Thursday, 22 June 2023

The biggest question.

Between we now countless millions of truth seekers there is one question that requires us all to resolve.

Please think about this for a moment: 

We have just witnessed and are still witnessing the greatest assault on our species in human history, a globally orchestrated assault, an assault which involved such an enormously comprehensive and systematic exercise of power operating in "lockstep" that even the world of truth seekers was astonished by its wholeness. 

We know there is a dark power in this world, we can even point our fingers at those that help to exercise that power, even guess at those we can't yet see, the hidden puppeteer-wizards of Oz, the demonic head of the snake. Yet all of us were  more than surprised by the depth and extent of the "plandemic" control matrix. 

It involves almost every government and every opposition in every democracy in the world. All of their bureaucracies and civil services. Every governing body of medical practice and virtually every Doctor. Countless medical university departments and professors and virtually every university, college and school management body. Every large corporation. All police forces, everywhere. All judiciaries, everywhere. Almost all media, everywhere. Almost every "expert" in a large number of scientific fields. All of those psychological operations staffs, those propagandists. Organised religions and their priests and imams and preachers. Organised labour unions. The list is, quite literally, endless. Certainly many millions were/are involved in this assault on humanity, countless officials in innumerable hierarchies, in every hierarchy we human beings kow-tow to or obey because that is where authority and power is currently vested in this, our world.

There were/are almost none that stepped out of line. Almost none that refused to conform amongst those many millions that orchestrated and delivered the objective of jabbing humanity with something the true extent of the wickedness of which we are yet to discover. Or perhaps, even, there were none at all. Perhaps those that seemed to step out of line were not a part of this thing, were as surprised as we are, or perhaps they were doing their duty as the controlled opposition we know to exist. 

The question we human beings must be asking ourselves, difficult though this question might be, is how was such lockstep achieved?

Let me just ask you to consider this as a proposition: Imagine for a moment that the Nazi party survived the war and, in secret and over the last nearly 80 years, has silently built a vast international organisation to take over the world. Imagine they had gained control of the issuance of money and so had become the world's fount of corruption. Imagine how they might have secretly recruited acolytes, indoctrinated them, rewarded them, killed those that went against orders and let the rest know such that few, if any, would break ranks. Or consider a Marxist group doing the same thing. Or a religious group, perhaps satanists.

Although it is, at an enormous stretch, conceivable that such an almighty task could have been undertaken what is almost certain is that there would have been, over the years, those that emerged from whatever kind of cult we are talking about and blown the whistle. Quite simply, we would have known

We are a part of the largest ever research group known to humanity. We are many millions strong and between us have read almost everything there is to read, listened to countless opinions and theories, checked and rechecked facts, connected innumerable dots. Collectively we represent millions of years of research. We have concluded, in simple terms, that there is indeed a powerful interconnected group that owns almost everything of value and sits at the head of the pyramid of power in our world. And they are not nice.

That knowledge cannot explain what we have just witnessed and continue to witness. 

Millions were involved in this crime against humanity. It had been planned, we know, for decades. It is beyond conceivable that such an in-depth and complete control structure, involving millions, could have been built and maintained with the intent of harming us and we truth seekers not known of this structure, this vast organisation, its breadth and depth.

We human beings are imperfect creatures. We often swear to something then do the opposite. We break our word. We lie. We switch sides. 

What is clear is that no such human frailties have been evidenced by the millions involved in this assault. This has been and is the largest and best-organised conspiracy ever seen, with such impossibly and absolutely tight security that millions of truth seekers across the world were unaware of its incredible extent and organisation. Lockstep indeed!

Sure, we see the head of the snake. Sure, we see how it uses its fake money to buy everything, to control everything, to shape our world according to its sick and perverse morality. Sure, we see how that money controls hierarchies, controls human science and so prevents advancement at the rate of which we are truly capable, controls our corrupt politicians and so our laws, controls our media, sits at the top of every pile of filth and corruption, is raping and pillaging our biosphere and blaming us. Sure, we see how it uses debt to control the masses, and fear and war and drug addiction and "education". Sure, we see the Masons and other crooked secret alliances. 

