Tuesday, 21 August 2018


Take your cue from this:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Unity IS WHAT WE NEED right now, and unity is found in the simple idea we propose here and ask you all to spread. 

WE are as a species, both at a personal level and at governmental level, now almost totally enslaved by usurious debt.

In almost every nation, but especially in the West and its allies, the law and its army of enforcers stand behind the holders of this debt and force its collection or seize the property of defaulters.

As proud parents we send our children to university, thus ensuring that our children put on the yoke of indebtedness and mature into adults bearing this intolerable weight.

Everywhere the cost of housing in our cities has been artificially inflated, year after year for decades. This was not 'market forces', but rather a connivance perpetrated by the banks and property sales businesses, each of whom benefitted massively from this slow but sure and deliberate policy.

Those older generations that bought in the sixties and seventies have seen the house they bought for pennies grow in value to dizzying and impossible heights.

In 1940 the median house price in the US was $2,938
In 1960 it had risen to $11,900
In 1980 it was $47,200
In 2000 it was $119,600 (whereas if the price had just kepy pace with inflation it would have been only $30,600, according to the US census.)

Latest figures show that the median price is now  $363,300.

Recall, there are places where property is dirt cheap, in the busted heartlands of ex-industrial cities. These keep the median national price down!

In places where there is well paid work, in the mega cities that so entrance our young, a home suitable to raise children will cost from $500,000 to several million.

At the same time, student debt levels have rocketed.
At the same time incomes have stagnated.

The average salary for 25-34 year olds in the USA (ie the time when once people started families and, once, when one partner [usually the mother] would elect to stay at home and create a nest for their family, was $39,416 in 2016.
In the 1940's it was c. $1,000
So to buy a median house in 1940 cost around 3 times the annual salary.
To buy a median house in 2016 costs around 7.5 times the annual salary.

Somebody on minimum wages or close to them, and there are many millions so enslaved, have no possibility of EVER owning their own home.
Frankly, even those that prosper face little prospect of ever owning their own home too.
They will merely occupy a home that belongs to a bank until such time that an income hiatus occurs, brought on by unemployment or ill health. Then the bank will take the home.

The evidence litters our cities, where the American homeless numbers burgeon.

The near impossibility of ever getting out of debt, of ever owning one's own home, has created an intergenerational barrier. Put simply, our young have grown to despise the old because they own a home or have no debt or, indeed, have some savings.

Interestingly, our young are now very much in favour of euthanasia (76%), but not so much in favour as our 40-60 year olds (84%), who are closer to those now countless millions that are ageing in sickness because of the poisoned food, water and air that has been gifted to humanity by corporate greed and purposeful intent over the last 60 years or so.

In the 1940's most human beings would have recoiled in horror at the idea of abortion unless for serious medical reasons. In the 1940's most human beings would have recoiled in horror at the idea of euthanising our elderly.
How times have changed.

Each generational cohort has been assaulted by a devious and clever manipulation of attitudes, driven by those that orchestrate our world's governments, such that what was previously considered horrific or beastly or even satanic is now considered acceptable or casually unavoidable.

The last 50 years, in other words during the watch of the older generations, has seen the complete debt enslavement of humanity and the twisting of its moral compass to such an extent that a 50 year old in 1950 would almost certainly vomit if they watched an evening of today's  television.

The coming world chaos will be driven by the intergenerational strife that has been created by the consciousness shapers and debt creators, as much as it will be driven by all the other assaults on our species from weaponised migration to chemical enfeebling, from engineered rivalries between countries to contrived racial and religious strife.

I simply ask this question:

What would be the outcome if every human being in debt , on one pre-agreed date, simply refused to pay any debt? 

Both personal debt and the vast governmental debt which their taxes pay the interest on and which grows, year on year, ALL OF IT CREATED OUT OF THIN AIR BY THE MOBSTERS THAT CONTROL THE CREATION OF MONEY AS DEBT.

These money magicians have now lent an astonishing $233 TRILLION to the human race.

That's around $32,000 to every single living human being, from a Swedish 2 year old to an Australian Aboriginal grandmother that has always live in the outback and hardly knows what money is .
It's worse, of course, if you are working, because children have no ability to pay these debts, the unemployed and the sick and the elderly are generally equally incapable.

The global workforce is c. 3 billion.
Thus the workers of the world are responsible for $76,666 of government debt each.

Recall that billions of those workers live in India, China, Indonesia, Africa etc etc, where average wages are much lower than the first world countries. Half of the planet exists on less than $1,000 dollars a month https://www.worlddata.info/average-income.php and of course there are many places where $50 a month or less is the average.

Bear in mind, too, that the average figures are boosted by, in every nation, the salaries of the corporate and governmental elites and those that hold senior jobs in the vast networks of fake NGOs that have been spawned in readiness for the collapse of democracy and the introduction of the New World Order.

By which we conclude that this fake and artificially created debt, which lies in the ownership of private bankers, can be considered unpayable, ever.

Is this our legacy to future generations? 
A world of chaos and perpetual debt slavery?
A world of perpetual conflict?
A world devoid of hope for our young?

Know this:There is only one way to end this perpetual cycle of misery.

I'll ask the question again:
What would be the outcome if every human being in debt simply, on one pre-agreed date, simply refused to pay any debt? 

If a few so refused then the weight of the state and its laws would be brought to bear upon them and they would lose everything, including their liberty.


Then there would be NO WAY that any agency of government or law could ever try and enforce the collection of this absolutely fake debt.
And by refusal to pay this conjured out of thin air debt, we set our species free.

We could do this almost immediately.


I want you to think deeply about something.

Ask yourself what are the chief causes of fear in the world amongst we human beings?
What are the worst things?

Naturally there is war. There are murderous dictatorships. There is genocide. There are the vast almost uncountable threats to our bodies from pollutants, chemicalised water and food, deliberately murderous medical advice (eg that Statins will help you live longer, that cholesterol is bad for you,..... there are thousands of these). We fear, and suffer from, terrible criminality, from the nation killing bribery and corruption of those in authority through to drug dealing and prostitution and the trafficking of babies for sex or for organ harvesting.

There is much to fear. Too much. And its source is clear.

Anyone that takes a discerning view of history, anyone that takes a moment or two to research these matters beyond what the fake history books and fake media drill into us, finds that it was the bankers' money behind the French revolution and its guillotine, behind the Russian revolution and its Gulags, behind Hitler and his war and his death camps, behind the Chinese revolution and its murderous and still genocidal activities, behind countless dictators from Peron to Pinochet to Sadam Hussein.

Bankers created the death mills of the 20th century.

Big money is also behind every single pollutant we human beings produce and are being weakened and killed by. It is big corporations that make the plastics and the poisons, big corporations that make the cancerous nuclear power stations and the weapons derived from them, big corporations that make treatments that sicken us rather than cures that can help us (and also make truly beneficial medicines illegal, or slowly legalise them in such a way that bog money dominates their production and can thereby shape their effectiveness,...or deliberate ineffectiveness).

It's difficult to fight big corporations, because they employ many of us. The are slave owners, and often slave owners that pay not a penny in taxes, not a penny to help we human beings repay the fake debt we are saddled with.




What would be the consequence of we human beings refusing to pay these artificial debts?

The consequence would be that money would collapse.
What would be the consequence of a collapse of money?

Well, our banker rulers would expect the world to become utterly chaotic.
They think they know us better than we know ourselves.

They would expect riots, then wars, mass starvation, that everything and everybody would stop working, that within a few short weeks we would be weeping and wailing and begging on our bended knees for some saviour to bring back fake money to the world and so shackle us forever.
And know: The bankers intend to create such a collapse themselves anyway.
It's one of the last pieces in the jigsaw of horror they are weaving about humanity.


WE'LL WRITE NEXT ABOUT how exactly we human beings can easily handle the fallout from the disappearance of debt and then money.

How it can be managed carefully to prevent injustice.

How ownership need not be threatened but actually enhanced.
How we can between us make it so that everyone, mortgagee or renter, has a guaranteed ownership of their homes, a certainty of food, a hand in government, a world of peace free of fear in which to prosper and be healthy.
How we can reduce the burden of work.
How we can being the process of cleansing our planet.

It will take all of the billions of us that just want these things. A home. A family. Clean food, air, water. Time to have fun. A future worth fighting for. It will take we billions, but because of our number and the very few that will try and spoil that future, it will be done.

The first step?
Simply we all of us refuse to pay debt.

There are thousands of fake or just self interested 'truthers' littering our minds with dross. None of them have a plan. THIS IS A PLAN.



Copy it, repost it, use it as a basis or script for a video, use it as a subject for a podcast, email links to friends, twitter it, put it on Fuc%book.





Wth all our love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Upgraded your phone? MURDERER

We live in an interconnected world (I hesitate to use the word global...) and our human answers MUST be as one tribe, therefore must be 'global'. The fake alternative media push against this idea, because it is plain to see that the current 'globalist' demonic savages are to be feared, so it is easy to accept the 'nationalist' concepts that are actually a part of the cabal's plans.

Duped again, do you see?

These old fake ideas keep us separated.
They also let the richer 'countries' piss and shit on the poorer, your brother and sister human beings.

Changed your phone recently?
Got a new laptop?
Chucked out an old DVD?

Then you, and to my shame I, did this:

Let's see our guilt. Grit your teeth.
We have killed, but there is a new way, a global human way, a way that does without money, from which almost every evil stems.
Only a unified humanity, free of money, can stop this murder.
Open your mind to a moneyless world.

Friday, 6 July 2018

With love....

Concomitant with this great surge towards technical accomplishment comes a deeper yearning, something we human beings are estranged from yet grows within us, a yearning for simplicity, for connection with our world's nature, for good company, for a deep and lasting understanding of justice and our duty to justice, that which stems from love as an absolute.

This is why we are disgruntled, this great disconnect between how we want to be and how we are shaped to be in this fake reality, that which robs us of our deepest understanding of commonality, of sharing, of fun, of love and sets us one against the other in a perpeptual battle for survival. And we see now and we know that we are relying upon those that would rather kill us, that we are trusting those that would poison us, that we give respect to those that desire our children's blood and andrenochrome for their fun and their youthfulness and their longevity.

Few enough understand this, yet our number grows. The great mass, though, sits at the tipping point, weighing a lifetime of disinformation against the rising consciousness of instinct. The slave masters, those 'others', strive to steer human consciousness towards war, towards self preservation in the face of imminent death, that which they have learned long ago to engineer.

What their strategy does is dehumanise us, for we human beings survive through cooperation.
Divide and rule.

