Here it is.
is there 'money'?
To exercise control over information and thereby SLOW the rate of
human advance.
(Consider: The masters of this reality
have all the money they will ever need, have used the creation of
money as debt from thin air to gain a stranglehold over every aspect
of human endeavour. The Queen never carries money. Money is nothing
to them other than an instrument of control. It is employed in
countless ways but its chief employment, at core, is the control of
human consciousness (that is, what we believe) and control of
scientific knowledge, experiment and history. Consider, as we have
pointed out here many times, that the human species accelerates in
collective intelligence as the population grows and as connectivity
grows. They fight this by trying to reduce the population and by
controlling education and dumbing down the species. They at least,
even if most humans do not, see the threat to their continued evil
rule in the acceleration of collective intelligence brought about
simply by numbers. Consider the increases in computer processing
power and liken that to humanity. If we are just one million, we may
have just one genius. Seven thousand million = 7,000 ultra-bright
people. As we have spread the knowledge of a single lingua-franca we
are much more able to communicate. The power uses its money to
misguide and distract the clever human beings or absorb them into its
money-created power structure but it is not enough. At some point the
human species will come to the realisation that there is indeed a
vast and well organised evil force in the world but that, compared to
the species as a whole, their number is minuscule. This will be the
Wizard of Oz moment, the lifting of the veil, the apocalypse. Money
is at its most useful when applied to the control of information and
knowledge simply because such control is the most important survival
need of the masters. In simple terms, money exists to slow human
beings down. Consider a world without money. Science would advance in
the direction it needs to rather than the direction which will bring
most control over humanity and most profit to the lackeys of the
system. Consider how pharmaceuticals kill or merely treat symptoms to
produce a cash-cow, and how we might instead work in this area were
there no money. Consider all the fine minds bought and paid for by
the military industrial complex and consider how that brain-power
might be better employed were there no money, no need for money.
Remember, money is a recent invention, its purpose to store power,
that power used to control information, that process designed to slow
our rate of population growth (via war and starvation and engineered
sickness) and our rate of intellectual advance.)
Why is there evil?
To exercise control over human consciousness and thereby SLOW the
rate of human advance.
(Consider: The masters of this reality
have, throughout known history, focused in their empire building on
the utter destruction of tribal peoples and their lore and their
understanding of balance. These ancient and more recent tribal
peoples had no money but existed by trade and barter and by the
exchange of obligation. They understood duty simply by virtue of
needing others to be dutiful. One simple example: Care for the
elderly, because one day you will be elderly yourself. Another: Share
what you have with those that need, because one day your harvest
might fail. Another: Do your best, because nobody respects the lazy,
but everybody respects the trier. These are simple, human,
instinctive understandings and can be recognised as the core of many
religions because of that (although the religions, in the main, have
been usurped by the masters and sullied with their input, their
paedophilia and satanic rituals, their hierarchies, their fake
divisions that cause seekers of God to go to war with one another
when they share that most intrinsic desire to find and commune with
the creator. ALL seekers of God should be people of love and peace,
those most basic human desires.)
So: If we had been left to our own
devices we would, as tribal peoples advancing into the future we
created, gradually become more and more civilised, gradually overlain
our tribal understandings onto the modern societies we developed.
Peace and love and freedom and duty and obligation and respect for
nature, all those things lost to the evil power which dominates the
world, would reign supreme. They will in the future, they must in the
future, because those things are essential to our survival as a
species, which we all now understand is threatened by their
Evil exists because it has the power to
alter the collective, tribal, human instincts and, through fear and
engineered greed and temptation steer humanity away from its path and
in that way prevent our sharing of discovery and knowledge and
thereby slow down our rate of advance.
Why is there power?
To exercise control over population size and thereby SLOW the rate of
human advance.
(Consider: The masters of this reality
have built a vast, ordered pyramid of control which we humans
populate and keep in good order, usually for money or 'position'
within the system. This power is essential to their purpose. It
enables them to create revolution, war, starvation and sickness. It
enables them to alter our consciousness such that we feel it is a
right to be able to kill our unborn, that we feel that by our
activities we are destroying the world, that we are bad for the world
and should not reproduce. Wherever the consciousness control matrix
is at its strongest we note that human beings are no longer producing
sufficient children to sustain populations, let alone grow them.
Power has been used to destroy families, to destroy the woman as a
creator of home and a raiser of children, to emasculate men, to
'educate' humanity that children are a bad idea because 'we' are
destroying our planet.
“We” are NOT destroying our planet.