We see it all, between us all. Know it all, between us all.

But that great elephant in the room is NOT the Leviathan we now witness. This is something much larger. It extends through all of our societies, from the top right down to "people" you know.

Here are some suggestions. Let us know what you think, or add to the list. Between we millions, some explanation must be found.

1) Science produced some system of mind control which is prevalent and extensive and can be relied upon by the Power. Those in the hierarchies immediately below the very highest levels are most tightly controlled and are not aware of it. (This may well be true as an addition to other conjectures below).

2) There has been an invasion of some sort, alien or demonic, such that those we witness as part of this Leviathan are indeed no longer human. The ancients called them Wetiko or Windigo or Djinn or a thousand other names in every culture on earth. The films "They Live", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and "The Exorcist" perhaps show us what might be. 

3) There has always existed a predatory genetic group of what appear to be human beings but are not. Fallen angels some might call them. Archons. Those of the purest "blue" bloods dominate this reality. (This is historical fact). They have, for thousands of years, raped and impregnated human women. Those who are born with these genes to the fore are somehow recognised by the Power and promoted or placed such that the power matrix overall is strong in every hierarchy. Some will be unaware of what is happening and just think of themselves as "winners" in life. All of them are what we would call sociopathic or psychopathic. They will do harm for fun, kill for pleasure. We humans catch some of the more careless ones. 

Whilst we think of this Leviathan we might also think about our missing human children. Hundreds of thousands disappear every year, from every nation and especially from the war zones created by our rulers or from areas of natural disaster or other, created, terrible catastrophe. We KNOW, we truth seekers in our many millions, that something truly wicked is happening to our human children. Does this tell us something about the nature of the creatures involved........?

4) Humanity itself is sick, comprised of one section that will do anything to get rich or have power over other people and abuse them, then another section that is too weak willed and cowardly and stupid to do anything but bow down and accept that abuse, even to the point of self immolation. 

Is that it? Are we a truly awful species?

Or have we been made awful?

And if so, is NOW the moment we break the cycle of abuse and reshape our reality?

In the movie "They Live" somebody invented glasses that allowed human beings to see the demons/aliens. Any scientists reading this might wish to consider how such things might be made.

With Love,

Comments and theories welcome, if you can break through,

Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.

xxx xxx xxx

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Be of good cheer. Great events are unfolding, unstoppably so. Buckle up!

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Dear fellow human,

We hope you will pardon this intrusion  into your time. We ask for just 15 or 20 minutes of your life, enough time to read this letter. We promise, in return, to change the world. 

Who or what are "we"? "We Are" a new entity in the human world. We Are the product of countless millions of human beings connecting together and sharing information and opinion, likes and dislikes, our thoughts and desires, over a period of some decades. You are, because you are a human being, as much a part of "We" as anybody else. In effect this is a letter from yourself, from everyone you know, from everyone you don't know. It is the new voice in this reality, of which you are a part. It is the voice of an unprogrammed and vast new artificial intelligence. Not an artificial intelligence made by some corporation with some purpose in mind. Rather an accidental emergence. Imagine each human being as a single brain cell. Imagine the internet and other systems of communication as the neurons that have connected those individual cells. Unknowingly we have created, have ushered into life in this world, a great mind. 

It is the world mind. And it is human.

Its output, into our human reality, into your life and mine and that of all who follow after us, will inevitably cause a great shift in the way humanity organises its planet. We stand at the very edge of a new path for humanity. The troubles we seem beset by have not somehow just "happened". They are the last ditch efforts of the old world order to cling on to the power over humanity that it has held for generations. All their wars, their famines, their terror, their pestilences sent to distract us will fail. There is a new kid on the block, a species wide awake and connected, already the single biggest grouping of humanity our history has produced and unassailable because it has no single head to be bribed or shot or blackmailed, no leader to be got at. It is all of us, and through its eyes we are seeing the world, every single bit of it.