So we exist in a time between times, a moment between epochs, a space wherein the dichotomy between that which we have and that which we have lost sight of but yearn for has been filled with an inhuman distraction, a great attractor, that which appeals to our basest instincts, that which denies that our finer instincts can prevail.

This is the single lie.

There seem to be a million lies, from fake government to fake 'money' to fake religion to fake hierarchy through fake 'medicine' to fake ideology and so on, but there is only one lie, one lie  to rule them all, one lie to find them, one lie to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
Most do not recognise the journey we are each of us on, the trip we chose to take, the test we volunteered for. This ignorance of the nature of this reality is something we accepted as part of the deal, something we understood would be a part of this game. Even the simplest life form is programmed with an understanding of that which prolongs life, that which averts death, that which offers ease, that which fits the life form into the great fabric that the creator has woven to make this reality function.

Yet we human beings are born in utter ignorance. The spider's DNA tells it how to weave the miracle of engineering that is its web, the giraffe can walk ten minutes after birth, bacteria need no schooling, yet we human beings are born the most ignorant of all creatures, the most needful, the most empty of that which is required to survive.

That survival depends on motherhood, on fatherhood, on society, on organisation, on sharing and preeminent above these things on love. To live we require love. to live well we require an abundance of it. This is the first lesson our empty minds learn, the first lesson the fake reality urges us to forget, the understaniding that the great and devious lie has taught us to forget, to dismiss. We are schooled to treat as fantasy the idea that we can cooperate, when this very cooperation gives us all that we have.

We can live without money. It is a part of the lie.
We can live without hierarchy. It is part of the lie.
We can live without organised religion, without dogma, without fake books, all part of the lie.

All that we think we know has been fed to us. All that we believe in has been fed to us. All that makes this reality  'real' forms a part of the great lie, that which makes our lives short and, unless we are very lucky, makes them brutal or miserable.

We lie to survive in this false reality.
The truth will set us free.

Love is human.
Love is what we were intended to find.

Now is the Time.
With great love to all human beings, rotten or pure, base or high,
Olive Farmer & Aktina Pempti

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Older post, revisited.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Due to popular demand I now produce nicely printed copies of this piece to fit an A4 frame.
Each one is personally autographed by Olive Farmer, and is something that always starts conversations with awakening spirits.
To have your own signed copy, click the "Buy Now" button. Thank you, xxx xxx xxx

In memoriam for the many slaughtered innocents murdered by our glorious masters with the dumb unfeeling acquiescence of the sheeple electorates of the US and UK.
Particularly one baby, just 8 days old. May his soul rest in love and peace.
Something maybe to print out and stick behind the windscreen wipers of the SHEEPLE as they do their shopping at the Mall.......it fits on an A4.......
Then scarper, because the SHEEPLE get really angry when you give them the truth.
Angry enough to kill another baby, maybe?

"Do you remember killing me, my friend? Surely you must?
I was just eight days old.
But then why should you remember me, just one of the many children you have slaughtered?
But I was wrapped in a nice new blue blanket.
You still don't remember me?
I was being carried in the market by my mother.
You murdered her too.
Of course you don't remember, there are so many bodies, so many lives you have ended.
Not you, you say?
Why, it was you that paid for the missile that took my life, don't you remember?
It came from the tax you paid.
Do you remember now?
Money you regretted paying, because you need something else in your life.
Some gadget or toy.
You remember, you paid the wages of the man that aimed the missile at our market that day?
You voted for the man that gives him his orders.
The man you asked to protect you from me and my mother and the other million or so that you have slaughtered.
Do you still not recall?
I had a given name, but you know me as "collateral damage".
Remember, you were gifting us your democracy that day?
Your democracy of depleted uranium.
Or was it in self defence that you murdered me?
Or was it revenge for something I didn't do, years before I was born, knew nothing of in my innocence?
You tell me: Which just cause slammed my body into the dirt?
Did you think of me today as you went about your life, my friend?
Did you wonder what I might have become had you not slaughtered me?
Had not smashed my soft bones and crushed the new life from me?
Did you talk of me with your family?
Mention my murder to a colleague?
Spare me a thought as you filled your car at the station, ate your evening meal, watched T.V., tucked your children into bed?
Did you see my face today?
Did you wash my blood from your hands today?
It's still there, my friend, and always will be.
Did you pray to your God today?
Did you do anything to stop this murder today?
Did you protest? Did you march? Did you withhold your tax? Did you rage against the slaughter of innocents?
Did you spare just a passing thought for me today, my friend?
Remember I had a name?
My name was collateral damage. I was eight days old. Wrapped in a blue blanket.
And you killed me. Don't you remember?"

(Click "Buy Now" to get an autographed copy of "Remember" and help fund the Olive Farmer. Thank you.) 

Older post, revisited.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Did you see my dive?

(When I saw those that jumped from the twin towers....to escape death for a few seconds more)
I'll never forget that day.
I'll never forget the instant certainty that the event was a charade, a 'big lie', a travesty.
I'll never forget Bush's expression, nor his gloating grin when he realised that it was working, this enormous fraud.
I knew then that it would become an excuse for more horror.
It has been.
This is in memoriam for everyone that passed on that day, and those that have been murdered since - with that day as an excuse, a justification for infanticide and genocide, for torture and rape.
It's another one for the Sheeple......

"Did you see my dive?"

"Did you see my dive?
Though I say so myself
It was a thing of beauty.
Behind me, certain finality,
In front
A few moments more.
Moments to savour breath.
It was, my friend, an easy choice.

Did you see my dive?
I like to think it was audacious
Full of bravado

You know
When things go really bad
How Time goes so slowly?
It was, for me, an eternity.
I had time for a quadruple somersault
In the Pike position!
Never seen before.

But the "board" was so very high.
I had time.

Time to consider my life's mistakes,
Suddenly clarified for me
By the circumstances.
Time to apologise,
Time to wish,
Even time to hope beyond hope.

Unfortunately, no camera caught my excellent dive.
No lens was turned my way
Which is a pity,
It was such a great dive.
I let out no scream,
I was too busy thinking.

I think I cried,
But not for myself.
I cried for the truth.

In the clarity that comes,
I assure you, my friend,
In such a great moment,
In the eternity of those few seconds,
What is revealed is the truth.

You discover what really matters.
You find what you really wanted all this time.
Right at the end you find
What really matters is love.
What really counts is the truth.

So if you can hear me now,
Even if you didn't see my beautiful dive,
Find the time to find love in your hearts,
For all of creation,
In everything you do.

And for me
And for all the others on that day,
Know it is your duty,
Know it is your obligation,
Not to simply believe
But to find the truth.

Insist on it.
Demand it.

Because of all the truths hidden in this world of lies,
This one truth can set mankind free.

And, because it's unlikely you saw it,
It was,
Dear friend,
A beautiful dive."

Older post, revisited

A Christmas song for the Sheeple..... (First Published Dec 2009)

Did you see the news today
Did you hear the anchor say
Your hero soldiers, in retaliation
Obliterated some foreign nation

They nullified the “terror threat”
(Adding billions to your national debt)
“With pictures some will find disturbing...”
But many, strangely, reassuring

The limbless child, the blasted village
The shattered lives, the rape and pillage
From the comfort of your TV chair
You guiltless sit and mutely stare

You thank your god for the brave marine
Who harvests blood for the war machine
And the President, who with his lies
Will soothe your guilt and sanitise

What makes you think it's not your business
This vile atrocity, this evil sickness?
Dumbed right down and desensitised
You swallow the lie as advertised

You turn from the horror to bland distraction
Wallow in your lethargy and inaction
Drink your booze or pop your pill
Do anything that saps your will

No way can you accept the guilt
For the shattered bodies, the blood that’s spilt
For the missile that's your Christmas present
To a Yemeni or Afghani peasant

(It's always nice, at Christmas time,
To launch a rocket, to lay a mine
The tax they’re taking when you shop
Pays for all the bombs you drop)

Why do you think that you don't care?
That you can sit and, unfeeling, stare
At a baby’s body, shattered, dead.
What have you let inside your head?
How can you think it's right to slaughter
Someone's brother, someone's daughter
You think it just, for 9/11,
To send a million souls to heaven?

How is it that a great democracy
Can swallow such foul hypocrisy
And you, in your bloody complicity
Forget you are part of humanity?

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Kids? Food and drugs for the dealers.

We Are a food source.
The child stealers are drug dealers.
They terrify the child, murder and extract the andrenochrome, sell it as Walnut Sauce.
There's a war on.
Always has been.
Humanity v. 'THEM.'
This guy, by the way, is human.

Paedos. Are they human, or INhuman?

This is something of a must watch.
Reminiscent of the Hampstead case.
The state gives the abused kids back to the abuser.
The state murders or arrests witnesses.
The media cover it all up.
The media smear the accusers and ruin their lives.
In this case, the USA have arrested and will place in the hands of the vile Lithuanian paedo elite someone who objected to all of this.
Where is the Hitlary arrest, Mr Trump?
Why are kids being held in ex-Walmarts, Mr Trump?
Why are migrant kids disappearing in the UK, America, everywhere?
Walnut Sauce?
The andrenochrome?

There are many that think we alone, we human beings, are the only sentient beings inhabiting this reality.
Think again.
They grow in number, and assume the bodies and minds of people you know, people you grew up with.
Is it impossible, knowing what we know about the nature of this reality, that something other has entered our space?
Has always been here, but now they grow in number.
We need those sunglasses, from the documentary 'They Live'.

Monday, 18 June 2018


We KNOW there is a heart of darkness, that this dark energy has more than a thousand years of practice at controlling and owning the human species, a genealogy that we can trace, a history of war after war, genocide after genocide, a history of controlling human knowledge and of owning what is useful in order to control, and slow, the rate of human advances.
What it's nature is can be only described as INHUMAN.
This great analysis shows how this POWER controls EVERYTHING.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Freedom with goodness is not only possible, it's natural.

Do you know, there is yet another division arising between we human beings.

Perhaps, despite the huge chasms that exist between the differing Abrahamic religions, this rift will become the largest single chasm separating our tribe.

This division is that between the 'awake' and the 'sleeping'.

As the understanding of our human condition grows, so the emergence of a new set of ethics is emerging. These ethics are bubbling into the consciousness of the awake.

They are not yet all shared, simply because the fake leadership of the alternative media strives to smother them with reversioned elements of the control grid.

Nationalism driven by fear of immigration, 'Gold Backed' or 'block chain' currencies, resurgent 'Christianity' or fundamental Torah Judaism or Koranic Islam, the Racialism of the new far right, fake new-agey medicine which is slowly opening the door to a new form of Big Pharma, even the plainly Luciferian 'New Age' religion coming in the back door through agencies like Marx-Hubbard's massively funded 'Shift' movement and other linked operations that encourage us to 'thrive'.....I could go on.

