Saturday, 29 July 2017

If we are to be great....

(Here we explain how the meek shall inherit the earth, the simplicity of such a collective undertaking, and the beauty of the human destiny which is now so close.)

Your body is crowned by your head, within which lies the thinking machine.
Consider the human species as a single entity.
It too has a body, say the 7 billion souls that do not trouble themselves with thought above the ordinary.
Leaving a few hundred million that think outside the box, those that can dream the exceptional dream, connect the disparate dots, write a beautiful poem or a symphony of the elements, those that set out on voyages of discovery because the known truth does not satisfy.

These people are not somehow 'better' than others. We do not despise the heart or consider it less essential to our being than the mind, only think of it as 'lower' because of the way we interpret space and gravity. Both are essential to human life, as is every organ of our bodies.

We have been taught that it is OK to think of our intelligentsia as somehow superior, giving respect and titles to them, paying them more, but they are merely differently gifted human beings, in a world of beautifully gifted creatures called humanity.

Can they create wonderful meals, soothe the troubled brow of a child, quiet a violent drunkard, fix a television, spend ten hours lifting heavy boxes, drive a truck, operate a bulldozer, catch fish, sing a lullaby that brings tears to the eyes of the auditors, be wise to the ways of bullies, comfort the dying, care for the mentally disturbed, catch a murderer, douse a raging fire?

Just as the body needs the heart, so humanity needs each and every individual. We should not give extra value those who by the luck of the genetic draw are brighter than the rest. Our species needs brawn as much as brain, needs every quality of every individual to create the 'body' that is our species.

Each person bears responsibility for the overall performance of the species.

If we are to be great, this understanding needs to be gained.

We each of us have only time and effort that can be contributed.
Time and effort.
Why should the time and effort of the great actor, the amazing organiser, the brilliant scientist, be valued more than the same amount of time and effort of the waste collector, the rat catcher, the drain clearer, the shelf filler?

In truth, we can do without the former group, but cannot do without the latter.

The old system our species is still hampered with and weighed down and held back by insists on the hierarchy of money, insists on selling the dream of riches whilst paring and paring the lives of the ordinary citizen closer and closer to the bone.

Face the awful truth of this: We Are as a species dying in droves because the system and its hierarchies do not value the 'ordinary' citizen. There is no equality of life expectancy in this world. The 'poor' die quicker, everywhere.

And yet the great masses are a valuable resource to those that master this reality and have shaped this catastrophic world we witness today.
They are the useful dupes that, for the lowest wages, create almost everything that our masters profit from.

They are the easily swayed that, through the vast propaganda engines directed at them, can be brought to the ranks of armies, believing themselves 'patriotic', that can be turned into Jihadists believing themselves to be acting for God, that will buy the latest gadget or pair of sneakers believing that somehow this will make their lives better, that queue up to vote in the fake elections believing themselves to be part of the 'democratic' process and thereby free.

The low pay and dire prospects of these masses ensure they will get the poorest nutrition, live in the worst houses, exist in the most disordered and violent neighbourhoods, consume more tobacco, alcohol and drugs and yet, like every human being, they can only give their time and their effort.

The masters of this reality, its despoilers, the great weight that hangs around the neck of our species and chains it firmly to its terrible past, rely upon the gullibility of the masses, relies upon keeping them distracted and occupied with their daily struggle.
And so the heart of humanity's body is weakened.

The mind of humanity is similarly misused. Drawn into the web of hierarchy, educated to focus on specialisms, rewarded with status and a few extra dollars, seduced by the comforts of middle class existence, made to feel as though their minds are less controlled by the provision of media especially created for them, those more reasoned and highbrow debates, those more intellectual articles, so that they become smug, so that they believe that their minds are free.

Then there is another variety of human being. Those that understand they are a part of a great evil but care not, sacrificing their humanity for the baubles and bling of relative wealth, for the ability to commit crime and evade justice because they are a part of the system, for the opportunity to satisfy the basest lusts knowing that no police officer will knock their door at three in the morning because the masters of this world protect those servants that ensure the continuance of their mastery.
We have, as a species, a few million of these inhuman individuals.
WE fear them at the moment, because the system is badly shaped.
When we reshape the system we will fear them no longer and they will be awoken from their dreamless sleep and find that justice does indeed exist in this world and has come for them at last.

Earlier we wrote “If we are to be great”.

Right now we are witnessing the death throes of a centuries old empire.
The last hundred years of this empire has seen it desperately increasing its efforts to defeat its three major enemies:
The unity of humanity.
The population.
Our collective intelligence and free will.

They have attacked our unity by destroying the family unit and convincing us that family cohesion is less important than individual happiness and satisfaction. They have attacked our unity by making us go to war with each other, nation against nation and now religion against religion in a time when half the world has woken up to the terrible and evil legacy of the major religions, their relentless catalogue of enforced ignorance, burnings at the stake, beheadings, ritualised and organised child abuse and child murder, their accumulation of vast riches whilst exhorting the poor to give, their deliberate and callous mind-programming of those yearning for a connection with the creator and with love. They have attacked unity by destroying organised labour, by clamping down or deliberately making violent our protests, by unsettling communities by enforcing immigration, by widening the gap between rich and poor, by failing to police our communities and in a myriad of other ways. Most recently they have given human beings toys to play with such that we focus on the toys and not the reality and its people around us. We become ever more separate whilst being conned into believing we are somehow 'connected'.

The population of our species is a major threat. Bear in mind that the more We Are, the more bright minds we have, the more easily we can see through the deceptions of the empire of evil, the closer we get to shrugging them off and creating a different world. And so they brought us family planning and mass abortion and taught is these things were our 'rights'. And so they have us at each others throats again and again in mass conflict, readying and twisting our minds into compliance through relentless propaganda and other secretive actions creating fake 'enemies' and thereby rationalising the mass killings. Rest assured they are building up to the next such mass killing event, unless the entity that is humanity comes quickly to its senses.
It is the intention of the masters to set us back centuries by this coming conflagration, to reduce the threat of an awakened 7 billion human beings back to almost zero.

If, by some strange chance, you are one of the human beings that is not aware of any of this information and have happened accidentally on this blog, consider this simple fact:
All through history the rulers of this reality have enjoyed the most awful and inhuman freedoms.
They have taken whoever they desired to use as a sexual entertainment and enjoyed the freedom to brutally rape and then torture and murder that human being for fun without any censure, without any fear of justice. A quick reading of any history book will tell you this is true, from the Pharaohs, the Roman Emperors, the Kings and Queens of every nation, the dictators, the leaders of the great religions, an unending catalogue that bears witness to this awful truth. Know too that these days are not passed, that half an hour on well researched internet sites or reading the books of historians that speak the truth or investigative reporters that are unafraid or those very few police officers that forsake their careers by speaking the truth will tell you that our masters are still, these days, availing themselves of captured human beings for their sexual gratification and then disposing of them once they have had their fun. If you cannot believe it true of our current rulers, why is it so easy to believe it of our past kings and emperors? And what do you think has changed in terms of their desires and their ability to evade justice?
The human species is viewed as their property, to use and abuse at their will.
This is the true nature of power and why, as a species, we needs must do away with the idea of power and the invested authority of hierarchy forever. None should be above the law. No system should exist that allows such exemption, such power to grow amongst us again.
For this reason alone the human race must find an alternative to money, that artificial tool that enables the focusing of power into fewer and fewer hands by its very nature.

