Tuesday 19 June 2018

Paedos. Are they human, or INhuman?

This is something of a must watch.
Reminiscent of the Hampstead case.
The state gives the abused kids back to the abuser.
The state murders or arrests witnesses.
The media cover it all up.
The media smear the accusers and ruin their lives.
In this case, the USA have arrested and will place in the hands of the vile Lithuanian paedo elite someone who objected to all of this.
Where is the Hitlary arrest, Mr Trump?
Why are kids being held in ex-Walmarts, Mr Trump?
Why are migrant kids disappearing in the UK, America, everywhere?
Walnut Sauce?
The andrenochrome?

There are many that think we alone, we human beings, are the only sentient beings inhabiting this reality.
Think again.
They grow in number, and assume the bodies and minds of people you know, people you grew up with.
Is it impossible, knowing what we know about the nature of this reality, that something other has entered our space?
Has always been here, but now they grow in number.
We need those sunglasses, from the documentary 'They Live'.


  1. The mantra over the last few years that I've heard is: they are only 1%, we are 99%. Doesn't look like that to me. From where I'm sitting, it looks to me that it's us who are the 1%.



  2. Maybe you have something there. Maybe there's some sort of process in this game of life. Maybe we're a catalyst for evolution, or just maybe we're the aliens, or maybe we're the true humans and everyone else is a non-player character. Maybe we are chosen by the creator to guide humanity (yeah, right). Maybe a large number of 'humans' are now occupied by demons/transdimensional beings/aliens. There's simply too much we don't know......
    However, a simple reading of the comments on the Daily Mail about almost anything shows just how much many ordinary human beings are wise to now.
    I think how many 'we are' is being hidden by clever algorithms and by misleading fake alternative 'leaders'.


We love to hear what you think, thanks.