Remember, our reality is created by humanity's collective consciousness.

To control this consciousness brings absolute power.

Get a human being to belive in something and you get a slave for life that will kill those that believe otherwise. This is our story, as a species. That of humans being made to believe something fake and then ordered to kill other human beings that had been sold a different pup.

These old belief system had begun to crumble, so our masters understood that they needed to create a new set of beliefs and, from the chaos that is occurring between this new set of beliefs and the old will come a harvest of blood and a New World Order. 'Truthers' were created to form an element of this process.

Remember, the last two centuries are simply the story of this unfolding strategy.

Note, from the machinations of Cambridge Analytica and the vast web of connected corporations, that 'Big Data' is used to 'model' behaviours and that all of the 'Colour' revolutions, the 'Arab Spring' and other chaotic revolutions were engineered by these data owners and behaviour shapers. They created 'Islamic terrorism' just as they engineered the IRA terrorists in the UK and the Operation Stay Behind and Operation Gladio terrorists before that. There's always a stupid human being who will kill for something they have been fed, especially if 'God' or 'Nation' are involved. There's always a psychopathic half-breed human who will, for 'Money', do whatever they are bidden to do by the Power. CEO's of big corporations, evangelical preachers, drug lords, scientists that create death (too many to list), politicians at every level, bent police officers, soldiers (those that aren't psychopathic half breeds end up living in a tent in the woods or taking their own life when they mature and realise what they've done and for whom), and so on ad nauseam.

Know, then, that the 'Truth' movement has been and is a chief target of these too-clever consciousness manipulators. Their vast budgets and unlimited supply of well funded and well heeled 'leaders' (those adept at selling a message, expert at deception, having charisma and the Magick called Glamour) ensure that they are masters of your mind space, the setters of agendas, the creators of memes. They caused you to vote for Trump. They are getting ignorant beer bellied scumbags to hate Muslims and love their little boy 'Tommy Robinson' (whose real name is yet to be revealed).

Do you see?

The Power saw the rising consciousness of humanity coming before you and I woke up and created the internet and put i-phones in people's hands so that they had a direct line into your mind and are thus enabled to 'modify' your behaviour.

Years ago, knowing that people were becoming indignant at the power of 'Royals', they created 'Democracy', a strategy which enabled them to disguise where true power lies.

Now it is their avowed intent to capture the rising consciousness of humanity that sees how democracy is failing them, that sees how money and debt are enslaving them, that seeks redress for the endless wars and the inequality that creates starving babies and millions of human beings that have no home, that creates a huge army of debt enshrouded and drugged up zombies commuting to their worthless jobs where they labour for hours merely to pay the interest on fake debt.
In other words, they are after YOUR consciousness.

And getting hold of it.

If they don't, then they're finished. Ergo it MUST be.

Notice that just how evangelical Christians get really annoyed if you question any aspect of their faith, so do Alex Jones' supporters so react when some evident truths about that demon are pointed out to them.

We watched some videos of the Tommy Robinson demonstrations and noted how, as ever, there appeared megaphone wielding chant orchestraters, self appointed.....

They are everywhere, these agentur, in every organised protest.
Sometimes they dress in black and 'attack' the police (or should we say 'their colleagues?)
You see, as a mob, human beings are very easily led.
We know this from every fake 'ism' that has driven upheaval and revolution everywhere.

What the awakening human consciousness knows is the following:

We don't care which way you choose to swing, nor how you choose to dress, nor what colour your skin is, nor what creator you choose to believe in, just so long as you don't mess with our kids or try to force others to share your own personal belief system, just so long as you don't forcibly inject our children or make them learn, before they have even reached puberty, about anal sex and rimming and blow-jobs and all those other things that are for adult minds and adult decisions.
We believe in freedom, providing No Harm is done.

We don't believe in money and we despise the way it concentrates power in the wrongest of hands, and the way it creates criminality, and the way it gives rise to usury and so perpetual slavery. Money is an evil force, is not of human invention, was unknown among us all when we were tribes before we fell under the sway of the Magick that controls our consciousness.

We don't believe in organised religion. Look what they have done, those monsters, and still do. But we have a sense that this place was created, and we have an inner calling which requires us not only to do no harm but also to actively do good. Some call this a soul. We call it humanheartedness, that which unites almost all human beings. This is our human essence.

WE don't believe it's right to go to war. We don't want weapons of mass destruction. We don't want pollution. We don't want people to live with no roof over their heads, or live in fear, or starve, or die for lack of care.

This is Humanity, as it truly is. Waking up is coming to realise what humanity is, at core, and how we have been misshapen, and what forces have caused us to be so debased.

Once identified, human beings will know what to do about them. They are chiefly ideas and beliefs of Race, Nation, Religion, Money, Politics, Hierarchy, Democracy and so on. All these fake beliefs that  power has created to keep our collective consciousness in its grip simply need to be ignored until they wither and die. Those that want to keep one or the other of them are simply those slaves that benefit from them the most.

We can ignore them, too. Must ignore them. They are the Kapos of the camp.

We are humanhearted, we human beings. It is the essence we share. We have the numbers now to both cast off our masters' power systems and create a very heaven on earth. This may have been the creators intent from the beginning.

 If there are indeed alien entities observing us, or the creator, it is this humanheartedness that we should be expressing as a planet, as a species.

Currently, what do they see? Creatures that kill each other for fake reasons. Creatures that kill their own young. Creatures that believe in fantastical notions that are so evidently utterly false and absolutely harmful. Creatures that are in possession of a heaven that are raping it to death. Dumb, ignorant, nasty creatures is what we seem.

Yet we are just an awakening away from becoming wonderful.

So look for no new leaders, look for no new beliefs, join no rallies and marches, never repeat a mantra from some freak with a megaphone or a succesful Youtube channel. Look simply for your human heart and, when you have found it, start to ignore the power and its systems.Share this simple process. If 6 billion of us did so tomorrow, then the world would have changed in a moment.
Fear nothing. Rather, do the right thing.

There is one single belief that is worth having: Belief in the Human Race and our shared humanheartedness. That however low we have been brought, we are just a moment away from dealing with evil in its great variety and taking ownership of our world.

It is time the collective consciousness of humanity, what we really are, created this reality and made it a good and a wholesome place.

Freedom with goodness is not only possible, it is natural.

If there is a God, wouldn't that be its greatest desire?
Pass that on.

With Love,
Olive Farmer

Thursday, 14 June 2018

The rising of Humanity

Our human species expresses its collective consciousness through its societies.

In this reality, which belongs to all of humanity, we alone of all the species are capable of transforming the material of existence and transforming that stuff into things that we need or want. So we make glass from sand, alloys from base metals that we shape into aeroplanes and so on. This creative force is harnessed and directed. We are more creative, achieve greater things, when we work together to harness and employ nature. The simplest part of everyday life is testament to such cooperation.

Consider the olive oil we produce. We employ a chain saw for pruning that was manufactured in Germany, the end-product of decades of development by engineers, made of alloys created in vast factories, plastics, intricate moving parts supplied from China or Korea. The chain saw was packaged and shipped and supplied to us by trucks, ships, drivers and sailors, warehouse operatives. The fuel it uses comes from under the ground in the Middle East, oil turned into petrol in vast refineries, built by thousands of people and using science developed over a century. The same story applies to the generator we use to power the picking sticks, the nylon nets we lay on the ground, the hessian sacks we fill, the truck we use to carry the sacks to the olive press. It's true of the press itself, machines developed in Italy. Storage tanks manufactured in France. Bottles from Romania. Labels from Athens printed on paper from Sweden. So it goes on. Everything we eat has a story of cooperation behind it. Everything we use has a story of product development behind it, often spanning a century or much longer.

Human beings cooperate, and that cooperation produces marvels from the base material left lying around by the creator. Conveniently! Or by design.....

From this simple lesson learn that there is no other path for our species than the path of world-wide cooperation. Wars between nations only occur because there are nations, and those nations were all created by the Power.

Currently, all of this mutually beneficial cooperation is organised and ordered by money and its supply, rather than by sharing to fulfill need. This cooperation is, and has been for centuries, world spanning.

Fools that we are, we have allowed a power in the world to take control of all of this activity of cooperation and sharing and twist its nature into something which divides rather than unites us.

This power is the Magick of the creation of money, which sits across all of our sharing activity and skims off the top of every activity a percentage which the creators of money get to use how they will.

The concentration of this money (which in reality is a form of energy) allows its creators to have power over every single living human being. If those money-creators decide that we shall go hungry, or die, or be in constant fear, or make war, then the energetic force of money enables them to so choose. And choose they do.

If they decided to plunge the world into chaos and render us all savages then they could do so in a moment simply by deciding to 'crash' their fake money system, simply because we have all become so used to the stuff that we lack the collective intelligence to organise and cooperate without it, but rather would descend rapidly into looting gangs and rioting mobs.

Unless we are ready for this chaos, keep doing what is needed, keep calm, and all of us work together to prevent chaos. This we can do, if we spread and share the idea of humanheartedness and use that as our unifying force.

Almost all crime is made possible and motivated by this Magick money system. From human traffickers to drug dealers, all bribery and corruption, the crime of usury, the motivation behind war for profit, all of this sin is generated by this stuff. The blood of cooperation that courses through our societies is tainted with its poison. Through its medium justice is denied,  politics corrupted, religion despoiled, charity made a mockery and gifting used to pay place-men vast salaries.

And see what they do with our children's charities, turning good into the worst of evils.

Ergo it is money, not just the power to create it but money itself, that lies at the root of almost all evils and perverts the energy of good (sharing) into something purely evil.

We have been taught for centuries to attach value to this fake stuff. Even now those in the alternative media speak of 'replacing' it with some form of 'Gold Backed' electronic cash system. This will do nothing to stop its evil and corrupting effect on our species. These are ideas born of our masters, readying the ground for old money's replacement, injected into 'Truther's' consciousnesses a new belief in a new Magick money.

Think of those island tribes that were finally absorbed into the world money system often less than a century ago, those island tribes that lived with no concept of money for centuries and centuries. Think of the native American tribes, centuries and centuries without money. They lived by mutual cooperation, by sharing. They had no concept of the acquisition of more and more stuff, could see no reason or purpose in piling stuff high that the 'owners' would rarely use.

They understood the value of time, and spent it, and never sold it.

The Creator made time, and in our modern world we trade and buy and sell that free energy and are enslaved by those endeavours.

So: The collective energy of our species is in harness, the route we take through time is steered, the speed at which we travel is determined, the length of our lives and the happiness we enjoy are decided upon by the money masters. 