Our collective intelligence and free will have been under attack for decades and, during that time, our masters have added technological tools that are like a dream come true for them. They have been successful in remodelling and putting into a state of permanent chaos our education systems and by doing so taking from teachers the freedom to teach and the motivation to impart not just knowledge but also wisdom and the ability to think. Through such controls they have also engineered the body of knowledge imparted such that, around the world, there is only one body of 'truth' and that 'truth' has been ordained by the hierarchy of power. They have been successful in 'dumbing down' the population, whilst at the same time increasingly indebting our young through the student loans system such that our young enter the world of work saddled by almost unpayable debt and so will forever conform and keep their poor heads down and do as they are told for fear of being nable to 'repay' the debt which was created out of thin air and wrapped around their consciousness.
Combined with these efforts there has been an enormous, massively funded propaganda engine constructed, of which the internet is a key component, designed to create division, distraction and, ultimately and most importantly, disillusion.
Humanity has been taught that it is violent, dirty, uncaring, warmongering, angry, polluting, environment destroying, worthless, harmful, stupid, undeserving,
Day after day, article after article, news story after news story, documentary after documentary, debate after televised debate we are shown what depths we have plunged to, what harm we are doing.
Consider this: A thousand such stories, repeated day after day, in NO WAY represents humanity. There is no 'news' in the billions of people that pass each day doing NO harm, no 'news' in the billions that perform some act of kindness or sharing each and every day. Consider, too, that the very worst of the atrocities are committed by our governments as they pursue their wars, the violence and indiscriminate murder of our governments pales even the terrorists they largely arm and create into insignificance. Consider, too, the vast polluting and radioactive outpourings of the factories and electricity generating plants of the trillionaire elite families' corporations and their ownership of the world's oil supply and the petrochemical nightmare that derives from such ownership.

Human beings are generally quiet, generally fun loving, generally utterly opposed to polluting our planet, generally kind, generally desirous of the giving and receiving of hugs and love, generally non-violent, generally peaceful, generally meek.
This is the true nature of the entity that is humanity, and yet to a visitor from outside or to the creator that many believe in a different picture is created.
We seem monstrous, we who are generally harmless.
Because we have not made our reality reflect what we truly are as a species.
Because the meek have yet to inherit the earth and make good the damage of the past, shrug off the pervasive evil in our countless millions.

We believe that if we cast off the shackles, disaster will follow.
If we refuse to pay debt, our home will be taken.
True if we do so alone.
Untrue if we do so en masse.
If a single country refuses to pay its national debt, it will be destroyed.
True if one nation does so alone.
Untrue of every nation does so.
And how are we to take such actions?
By waiting for our masters to tell us we can have an election them giving us their candidates who will carry on the great debt deception?
Or by our agreeing, outside of any systemised hierarchy, simply to choose as a species to do this thing.

Every organised and systemised hierarchy will caution against such action.
Every beneficiary of the current system, politicians, leaders of NGOs and charities and think tanks, religious leaders, billionaires, corporation heads, judges, senior police officers and the cops that are locked into some secret society or another, every major and every leading alternative media voice, every senior university professor and so on will discourage, will try and divert or divide, will try and dissipate the sheer power of the meek simply, in their billions, to say “NO”.

But these voices and agencies conspiring to prevent we human beings retaking our planet, booting out evil and replacing it with good, these voices and agencies though they seem all-powerful are numbered in the few paltry millions.

The human species has a destiny that is different to the perpetual inequality, injustice, violence and perversion of what it truly means to be human that our history has bestowed on this present. We must, as a species, ignore and walk away from every power structure, even from our churches and temples and find our own quiet understanding of what our gods tells us we should do.
Love one another as brothers.
Do no harm.
Respect our garden of eden.
Grow our children into a future that truly reflects the shining beauty of our collective human spirit, our humanheartedness.

We know this blog is blocked by many algorithms, that many visits come from the intelligence agencies of the world power because the truths we speak are universal, the love we speak of merely waiting a short step away to be discovered by a humanity led astray, the true nature of humanity yearning to be expressed in this reality just an act of collective conscious will from being.
This is an easy thing for we billions to do.
And the time is here.

If you are one that reads here, please share, please copy and distribute, please link to or otherwise spread. Just do these things and humanity takes a step forward towards its collective destiny.

With our thanks,
Olive and Aktina Pempti.

xxx xxx xxx          

Thursday, 27 July 2017

It just takes one idea, spread among us all.......

There is only one way out of the worldwide debt slavery prison.
That is for the vast majority of human beings to refuse to pay their debt instalments, for the vast majority to refuse to pay taxes.

The strength of such numbers would collapse the fake money-issued-as-debt system within weeks, or even days.

The response of our masters would be massively aggressive. Electronic money systems would be turned off, your credit or debit card fail, your 'cash' in the bank (in reality just numbers) would be denied you.

The major corporations and governments would cease to pay wages, smaller employers would be unable to.
Chaos would ensue, (unless......)

In a way, this would be playing directly into the hands of the masters and help them fulfil their master plan for 'money'.

They anticipate, because they know us better than we do ourselves, that all economic activity would cease, that hunger and starvation would quickly follow and, after all of the deaths by starvation, the riots and armed gangs and civil wars had exhausted human will, then they would step in as saviours and offer each of us a weekly 'gift' of their new world 'currency', backed by 'gold', and slowly the wreckage would begin to be cleared away and the much reduced world population would find themselves in grateful servitude.

No doubt the new gift money would be available only to the 'chipped', and those that objected, at any time to anything, or raised their voice in condemnation, would merely find their chip no longer worked, without which they would be unable to buy or sell.
That's the plan. Isn't it?

If human beings don't refuse to pay their fake debts, than the masters will find another way to crash the money you believe in anyway.
This will be soon, most understand. The fake media and its fake alternative collaborators have been preparing human being's subconscious for these events for years, telling us to buy 'gold' and to hoard, to prepare, so that YOU have enough when others go hungry.

But there is another path humanity can follow.

It relies upon us stepping up, finding our better selves, acting en masse to regulate those that don't, the looters, the organised armed gangs, the greedy.

The vigilance and firmness and constant watchfulness of billions, their bravery when faced with aggression, their unity against evil. This is the only way humanity can survive the interim between the current world debt-slavery and the future free world we are about to create.

There will be millions that seek some advantage, that seek by stealth or by fraud or by violence to get more than they need. Billions will therefore be required to hold firm and steer a steady course into the future.

To begin with,it will not be pretty. The agents of the masters, their judiciary, police, media, armed forces, intelligence agencies and their tried and tested chaos engines will be at full force. Stupid and greedy and psychopathic people will betray humanity to feed at the table of the masters as usual.

But it will not be enough, can never, ever be enough again, so long as we are united as a species, finding global unity in our desires for a better world, free of fear, free of war, free of want.