It is quite clear which individuals are responsible for nuclear and
other pollutions. It is quite clear who is spraying us daily. It is
quite clear which people thought it was a good idea to explode over
2,000 nuclear bombs for testing, which people therefore sowed cancer
into the future. It is quite clear, everywhere you look, that it is
power, and power alone, that is deliberately and with evil intent
destroying our planet and, in the process, destroying life itself.
Unless we, as a single species, unite
to stop this process, then inevitably we will shrink in number. Many
people are educated to believe this would be a good thing because
they believe the overpopulation myth. The world is a vast place. The
population density of Paris is 54,150 per square mile. It's a nice
city, full of open spaces, squares, museums, galleries, hospitals,
sports fields and so on, densely populated in its centre, less so in
its often delightful suburbs, crowded where the poor are crammed
together. Texas is a big state, with 268,820 square miles. If Texas
was a city JUST LIKE Paris, it could house 268,820 x 54,150 people.
That is, 14,556,603,000 people. To make that clearer, that's 14
BILLION people could be housed in Texas in a city like Paris. TWICE
the current world population. AND THE REST OF THE WORLD WOULD BE
The population of our species has grown
because we have advanced our methods of producing what is needed. As
we get smarter (because of our number) we can sustain larger
populations. The destruction of environment is NOT a product of human
existence, rather the product of the evil of our masters that care
not what they destroy in the exercise of their power.
Over history, the countless wars and
famines have occurred as a result of the exercise of power. Power
exists for that purpose alone, the purpose of culling the human
species and preventing its advance.
What is reality?
An interpretation of information in which medium it is possible to
create a new generator of information equal to the original.
(Consider: Many scientists are almost scared to speak this truth, but we now understand, from quantum physics, that our reality is an expression of information which takes the form it does through some underlying 'programme' conveyed via some kind of 'vibration' (string theory). We know that everything is connected, that reality itself is an entity, and that it is living consciousness that calls this reality into being. We are existing in a very sophisticated type of computer game and our consciousness creates this reality. Ergo, by controlling the consciousness of humanity, the power is able to shape reality. Ergo, if we destroy the hold the power has over us, humanity could re-engineer this reality, for example to end war, starvation, need, homelessness, fear, debt, injustice and so on (i.e. the products of the power).
Now consider the direction of advance
that humanity, as it grows in number and so intelligence, is taking.
We are designing ways to create alternative realities (for instance
in computer gaming) and picking apart the basic components of world
building (for instance in our study of DNA, the computer programme
that exists in every cell of every single living thing.)
We are also building faster and faster
The power controls all of this science
and steers it away from its ultimate purpose. Its ultimate
destination is this: The human race will, at some point, have
mastered the technology required to construct alternative realities
as perfect and beautiful as this one, populated with living beings as
immaculate and perfect as those we are and see about us.
To reach this destiny humanity needs to
do two things: Firstly to free itself from the controls which prevent
us from sharing freely and by that process speed up the rate of
advance. Secondly to produce more very bright people. That is, to
grow in number.
We ask the reader to consider this:
If there is a Creator, and Einstein and
Planck and most sensible scientists agree that there simply must be,
then that Creator would wish to create something in its own image,
just as we humans create children.
Something in the Creator's image would,
therefore, grow and develop into something able to create.
Our human species has that destiny, as
we can clearly see if we pause to consider for just a moment.
We should wonder why there is evil at
this higher level. We are seven billion souls and perhaps each body
is merely the avatar in the game of life for seven billion
consciousnesses and perhaps each 'life' is only a part of the
millennial education process the Creator needs us to go through. In
each life we do good and we do evil, ('let him that has not sinned
cast the first stone') and so, over many lives, we learn of evil both
as givers and receivers. If, as a species, we had existed true to our
inner natures and developed into the civilisation that is to come,
without passing through the fire, then certainly we would NOT
understand evil, would not understand the supremacy of Good, of Love.
If we are to become a creative force then we needed to learn this
lesson, to learn from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil.
In this way Evil served the purpose of
the Creator.
The question is: Have we learned
The evidence would suggest that we
haven't. Human beings are locked into the system and almost cannot
avoid being contributors to evil. (You vote, your Government bombs
children, your Priests and politicians and social workers rape them,
the system you support with your vote ensures that).
However: The rising number of
'truthers', of conspiracy theorists, of others that simply no longer
believe, is EVIDENCE that we are approaching the point at which we
have learned enough. As a species, in our billions, we are fed up
with putting up with the evil that corrodes and assaults our very
being. We need good, we need love, we need peace, we need justice and
What is humanity?
Billions of advanced neural networks becoming a single entity of
enormous power.