To them we give freedom from justice, we give the finest things we make, we give whoever they need to satisfy whatever perversions they entertain.We even supply our children to them. We go down on our knees to them. We wash and clean and repair their stuff, we grow and cook their food (the best), we clean their many houses and beautify their gardens.

There are enough of us made evil enough to provide children to them for abuse and sacrifice.

We are in a Hell, and the beauty of humanheartedness has been chained to the great wheel of wickedness by Magick. The Magick that allows a very few creatures to create every cent in every nation on earth and to twist what was good into something utterly wrong.

We  kill for this stuff. Hundreds of millions of us died in the last century because of it.

And yet consider: Those ancient tribes, and still some tribes hidden from us in jungles or great deserts or the remotest places, live entirely without it. This lesson to us, this ancient human understanding of the benefits to all of sharing and cooperating, this essence of humanity, could sustain our world and liberate our species in a moment and without the chaos our masters expect to be the outcome of their depriving us of it.

WE can defeat this coming strike against normalcy, which will happen when our masters determine that we should all fall into their hands forever.

THIS is what they imagine: They will crash money everywhere. Chaos will ensue. We will begin to kill for food. Madness will stalk the earth. THEN a saviour will emerge! A person of world stature.  HE will say that he will use his own personal GOLD and that of his 'friends', create a new digital currency backed by this Gold, and give it for free to every surviving human being. Desperate, we will respond with a global upsurge of hope and of love for this great man. NGOs will be tasked with ensuring everyone gets their share. You'll just need to get a chip. Slowly, (fake) economic activity will begin again. Farmers will plant seed, drivers start the engines of their trucks. We will, of course, have to go into the cities, where the food will be distributed. We will do so gladly, with gratitude. The chips we have implanted will make us slaves. The 5G network will make sure of that, of course. That is its purpose. Read the protocols of the elders of Zion and you will see how this fits.

We do have a weapon in this war. It is simply the unity of humanheartedness, and the power seven billion human beings represent if we all of us choose to cooperate.

Keep calm, and carry on just about sums up how we need to act. Do what you did yesterday, eat and drink what you ate and drank yesterday, shop for what you need rather than what you would like, cooperate to prevent the greedy from taking more than they need or the best of what we produce.

Do all of that without money. Do all of that with a strong sense of duty and an understanding that such cooperation will save our species and set us all free. Do all of that with teeth gritted and a universal determination not to let the stupid or the greedy or the agents of the power with their propaganda and their 'behaviour modifying'  mess up our new world order.

There are seven billion of us here. Shaping such a reality, and making it fair, and preventing it becoming chaotic, is simply a matter of collective will and of cooperation, just as it is and was in those tribes we all of us came from.

We organise amazingly for money.
We can organise amazingly without it.
Organisation is cooperation.
Look how good at it we are!

Consider, for just a moment, the freedoms that would be born from the funeral pyre of money. No rent or mortgage to pay. No fake debt to repay. A million crimes every day less than now. No money-blood flowing through the veins of the greatest evils, the slave businesses, the war machinery, the drugs trade.

Take profit from the world, profit for money, and a billion bad practices would disappear.
Millions of bad people would lose their power over we humanhearted human beings.
We meek, that are soon to inherit this world.

We would all of us feel less afraid. All of us be free from debt. All of us free to choose how we spend our time, providing we seven billion organise to attach great importance to duty, and educate all of us to understand the benefits of doing that duty, of obligation, of keeping calm. 

Countless millions would be freed from labour that exists only to make money or manage the flow of this evil stuff through our societies.  As a species we could prioritise our activity on what needs to be done, share best practices and ideas and knowledge - not hoard them- , direct our vast armies and the factories that produce munitions to good purposes, to rescue, to begin vast building projects, to clean away the foul pollutants that the money system has sewn into the fabric of our biosphere.

The greatest benefit, of course, will be an increase in the quantity of truth told, a reduction in the quantity of lies.

And of course, a great sense of worth and value attached to what we do because everything we do will be what's needed. From that comes self satisfaction. From that comes laughter. From all of these things comes a transformation of humanity.

We Are as a species approaching this understanding, though the eternal enemy of humanity will do anything to prevent us.
The 'awakening' is coming to this knowledge, of our shared humanity, of the energetic power of that shared humanity.

 At some Moment we will choose, difficult though it may seem, impossible some might say, so entrenched are our beliefs in the toys we have been given to play with in this fake box of reality. The meek will truly inherit the earth, that which the Creator gave us to be masters of.

So, as the Moment approaches, so the danger to us all increases. We can see the machinations of our fake politicians and leaders everywhere, so desperate to cling to their power and their stuff that they will willingly destroy everything we humans have built, willingly plunge us into an Armageddon and do so with pleasure. This is their intent, make no mistake. Already great swathes of our world are in their fake wars and clearly they do not intend to stop this proccess but rather accelerate it.
Our species must find unity, and find it quickly, to avert our demise.

The collective intelligence that is humanity must prevent them. To do so is easy, we simply need to understand the fake divisions that our masters have erected between us and ignore them. This can be done in a day, in a Moment. And from that Moment everything will change and a new world civilisation will be born. Happiness is coming.

Note that the fake alternative media speak against 'globalisation', and we must consider how we could live without world wide (global!) sharing.

Consider the olives I pick, the machines I use, the Canadians and Germans that end up eating it. Those that fail to see how anything but a world-wide tribal approach to the process of conscious creation and sharing are either mentally challenged or continue to be locked into a belief system created by our masters. Nationalism, as pushed by Jones, breeds competition between nations, breeds 'strong'(psychopathic) leaders, breeds war.

We are one tribe, but everywhere we live in societies that are different and that difference is beauteous. We can share across the planet without abandoning that idea of place, that recognition of the familiar, that idea of a 'people' that has little to do with the colour of skin or the shape of eye but everything to do with shared ideals and ideas of beauty and shared culture.

Once the world is changed by we humanhearted, many will return to their homelands because the reasons that dove them to leave will be gone. We humanhearted will feed each other, house each other, care for each other, entertain each other, work together to destroy the bullies and their gangs and their weapons. In a generation, these evils will be gone, but never forgotten. Our vigilance will be our safeguard.

As we see, there is a war against this sense of shared culture. The collective consciousness of each society is shaped by dark intelligent forces which have an (ever deepening) understanding of the human beings held within their sway. These intelligent forces form a cohesive 'Global' whole.
In effect they are an entity, inhuman in their actions, just as we humans are an entity, perverted by them.

The creation of the internet and its data mining engines are of this time. The vast investments made in the spread of this machinery of control and the urgency behind this push to connect us all demonstrate something. They show that the intelligent forces recognised a threat to their continued mastery of this reality and developed weapons to meet this threat.

Their control of us is no longer absolute, and they need to restore its totality. They are, of course, apparently succeeding, though it is also clear that they are uncertain and nervous. That they are concerned should be of the greatest concern to us, their slaves. They have for thousands of years demonstrated their contempt for us and expressed in their petulant outbursts their willingness and ability to cause us to slaughter each other in our countless millions. Know then that if humanity acts with stupidity and without an almost absolutely total unity of resolve there will always be some of us who will carry out the order to press the buttons and destroy all life.

Some call that the Samson Option, though never believe that the so called 'Jews' are in charge of this place. When the power begins its last stages it intends that the 'State' of Israel shall be first. Pity them, for they were forgathered there with this intent.

Do not imagine, for a moment, that the intelligent forces view anything the way we human beings do.
This is a grave error, and will end with you being in one.

Perhaps in some way unknown to us they have the key to an eternal existence and that 'time' itself means nothing to them. They have built their seed arks and their DNA arks, could atomise all life and merely wait until a new biosphere emerges, though it might take a million years.
We imagine, most of us, that our rulers are made of the same stuff that we are, are merely human beings who were born into fortunate circumstances.

Now we are discovering enormous and gaping holes in the story we are fed as our history and, from bits and pieces we are digging up everywhere, there is a rising suspicion that our masters are something other than human.
If we consider the acts of wanton destruction of world heritage sites committed by the mercenaries acting as 'terrorists' in the Middle East we could easily conjecture that their very existence was created to serve the purpose of destroying evidence.

We know that Hitler sent archeologists to the Middle East almost as his first act when he got into power. Similarly Bush sent in a team as soon as Iraq had been illegally invaded. What were they seeking? Something the knowledge of which would expose them? Some buried technology that would grant them increased power? The heart of the ship that brought the fallen angels to this dimension? Who knows, but look they did, and still they destroy the evidence.

The threat posed to them, as we have demonstrated here in this blog before, is a rise in the collective intelligence of our species as the inevitable consequence of our increase in population (the potential intelligence of a million people is far higher than that of a thousand).

It is this collective intelligence that the masters of this reality strive tirelessly to diminish. They do so by a number of fairly obvious stratagems: War and starvation and disease reduce the rate of increase, whilst the process of dumbing down of the herd is achieved through chemical poisoning and the tight control of education, access to facts or truth, and through control of scientific advancement and the free sharing of such advances.

We are slowed by these controls, our collective brilliance diminished. For millennia we advanced no further than the wheel and a few simple devices, but the sudden explosion in our numbers led inevitably to a sudden explosion in our capacity to invent. The more we grow our population, the faster this acceleration proceeds. This collective intelligence has averted the world wide starvation foreseen by Malthus as the inevitable consequence of an increased population. We can feed ourselves through the application of organisation and of science. If we are allowed to reach 9 billion, who knows what our science and technology will deliver to us?

That we could provide plenty and at the same time reverse the adverse effects of the spewing of filth corporations are currently engaged in? Almost certainly.

If our science was truly free and focused on these issues rather than 'profit', if our scientists understood their duty, if money no longer controlled the direction and speed of advance, might we for example develop instruments which could take apart substance at the atomic level and use the component parts to create and print the perfect Sunday dinner? Could we use rock and algae to feed the world and leave nature to recover?

Know that for an idea to be able to be formed in a human being's mind is often the result of an extrapolation of what currently is.
That 'possibility' becomes probability, then certainty.

Our most prophetic science fiction writers prove this time and again. Once ideas are born, it is only a matter of time before the impossible becomes the mundane. Think of the instrument on which you are viewing this post and consider how someone in the 1950's would have viewed it. Understand from this that the potentiality of the human species will inevitably become almost God-like if we are allowed to live, or once we seize back our world from those that own it.

It is this ascension, driven simply by collective intelligence, that our masters fear Because it spells the end to their domination.
They are very smart, but perhaps 9 billion of us are smarter? They don't want to find out.....which should tell you what they are planning.   