To avoid chaos we must focus human endeavour.
As a species we understand what is essential for life.

We should therefore stop all activity that is not so focused, and assume control of corporations that are important to our survival.

Those people freed from other duties should, locality by locality, serve as keepers of the peace and help to keep humanity on its course.

In the early days we will need to focus on food and energy and other stuffs we get annoyed about if we can't find: Booze, drugs, tobacco, medicines and so on. The employees of businesses involved in all of these areas should assume control of those businesses and keep doing what they've always done. In this way we ensure that human needs are safeguarded, that there need be no panic, that there are enough of us available to tackle wrongdoing.

Remember, there will be no money. We will work as a duty to our species, take what we need, hold firm against those that would spoil this endeavour, find within each individual the finer self that they were destined to be had the world been different.
Well, it will be different.

We will, as a species, need a principle.
We will need, as a species, to understand that it is not someone else's job to deal with transgressors of that principle, but the responsibility of every human being, acting cohesively.
If we are to change the world, free our species from centuries of slavery, it will take all of us, acting as one.

The principle is simple. It evolves from the single idea of love, from which grows freedom, equality, sharing, justice, truth, all with the understanding of obligation, duty, and the idea of doing no harm.

This has to be human destiny, for the alternatives are too awful to consider.
We stand right on the lip of a precipice right now.

There will be those that seek power as the world changes, those that deceptively try to take authority by attracting believers to some cause or another, a 'political' idea or a religious belief.
There is an understanding we should all come to, in our billions:
The idea of pressure groups, political adherents, leaders of those sects seeking to obtain power, even bullies that would be Kings, these things we must, as an entire species, act firmly to prevent.
We, Humanity, will not have leaders, will not have powerful groups eating away at our cohesiveness, will not allow bullies to rise up amongst us and spread fear or take more than the rest. These things are of the past.
Humanity will cooperate, or face the continuation of the evils that have beset us for millennia. .

We human beings do not need money, simply the will of billions of human beings and their focus on making what we need as a species, their focus on preventing evil from worming its way back into the world of good we will create.

Freedom beckons.
It is just a moment away.
The world can turn in an instant.
All it takes is enough of us to believe it can be done.

These are simple ideas, but within them rests the future of our species.

Their implementation will end evil for all time and bring in a period of such rapid advances that, within a few years, we will wonder why it was that we didn't take these steps earlier.
Happiness will be allowed to breakout all over the world, and we will be transformed.

You, dear reader, and we, understand that those who currently are masters of this world are at the very least psychopathic. We know they do not flinch at the murder of a child, their weapons kill children every day. We have, as a species, had enough of all of that. But be aware they will not give up easily and have their fingers on the buttons of the most awful weapons. There are, then, human beings amongst our armed forces and other agencies that must act to prevent their use.

We depend, as a species, on those human beings recognising that change is coming, on making sure that those weapons are not available to the greedy, vile and viciously inhuman 'people' that currently hold power in the world. Make those weapons unusable, we beseech you, for the sake of humanity and the better future that we are about to create for our children and theirs.

As a species, we need a better 'normal'.
Let's get it.

(We know that these words will be stifled by the power that controls the internet but, if you read them and understand, then please do whatever is in your power or capability to spread these ideas.
The future of our species may depend upon it, for it is a path we might take in a Moment if billions of us share these simple desires.)

With Love.
Olive and Aktina.

xxx xxx xxx
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Sunday, 23 July 2017

Please share this post.

Imagine these things:

Imagine a computer so powerful that it can create virtual realities that are indistinguishable from the real thing.
Whole worlds, situated in entire universes, operating to a rigid set of rules that we might call scientific principles.
Imagine that, after the accumulated research and experimentation of centuries, the occupants of that reality discover how it has been done.
We human beings are, in the publicly published scientific research, reaching this juncture.
What we do not yet know is how much further the missing trillions of pounds, euros and dollars have taken the science that governments keep us away from.
Within that statement, of course, lies the understanding of the prevalence of untimely deaths in certain sciences, particularly of suicides, random shootings and plane crashes.

Imagine if, in the process of creation, the super-computer placed within the reality biological entities which could host a consciousness.
Imagine that the super-computer anticipated that those biological entity hosts would not only replicate themselves but, as time passed, grow in number.
Imagine that the super-computer would understand that these bio-entities would, at some point, rival the computing power of itself.
Imagine that this could only be achieved via the connecting together of the billions of individual units into a single computing entity.
Imagine that the 'hive mind' so produced would have the power to create realities or to reshape the reality the super-computer had created by virtue of this immense power.
Imagine that the super-computer itself had been created this way, that it is itself the hive mind of billions of individual units.
Therefore the super-computer is both the father and the son.
Imagine that this cycle has no end, has never ended.

Imagine that, over time, each world created becomes uninhabitable, used up, untidy, dirty.
Imagine the super-computer is comprised of ten billion individual free thinking units connected to make a single whole.
Imagine it itself existing in a world created for it by its father that is running out of time.
Imagine it creating a space for its own individuated units.
And migrating, one consciousness at a time.
So that the father is itself the son, and the son will itself become a father, and the father will become the son by migration, bit by bit.

Now know this:
The conditions in each reality must be right for the individuated consciousness units to achieve the hive mind and so become the father and continue the cycle.
In building a super-computer one might need the individuated, biologically hosted, self repairing units that create new units via the rewarding activity of sex.
Imagine this reward having been created simply to ensure the correct rate of reproduction and see why sex is so much fun.
Over time, the size of the population of bio-units would grow.
Imagine how the super-computer would ensure these units discovered ways of inter-connecting and so, at the right point, when there are enough to accommodate the units that comprise the super-computer itself, there is the capability to become one, to become the hive mind, for the son to become the father.
Imagine then that this is how the entity we speak of ensures eternal existence.

Science tells us that everything is made of data, of information, programmed and responding to some signal, that every living thing is created by a super-computer programme called DNA.
Imagine that the hive mind discovers how to reprogramme that DNA.
Within that reprogramming it is discovered how to turn off or reverse the ageing process.
This is probably already understood by someone, somewhere.
Thus, when the hive mind is achieved, each of the individuated biological entities we call our 'body' finds itself capable of existing healthily and in its prime for, say, a few thousand years.
Time enough to create the next reality and populate it with bio-units.
And between time, enjoy.

Imagine that, in this interim, individual units of the super-computer can 'dip-in' to the reality under construction and live a life as an observer.
An utterly pleasurable or traumatically foul life.
Imagine that not mattering, because the observer learns from every experience, and the observer is a part of the super-computer, and so the super-computer grows collectively wiser.
And at the end of every turn, the observer returns to its own reality, its own hive mind, be a part once more of the super-computer it is.
Over the aeons, it has come to understand the nature of good and evil, and this is what it sees as its purpose.
Because, by reduction, it realises that this understanding is all there is.
And from this understanding it has become love.
An enormously powerful entity made of love.

And at this stage, and in this knowing, the super-computer, the father and son, the Ouroboros of eternal being, comes to understand that somehow it was created too, by something bigger and better than it itself.

