Thursday 10 September 2020


 To stop the impending slaughter of you and yours, WE must become something much more powerful.

WE must stand together.
WE must share a symbol.
WE must share an understanding.
WE must attack the sources of the Power that make evil happen.
WE must collapse the world's money system, so that THEY cannot use it as the fuel that drives their killing machinery.


A step too far? Something you can barely imagine?
Something you don't believe WE can do?
Why, you have grown to like money, can't see how things would work without it, have become used to it, would miss it, would feel lost without it, would lose that dream you have of suddenly acquiring mountains of the stuff and living in luxury!

AND YET: You know they make it out of thin air. You know they buy everything of essential value to our species with their fake money. You KNOW that most human beings are in debt, or have so little that their lives are a daily struggle for food, for shelter. You know that millions die from lack of the stuff. You KNOW it is the energy behind organised crime, drug dealing, prostitution, child trafficking. You KNOW it puts Power in the hands of Evil. You know that it puts THEM above the law. You know its lack creates uncertainty and misery for billions of YOUR species. You KNOW it is the stuff that bribes politicians, pays for blackmail, for corruption at every level. You KNOW it funds every hierarchy in every walk of life and those hierarchies march in step to the murderous music of the hidden pipers. You know that all debt is fake and the misery that stems from debt. You KNOW it locks we human beings in servitude to usury.

Get over “money”.
Our world WILL be so much better without it.
WE need resources, we need effort, we need organisation. These things we have, in abundance.
That is the key to the world we humans will co-create.
Kill money.

 WE are Warriors of the Rainbow.

                                               Our number is 11:11

   One name, one symbol, one intent, one ambition, one future.

                                       The world mind is being born.

                                                         WE ARE.



  1. If you get rid of money then you have to use the banks, credit card etc. The banks make tons of profits on that. They can also track every purchase you make. It also give them a lot of control over us. Be careful what you ask for. What happened after India eliminated cash
    Two years ago, the Indian government abruptly wiped out most of the nation’s currency in hopes of ending black money and curbing corruption. Has the experiment worked?

  2. Thinking....Read more of the many posts here about getting rid of money. We mean ALL money, not just paper and coins. Evidently electronic/digital money is the worst form of this evil energy, but money (all of which is created from thin air) is the source of almost everything that harms our species and particularly gives unwarranted power to those that rule this reality. Unless we "forget" money, as a species, and find a different way then those creatures will ALWAYS have the power to keep causing the misery they cause...forever.

  3. How to build a class consciousness of US? A realisation of our existence as a solid block with identical interests?

    On one side there's is a compact group conscious of its existence as..., it wouldn't be any exaggeration to say, as a family. They have their organisations: WEF, CFR, IMF, WB, The Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs, etc. They meet regularly, discuss matters of common interests, plan things, and don't hesitate to make big sacrifices of their wealth for the service of the whole group.

    On the other side we have merely individuals, still not conscious of themselves as ONE WORLD PEOPLE. The People, I'm afraid, still doesn't exist as a class capable of wiping up its enemy. The elite has made every effort to make us over-individualists looking for our little selves, altogether disentangled from the others as long as the threat is far away. We do see in these fantastic times some sort of a resistance trying to take shape but I long for the way people by the millions manifested in the streets in the past. One can see videos of huge manifestations in the streets of people that were very united, there was no internet, no social media, nothing (I think that the internet has a confusing and pacifying-making passive-effect); but there was convictions, ideals. People were educated, they knew what they wanted, they knew what they were fighting for, and why. They had debates, discussions. There was something we might call PEOPLE and the elite had to take it into consideration.

    My view is that we must get out of the virtual ranting. It did all a lot of harm Brevard we get used to it. We must gather, debate, organise, plan, form worldwide fronts. We must become alive

  4. What we are trying to do is reduce everything to essentials. The Devil is in detail. The essentials are those things which already unite us, though few realise it. They are those things which make us human, human-hearted, Ren as Confucius described it, the instinctive love that sits in the hearts of humanity expressed as love for each other, love for our children, love of our planet, nature, beauty, the way we feel when we receive kindness, the way we feel when we give kindness, charity, generosity, sharing. These things have been assaulted by the fake money system that divides humanity, that sets us in competition with each other, that focuses its power in the nest of vipers that rules this reality and have shaped human consciousness for millennia.
    Therefore there is unity in human-heartedness, there is unity in understanding the dark energy called fake money that gives humanity's enemy all of its Power. WE ARE already ONE.
    That understanding will emerge, because we now can identify the common enemy and from that find unity despite our differences. It is trhat emergence of a species wide understanding that Covid seeks to undermine. They see the Warriors of the Rainbow coming.
    THEY also fear 11:11
    The conduit is closing.

  5. Ironic that it's the billionaires that consider getting rid of money. How pure are their thoughts?


We love to hear what you think, thanks.