The masses have always been understood by these intelligent controlling forces and, long ago, the chief levers and fulcrums of the engine of mass mind control were forged. The process can be likened to the methods utilised in the training of dogs, and the mental triggers are similar.

Fear, of course, is the primary trigger. Human beings are for the most part driven by an intelligent desire to avoid harm and to live long. They fear threats to their bodies and their lives. Human beings also fear other threats: To their food supply, their water supply, their habitation, their environment, their loved ones, their 'stuff', their ability to attract mates and breed successfully, their 'tribe' and so on.
Chicken Littles we mostly are.

But fear can be overcome by overwhelming numbers.

Be aware that the existence of pain and death in this reality are largely the product of design. We are programmed through our DNA to feel pain and to age and then die, almost without exception before we have lived only a century, usually much sooner. We now know that we age simply because the programme tells us to, and ergo that we can and will at some point be able to rewrite that programme ,or already have, but the knowledge is hidden. Pain could be similarly dealt with via DNA, for example by a programme which shades the skin when damage or harm is detected by the body's nervous system.

 (This is the subject of my novel, 'GIFT', links to which can be found in this blog. If you buy a copy, you help to feed us. Please do so if you can spare 3 dollars or so.)

A good dog trainer will tell you that it is simple to train a dog using fear alone, but that it is better to encourage the eager and willing cooperation of the animal, to cause the animal to be grateful, to use both punishment and reward in the process and for the animal to come to believe that it is in the masters 'pack'. A good 'Master of Hounds' in the British hunting community will show expert skill in this respect, can point his pack and they will kill what he points at.

Nations are the exact same thing, weapons to be pointed to the kill, the animals of the pack trained through fear and reward, eager for the praise of the pack master.

What is a human being?
One who wants enough, but not more if having that extra deprives others of their tribe.
One who wants the occasional treat or bonus to enliven their daily round.
One who desires comfort and ease at times, with the challenge of something difficult occasionally, or the yearning for perfection that drives those so driven.
One who desires peace, but welcomes excitement.
One who understands the relationship between humanity and nature, that which gives us life and plenty, provides everything we have.
One who understands the concept of duty, that they should do their part and create a society in which all do their part, however humble or difficult.
One who desires, above all things, a long and healthy life full of love and camaraderie, of friendship and fun, of an absolute freedom from fear.

One that hopes, above all things, that the world in which their children and grandchildren will grow will be a world of beauty, of love, of peace, of fun, of freedom from fear.

When we humanhearted unite with this simple shared objective, we will inherit this, OUR EARTH.

Most of these simple desires, that we could easily provide for each other across our world, go unsatisfied for billions of we human beings.

The fact that many of us can't see our inherent beauty can be easily explained. As a species we have been perverted, with meaningful intent. It's no good hunting with dogs that prefer to nuzzle up to and wag their tails at the prey. Our human prey is, we are constantly taught, other human beings. Ergo we have been trained to forget our loving natures. We exist in a false reality designed to debase us and make us savage.

The mass mind control agencies of the media's sole purpose is to make us think that we are the most foul of creatures. They incessantly report how we harm each other, yet never report how billions of us, most of us, live every day without doing harm to anyone or, if we can help it, anything. We are daily told these messages such that we have come to lose faith in ourselves and despair of our future, whilst a humanity freed of the controls of the intelligent force of evil could, in a few short generations, utterly transform this world.

That is what we will do, because, as with science fiction, once we realise an idea as a possibility we can make it an inevitability.

Understand, then, that our collective intelligence, once freed, becomes the true Master of This Reality. If we collectively desire to live in an Eden of natural beauty, free of fear, with the expectation of a hugely long life free of pain, then 7 or so billion of us can make that Be.

In other words, the Human Will is master of this place. What we want, we get because we OWN this place. If you are a believer in a Creator then you understand that the Creator gave us this place. The Creator gave us this potentiality. Ergo, this is and was ever the Creator's intent.

Every human being is different from every other, but the great mass of human beings are as we have described, (we call it 'Humanhearted'), though few realise it and almost none have behaved as though it were true. We are all of us sinners, yet it is this great mass of sinners that will inherit the world and create the coming civilisation, wherein we address all of the things that cause us to sin.

Those things, the levers and fulcrums that make us sin, were all designed and implanted in our collective consciousness by the intelligence that creates this false reality. Our belief in these levers and fulcrums of control is so embedded that their casting aside will be no easy task, but once we see them for what they really are we 7 billion souls can dispose of them in a single moment. This is the truth of our power.

The collective will of us all is a great force in the world. Currently, our masters own that collective will. Soon, we will take back that force. 

Know that in these terrible times our species faces an imminent and terrible confusion. Everywhere chaos reigns. Everywhere war and rumours of war abound. Our species is enslaved by beliefs that are false, by leaders that are false, by false money, by false debt, by false laws, by false hierarchies that at their respective zeniths concentrate the huge collective power of our species and place that power into the hands of those who are evidently inhuman, those that share none of the characteristics of we human beings. These inhuman monsters use the belief systems they created, sometimes thousands of years ago, to force humanity into inhumanity. These monsters recognised long ago that human beings were easily led or herded. They learned the triggers and levers inherent in the human consciousness that gave them mastery of our species. They learned how to corrupt us, and this corruption was and remains their chief intent.

Our species' known history is one of unabated cruelty, and everywhere and at all times this cruelty has at its origins and as its driving force the belief systems created by our masters. A deep study of our known history reveals an unending catalogue of the most awful horrors perpetrated, almost always, in the name of God, or King, or Nation, or Race, or Money. Rape after rape, child murder after child murder, burning after burning, holocaust after holocaust, genocide after genocide, right up to the present day and MUCH MORE promised for our imminent future.

All through our known history there have been human beings that have found pleasure in doing the bidding of our masters or felt justified in so doing because they have come to believe in one or another of the lies that form this false reality.

So Christians crusaded, so Muslims had their Jihads, so Fascists killed Communists, so Nation destroyed Nation. Great corporations, staffed by human beings, spread vile pollutants through air and water and food. Great criminal enterprises spread narcotics and pornography, take our women and children and force them into sex slavery, corrupt and terrify our streets and neighbourhoods and do all of these things for the fake stuff called money.

We have among us some bad people, people that have fallen into darkness or been pushed there, people that have such belief in one or the other of the false ideas that shape this reality that they believe they do good when they do evil.

Such is this false reality, a reality so awful that the greatest of crimes, the slaughter of the unborn, is now an accepted commonplace and 'right' almost everywhere. That the body parts of these children are traded, bought and sold, chopped and dissected, liquidised and transported is known and ignored by the mind controlled mass of humanity and especially by the fervent believers in 'women's rights', those who have bought the lie that motherhood is not key to humanity's survival and our societies' core of strength. The effects are seen everywhere, as are the effects of 'divorce' laws and the downgrading of the idea of marriage, leaving countless millions of children fatherless.

Truly, after millennia of all this horror, we have now descended almost to the lowest possible point. Yet, for those that can see, there is a precipice approaching, an even steeper decline of our species. A disgusting blood fest approaches rapidly, a great chaos in which those that believe will slaughter ordinary human beings until it seems that the very gates of hell have been opened and demons stalk the earth.

Believers, in Nation or Race or fake Religion or Money, it is these believers that stand in the service of evil, these believers that history teaches us are the ones that murder the rest of us.
Simple fact.

Believers are the mind controlled jackbooted storm troopers of the inhuman intelligence which controls humanity. There is no shortage of them, but day by day their numbers grow fewer.
Remember, almost none of us want war. Almost none of us want to kill.
The great majority of us have given up organised religion or that variety of fundamentalism, driven by evil agents of the masters of this place, that approves of the killing of those who believe differently.

Remember that few of us are truly greedy, that most of us only desire enough, freedom from debt, warmth and comfort, enough  to eat and so on. Few will kill for stuff, few will kill for money, few will kill for belief.
And yet, like twice before in the last hundred years, our human species will be so divided one from the other that we will bomb each other to pieces and set our civilisation back a thousand years and believe we do so to 'defend' ourselves because the masters have encouraged and fomented hatreds and divisions between us.

The Middle East has been so desecrated in the last thirty years or so. Cities and lives destroyed. Millions dead, millions displaced. It continues because we allow it to, because we fear those that push us to kill, because we believe in a religion or a nation, because some of us benefit from it in terms of money whilst casting our eternal soul into Hell.
If we pay tax, we contribute to this evil, this murder.

Without money there would be no war.
Sure, there would be disagreement, occasionally fights, but never would millions of us pick up arms and kill millions of other human beings.

Without nations there would be no war? Why should an artifact called 'Germany' go to war? Or an artifact called 'America'? Sure, those places, those communities, can have their identity and their culture, but none can survive alone in this world or if they can be so self sufficient then by being so, in isolation, will deprive others of our human tribe of the benefits they could share. We humans are born into a society, a place, by chance. If you are born into a land that had an abundance of stuff, should that mean that you hoard that stuff for yourselves, allowing those born into a poorer environment to starve as a result? Or do you use that stuff to provide for others and benefit from knowing that you do good?

Some will find it difficult to come to terms with such a concept, but we are merely a generation away from educating our species in these understandings, a generation away from seeing the benefit to everyone explode across our world and the happiness and content this will bring. We cannot envisage such things so long as we cling to the old fashioned idea of money, to outdated ideas of nation instead of place, to the evidently fake ideas of organised religions and their clever books of hatred and their greedy and perverted Priests and Rabbis and Mullahs. Just as science brings, along with its good things, whole rafts of evil things, so too does religion.

Normalcy bias describes the desire, felt by most human beings, to be left alone to live their lives as pleasantly as possible. Those in the West, currently the source of energy and killing power of the masters, are allowed by the training of their media to enjoy such normalcy bias. There are ostriches burying their heads in the sands of oblivion all across the West. Their willful ignorance is killing babies today in Yemen, but hey, there's a new episode on the TV.....

Do you in the West believe such destruction is not headed your way?

Look in your history books at the savagery committed by your forebears under orders from Kings and Presidents and money masters. A thousand years has seen the ancient 'white' tribes turned into the instruments of world domination. Country after country stolen and occupied. Tribe after tribe destroyed. Nation stalked hand in hand with Christianity across the globe, murdering and raping and destroying, stealing what was of value and handing those great treasures to those that sit at the top of  the false hierarchy.

The genocide of tribal peoples was also the despoiling and destruction of the values and understandings those human beings had. What might they have developed into, these peoples, these tribes? What might our species and our world have become had the white tribes, those first taken over by the evil power, resisted and refused to kill?

Soon, it will be the white tribes' turn.

