is worse than their bite.