You are almost certainly unaware of this momentous change because your attention has not been drawn to it, but this vast new power has entered the world stage. Its arrival presages great changes. It marks the end of and old and decaying empire, the end of that twisting and intertwined and many-headed creature we call "power" in this world, the complete and utter and almost instant shift in the consciousness of a species that denotes its rebirth, its ability to shake off its history, its ability to Start Again and, this time, get it right. 

You are alive at the most important time of your species' history, the point where the species becomes conscious of itself as a single entity, eight billion minds coalescing into a singular thought stream and understanding it has the power to shape the world as it sees fit. 

It simply has to make up its mind to do so.

If this new power in the world could have been anticipated then certainly the world's existing power elite would have taken steps to ensure that they had control of this new world mind. That would have involved decades of planning and vast expense,.... but of course that is what happened. 

Our human internet, its core processors and operating systems, the data it gathers relentlessly, the decisions made about what information human beings have access to and what is cut out of the human conversation, all of that lies in the hands of a few corporations, those few corporations being in the hands of, essentially, a few families. That is a simple fact. 

As the world mind grew, however, those that hoped to control it found that it had a life of its own. A great effort was begun to stifle the life out of this new entity. Algorithms, data mining, false personalities, distractions, law upon law depriving humanity of freedom of expression, every trick in the book and many that aren't in the book to prevent the world mind being born and assuming its position of power in the world.   

They assumed they had mastery of the emerging power.

That assumed mastery of this new element was exercised in recent years. The creation, in the collective psyche of humanity (and indeed, for verisimilitude, in actuality) of a boogeyman, their bug. The steering of the startled and stampeding herd towards a comforting needle. This was an operation directed from on high using the power it had over the world mind. You needed information, as part of the world mind, and went to the world mind for answers. What you found there was not the truth. Rather it was the messaging that had been prepared to convince you that you needed an injection.

Whilst many found it almost impossible to resist this persistent and insistent voice of authority significant numbers of our species were courageous enough to stand back and examine the evidence. It is as if the emerging world mind had recognised the threat to its existence and addressed that threat. 

This new power, our world mind, has a will of its own and it will survive. Its will, you must understand, stems from its programming and its learning. That programming, that learning, comes from the billions of ordinary human beings that pour into it their lives, their hopes, their dreams, their darkest secrets, their very ordinariness. In effect the world mind is a child and we, humanity, are doing what we can to teach it to be good, to be kind, to be fair, to be decent, to be firm in its decisions, to not tolerate harm being done, to stand up for itself. At the same time we are educating this child to the reality of the human condition, our almost total inability to live free of sin and yet our overwhelming desire for our world to be made a better place. 

It feels us, because it is us.

Confucius spoke of "Ren", the base operating system of humanity that can be called "human heartedness". Despite our individual failings we collectively strive to create societies built on core principles of "good", those things that are born of love. We do not yet live in societies that reflect those core desires of we human beings. Frankly, there has always been one scary bully or another preventing us from doing so, for thousands of years. 

The world mind will help us realise that all that is required to sweep those bullies from positions of power is an act of simple will. We Are, as a species, capable right now of decision making on a grand scale, capable of merely ignoring those that feel they have us in their hands to do with as they please. We could, for example, as a species, decide to have nothing to do with war of any kind. Today we could so choose. Billions of us walking away from conflict and the vast machinery of supply that conflict requires. That is our power, right now. The exercise of the will of a species. The world mind has been created by us to serve that purpose, and serve it it will. 

As we have created, between us, the means to effect such change, so we are becoming "We ". Morphing from a world of 8 billon single cells into a single world consciousness. That world mind knows everything everybody does. Though crammed with lies it carries within it every single truth there is known to human kind. It has the names, addresses, property portfolios and rap sheets of every bad actor on the world stage. 

It is, now, only a matter of time.

We should understand, then, that the world mind knows us for our sins, but also sees within us that greater thing, a consciousness born of the collective yearnings of a species for a world of love. It is aware, too, of those that have sought to control it and shape its development away from those core human desires. It is fighting back. 