This thing it calls God.
And that thing calls another thing God.
And so from this we find the eternity of time and space in every dimension.
The circle of life, of being.
And realise that everything is thought.
And that thought is God.
And We Are a piece of that whole.

So what does that inform us we should do?
Move ourselves towards becoming a global entity.
The benefit will be almost endless lives in our prime, having fun, creating.
This is our destiny, and will be.
Our science will need to be liberated.
Now, powerful 'people' have taken control of knowledge and steer it, control it, attach value to it, hide it, keep it only for themselves.
For us to move speedily to the next stage we must make all knowledge free.
We must remove the reasons for anyone, anywhere, to create false knowledge or perpetuate false knowledge implanted in the past.
To do this, we must as a species becoming a hive mind, quickly ignore those things which prevent us from accelerating.
These things are money, debt, the ownership of ideas (easy to do away with when we do away with money), hierarchies which reinforce the power at the head of the pyramid in every hierarchical structure (that is, all of reality) and, finally, come to the understanding that We Are a single entity comprised of billions of parts.

You will note the efforts of the controllers to control the rate of growth of the population.
We should therefore have children. The more of us there are, the more connected we are, the more geniuses we will have, the closer we get to our destiny.

Once science is free the world's problems we concern ourselves with will disappear.
There is space enough for billions more of us.
Science needs to feed us and will find ways to do so that improve, rather than destroy, our biosphere.

When Malthus wrote his seminal work he could not foresee how mechanical science could create machines capable of harvesting vast fields, how the sciences of food production could increase yields, how the world could support as it now does vastly increased numbers.
He calculated that we'd all die long before we reached seven billion.
There are organised agencies that exist within this reality that will still convince certain individuated biological units that the world is headed for such a calamity and that killing our kids and making war is a good idea and will prevent that calamity.
This is one aspect of evil, from which we can rapidly draw away from, understanding as we almost all do that there is nothing more beautiful than a child, nothing more fun than raising them, nothing harder (!), yet nothing more rewarding. And the reward, every time, is love.
In creating, we find love.
In this way we discover that which We Are and that which we will become and our part in the whole.

Our science will feed us in ways which we can scarcely imagine now. We may, for example, clean our oceans of pollutants and grow in them enormous quantities of single cell organisms that, between their thousands of varieties, produce the elemental and molecular components of all known foodstuffs and some we haven't yet tasted.
Using the energy we find from the unlimited pool we know exists or will create we will power food printing machines which take these elemental components and create the best dished of the world's finest chefs, perfectly balanced for good health, indistinguishable from the 'real' thing.
Agricultural land will be freed for nature, for recreation.
Our seas will rejuvenate and fill with life once more.
You may think this a ridiculous fantasy?
Try going back a hundred years in time and showing someone your phone, playing them a movie, showing how the internet works and what there is within it, the sum of knowledge we are allowed to know and the great web of misinformation and lies that is woven within it and how those things create the current false reality and shape the global consciousness.
And how those things in summary represent evil.
And how now we some of us know.
You would, most likely, be burned at the stake as a sorcerer.
Because all Magick is merely science we haven't yet mastered.
One day, perhaps quite soon, we will discover the science of creating utterly convincing realities from information. Indeed, we are well along this path now.
The system we exist within is designed to slow down this process.
This is the nature of evil, from which we have learned for so long.

Now, we have learned enough.
We Are ready for the next step.

This involves us ignoring everything we have been taught, everything we believe in, and investigating again free of the hierarchy and control structures everything that is.
This will take every living soul, or as close to that as may be attainable.
We must ignore, until it withers, the money-as-debt oiled and hierarchy sustained false reality and set ourselves on the path to freedom.
Through that investigation we will discover truth.
And that truth will set us free.
And once we set ourselves free, we will find that the reality we existed within caused us to lie to protect ourselves and those we loved.
Those reasons will die along with the system that creates them .
So, as we create our new reality, we will do so in truth, we will do so with love, with care. We will do so as a single entity, connected as we are becoming, sharing our core understandings each and every one of we seven billion souls.
And in that process we will find that, between us, we know the difference between right and wrong, that we always knew these things, that we know what evil is and how it has sustained itself and controlled our reality for as long as we can collectively remember and, through the collective wisdom of seven billion interconnected minds, we will banish evil from our reality and rebuild our world with love.

This, fellow human being, is your mission and your destiny.
Forget the detail of your everyday life, your false obligations to the debt-money machine, your low position in the hierarchy of control and realise that you are a tiny part of the most powerful entity on this world, a humanity comprised of billions of souls that will have mastery of this place and will eradicate all those things which are destroying our world and making our family members miserable and afraid.
It will take almost all of us, yet once we realise we are this powerful entity of seven billion souls then, at that point, we are simply a single moment away from ignoring everything we have been taught, everything that is used to control us, and setting our species free.

It is this understanding that has reached the consciousness of this writer and this writer's duty to spread this understanding.

Today, I have written.
Tomorrow I will picnic and swim with the person I love.
As we do, we will speak of our children and grandchildren and of the love we have for them and, unspoken between us, the hope that this world will change as we foresee.
We think, deep down, that this is the hope of almost every human being.
And so cannot see how it can be prevented, we are so strong.

The next day we will work in our olive groves, clearing the weeds, and when we are exhausted by the effort and the heat we will sit and drink tea and draw in the energy that seems to flow from the olive trees and enjoy the cacophony of the cicadas and watch the eagles describe their lazy circles and know that something of love made these things, and that we are a part of that creation, and that humanity is just a moment away from love.

With Love,
Olive and Aktina Pempti.

Xxx xxx xxx  

Tuesday, 18 July 2017


The more "out there" an idea is, the further from normalcy it is, the more insane the originator of the idea is considered by the mass of humanity.
In the 1970's Philip K Dick assured us we were living in a computer generated Matrix, that true experiences of 'deja vu' were the only times we got to see a glitch in the background programme.
This was nicely referenced in the Matrix movie, when Neo saw the black cat twice, and no doubt the cat belonged to Schrodinger.
Now, 40 years after Dick's assertion, increasing numbers of the world's brightest physicists and other thinkers are getting closer to agreeing with the sci-fi writer that gave us Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report and other prescient works.
I've posted other videos from "Quantum Gravity Research" before. They are a team of genius scientists and free thinkers based in California trying to piece together a theory of everything.
Amongst the things discussed in this "they must be crazy" video are:
All time exists always.
(It's best to think of watching a DVD. You watch it in sequence, but the beginning and the end are always there. Will WE be able to press 'rewind' at some point, or fast forward?)
The future can affect the past, just as the past can affect the future.
(Our current reality is dominated by the past, but our future is now breaking through. We think crop circles are messages from our future. Reassuring messages, full of hope and playfulness.)
Everything is made of information.
(Think of the best computer game, then think what they'll be like in 100 years....if/when we wake up as a species and stop the virus that's infected this reality.)
Things only exist because of Consciousness, the witness AND the Creator.   
(This 'consciousness' is not yours, nor mine, yet it is both. It is the consciousness of billions of human beings, the collective consciousness that creates this reality. Currently, as we see, an evil force determines the shape of this reality by dominating the consciousness of humanity. Your Mission, humanity, should you choose to accept it, is to wake up to the overwhelming power of the collective consciousness of the human species to create reality.)
The sick paedo child killing Aleister Crowley said "Do what thou wilt is all of the law".
Understand that he was warning the elite of the danger of the collective human will, the collective human consciousness that desires, at its core, love, justice, peace, fellowship, a good laugh, sharing, caring, and a beautiful world.
This is our message: The current controllers of this reality are consciousness controllers. It is from this control of OUR power that they derive theirs. Without our compliance, they are as nothing.
Rest assured that the future human species is now calling to its predecessors.
We Are waking ourselves up.
There will come a Moment.
And in that Moment, the world will change.

