I have no idea where this might go, who might read these words, whether they will resonate with you, what part of the world mind will be affected by them, how from that speck of light a great thought will grow and spread amongst we ordinary human beings. What I do know is that this may well be the most important document you will ever read.
Please bear with me. I am going to introduce you to an entirely new perspective, a set of new ideas which offer profound opportunities for our species. These very much involve you, as an individual. It may even be said that it behoves you to become acquainted with this content and thereafter the processes which are outlined herein, but whether or not you do so matters little to the inevitable ultimate outcome. What is coming is coming and nothing can stop it. A series of world changing events that will alter the direction and flow of humanity's great story are approaching. We are, as a species, heading towards these great changes just as a river will flow unstoppably towards the great oceans. The river will meet obstacles, some may try to stem its flow or divert its path, but nothing will prevent that great body of water reaching its destination. Many of us, perhaps already enough of us to achieve the coming tipping point in our species' history, are either intellectually or instinctively conscious of the urgent need to alter the course of our trajectory, to take the rudder and steer our species towards the great ocean of possibilities that await us. These words, these ideas, are a part of that process. Others will be saying the same things, there is no uniqueness here. Rather, these words are an expression of an understanding that our species is coming to share. We are slow, as a species, to make up our minds. Much is done to distract us from finding that consensus, yet find it we will. After millennia we have progressed to this point, that progression accelerating as we have grown in number such that now we have the capacity and the capability to communicate between us all, to become of one mind. Because we have built this system, created the potentiality for a world mind to emerge, so we will inevitably use it to address the issues that we collectively face. We will find that seemingly insurmountable problems are in fact easy to overcome, that all it takes is an act of global will, for humanity to make up its mind and resolve that THIS is how things shall be.
The person you think of as “I” is a product of the life you have lived. Into your mind has poured a constant stream of events, a barrage of information. You have had the job of responding to that flow and deciding what actions to take and what responses to give. Those events and that information have shaped your beliefs, have shaped your attitudes, have made you the person you are. All of that process has taken place within the world that you live in, the reality you have experienced. That reality has within it a number of formative and structural elements which act as the trunks and branches of the societies we exist within globally. Those main structural components of our societies, of our lives, have framed the world into which you were born and largely determined your actions and beliefs and the life that you have led. Many of those key structural elements of our societies have been with humanity for centuries. It might be said that the basis of all of them lie in the exercise of power and from that power the making and enforcement of law, the predominance of one religion or another, the creation of and flow of money and the threat of physical or economic violence. Those elemental structures are so embedded within our mass psyche that many of we human beings can think of no alternative. This is life, this is what it is, do the best you can. Many of us feel trapped by this legacy system, are wondering what our purpose is, what can be done to overcome the seemingly insurmountable problems before us, how we ordinary human beings can affect our reality and exercise our authority in the world that is ours to shape and order according to our shared will. We now have at our fingertips the instruments by which our human family, you and I included, can find fundamental common ground, those very few things upon which we all agree. What approaches is the moment when we realise, as a species, what those fundamental elements are and how we can use that shared understanding to change our world. How we can signal to each other that we are, we eight billion souls, of one mind. Thus a new authority will have emerged into our world, the authority of the world mind which our ingenuity and our labour have created.
We should bring to our minds the common sense understanding that there are some amongst us who will lose their power over us by this process. Naturally they will seek to prevent the emergence of any consensus between we human beings that might threaten their power or their vast wealth. It may be that they will see that the simple solution is to prevent humanity from sharing these ideas. This, of course, is what power has always done throughout our human history. In Soviet Russia Stalin and his helpers murdered 60 million human beings that held ideas which threatened the power they held. We ordinary human beings have always been murdered by the powerful if we question their rule. Today is no different from yesterday in that respect and, increasingly, fewer of we human beings are any longer naive enough to believe that the powerful are unwilling to kill to keep their power. At the same time we are realising, as a species, that the powerful use some of us to do their killing. Our bakers and mechanics and nurses and bus drivers encouraged to put on a uniform, sold an idea of patriotism or religious duty and sent our to kill bakers and mechanics and nurses and bus drivers somewhere else. Our world mind has no borders, no flags, has no one race, has no single faith, has a million differences over which we could be encouraged to harm one another. Despite these differences, these wonderful variations, what we are capable now of finding and so will find is that which we are agreed upon.
Once we do that, and perhaps here is where we start, the world changes.