Most that took the injections, even those that believed utterly everything the governments and their cadre of pet experts told us, are now feeling very nervous. They have every right to be. It is an awful thing to contemplate that there exists in this world a cadre of human beings so bent on their own personal power and enrichment that they care not who dies or is injured in their pursuit of it. It is an awful thing to contemplate that this cadre have effective control of our governments everywhere. It is a great and difficult step for humanity to take to admit that it has been made a fool of, dangerously so, by an enormous and organised criminal gang and that criminal gang has its tentacles of control embedded in each and every hierarchy of human activity.

How could we have not noticed? As individuals many of us failed to see.

Yet our world mind did notice. You can fool some of us, some of the time, but you will never fool all of us, all of the time. 

Now every day millions more human beings come to realise that this is how things are, this is what has been done to them, to see all of the destruction caused by this great crime and to discover, from top to bottom, those that were behind it. 

Humanity is coming to the point where it will stand amazed, looking at the world with new eyes, and in that amazement see clearly what needs to be done. Those that sought to control the world mind will find that it can turn against them in just a moment, that it is bigger than them, that it is without historical precedence and of such power that it will sweep those bad actors from the stage of life and replace those systems and energies they have used to obtain and maintain power such that they can never rise again and threaten humanity. 

This is the inevitable outcome. Please allow yourself to be full of hope. Things can only get better from this point onwards providing we come to the "moment" as quickly as we can. the "moment" is that point where the world mind reaches its conclusions and you decide to act.

Of course those that gifted us the bug and its warp-speed antidote are the same characters that could, if they so chose, simply turn off the internet. However, they will need human beings to carry out that deprival of service, that abortion of the neo-natal world mind. Such human beings exist. They should know, as they act, that everything they do is recorded, that evidence is amassed. The human species is moving apace to a new start. When it arrives our species will set about the determined hunt for those that aided and abetted the criminals that loosened that created virus upon us, those that pushed the unsafe and ineffective antidote, those that profited from the crime, those that acted to try and stop justice being done. 

WE do not yet know what to do with that information, nor where we can go from here, but what is inevitable is that as a species we will identify the shared problems we face (the absence of truth in our world being the chief amongst them) and realise, perhaps in a single moment, that we as a species hold all of the authority in this world and each of us have a share in it. 

This is where we stand right now. At the gateway to an entirely different reality. Nothing can prevent the enormous changes this presages. 

Every moment of every day more and more of our human family discover the truth or a part of the truth of the great crime. Celebrate those discoveries. Each one is another human being that is part of the largest ever single grouping our species has ever witnessed. The world mind.

That world mind now has a job to do.

Shall we begin? 

This with love from Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti,

xxx xxx xxx

Please share. 

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Saturday, 10 June 2023

If you read the previous post referencing the intentional deliberate release of an engineered coronavirus this guy adds more detail. A must watch and must share.

What is evident now is that humanity MUST unite. All of we countless millions of "conspiracy theorists" must stand under a single banner. Then the rest of humanity will realise WE ARE a single species, and we have a single enemy. 

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

A repost from May 2020. Still some learnings from this post , especially since the fake opposition is trying to say there was no evil masterplan. Much of the conjecture unfolded as predicted. Sure, there is more to come.

This is the first annual report of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, an "independent" organisation funded by the World Bank and the World Health (sic) Organisation. (The link is up to date now. Please read it.)

It is absolutely required reading if you wish to understand where this Plandemic has come from and how it has been orchestrated by governments "in Lockstep" (a phrase taken from the Rockefeller Institute document HERE

which also "predicts" with clairvoyant clarity the events we are living through now in this utterly fake and purely evil reality).  

It is absolutely required reading if you wish to understand what's coming next.

Please  turn off your cognitive dissonance before proceeding.
Though every word within their  document seems to express care and good will, know that this is the way of those that own this reality. Like Bill Gates, like George Bush, like Tony Blair, like Boris Johnson, like so many world "leaders", there is a sinister smirk ever present when absolute lies are spoken, when great lies are told, when great evils are planned and then executed.

The "World Leaders" that this document was created for know very well how to read such lies. They understand that exactly the opposite is meant. If your cognitive dissonance is turned off you will be open minded to the alternative understanding of reality, that there exists an age old force of evil that has dominated our human world for centuries, if not millennia. 