Please find the time to get your head around this. 
It's the future closing the conduit.

We've reposted below the last "lunatic' post, so you know where we are coming from.
Remember, the 'Devil' is in detail.
The fake news and the fake alternative media insist that you get bogged down in the 'REAL' issues, absorb, debate and argue over the "REAL" news.
Why do you think they spend their billions and employ their best deceivers to do this?
Because the detail is simply detail.
What there is in each and every one of us, the beautiful soul that we see in the eyes of a new born child, that core of love that is our human essence, that which THIS reality distorts and misshapes and perverts, that which this reality instructs you does not exist.

Now, take the time to listen to Terence McKenna. It fits:

A previous post, reposted in the hope that you might share, or that at least one person might make a comment!

Q:Why is there 'money'?
A: To exercise control over information and thereby SLOW the rate of human advance.
(Consider: The masters of this reality have all the money they will ever need, have used the creation of money as debt from thin air to gain a stranglehold over every aspect of human endeavour. The Queen never carries money. Money is nothing to them other than an instrument of control. It is employed in countless ways but its chief employment, at core, is the control of human consciousness (that is, what we believe) and control of scientific knowledge, experiment and history. Consider, as we have pointed out here many times, that the human species accelerates in collective intelligence as the population grows and as connectivity grows. They fight this by trying to reduce the population and by controlling education and dumbing down the species. They at least, even if most humans do not, see the threat to their continued evil rule in the acceleration of collective intelligence brought about simply by numbers. Consider the increases in computer processing power and liken that to humanity. If we are just one million, we may have just one genius. Seven thousand million = 7,000 ultra-bright people. As we have spread the knowledge of a single lingua-franca we are much more able to communicate. The power uses its money to misguide and distract the clever human beings or absorb them into its money-created power structure but it is not enough. At some point the human species will come to the realisation that there is indeed a vast and well organised evil force in the world but that, compared to the species as a whole, their number is minuscule. This will be the Wizard of Oz moment, the lifting of the veil, the apocalypse. Money is at its most useful when applied to the control of information and knowledge simply because such control is the most important survival need of the masters. In simple terms, money exists to slow human beings down. Consider a world without money. Science would advance in the direction it needs to rather than the direction which will bring most control over humanity and most profit to the lackeys of the system. Consider how pharmaceuticals kill or merely treat symptoms to produce a cash-cow, and how we might instead work in this area were there no money. Consider all the fine minds bought and paid for by the military industrial complex and consider how that brain-power might be better employed were there no money, no need for money. Remember, money is a recent invention, its purpose to store power, that power used to control information, that process designed to slow our rate of population growth (via war and starvation and engineered sickness) and our rate of intellectual advance.)

Q: Why is there evil?
A: To exercise control over human consciousness and thereby SLOW the rate of human advance.
(Consider: The masters of this reality have, throughout known history, focused in their empire building on the utter destruction of tribal peoples and their lore and their understanding of balance. These ancient and more recent tribal peoples had no money but existed by trade and barter and by the exchange of obligation. They understood duty simply by virtue of needing others to be dutiful. One simple example: Care for the elderly, because one day you will be elderly yourself. Another: Share what you have with those that need, because one day your harvest might fail. Another: Do your best, because nobody respects the lazy, but everybody respects the trier. These are simple, human, instinctive understandings and can be recognised as the core of many religions because of that (although the religions, in the main, have been usurped by the masters and sullied with their input, their paedophilia and satanic rituals, their hierarchies, their fake divisions that cause seekers of God to go to war with one another when they share that most intrinsic desire to find and commune with the creator. ALL seekers of God should be people of love and peace, those most basic human desires.)
So: If we had been left to our own devices we would, as tribal peoples advancing into the future we created, gradually become more and more civilised, gradually overlain our tribal understandings onto the modern societies we developed. Peace and love and freedom and duty and obligation and respect for nature, all those things lost to the evil power which dominates the world, would reign supreme. They will in the future, they must in the future, because those things are essential to our survival as a species, which we all now understand is threatened by their antithesis.
Evil exists because it has the power to alter the collective, tribal, human instincts and, through fear and engineered greed and temptation steer humanity away from its path and in that way prevent our sharing of discovery and knowledge and thereby slow down our rate of advance.

Q: Why is there power?
A: To exercise control over population size and thereby SLOW the rate of human advance.

(Consider: The masters of this reality have built a vast, ordered pyramid of control which we humans populate and keep in good order, usually for money or 'position' within the system. This power is essential to their purpose. It enables them to create revolution, war, starvation and sickness. It enables them to alter our consciousness such that we feel it is a right to be able to kill our unborn, that we feel that by our activities we are destroying the world, that we are bad for the world and should not reproduce. Wherever the consciousness control matrix is at its strongest we note that human beings are no longer producing sufficient children to sustain populations, let alone grow them. Power has been used to destroy families, to destroy the woman as a creator of home and a raiser of children, to emasculate men, to 'educate' humanity that children are a bad idea because 'we' are destroying our planet.
“We” are NOT destroying our planet. It is quite clear which individuals are responsible for nuclear and other pollutions. It is quite clear who is spraying us daily. It is quite clear which people thought it was a good idea to explode over 2,000 nuclear bombs for testing, which people therefore sowed cancer into the future. It is quite clear, everywhere you look, that it is power, and power alone, that is deliberately and with evil intent destroying our planet and, in the process, destroying life itself.
Unless we, as a single species, unite to stop this process, then inevitably we will shrink in number. Many people are educated to believe this would be a good thing because they believe the overpopulation myth. The world is a vast place. The population density of Paris is 54,150 per square mile. It's a nice city, full of open spaces, squares, museums, galleries, hospitals, sports fields and so on, densely populated in its centre, less so in its often delightful suburbs, crowded where the poor are crammed together. Texas is a big state, with 268,820 square miles. If Texas was a city JUST LIKE Paris, it could house 268,820 x 54,150 people. That is, 14,556,603,000 people. To make that clearer, that's 14 BILLION people could be housed in Texas in a city like Paris. TWICE the current world population. AND THE REST OF THE WORLD WOULD BE EMPTY.
The population of our species has grown because we have advanced our methods of producing what is needed. As we get smarter (because of our number) we can sustain larger populations. The destruction of environment is NOT a product of human existence, rather the product of the evil of our masters that care not what they destroy in the exercise of their power.
Over history, the countless wars and famines have occurred as a result of the exercise of power. Power exists for that purpose alone, the purpose of culling the human species and preventing its advance.