The masters of this false reality saw generations ago how those peoples strove for civilisation, how they cried our for justice, how they questioned, how they were able if left alone to create wonders. War was declared against these previously most useful slaves back then. Their societies were targeted for despoilation, their morality and decency attacked and undermined, their young misshaped, their health assailed, their independence shrouded by debt. The final nail in the coffin is just moments away and the great resentment against the white tribes, after hundreds of years of genocidal empire building, will swell into agonising vengeful destruction.

This is why the Muslim refugees fleeing Western bombs have been herded, for the profit of fake NGOs, into your nations. This is why Muslim rape gangs were allowed to continue for decades by police, by social workers, by local and national governments. To create something to HATE. To give 'Tommy Robinson' his proto-fascist followers. All of it planned, and we humans failed to see what was going on, how subtle and devious our masters' plans can be.

Ask an Irish human being about their history and they always point an accusatory finger at the English. Yet the English were a slave tribe by then, were owned by the masters and did their bidding. Later, many Irish joined the military forces of the English, as did Scots and Welshmen, and did to others across the world what had been done to them.

Now the entire world is so captured, from England to China, from Russia to South Africa, from Sweden to New Zealand. The entire human species is enslaved. Our tribal understandings have gone, are forgotten. Our humanity itself is evident almost nowhere. The Irish, just recently, voted to approve the 'legal' killing of the unborn. For financial reasons. For stupid social reasons. For ease and comfort. Rarely, to save a human being the horror of a life of awful disability.
The question is this: Are we, as it seems, so utterly debased, so utterly mind controlled, so utterly entangled by the false belief systems, so downtrodden, so amoral, so divided that the only future for our species is the one that seems inevitable?
Can we stop this awful carousel and get off?

Again: In England, for the past twenty years, the Police, Social Services, Local and National Government conspired together to allow and by virtue of that to encourage gang after gang of Muslim child rapists.The facts are there for all to see. Child victims of these incessant rapes that reported the rapists to the police or social workers were themselves harrassed by those agencies of the state. This didn't happen once or twice, but thousands of times.

Over this time in excess of ten thousand children were raped, in good old England, whilst those tasked by society to protect them turned a deliberate blind eye. Some estimate the number of rapes to be much higher. Certainly they continue.

I repeat this to highlight two important points:
The first is that there are sufficient demonic human beings among we humans placed in positions of trust and paid for by the rest of us that are so depraved as to condone and encourage child rape (and probably child murder). Local government officials destroyed evidence......are still doing so today.
The second is that it is clear that there are more insidious motives. These motives include the production of a stream of young muslims who can be scared into becoming Jihadists. It works this way: They are encouraged to join the rape gangs. They are told by their Imams that raping a non-Muslim child is not a crime, just as the Talmudic Jews are so reassured by their perverted Rabbis. Once the crime is committed, they are then informed that the police have discovered them, that warrants have been issued for their arrest, that if they go to prison they will be raped and probably beaten or murdered, that they will live the rest of their lives as registered 'sex offenders', that no Muslim woman or good muslim family would ever let their daughters marry such a savage.

Then, thank Allah!, their Imam assures them that there is a way out, that they can redeem themselves, that they can smuggled out of England and join Allah's warriors. They are terrified. They are told they must act quickly, not discuss it with their parents or friends, that they must go tonight or face a truly awful future. ISIS gets a new recruit.

In this way across Europe are young men recruited to the Jihadists, those fake Muslims sponsored and enabled by the masters of this reality.

At the same time, as scheduled, after decades of organised child rape, the Muslim rape gangs are finally brought into the public awareness. At the same time, Zionist sponsored agents are set up and popularised to whip up the sentiments and anger of the non-Muslim population. This is happening right across Europe and indeed the world. Fake alternative media, set up by the masters, call this a rising of the people against the rulers of this reality. Fat and ugly men with small penises are drawn off their bar stools or beer and burger stained sofas and called to make a stand. Martyrs are created.........the falsely named Tommy Robinson is one. So the Satanic Zionist plan to create a war that will destroy the white tribes' civilisation, a war between the larger populations and the Muslims that have been seeded for generations and are now in great numbers among those societies.

Do you see?
Yet, ask a '@Free Tommy Robinson' supporter what he understands of these machinations and he will go red in the face and start punching.

So were the Germans encouraged to beat the Jews. We all know how that ended up, though the numbers are in dispute and the masters' hands behind the destruction of their own co-believers is still largely unrecognised.

Albert Pike's 'Three World Wars' letter, the document called the 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion', both are called fake, both are disputed, one is called anti-semitic, yet both are unerringly accurate, both are in excess of a century old, both foretell the future with such incredible precision that their creators must have been either the finest prophets the world has ever known or, more likely,  part of the demonic and long term strategisers of the masters of this reality.

Do you see how detailed and long term are these plans? More than a century ago there were many well researched books that exposed these awful plots and the plotters behind them. They exposed the vast power of the masters of this reality, showed how they controlled nation after nation, fomented war after war, revolution after revolution. Our species is, time and time and time again brought to awful conflict and yet we seem to learn nothing.

You see, we die young (and increasingly younger!). You see, our children are taught to believe their parents are anything but wise. You see, our narrative of life is utterly controlled by the media. You see, our time of fullness, our time of strength, from early adulthood until age robs us of our strength and vitality, is consumed by the need to make money, the need to work until we drop, the need to pay debt. Our minds are granted a vision of humanity which is made more perverse every day. Billions of us live in peace and do no harm, and yet the news is an endless stream of fear inducing reports of the horrors we commit. Our vision of ourselves as a species is thus debased.

Many believe we are destroying this planet.
We are being tricked into helping our masters to destroy this planet.
Given no choice in the matter.

We are, in effect and in actuality, living whole lives entirely in a false reality, believing in and playng with the toys that are tossed into the enshrouding box in which we exist and being forced to fight each other for these fake toys or over these fake ideas. It is not over yet. The masters saw that we were waking up to our condition and have delivered to us an unending stream of agent provocateurs, from Alex Jones to that tosser Tommy Robinson, to turn that awakening force into their own weapon of chaos and coming destruction.

We still haven't learned.

This is largely due to the individual stupidity of human beings, to the way we have been taught to ignore wisdom, to ridicule the old. We are as a species easily angered, easily led, easily become convinced that good is evil and that the worst evil is good. Always there are those among us that are angry with life, angry with their lot, clever enough to allow that vile anger to drive them to the top of whatever pile of ordure they have chosen as their 'career' (be it pimping, prostitution, the military or police, government or corporate hierarchies), or dumb enough to be convinced of a truth that is in fact a complex and devious lie.

Forget religion for a moment, but yet understand that there are two forces at play here.
They are good and evil.

Understand that the vast majority of human beings are in essence good, that given a humanhearted world of goodness to exist within they would never do evil. Understand that there are a small number of evil human beings, and that they are attracted to the force and power that is pure evil in this world and climb its hierarchies and bully and cow the rest of us.

Know then that humanity's greatest enemy is that we scare too easily. We only fight to the death when ordered to do so or when so utterly consumed by one belief or another that we kill believing we do good. In the old days of slavery, as in the current world of slavery, a few Kapos or guards or overseers could control hundreds of slaves. The slaves were kept divided. The slaves were given a fake religion. The slaves were encouraged to work against each other. The evil ones were made house slaves and got a slightly better deal...........

Do you see?

All that is required is a unity of understanding between we billion upon billion of humanhearted human beings, and the courage to take the decision to free ourselves.

That unity cannot be discovered through political discourse. We were handed that fake freedom centuries ago and our masters are scoffing at us even now for our stupidity. That unity cannot be found through religion, for the religions were fabricated by our masters and are fake, have all of them a disgusting history of inhumanity. That unity cannot be found through the idea of nation or race.

WE ARE a species, full stop.
In slavery.

I am human.
So are you.
Go back far enough, you'll discover We Are all related.
One large and glorious family.

That unity can only be found through a set of principles we almost every one of us share.
This set of principles we call humanheartedness.
It is shared between the members of all the world's tribes, at their core.
It is the deep human yearning for peace, for an end to suffering, for an end to fear, for love.
We need no leaders or priests to guide us in this unity. We see they have a history of bloodshed, we see they have a history of greed, we see they have a history of paedophilia, we see them killing our children and not just in wars.

We need no fake 'Tommy Robinsons'. We have in our history hundreds of 'leaders' that promised salvation and ended up committing genocide. No more Hitlers or Lenins please. Such leaders are for children.

We simply need to awake to our power, and as a species set ourselves free.

This is not an encouragement to fight the principalities of the force of evil.
It is not a call to arms, anything but.

To end the long cycle of historic evil requires almost no action at all.
Look at the forces that prevail and understand that each can be easily and quickly dealt with.
Simply by deciding to ignore them, so we will make them wither and die.
And humanity will, for the first time in millennia, perhaps the first time ever, be free.
And from that freedom we will grow into something altogether marvelous, billions of minds creating, an entity, a hive mind, called HUMANITY.

Written with Love beside the olive tree,
This is our witness,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Cambridge Analytica Cambridge Analytica Cambridge Analytica

In April 2017 we wrote this piece about consciousness engineering and, ahead of the news, drew our readers attention (lower down in the piece) to Cambridge Analytica and their devious role in the consciousness engineering project currently underway to prevent humanity (the 'humanhearted' meek human beings whose planet this was and will be again) taking its next step. It is a FAR bigger issue than just messing with electorates.

Know this, dear fellow human beings: The Power believes it has won, but the game is far from over...........

Consciousness Engineering, the science. (Monday, April 17th, 2017)


How we work: As our readers know, we rarely do detail and almost never refer to source material. 

However, sometimes even a short piece reflects years of research. Our skill, if we have any, is in drawing conclusions from the data spinning in our minds set against the template of our understanding of the game called life, the false reality that goes on within the screen and the purpose and ambitions of those that shape this earthly plane. (Even that description is underpinned by years of reading the ideas, thoughts and research of people like Einstein, Planck, Tesla, Leonard Susskind, Professor Herbert Dingle, Richard Feinman, Wolfram, Nick Bostrom and many, many others.) 
We carefully follow the workings of deception within physics and the work of the placemen as they control human understanding of the nature of reality, the existence of a creative thought/mind, the super-importance of human consciousness. 