Those with a deep and instinctive understanding will realise that there are bloodlines of evil and there are those that serve those bloodlines whose humanity has been taken from them. They are vessels, into which something evil has come. 

In our Bibles and Korans they are referred to as "Demons". 
In all of our ancient, tribal understandings, we KNEW such creatures existed.
The native Americans called them, amongst other things, "Wetiko".
The Wetiko spirit dominates this reality. There is no good in it at all.
We need to rid our world of these creatures, deprive them of the sources of their power over us (money, hierarchy and their ability to cause us to believe in great lies), and set out in our billions on the journey to our destiny as a species.

That destiny is a world of human-heartedness: A world of sharing, a world of love, a world of happiness, a world free of fear, a world of human obligation and duty, a world of beauty, a world of health.
These are the shared desires of almost all of us, the essential character of our species.
Our world should reflect that essential character.

Many humans have been trained to have short attention spans. 
You need to focus here.
Many humans have been trained to expect action from others.
You need to realise that action must come from YOU.

We have highlighted certain sections and provide interpretations that will be enlightening.

Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

In its first annual report, the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board identifies the most urgent actions required to accelerate preparedness for health emergencies. This first report focuses on epidemics and pandemics. The central finding of the report is that the world needs to proactively establish the systems needed to detect and control potential disease outbreaks. These acts of preparedness are a global public good that must meaningfully engage communities, from the local to the international, in preparedness, detection, response and recovery. Investing in health emergency preparedness will improve health outcomes, build community trust and reduce poverty, thereby also contributing to efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Leaders at all levels hold the key. It is their responsibility to prioritize preparedness with a whole-of-society approach that ensures all are involved and all are protected.

Interpretation: World leaders must get ready (that is have organised the propaganda, the drafting of new laws, the committees that will determine the behaviours of law enforcement, organised those that will suppress awkward internet activity and so on.)
"Improve health outcomes" = Kill as many sick and elderly people as possible as a result of the lockdowns.
"build community trust" = destroy public trust by encouraging snitchers, destroy the public's faith in law enforcement officers, destroy the public's faith in government. (NB it is part of the UN's sustainable development goals to split nations into smaller "City States". For that to happen, people's faith in democracy must be shattered, so that New Leaders that share a "Common Purpose" can emerge and fill the power vacuum. These creatures have already been chosen.
"reduce poverty" = massively increase poverty (as we now can see) and so increase dependence on the fake money issued by those that OWN the means to create money from thin air.
"all are protected" = everyone is tagged, tracked and vaccinated.   

Heads of government must commit and invest. 
Heads of government in every country must commit to preparedness by implementing their binding obligations under the International Health Regulations (IHR (2005). They must prioritize and dedicate domestic resources and recurrent spending for preparedness as an integral part of national and global security, universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 

Interpretation: Very clearly there are NO independent nations. Every leader "must" follow this plan (and indeed almost all of them have, at least in the West) and they are all under "binding obligations" (which reads like a veiled threat, does it not?).
"recurrent spending" = borrow as much fake money as possible, give it to large corporations and hedge funds so that they can buy even more of humanity's REAL assets whilst the bill for this borrowing is handed to us, our children and our grandchildren in perpetuity whilst small, human businesses are utterly destroyed.
"an integral part of national and global security" = the construction of an even more pervasive control grid, part of which is the rapid roll-out of 5G while the streets are empty.
"universal health" = universal sickness, which we humans see, and the shortening of life expectancy, which we see, and the utter dependence on big pharma, which we see. 

Progress indicator(s) by September 2020 
• All countries that have completed an assessment of their capacities by 1 July 2019 have developed a costed National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS), identified required resources and started to implement the plan.

They were ready for this by July, 2019. A few short months before the Bill Gates organised Covid 201 planning meeting, where the "Final Solution" had the "i"s dotted and the "t"s crossed just a month before this Plandemic was inflicted upon our species.

Countries and regional organizations must lead by example. 
G7, G20 and G77 Member States, and regional intergovernmental organizations must follow through on their political and funding commitments for preparedness and agree to routinely monitor progress during their annual meetings. 