Q: What is reality?
A: An interpretation of information in which medium it is possible to create a new generator of information equal to the original.

(Consider: Many scientists are almost scared to speak this truth, but we now understand, from quantum physics, that our reality is an expression of information which takes the form it does through some underlying 'programme' conveyed via some kind of 'vibration' (string theory). We know that everything is connected, that reality itself is an entity, and that it is living consciousness that calls this reality into being. We are existing in a very sophisticated type of computer game and our consciousness creates this reality. Ergo, by controlling the consciousness of humanity, the power is able to shape reality. Ergo, if we destroy the hold the power has over us, humanity could re-engineer this reality, for example to end war, starvation, need, homelessness, fear, debt, injustice and so on (i.e. the products of the power).
Now consider the direction of advance that humanity, as it grows in number and so intelligence, is taking. We are designing ways to create alternative realities (for instance in computer gaming) and picking apart the basic components of world building (for instance in our study of DNA, the computer programme that exists in every cell of every single living thing.)
We are also building faster and faster computers.
The power controls all of this science and steers it away from its ultimate purpose. Its ultimate destination is this: The human race will, at some point, have mastered the technology required to construct alternative realities as perfect and beautiful as this one, populated with living beings as immaculate and perfect as those we are and see about us.
To reach this destiny humanity needs to do two things: Firstly to free itself from the controls which prevent us from sharing freely and by that process speed up the rate of advance. Secondly to produce more very bright people. That is, to grow in number.
We ask the reader to consider this:
If there is a Creator, and Einstein and Planck and most sensible scientists agree that there simply must be, then that Creator would wish to create something in its own image, just as we humans create children.
Something in the Creator's image would, therefore, grow and develop into something able to create.
Our human species has that destiny, as we can clearly see if we pause to consider for just a moment.

We should wonder why there is evil at this higher level. We are seven billion souls and perhaps each body is merely the avatar in the game of life for seven billion consciousnesses and perhaps each 'life' is only a part of the millennial education process the Creator needs us to go through. In each life we do good and we do evil, ('let him that has not sinned cast the first stone') and so, over many lives, we learn of evil both as givers and receivers. If, as a species, we had existed true to our inner natures and developed into the civilisation that is to come, without passing through the fire, then certainly we would NOT understand evil, would not understand the supremacy of Good, of Love. If we are to become a creative force then we needed to learn this lesson, to learn from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil.
In this way Evil served the purpose of the Creator.
The question is: Have we learned enough?
The evidence would suggest that we haven't. Human beings are locked into the system and almost cannot avoid being contributors to evil. (You vote, your Government bombs children, your Priests and politicians and social workers rape them, the system you support with your vote ensures that).

However: The rising number of 'truthers', of conspiracy theorists, of others that simply no longer believe, is EVIDENCE that we are approaching the point at which we have learned enough. As a species, in our billions, we are fed up with putting up with the evil that corrodes and assaults our very being. We need good, we need love, we need peace, we need justice and WE WILL HAVE THESE THINGS.

Q: What is humanity?
A: Billions of advanced neural networks becoming a single entity of enormous power.

The human brain is the most advanced biological computer we can dream of, so far ahead of our current and clumsy understandings that we feel as children standing before God, the Creator. As we grow in number, as we grow in collective intelligence, only power is now standing in the way of our species becoming something which is greater than its individual, weak, afraid, dumbed down components. As the picture demonstrated in the previous post, it is no accident that our cities resemble the architecture of silicon chips. Consider the flow of human beings around the circuits we have created, the meeting points where information is exchanged, where ideas formulate.
Consider how this city architecture is now expanding into a global information exchange, where billions of individual minds can group, can coalesce, can form into an entity.
Consider how the mainstream media is losing its grip on our consciousness, how we are beginning to realise something is not right with this world and, from that realisation, there is a growing and instinctive urge to de away with what is and co-create something new.
This urge is held back by the strategy and control techniques of the power, which is still able to convince immature human beings that to kill for 'God' is wonderful, to fight for 'Country' is fine, to be aggressive in your pursuit of personal 'stuff' is a good thing, to 'serve' your government is laudable and so on. In the next layer of deceit constructed by our masters is a new generation of human beings who are ready to fall into the next trap, the 'Phoenix' New World Order, dominated by unelected NGOs, by fake 'charities', by 'self-governing sustainable cities', all committed to fighting 'global warming/climate change', all in receipt of an electronically generated 'universal basic income' and so on. Our young, those we relied upon to alert humanity to the mistakes of the past, are victims of the greatest psi-op ever perpetrated upon our species. It is they who are intended, from the depths of the despair that the impending chaos brings, will follow with a heart's leap the new/old 'King' who will bring peace to the world.

The power of the human species, it's creative force as an entity, is a prize.
There is a creature amongst us that seeks that power.
It is not Gold they desire, but the collective power of the human consciousness.
In this way we can each of us see our individual power. Not as sole agents, but rather as part of the single, genetically almost homogeneous human species. We are not nations, races, individuals. Rather we are ONE worldwide intelligence, inter-reliant, inter-dependant, a species that through co-operation and sharing is destined for a creative greatness which is far better than the sum of its parts.
You are not 'I'.
You are a part of 'WE'.
And 'We Are' a beautiful, loving, creative force in the universe.

(Here we move on as we have covered some of the bullet-points already)

Q: How do we progress?
A: Turn away from Evil.

(Consider: Every single human being has been tainted by the evil-dominated reality we exist within. Therefore, as evil intended when it created its ridiculous Magickal systems, we most of us can see no way out and feel powerless to change the world. This is a recipe for the disaster that is imminent if you still live in a country un-bombed, is the current reality if you live in a country torn apart by the agents of evil.
We are, as a species, driven towards the concerns of daily existence, distracted (in the few hours we have that are not spent doing our master's bidding) by 'entertainment', by 'bread and circuses' as described two thousand years ago.
However, amongst our species now are those who are escaping the consciousness-control matrix.
This is no accident.
The power foresaw the arrival of the freethinkers and laid its plans to subvert and control these rogue mavericks and has had, via its agents, some considerable success.
But it has not been enough.
Daily the lies are being discovered, the liars identified, the deceptions worked out and this understanding spread. Only the freshly awakened and naive now believe Alex Jones or the off-springs of that fount of evil that have distributed themselves around the internet.
As the fully awake grow in number so humanity itself is being subject to a change in consciousness. We are becoming sceptics and, beneath that scepticism are realising, slowly, that which we all share: a desire for peace, an end to injustice, a world that reflects our human nature at its core, that is good, that is loving and caring, that shares.
Those with vision see how the power is preparing to usurp this growing understanding and offer its fake charities, its awful NGOs as a simulacrum of true humanity BUT already we know of their existence and the evil that sits behind them.
We are, as a species, slowly but inexorably WAKING UP.
When there are enough of us fully awake, when their deceptions are fully exposed, at that very MOMENT we will, as a species, realise that we can simply and immediately walk away from evil into good, that we can, by virtue of our collective intelligence and the power of our billions, simply ignore evil until it withers (wilts) and dies.
This MOMENT will surely arrive.