These same elemental and age old structures are unarguably directly or subtly responsible for almost everything that we see as “wrong” in our world; for all of our wars, for almost all of the injustices we witness, for almost all of the crime we experience, for most of the deep hatreds and enmities that exist between us, for much of the enormous inequalities that leave children starving or grandparents shivering to death or other human beings dumped onto the streets to live in misery. Everything we are globally ashamed of stems from the systemic power structures we have allowed to be constructed in our world. Our world has not been shaped by the intent of ordinary human beings but by the will of the powerful. The powerful must bear full responsibility for all of the terrible wars that have blighted our human story and are killing our children right now. Rulers and governments and those that are in charge of our world's money or governing our world's faiths gave us our world wars, our regional wars, our genocides and democides, our crusades and fatwas, the perpetual “debt” we “owe” as a species. Those same culprits are today making wars in the Ukraine, Yemen, Israel/Palestine and whilst pretending to care about we human beings and the difficulties and horrors we face are achieving nothing to alleviate human suffering. We, we human beings, our world mind, are about to stop them in their tracks.
Almost none of the ordinary human beings involved in the long catalogue of wars that have blighted our human lives have had any desire to kill, have sought no benefit from such killing, had no desire to steal the land and wealth of another people, have done these things only at the behest of, or under the orders of, those in power or when we are caused to lust for vengeance because our people have been attacked by the people under the rule of some other powerful ruler. Every time we have gone to war or set out to suppress other human beings we have done so because those in power have caused us to believe, fervently, in some idea. When we look back in history we wonder how it was that so many minds were captured, how so many of us stayed silent as the believers committed their crimes thinking they did good or did God's work as they slaughtered.
As our world mind develops each and every one of we human beings will, over time, come to realise how we were caused to commit these crimes against our brothers and sisters and how we are at this moment being so caused to commit these crimes.
Underlying this terrible history and our present disorder sits something Confucius called “Ren” or human heartedness.
It describes the essential nature of the vast majority of we human beings, our species.
We most of us desire to live in peace and to pass our lives unafraid.
We most of us feel for those that suffer and would help if we were able.
We most of us want to share our lives with someone we love, to make a home that protects us, to bring children into this world and to make a place for them to grow in the joy of their innocence.
We most of us want to do something that is of benefit or use to others and to contribute, as best as we are able, to our communities, our societies, to the world in which we live. To feel proud of ourselves and the services we perform, knowing they are of use and fulfil a need.
We most of us yearn for a long and healthy life in which we have time for rest, for the exploration of what interests us, for the discovery of something new, for fun and entertainment for laughter and for hugs.
There are few amongst us that desire to grow powerful and to use that power, regardless of morality, to further enrich ourselves and ride roughshod across our fellow human beings. Our understanding of psychology gives us labels for those human beings, their psychopathy and sociopathy being understood as a sickness.
We enjoy competition, thrive on a challenge, desire success in what we have chosen to do but few of us will kill to achieve that success. We are, as a species, eight billion individuals, each one different, each one unique, each one special in some way, all believing in different things but en-masse, together, our species is human hearted.
This is not to say that none of us have done wrong. There are few of we human beings that can claim an utterly blameless life. But the essence of our species stems from our human heartedness and what might be said to be the underlying love we carry within us and seek to express.
Our world, our societies, cannot be said to pour forth from this underlying love. This is plain to see. This is what we are about to change as our world mind emerges.
We should be aware that it is this love which the powerful amongst us capture and direct to serve their purposes. Love of God, love of nation, love of a great political idea, love of your race, love of your fellow human beings, love of an idea, all of these and more have been espoused by our leaders and used to cause us to harm or to kill or to spread injustice and inequality. Over the last century we human beings have murdered hundreds of millions of other ordinary human beings because we have been persuaded to do terrible wrongs and to think we are doing the right thing.
During “Covid” those that took the vaccine did so because they believed that it was the right thing to do for themselves but also because they thought they were protecting others. That love for others brought those that believed what the governments and media and experts had told them to begin to consider that the unvaccinated were a threat to our world, that the unvaccinated should be excluded from our societies. Those that fully believed the narrative prepared for humanity and delivered by governments and media were just a step away from rounding those people up and doing something unspeakable to them and believing that such actions were the right things to do.
Many of we human beings were caught up in that new belief. Many so enthralled are now coming to understand that most difficult of understandings, that lies were told and that they believed those lies. They were fooled by those they trusted. They fear facing that reality because they fear what might have been put into their bodies. Day by day, despite the censorship and algorithms that seek to prevent humanity from sharing the truth about what has just happened and is happening still, our world mind is changing about the narrative we were given.
That sense of disquiet, often unspoken, that deep desire for the unequivocal truth is spreading through our world. For the first time we are, as a single species, questioning power. This questioning is the emergence of the world mind. The truth we find between ourselves, we ordinary people, will form the backbone of the consensus of the world mind that will set us free as a species to change the fundamental structures that cause us harm.
However powerless you feel, however lowly your position, however much you feel the consequences of your actions, if YOU know OF or witnessed or took part in that recent part of our human story then it is now, this moment, time to find the courage to speak out, to bring your truth into the light, to share what you know.