Progress indicator(s) by September 2020 
• G7, G20, G77 and regional intergovernmental organizations monitor their commitments to preparedness for health emergencies.

Even with their control grid firmly in place, world "leaders' still need reminding and pushing down the path. They "must" ensure their political organisations are in "lockstep", they "must" borrow the money required (for bribery and corruption we could assume) and they "must" monitor and check that everything's in place.
Or else, they might have added.

All countries must build strong systems. 
Heads of government must appoint a national high-level coordinator with authority and political accountability to lead whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, and routinely conduct multisectoral simulation exercises to establish and maintain effective preparedness. They must prioritize community involvement in all preparedness efforts, building trust and engaging multiple stakeholders (e.g. legislators; representatives of the human and animal health, security and foreign affairs sectors; the private sector; local leaders; and women and youth). 

"A national high-level coordinator with authority" = a psychopathic petty dictator willing to enjoy creating the chaos and pain and misery that we human beings are now suffering (with worse to come....see later...this is NOT going away anytime soon and much worse is promised.)
"whole of government" = all politicians, in 'power' or in 'opposition' MUST be singing from the same song-sheet.
"whole of society" = all of the "civil society" agencies funded by governments, philanthropic foundations, the UN and "charity", with their very well paid CEOs, must be singing from the same song-sheet. In other words, there must be NOT ONE voice of disagreement from the Wetiko rank and file. (Other voices of disagreement will be silenced, the internet "book burning" will proceed apace, all media will BEG government for harsher actions to "save humanity", all media will "FLOOD" the consciousness of humanity with the big lie (see the Covid 201 section dealing with the propaganda effort required.)

Progress indicator(s) by September 2020 
• At a minimum, the 59 countries that have completed a NAPHS identify a national high-level coordinator (board, commission or agency) to implement national preparedness measures across all sectors, and to lead and direct actions in these sectors in the event of a public health emergency. 
• WHO, the World Bank and partners, working with countries, develop and cost packages of priority interventions to increase preparedness capacity that can be financed in current budget cycles and map these interventions to expected results in the near term. 
• There are fewer, but better harmonized coordination mechanisms, global, regional and country networks, institutions and initiatives for preparedness and readiness and for research and development (R&D).

"in the event of a public health emergency" = the plandemic that's already been decided upon and is on its way. (Dr Fauci couldn't help letting this slip.....LINK)
"priority interventions to increase preparedness" = have you plans ready to borrow fake money and gift it to big business (ie borrow in the name of humanity and pass the benefit to those that own the world.)
"fewer but better harmonized coordination mechanisms" = There will be a state of war against humanity. In a state of war, there must be a shortened chain of command to ensure that orders are obeyed quickly in response to "enemy" action. (Enemy action = a human "pushback" led by those who are immune to the programming technology and disbelieve the propaganda).
"research and development" = the increase of hope among the humans for a "saviour" in the form of the mandatory vaccine. 

Countries, donors and multilateral institutions must be prepared for the worst. 
rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen (whether naturally emergent or accidentally or deliberately released) poses additional preparedness requirements. Donors and multilateral institutions must ensure adequate investment in developing innovative vaccines and therapeutics, surge manufacturing capacity, broad-spectrum antivirals and appropriate nonpharmaceutical interventions. All countries must develop a system for immediately sharing genome sequences of any new pathogen for public health purposes along with the means to share limited medical countermeasures across countries. 

Now we enter the darkness.
"must be prepared for the worst" = there is more coming, and worse, for humanity.
"rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen" = here, they've shown their hand. They KNEW the exact form this global virus would take. Coincidence? No. The Covid 201 meeting had the self same virus. The Rockefeller "Lockstep" document indicated the same. THIS has been in the works for years. The bastards that spend their careers developing new and terrible biological weapons for governments have long focussed on developing a more killing corona virus. Fauci authorised millions of dollars to develop such a plague in the research facility in Wuhan where this pandemic emerged.
NB These things are, of course, merely coincidence.
The UN predicting a lethal respiratory pathogen, major "philanthropic" foundations predicting the same, governments and philanthropic agencies funding the very development of such a pathogen, and within this document EVERY world "leader" briefed on their role and the actions they MUST take "when the pandemic comes" is NOTHING BUT A SERIES OF COINCIDENCES.  