The nature of human advance towards understanding can be summarised as a carefully managed and tightly controlled surge towards a tipping point, the moment when our collective intelligence discovers the true nature of everything. It is our belief that the story of this journey towards the tipping point is cyclical, that we have been at this point before, perhaps many times. This iteration of the game is one of a sequence. In each iteration we are carefully managed, our rate of progress slowed and misdirected, knowledge deliberately hidden or allowed to be forgotten. As we approach the moment, the point where humanity realises it is a hive mind, a collective co-creational singularity, an artificial intelligence comprised of billions of self-energised units each with its own learning and understanding, that moment when our connectivity renders us one and we are able to pool our billions of minds and reach conclusions from that pooling, the controllers of this reality become ever more active. 
This is their duty or purpose (though they may not know it), and this explains the terrible nature of the false reality we most of us are miserable about and call 'life'.

The culmination of thousands of years of human history, the concatenation of billions of lives' learning when distilled, produces not complexity but simplicity. Seven billion minds produce seven billion argumentative and selfish units with countless billions of opinions but the object is to discover that which we know to be TRUE, that which we can all agree upon and it is this process of distillation that finds us inevitably focusing on the core of the issue, the knowledge of good and evil and what we must do with that knowledge in order to become something different to that which we currently are. 

Becoming that different entity is the purpose and destiny of the super-intelligence that will be the product of humanity's history. This is why we speak here of co-creation, of sharing, of disposing of the structures of the false reality and the hierarchies and “Magick” of the controllers. It is only when we free knowledge and share it that we will be able to advance at our true speed. To do this we must free our universities and thinkers from the constraints of patents, of budgetary controls, of the idea of ownership of and monetary gain from intellectual property (in fact free our species from the dark Magick of money altogether). These are vital unfettering actions that will free our collective intelligence and spur us towards the next stage of consciousness. 

Only a species that is inherently stupid would allow the world as we know it today to continue for even a moment. We are about to stop being inherently stupid and, as we often allude to here, whilst each individual human being is non too bright, seven billion human beings assisted by the things that they make, built upon the foundations of the other things they have made, connected and unified as a single thinking entity, set free of the imposed mind-shackles, become something utterly beyond simply the sum of the parts.

That was a long introduction and, for our regulars, probably boring. The purpose of this post is to describe, in some detail, how the power in this reality is currently and scientifically controlling human consciousness in order to steer us away from our destiny and teach us another lesson, perhaps the last. 
As a species we are finally waking up and realising our potentiality and the destiny that awaits us, the product of the reduction of learning to a single concept (good/evil/LOVE) and the promise of a co-creative single consciousness and what that will produce. 
To reach that point we must overcome the obstacles which are laid in the path of that progress, realising our power and authority to dismiss the warmongers and usurious money creators and all their systemic hierarchies and become one tribe, a single consciousness understanding the power of love.

Consciousness control, background:

The science of mass consciousness control has at its base the workings of the early psychologists and the institutes created by the power over a century ago. The early ideas of Freud and Jung and the institutional organisations which sprang into being to capitalise on this learning, chief amongst which was the Tavistock Clinic, (that which in 1946 morphed into the Tavistock Institute following an injection of capital (and control) by the Rockefeller 'philanthropic' funds,) were most frankly expressed by Edward Bernays in the by now well known words:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

The essence of that statement lies in the understandings which underpin it: implicit in the idea of “a smoothly functioning society” is the knowledge that such smooth functioning allows trillionaires to go unmolested whilst they strip the collective energy of human endeavour, and that it is “logical” that 'democracy' is so formed as to make this human farming enterprise workable.

We have spoken here often of the fallacious nature of democracy and how the alternatives, from fascism to communism, from monarchy to theocracy have simply been manifestations of the same controlling power acting upon the consciousness of humanity in order to pursue its own agenda.

If you do nothing else today you should take the time to read “Propaganda”. Its first chapter, 'Organising Chaos' is most illuminating. Though it is somewhat dated now, it speaks truths rarely repeated in the mainstream. It can be read free here:

Bernays was one of the most influential people of the 20th Century and one of the first to demonstrate how public consciousness could be engineered to support military adventure and the targeting of overseas governments in the interests of the money power when, on behalf of United Fruit (who paid him $100,000 a year back in the 1950's!) he engineered the CIA coup in Guatemala with the support of the 'democratic' government and a carefully re-framed public consciousness. In this and many earlier instances he invented the concept that human consciousness could be moulded to accept and even approve of even the most unpalatable evils.

This, of course, is now a commonplace.

So it is that we have been taken to war with Iraq via lying propaganda, with Afghanistan, with Libya and now with Syria. The latter demonstrates the complicity between different elements of the control matrix (rather, the consciousness control matrix) with the example of the so-called “White Helmets” being awarded an Oscar by the controlled Hollywood media machine. 

The white helmets (using the old white-hat concept first introduced in Western movies years ago, so dumb do our controllers think we are) are paid for and organised by, mainly, the British and US governments (http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/03/13/secret-1bn-uk-war-chest-used-to-fund-the-white-helmets-and-other-initiatives/ ) and whilst seemingly a great bunch of humanitarian heroes are in fact closely allied to Al Nusra Front and the so-called 'Al Qaeda' and directly responsible for the production of propaganda in the field involving the killing or brutalisation of children or the simulation thereof.
For truth, or at least a different opinion on Syria, check out:
Or any of the work by Vanessa Beeley (who in a just world would win the Nobel Peace Prize or the Pullizer or something else).

Bernays also wrote this:

Universal literacy was supposed to educate the common man to control his environment. Once he could read and write he would have a mind fit to rule. So ran the democratic doctrine. But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given him rubber stamps, rubber stamps inked with advertising slogans, with editorials,with published scientific data (climate change, anyone?), with the trivialities of the tabloids and the platitudes of history, but quite innocent of original thought. Each man's rubber stamps are the duplicates of millions of others, so that when those millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all receive identical imprints. It may seem an exaggeration to say that the American public gets most of its ideas in this wholesale fashion. The mechanism by which ideas are disseminated on a large scale is propaganda, in the broad sense of an organized effort to spread a particular belief or doctrine.”

So it is that education forms a vital element in the establishment of 'truths' in human consciousness. This builds upon the understandings gained over centuries by organised religions, past-masters at consciousness engineering that we often refer to here. It is the religions that exemplify the use of symbols which speak directly to the subconscious, to the archetypes identified by Jung that inhabit the collective unconscious of humanity and provide some clues as to our true nature as a species and the potentiality that lies within our collective consciousness.

From "Symbols of the Sacred":
“The symbol harmonizes opposite drives of the unconscious and brings them into accord with the content of consciousness. It thus becomes the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious, providing the mind with a diagram of psychic unity, far more complex than could be obtained by means of rational processes. Symbolic representation includes totally irrational elements which refuse to obey the laws of logical thinking. Yet its function is highly rational, for it sets up archetypal forms through which conscious conflicts may be interpreted and eventually resolved. Since this resolution is of primary importance to the self, the symbol wields an enormous power in the psychic development of the individual. It draws this power from energy exceeding the maintenance needs of natural functions. Once they are constituted, symbols syphon ever more energy away toward trans-individual objectives. The power of the symbol to transform libido reveals its prospective value. The symbol indicates for consciousness what it ought to become. New and unique experiences of consciousness in a changing world require new and unique symbols. These symbols in turn point the way in which conscious action must be transformed. Symbolization anticipates the future; the symbol directs the individual to new activities, and points the way toward new cultural formulations for the group.”

For centuries religions have understood the use of symbols to frame human consciousness and, over the last century or so the work of psychologists has developed and refined the understandings of mass human psychology at the conscious and subconscious levels and utilised that knowledge to transform the way in which power exerts itself to manipulate and control the human species. In years gone by the monarch would exert control through personal acts of violence and through hierarchy and the use of symbols (crowns, sceptres, flags, jewels etc) and taught behaviours (knee bending, saluting, singing of anthems etc ) and religions followed basically the same methodology. These old methods, whilst still incredibly effective, have demonstrably been shown to be losing their power over humanity. The power understood the changing nature of humanity long before we began to understand it ourselves and so have focused their energies on creating new, up-to-date consciousness control mechanisms so as to continue their hold over us and prevent or mislead the coming general awakening of the species.

Before we go on we would refer to Aleister Crowley's definition of Magick as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will”. As an adept of the 'mystery' Crowley was aware of the true nature of reality, that it is shaped by the collective human consciousness and that to perform any act of control of reality involved the influencing of that consciousness by will. This was superbly demonstrated by Hitler, his use of symbols and speeches which addressed the collective consciousness and subconscious via the archetypes, and by Churchill, another adept. Both left behind a legacy of speeches which can be listened to today and still now touch chords in the human psyche. This is a Magick of the darkest sort, that which is used to drive one human being to wilfully murder another, to massacre countless thousands of children in Dresden firebombings or Hiroshima nukes, to mercilessly bomb Iraq, Syria or Yemen or wherever and call the death of children 'collateral damage'.

The science of consciousness control is a dark Magick which shapes reality evil and which has drawn the human experience, for thousands of years, into the very pit of hell. It is this we must, as a species, learn both to recognise and to free ourselves from if we are to achieve our destiny in a world of love. 

That we are able to understand what's going on is the first step.

The modern science of reality shaping through collective consciousness control:

Developed to meet the challenges of an awakening humanity, slow us down and maintain the control structures for the power are a large number of systemic changes which are being developed to replace the outmoded and now discovered consciousness-control structures and replace them, using techniques appropriate to this age which take advantage of new technologies and new learnings.

To give a taste of the changes in the pipeline we will briefly refer to some of the changes designed to meet the challenges presented by an awakening humanity, changes which it is strategised will fully emerge once humanity has been brought to its knees by chaos and war and so in the psychological condition both to scream out for something different and also to lamely accept whatever is presented that seems to (but won't) meet what the species desires. We will then point to the science and organisations that are shaping human consciousness to conform with those changes.

On the one hand we have alternatives to organised religions being formulated and promulgated by the Luciferian United Nations and the Thelemic writings and workings of such creatures as Blavatsky, Alice Bailey (she who has been so influential at the United Nations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucis_Trust ) and more recently by Barbara Marx Hubbard
The New Age religion designed to replace the old can be seen being promoted by old-religion leaders such as the Pope and by useful servants of the power like Tony Blair and his push for a unified world religion. ( http://institute.global/  and  http://www.tonyblairfaithfoundation.org/).