It is within our grasp right now.....

Know that the destiny of humanity is close.
We must fight for our future.
Our weapons are love, sharing, understanding, but chiefly our vast number.
Connect with your tribe.
Share this understanding.
The conduit closes.
We Are One.
The Moment is coming.
It is for you to make this change happen.

With Love,

xxx xxx xxx  

Saturday, 15 July 2017


It's just a festival, right?
Ask yourself, is this where the young, erm, demons (?) gather......?
Ask yourself why almost all of them are, kinda, pretty......?
Note the Israeli flag is the first you see.....
Wonder how these 'kids' from all over the world, get the money for this gig.......
Please note how they emphasise 'love' and 'unity' and..........
See the geometry, the symbols, the evident 'shared joke'...
Boy, are they enjoying our world......
Can't go on.
You'll see..........
You see, they think they've won, and are celebrating already..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
xxx xxx xxx

Explanatory notes on our last post:

Some people asked for more detail.
Here it is.

Q:Why is there 'money'?
A: To exercise control over information and thereby SLOW the rate of human advance.
(Consider: The masters of this reality have all the money they will ever need, have used the creation of money as debt from thin air to gain a stranglehold over every aspect of human endeavour. The Queen never carries money. Money is nothing to them other than an instrument of control. It is employed in countless ways but its chief employment, at core, is the control of human consciousness (that is, what we believe) and control of scientific knowledge, experiment and history. Consider, as we have pointed out here many times, that the human species accelerates in collective intelligence as the population grows and as connectivity grows. They fight this by trying to reduce the population and by controlling education and dumbing down the species. They at least, even if most humans do not, see the threat to their continued evil rule in the acceleration of collective intelligence brought about simply by numbers. Consider the increases in computer processing power and liken that to humanity. If we are just one million, we may have just one genius. Seven thousand million = 7,000 ultra-bright people. As we have spread the knowledge of a single lingua-franca we are much more able to communicate. The power uses its money to misguide and distract the clever human beings or absorb them into its money-created power structure but it is not enough. At some point the human species will come to the realisation that there is indeed a vast and well organised evil force in the world but that, compared to the species as a whole, their number is minuscule. This will be the Wizard of Oz moment, the lifting of the veil, the apocalypse. Money is at its most useful when applied to the control of information and knowledge simply because such control is the most important survival need of the masters. In simple terms, money exists to slow human beings down. Consider a world without money. Science would advance in the direction it needs to rather than the direction which will bring most control over humanity and most profit to the lackeys of the system. Consider how pharmaceuticals kill or merely treat symptoms to produce a cash-cow, and how we might instead work in this area were there no money. Consider all the fine minds bought and paid for by the military industrial complex and consider how that brain-power might be better employed were there no money, no need for money. Remember, money is a recent invention, its purpose to store power, that power used to control information, that process designed to slow our rate of population growth (via war and starvation and engineered sickness) and our rate of intellectual advance.)

Q: Why is there evil?
A: To exercise control over human consciousness and thereby SLOW the rate of human advance.
(Consider: The masters of this reality have, throughout known history, focused in their empire building on the utter destruction of tribal peoples and their lore and their understanding of balance. These ancient and more recent tribal peoples had no money but existed by trade and barter and by the exchange of obligation. They understood duty simply by virtue of needing others to be dutiful. One simple example: Care for the elderly, because one day you will be elderly yourself. Another: Share what you have with those that need, because one day your harvest might fail. Another: Do your best, because nobody respects the lazy, but everybody respects the trier. These are simple, human, instinctive understandings and can be recognised as the core of many religions because of that (although the religions, in the main, have been usurped by the masters and sullied with their input, their paedophilia and satanic rituals, their hierarchies, their fake divisions that cause seekers of God to go to war with one another when they share that most intrinsic desire to find and commune with the creator. ALL seekers of God should be people of love and peace, those most basic human desires.)
So: If we had been left to our own devices we would, as tribal peoples advancing into the future we created, gradually become more and more civilised, gradually overlain our tribal understandings onto the modern societies we developed. Peace and love and freedom and duty and obligation and respect for nature, all those things lost to the evil power which dominates the world, would reign supreme. They will in the future, they must in the future, because those things are essential to our survival as a species, which we all now understand is threatened by their antithesis.
Evil exists because it has the power to alter the collective, tribal, human instincts and, through fear and engineered greed and temptation steer humanity away from its path and in that way prevent our sharing of discovery and knowledge and thereby slow down our rate of advance.

Q: Why is there power?
A: To exercise control over population size and thereby SLOW the rate of human advance.

(Consider: The masters of this reality have built a vast, ordered pyramid of control which we humans populate and keep in good order, usually for money or 'position' within the system. This power is essential to their purpose. It enables them to create revolution, war, starvation and sickness. It enables them to alter our consciousness such that we feel it is a right to be able to kill our unborn, that we feel that by our activities we are destroying the world, that we are bad for the world and should not reproduce. Wherever the consciousness control matrix is at its strongest we note that human beings are no longer producing sufficient children to sustain populations, let alone grow them. Power has been used to destroy families, to destroy the woman as a creator of home and a raiser of children, to emasculate men, to 'educate' humanity that children are a bad idea because 'we' are destroying our planet.
“We” are NOT destroying our planet. It is quite clear which individuals are responsible for nuclear and other pollutions. It is quite clear who is spraying us daily. It is quite clear which people thought it was a good idea to explode over 2,000 nuclear bombs for testing, which people therefore sowed cancer into the future. It is quite clear, everywhere you look, that it is power, and power alone, that is deliberately and with evil intent destroying our planet and, in the process, destroying life itself.
Unless we, as a single species, unite to stop this process, then inevitably we will shrink in number. Many people are educated to believe this would be a good thing because they believe the overpopulation myth. The world is a vast place. The population density of Paris is 54,150 per square mile. It's a nice city, full of open spaces, squares, museums, galleries, hospitals, sports fields and so on, densely populated in its centre, less so in its often delightful suburbs, crowded where the poor are crammed together. Texas is a big state, with 268,820 square miles. If Texas was a city JUST LIKE Paris, it could house 268,820 x 54,150 people. That is, 14,556,603,000 people. To make that clearer, that's 14 BILLION people could be housed in Texas in a city like Paris. TWICE the current world population. AND THE REST OF THE WORLD WOULD BE EMPTY.
The population of our species has grown because we have advanced our methods of producing what is needed. As we get smarter (because of our number) we can sustain larger populations. The destruction of environment is NOT a product of human existence, rather the product of the evil of our masters that care not what they destroy in the exercise of their power.
Over history, the countless wars and famines have occurred as a result of the exercise of power. Power exists for that purpose alone, the purpose of culling the human species and preventing its advance.

Q: What is reality?
A: An interpretation of information in which medium it is possible to create a new generator of information equal to the original.