You may be a Doctor or a Nurse. You may be a scientist or other expert. You may be someone that saw some injustice somewhere in some aspect of our societies' hierarchies. You may fear to speak up, may fear some financial loss, may think your career will be adversely affected. Others have spoken out and been stifled by those in authority and many of we ordinary people have approved of that cancellation, believing those truth tellers to be somehow our enemies. But day by day more and more human beings are deciding that they have the courage, that their truth must be told and day by day that truth is growing in our world mind. It will not be prevented. It will form a tsunami. What will grow in our world mind is a sudden realisation that we were lied to, as a species.
From that realisation will emerge a vast and unquenchable anger. When that arises, and it will, we must ensure as a species that we harness that emotion and direct it towards the human hearted reshaping of our world, that we make things such that the war-mongers and the political frauds and the liars never again have the power to control what our species thinks and herd us and drive us to commit crimes against our fellow human beings.
Something entirely new has entered this world, this reality. It is an enormously powerful new entity that has the might and the innate authority to change everything. You are a part of this, as am I. We are, as a species, about to change our world fundamentally, to seek and to find the destiny of our human hearted species. Nothing can stop this elemental step from darkness into light. It is already underway. It was this new powerful entity, the world mind or shared consciousness, that was manipulated by the powerful to create the mass fear that shaped our minds and drove our actions during Covid. In other words those in power understand that our human world mind exists and have placed things in such a way that they believe they can manipulate it to serve their own purposes. In that they are mistaken. Between we ordinary human beings, we creatures of common sense, we caring and loving souls a shared and growing mistrust of our governments and our media is bubbling to the surface.
I don't know if you as an individual sense this yet?
I don't know if you have this insistent niggling edginess, this sense of disquiet yet?
What I am certain of is that there is, amongst we human beings, something that is not formed into words but is resonating between us all. We sense, as a species, in our core, that there is something wrong with our world and, whilst feeling powerless to affect what is happening, have between us as a species an overwhelming desire to make our world a better place. We are also sharing an anger, an anger brought into being by the wrongs we are witnessing, an anger created by the constant stresses we have to live with, an anger stemming from the great uncertainties we face, an anger driven by our governments' indifference to us all, an anger brought to the boil by the very powerlessness we have over our own lives and our inability to shape our world as it should be. We see the terrible wars supported by our politicians breaking out across our human world, killing our human children. We are told on our TV's and other media of the threat of more war, of more killing fields. If we and our families are amongst those being murdered we pray for an end to this monstrosity. If we live somewhere where the bombs do not drop we read of these things or are shown these things daily and we too want these things to stop, yet feel powerless to do anything.
We are not powerless.
All that is required is for we human beings to make up our minds, despite governments, despite financial considerations, despite what we are told by the media, for us to arrive at a global consensus that we know will not have been created by governments, will not be influenced by media, will not be denied by the authority vested in legacy hierarchies but will have grown from the hearts of we human beings, grown from the love and care we hold for each other, born of the tears we cry and the hope we share for a better world.
So, this is the first proposition for we ordinary human beings.
To make that a reality we do not need to beg our governments. We do not need to engage in arguments over who did what to whom. We do not need to march or protest or demonstrate, nor wait for an election, nor seek the approval of anybody.
WE simply need to make up our mind, as a species, that there shall be no more war.
There will be some under orders to continue.
There will be some that depend on making the machinery of war to earn a living.
There will be some that actively want war and enrich themselves from it. Such creatures are mentally ill and need to be driven from the corridors of power.
However, we need take no such actions, don't need to stage some kind of revolution.
We like peace and stability, we human beings.
THIS is the quiet way to end war.
We just agree, between we billions of souls, to have nothing to do with war and to block from our lives those that create it or make it possible or manufacture the vast instruments of death that threaten us all.
We can easily and quickly end war.
WE simply have to make up our minds, as a species, to do so.
How can we arrive at such a consensus?
Simply ask each other, all of we ordinary people, if that is what we wish.
That requires a global viral meme.
So I ask you, all of you, to take the time to ask the question of everyone you are connected with and related to: Shall we end war?
That is the first step.
For humanity to make up its mind to do something good and simply not to tolerate something evil, to simply walk away from it as a species.
Such a step will be the beginning of a new reality for humanity.
The first time a global consensus drawn from our human heartedness has established itself in our world.
It will change everything.
There are 11 such human hearted foundational agreements we will reach. You can find them if you search your heart. It is inevitable that we will reach those agreements, we ordinary human beings, for it is our deepest held desire and so our destiny to live in a world grown from our shared human heartedness. We have built our human world mind, we eight billion souls, and that mind will shape the new civilisation we will build and it will be good.
11 foundational agreements, 11 human hearted laws grown from them. 11:11
What should you do?
Email, write, twitter, phone, contact in any way you can everyone you know. Here is the simple message:
“Simple question: Do you think human beings should stop war? Maybe if a few billion of us agree something will happen.”
Just do that. Let's see what happens if you do.
10 more to follow.
With love,
Olive Farmer
xxx xxx xxx