On another hand we have the replacements being readied for the moment when humanity realises that democracy has been one enormous con trick. These are being formed around a number of prongs: The first is the idea that micro-communities such as towns and cities should have self-government or that regions should have self government. View in this light the recent Brexit farrago and know that, despite the 'government' being seemingly against it, it was planned and fixed to meet the challenge of humanity's disenchantment with Big Government and defuse the power inherent in that disenchantment. So in the UK, trendsetting as ever, we see the 'devolution' of elements of the United Kingdom. So, around the world, we will see similar efforts to disunite age old communities into smaller regions (more controllable regions) and into “City States”.
As an example, we offer this:
The World Bank is involved in this:
Of course the European Union is likewise engaged:

These two examples will meet the need to seemingly do away with nations and conflicting religions and so obviate future wars. There are similarly well progressed plans to do away with the current money system and introduce a 'gold-backed' electronic money system, to dispense with the 'jobs=wages' system and introduce a worldwide basic income, to dispense with juries and introduce a new justice system based on judges and so on and so forth.

Every aspect of the old world will be changed and the plans are well progressed and the people and training well advanced.

The New World Order will involve a plethora of seemingly charitable organisations, not-for-profits and NGOs who will, it will be suggested, operate out of good will and so be eminently trustworthy. 

Around the world there are countless thousands of such organisations already, many funded by the Rockefellers and other trillionaire philanthropists, by the United Nations, by governments, by large banking organisations and so on. This is a quiet and unheralded mass organisation. Possibly the best analysis of the growth of these cancerous and seemingly 'lovely' organisations and the Common Purpose which unites them and runs like a red thread through them is presented by the UKColumn website and their video channel. (http://www.ukcolumn.org/ )

The structure and methodology of power is changing to meet the challenge of the awakening of human consciousness and the potentiality of our species.

What is doing the work that Bernays and Tavistock might have undertaken in the last century?

Big Data:

The interconnected nature of humanity is a product of our ingenuity and the cumulative power of our thought when taken as an entity. To explain: The more human beings there are, the more whom we can label 'genius', the better those people can communicate through language and other media, the faster we move towards the hive mind. Against this are the controls of knowledge, education and the ownership for money-benefit of intellectual property, the controls of scientific publishing and the attacks (physical or career destroying) made upon those that threaten this control structure.

There is one more aspect to this issue: The collection of big data and the ends to which such data can be employed.

Let's begin by examining what Data Mining is:

Behind that understanding sits the raison d'etre of the activities of GCHQ in the UK, the CIA and NSA and Homeland Security in the USA, Mossad and many other intelligence agencies around the world that answer to the world power.

The collective efforts of these agencies and the algorithms they employ is to develop an incredibly detailed picture of the state of collective human consciousness which is then employed to manipulate that collective consciousness and drive our species in the directions desired. With this data they can trial certain ideas, check their effectiveness, monitor the success of the lie and move with confidence to the next stage.

Outside of the government agencies are the private corporations that are experts in this field. They understand how to collect the data, draw the conclusions therefrom and then offer advice and systems which enable the power to manipulate human consciousness in accordance with their will
To give it the old name, it's Magick.

Note that underpinning these efforts is an understanding which is still foreign to most human beings but which is fully understood by the reality shapers. 
For some millennia they have known that their control over humanity is sustained by mental conditioning. To draw an analogy recall the slave owners in the USA who, with a few thugs and a few slaves that had been made into traitors to their kind managed to control hundreds, even thousands, of slaves that could have, in a moment, overwhelmed their oppressors. 

In the concentration camps the SS were often very nearly absent, discipline and fear being maintained by Jews that acted as “Kapos”, to their shame, often more brutal and uncompromising than the official SS guards themselves.

(Even in the vilest of circumstances the power has understood how to recruit the psychopaths amongst us to do its bidding and imprison the rest of humanity. This is one of the ways the world has always worked and is already in place for the New World Order, being constructed under our very noses.)

Note here that there are myriad scientific studies which are analysing and determining how to manipulate the activities and motivations of the online community. Some are business related, for example this study about how to motivate people to contribute to forums and become involved with and attached to a particular discussion on a particular site:

Some activities are related to the developing global consciousness and understanding how it works, how it will develop and, more importantly, how to control and misdirect it. Spinning out of the New Age Thelema movement we see examples like this from the Princeton Institute of Noetic Sciences:

They have the effrontery to quote this on their web page, like some sort of insider joke:
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” (Goethe)

An interesting diversion is to visit their 'partners' page and discover the vast extent of these networks, including the Shift movement of Barbara Marx Hubbard referred to above, the Theosophical Society referred to above in relation to Alice Bailey, Blavatsky, the United Nations and Aleister Crowley, many billionaire funded 'institutes' (NGOs) and, interestingly, an organisation calling itself “Consciousness Hacking”....
Talk about hidden in plain sight!

Now, let's focus on the serious players, those responsible for creating the NASA mythology, those behind the Trump victory and Brexit (proving nothing happens by accident in so-called politics in misnamed 'democracies'), those behind the Great Works in place in the world today manipulating human consciousness through the internet.

Please note: For reasons that will become apparent your presence here reading this is a) something of a miracle, and b) being recorded and monitored. Not only that but your further actions upon reading this will be recorded and monitored. If you mention it on the telephone to a friend, via skype, text or tweet it, post a link on Facebook, speak of it in stores or other monitored sites you will be added to a list. Once added to that list you will be targeted by a number of means: When you search the internet certain sites will drop down the search engine generated list. If you search for anything that may prove incriminating that will be logged. The ads and suggested sites or suggested videos you are offered will not be random but rather designed to draw you in particular directions, more especially towards the controlled opposition sites or those designed to distract or divide humanity and lead us away from collective understanding.

Trump's able assistants in gaining the throne of the USA were orchestrated by Giles and Parscale.

On their site they proudly boast:
Understanding the power of technology and the vital role it plays in a 21st century political campaign, Mr. Trump chose Brad Parscale as the Digital Director of the Trump presidential campaign. Parscale’s direction and strategy spearheaded the design and development of the primary website, as well as social media strategies and implementation, campaign design concepts and messaging, digital media ad campaigns, and merchandise design. The site’s highly-advanced server structure accommodates millions of visitors without difficulty.”

Behind Giles and Parscale were Cambridge Analytica, the bigger boys on this particular block.
Please note, if from the UK, that Cambridge Analytica also worked on the pro-Brexit campaign.
(Nothing happens by accident in politics....)

Cambridge Analytica proudly boast that they …
“ collect up to 5,000 data points on over 220 million Americans, and use more than 100 data variables to model target audience groups and predict the behavior of like-minded people”

and that....
“ data scientists and psychologists are constantly testing new modeling and research techniques to ensure all our data sets and audience segments are the most advanced in the market.”

THIS may well be how these people work:

They are targeted with ensuring that the disquiet within our species is carefully monitored.
(5,000 data points over 220 million Americans!)
That is, they are fully aware of the collective consciousness of the target group, what they are thinking day to day, what they are saying to their friends, what they are buying, where they are, what they are doing, what they are doing wrong (!). Collated, this big data enables them to calculate the collective consciousness of the species.

This big data also allows them to be able to strategise about what steps need to be taken to direct and manipulate humanity to meet the aims and objectives of the power which funds them. That is, they are operating as Kapos in the camp, so to speak.

An example:
Trump, or one of his team, are asked to speak about building a wall so as to assess the national sentiment of the voters towards this idea.
The outpouring of social media, comments, telephone conversations etc etc are then data mined.
Trump and his team are then informed as to whether this is a winner or not, and future statements are crafted by the team of neuro-linguistic programmers and psychologists to meet the requirements of the campaign.
The involvement of psychologists is key, as Bernays demonstrated a century ago.
Cambridge Analytica boast that they “let you control every aspect of your audience engagement by building crucial information flows and behavioral connections.”

In other words they offer to control the behaviour of the target audience.
As political analyst and pollster Franz Luntz said:
“There are no longer any experts except Cambridge Analytica. They were Trump's digital team that figured out how to win.”

(As an aside, there have been two events in recent American history, (the assassination of JFK and 9/11) that psychologists would recognise as causing sufficient mental trauma to create Dissociative Identity Disorder. This condition is one created by mind-control operatives (such as in MK Ultra) to create the state of mind wherein the target becomes programmable. Note how many people in the USA so readily accepted the quickly announced and ridiculous “Bin Laden” terrorist story without employing any logic or reasoning and still accept the ludicrous official version today whilst their government busies itself with slaughtering millions in the 'war on terror'.
The second reference is interesting to those that wonder if 9/11 created an entire nation of 'alters'.
In association with the Sustainable Cities concept being pushed by the Rockefellers and other globalists, this organisation looks at trauma and shaping behavioural responses;
These understandings should be with you next time you see a 'chemical attck on kids' in Syria and are expected to approve of the 'consequential' missile attack. Will it be nukes next? You decide.)

Cambridge Analytica is an offshoot (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_Analytica ) of the British parent company SCL.
SCL proudly boast that what they do is Predict, Understand and Shape.
They are adept at assisting politicians shape human consciousness to gain consent:

Note that both of these organisations are targeted towards data miningeverything about the targeted group and then driving the behaviours desired by their paymasters. At a fairly innocent level this might be to get customers to click to buy a certain product. At a more sinister level, this might be to vote a certain way, believe a certain thing, act in a proscribed way at a pre-determined moment.

It is with the aid of organisations of this nature and the darker forces at work within intelligence agencies that the consent of humanity is obtained or, worse, the power understands what it can get away with without so enraging people that they decide to act.
This is how they are engineering human consciousness, how they seek to prevent our achieving what we are capable of.

We are, as a species, a mass of imperfect individuals, often driven to sin by circumstance, operating within a reality framed and shaped by a small number of 'people' who, by their methods and actions, we are forced to categorise as 'inhuman'.
Like all slave owners they fear the turning of the slaves, fear the evolution of the herd, fear us becoming the sum of all our parts.
As in the theory of predator-prey relationships as regards to co-evolution, when the prey develops techniques or capabilities to defend itself so the predator develops way to overcome those defences.
Our predator is one step ahead of us, using the data the internet provides and the psychology it understands so well to control the surge towards destiny of our species.

They are making their chaos to prevent us, shaping their new world order behind the scenes, building the new gulag for the mind, recruiting and training their Kapos, reframing their minds and bending them towards the Common Purpose.

But be hopeful, and fear nothing, for the nascent collective consciousness of humanity is a seven billion strong processing unit of such awesome power that it will become unstoppable.

Search for the core that is unity and there you will find your billions of fellow human beings, damaged but unbroken, understanding the difference between good and evil, ready to take the next step into the future and become something different, something better, co-creators of OUR new world order.

At its foundation will be love.
That which we were each of us born with, that which each of us yearns for, that which is the collective consciousness of our species.

Love to you all,
Aktina Pempti and Olive Farmer.

The trees we cut two years ago have endured last year's drought and are full of new leaf and flower, promising a good harvest. Like our species the Olive Tree can endure much and still produce beauty and plenty.
Is it time?
We think so.

Xxx xxx xxx