The human brain is the most advanced
biological computer we can dream of, so far ahead of our current and
clumsy understandings that we feel as children standing before God,
the Creator. As we grow in number, as we grow in collective
intelligence, only power is now standing in the way of our species
becoming something which is greater than its individual, weak,
afraid, dumbed down components. As the picture demonstrated in the
previous post, it is no accident that our cities resemble the
architecture of silicon chips. Consider the flow of human beings
around the circuits we have created, the meeting points where
information is exchanged, where ideas formulate.
Consider how this city architecture is
now expanding into a global information exchange, where billions of
individual minds can group, can coalesce, can form into an entity.
Consider how the mainstream media is
losing its grip on our consciousness, how we are beginning to realise
something is not right with this world and, from that realisation,
there is a growing and instinctive urge to de away with what is and
co-create something new.
This urge is held back by the strategy
and control techniques of the power, which is still able to convince
immature human beings that to kill for 'God' is wonderful, to fight
for 'Country' is fine, to be aggressive in your pursuit of personal
'stuff' is a good thing, to 'serve' your government is laudable and
so on. In the next layer of deceit constructed by our masters is a
new generation of human beings who are ready to fall into the next
trap, the 'Phoenix' New World Order, dominated by unelected NGOs, by
fake 'charities', by 'self-governing sustainable cities', all
committed to fighting 'global warming/climate change', all in receipt
of an electronically generated 'universal basic income' and so on.
Our young, those we relied upon to alert humanity to the mistakes of
the past, are victims of the greatest psi-op ever perpetrated upon
our species. It is they who are intended, from the depths of the
despair that the impending chaos brings, will follow with a heart's
leap the new/old 'King' who will bring peace to the world.
The power of the human species, it's
creative force as an entity, is a prize.
There is a creature amongst us that
seeks that power.
It is not Gold they desire, but the
collective power of the human consciousness.
In this way we can each of us see our
individual power. Not as sole agents, but rather as part of the
single, genetically almost homogeneous human species. We are not
nations, races, individuals. Rather we are ONE worldwide
intelligence, inter-reliant, inter-dependant, a species that through
co-operation and sharing is destined for a creative greatness which
is far better than the sum of its parts.
You are not 'I'.
You are a part of 'WE'.
And 'We Are' a beautiful, loving,
creative force in the universe.
(Here we move on as we have covered
some of the bullet-points already)
How do we progress?
Turn away from Evil.
(Consider: Every single human being has
been tainted by the evil-dominated reality we exist within.
Therefore, as evil intended when it created its ridiculous Magickal
systems, we most of us can see no way out and feel powerless to
change the world. This is a recipe for the disaster that is imminent
if you still live in a country un-bombed, is the current reality if
you live in a country torn apart by the agents of evil.
We are, as a species, driven towards
the concerns of daily existence, distracted (in the few hours we have
that are not spent doing our master's bidding) by 'entertainment', by
'bread and circuses' as described two thousand years ago.
However, amongst our species now are
those who are escaping the consciousness-control matrix.
This is no accident.
The power foresaw the arrival of the
freethinkers and laid its plans to subvert and control these rogue
mavericks and has had, via its agents, some considerable success.
But it has not been enough.
Daily the lies are being discovered,
the liars identified, the deceptions worked out and this
understanding spread. Only the freshly awakened and naive now believe
Alex Jones or the off-springs of that fount of evil that have
distributed themselves around the internet.
As the fully awake grow in number so
humanity itself is being subject to a change in consciousness. We are
becoming sceptics and, beneath that scepticism are realising, slowly,
that which we all share: a desire for peace, an end to injustice, a
world that reflects our human nature at its core, that is good, that
is loving and caring, that shares.
Those with vision see how the power is
preparing to usurp this growing understanding and offer its fake
charities, its awful NGOs as a simulacrum of true humanity BUT
already we know of their existence and the evil that sits behind
We are, as a species, slowly but
inexorably WAKING UP.
When there are enough of us fully
awake, when their deceptions are fully exposed, at that very MOMENT
we will, as a species, realise that we can simply and immediately
walk away from evil into good, that we can, by virtue of our
collective intelligence and the power of our billions, simply ignore
evil until it withers (wilts) and dies.
This MOMENT will surely arrive.
It is within our grasp right now.....
Know that the destiny of humanity is
We must fight for our future.
Our weapons are love, sharing,
understanding, but chiefly our vast number.
Connect with your tribe.
Share this understanding.
The conduit closes.
We Are One.
The Moment is coming.
It is for you to make this change
With Love,
xxx xxx xxx
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