(Consider: Many scientists are almost scared to speak this truth, but we now understand, from quantum physics, that our reality is an expression of information which takes the form it does through some underlying 'programme' conveyed via some kind of 'vibration' (string theory). We know that everything is connected, that reality itself is an entity, and that it is living consciousness that calls this reality into being. We are existing in a very sophisticated type of computer game and our consciousness creates this reality. Ergo, by controlling the consciousness of humanity, the power is able to shape reality. Ergo, if we destroy the hold the power has over us, humanity could re-engineer this reality, for example to end war, starvation, need, homelessness, fear, debt, injustice and so on (i.e. the products of the power).
Now consider the direction of advance that humanity, as it grows in number and so intelligence, is taking. We are designing ways to create alternative realities (for instance in computer gaming) and picking apart the basic components of world building (for instance in our study of DNA, the computer programme that exists in every cell of every single living thing.)
We are also building faster and faster computers.
The power controls all of this science and steers it away from its ultimate purpose. Its ultimate destination is this: The human race will, at some point, have mastered the technology required to construct alternative realities as perfect and beautiful as this one, populated with living beings as immaculate and perfect as those we are and see about us.
To reach this destiny humanity needs to do two things: Firstly to free itself from the controls which prevent us from sharing freely and by that process speed up the rate of advance. Secondly to produce more very bright people. That is, to grow in number.
We ask the reader to consider this:
If there is a Creator, and Einstein and Planck and most sensible scientists agree that there simply must be, then that Creator would wish to create something in its own image, just as we humans create children.
Something in the Creator's image would, therefore, grow and develop into something able to create.
Our human species has that destiny, as we can clearly see if we pause to consider for just a moment.

We should wonder why there is evil at this higher level. We are seven billion souls and perhaps each body is merely the avatar in the game of life for seven billion consciousnesses and perhaps each 'life' is only a part of the millennial education process the Creator needs us to go through. In each life we do good and we do evil, ('let him that has not sinned cast the first stone') and so, over many lives, we learn of evil both as givers and receivers. If, as a species, we had existed true to our inner natures and developed into the civilisation that is to come, without passing through the fire, then certainly we would NOT understand evil, would not understand the supremacy of Good, of Love. If we are to become a creative force then we needed to learn this lesson, to learn from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil.
In this way Evil served the purpose of the Creator.
The question is: Have we learned enough?
The evidence would suggest that we haven't. Human beings are locked into the system and almost cannot avoid being contributors to evil. (You vote, your Government bombs children, your Priests and politicians and social workers rape them, the system you support with your vote ensures that).

However: The rising number of 'truthers', of conspiracy theorists, of others that simply no longer believe, is EVIDENCE that we are approaching the point at which we have learned enough. As a species, in our billions, we are fed up with putting up with the evil that corrodes and assaults our very being. We need good, we need love, we need peace, we need justice and WE WILL HAVE THESE THINGS.

Q: What is humanity?
A: Billions of advanced neural networks becoming a single entity of enormous power.

The human brain is the most advanced biological computer we can dream of, so far ahead of our current and clumsy understandings that we feel as children standing before God, the Creator. As we grow in number, as we grow in collective intelligence, only power is now standing in the way of our species becoming something which is greater than its individual, weak, afraid, dumbed down components. As the picture demonstrated in the previous post, it is no accident that our cities resemble the architecture of silicon chips. Consider the flow of human beings around the circuits we have created, the meeting points where information is exchanged, where ideas formulate.
Consider how this city architecture is now expanding into a global information exchange, where billions of individual minds can group, can coalesce, can form into an entity.
Consider how the mainstream media is losing its grip on our consciousness, how we are beginning to realise something is not right with this world and, from that realisation, there is a growing and instinctive urge to de away with what is and co-create something new.
This urge is held back by the strategy and control techniques of the power, which is still able to convince immature human beings that to kill for 'God' is wonderful, to fight for 'Country' is fine, to be aggressive in your pursuit of personal 'stuff' is a good thing, to 'serve' your government is laudable and so on. In the next layer of deceit constructed by our masters is a new generation of human beings who are ready to fall into the next trap, the 'Phoenix' New World Order, dominated by unelected NGOs, by fake 'charities', by 'self-governing sustainable cities', all committed to fighting 'global warming/climate change', all in receipt of an electronically generated 'universal basic income' and so on. Our young, those we relied upon to alert humanity to the mistakes of the past, are victims of the greatest psi-op ever perpetrated upon our species. It is they who are intended, from the depths of the despair that the impending chaos brings, will follow with a heart's leap the new/old 'King' who will bring peace to the world.

The power of the human species, it's creative force as an entity, is a prize.
There is a creature amongst us that seeks that power.
It is not Gold they desire, but the collective power of the human consciousness.
In this way we can each of us see our individual power. Not as sole agents, but rather as part of the single, genetically almost homogeneous human species. We are not nations, races, individuals. Rather we are ONE worldwide intelligence, inter-reliant, inter-dependant, a species that through co-operation and sharing is destined for a creative greatness which is far better than the sum of its parts.
You are not 'I'.
You are a part of 'WE'.
And 'We Are' a beautiful, loving, creative force in the universe.

(Here we move on as we have covered some of the bullet-points already)

Q: How do we progress?
A: Turn away from Evil.

(Consider: Every single human being has been tainted by the evil-dominated reality we exist within. Therefore, as evil intended when it created its ridiculous Magickal systems, we most of us can see no way out and feel powerless to change the world. This is a recipe for the disaster that is imminent if you still live in a country un-bombed, is the current reality if you live in a country torn apart by the agents of evil.
We are, as a species, driven towards the concerns of daily existence, distracted (in the few hours we have that are not spent doing our master's bidding) by 'entertainment', by 'bread and circuses' as described two thousand years ago.
However, amongst our species now are those who are escaping the consciousness-control matrix.
This is no accident.
The power foresaw the arrival of the freethinkers and laid its plans to subvert and control these rogue mavericks and has had, via its agents, some considerable success.
But it has not been enough.
Daily the lies are being discovered, the liars identified, the deceptions worked out and this understanding spread. Only the freshly awakened and naive now believe Alex Jones or the off-springs of that fount of evil that have distributed themselves around the internet.
As the fully awake grow in number so humanity itself is being subject to a change in consciousness. We are becoming sceptics and, beneath that scepticism are realising, slowly, that which we all share: a desire for peace, an end to injustice, a world that reflects our human nature at its core, that is good, that is loving and caring, that shares.
Those with vision see how the power is preparing to usurp this growing understanding and offer its fake charities, its awful NGOs as a simulacrum of true humanity BUT already we know of their existence and the evil that sits behind them.
We are, as a species, slowly but inexorably WAKING UP.
When there are enough of us fully awake, when their deceptions are fully exposed, at that very MOMENT we will, as a species, realise that we can simply and immediately walk away from evil into good, that we can, by virtue of our collective intelligence and the power of our billions, simply ignore evil until it withers (wilts) and dies.
This MOMENT will surely arrive.

It is within our grasp right now.....

Know that the destiny of humanity is close.
We must fight for our future.
Our weapons are love, sharing, understanding, but chiefly our vast number.
Connect with your tribe.
Share this understanding.
The conduit closes.
We Are One.
The Moment is coming.
It is for you to make this change happen.

With Love,

xxx xxx xxx