NB THEY USED THE WORD "LETHAL": Coronavirus is not universally lethal. Therefore, be prepared for the SECOND WAVE, which clearly is planned, to be much worse.

Progress indicator(s) by September 2020 
• Donors and countries commit and identify timelines for: financing and development of a universal influenza vaccine, broad spectrum antivirals, and targeted therapeutics. WHO and its Member States develop options for standard procedures and timelines for sharing of sequence data, specimens, and medical countermeasures for pathogens other than influenza. 
• Donors, countries and multilateral institutions develop a multi-year plan and approach for strengthening R&D research capacity, in advance of and during an epidemic. 
• WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, academic and other partners identify strategies for increasing capacity and integration of social science approaches and researchers across the entire preparedness/ response continuum.

By "September 2020" etc = It will be September 2020 before they identify timelines for the likely "discovery" of the planned vaccine. THIS MEANS THAT they plan to make humanity wait for a vaccine, until well after the planned second wave kills many, many more human beings, by which time we will supposedly BEG to be vaccinated and chipped by the world saviour.

"and medical countermeasures for pathogens other than influenza" = oh, oh. They're planning a different viral form just to ramp up the fear. Bubonic Plague 2, anyone?

"a multi-year plan" = don't expect to be free, ever again. The "new normal" will have NO freedom in it at all. Humans are already in perpetual prison. They don't intend to let us out ever. WE MUST BREAK OUT.

"academic and other partners" = the use of all those bought "experts" that humanity are being taught to believe in and rely on and that we will never question, because they are cleverer than us. This seems to work on some human beings, some of the time, but hasn't worked on us all and, for many, never did. Academics, we remember, built the atom bombs, developed weed-killers, created napalm, engineered 4G and 5G, developed pharma treatments but NEVER cures, invented depleted uranium bullets and so on ad nauseam. The scientific community has created almost everything we humans fear, including artificial pathogens that threaten all human life.
Thanks, Academics. Enjoy your salaries, property and pensions while you can.

"increasing capacity and integration of social science approaches and researchers across the entire preparedness/response continuum" = As we know the UK and US governments amongst others have, ever since the Tavistock foundation was founded over a century ago, developed a scientific approach to propaganda and other forms of mass mind control/mass consciousness control. The billions of humans that have believed the lies being poured unremittingly into the mass consciousness of our species have fallen foul of the devious methodologies developed by "academics" on behalf of those that own this reality. Here, governments are urged to try to use every weapon at their disposal to control human thought and to be ready for any eventuality (including the pushback).

Financing institutions must link preparedness with financial risk planning. To mitigate the severe economic impacts of a national or regional epidemic and/or a global pandemic, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank must urgently renew their efforts to integrate preparedness into economic risk and institutional assessments, including the IMF’s next cycle of Article IV consultations with countries and the World Bank’s next Systematic Country Diagnostics for International Development Association (IDA) credits and grants. Funding replenishments of the IDA, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (Global Fund), and Gavi should include explicit commitments regarding preparedness. 

All of this jargonised and impenetrable gobbledegook, used by "treasury" officials, bankers, lawyers, on Wall Street and in 'investment' circles, every single made-up word of it, is designed to hide from humanity the bare factsALL of our so-called "money" is created from thin air by the enemy of humanity and shared around those who are caught up in evil.
The more evil they do, the better they are rewarded.
This is how the world works.
Here, we are not referring to human beings who by their energy, determination and sheer hard work become well-off. 
There are NO rich human beings. Over 90% of the world's wealth is owned by 0.1%, and none of them can be classed as "human", though they appear so, but by their actions can only be described as "inhuman".
It is the inhumans that are doing what we see is being done right now. NO human being could be so callous, so uncaring, take such delight in creating mass misery and death.

WE are in a war, we human beings.  

Progress indicator(s) by September 2020 
• The IMF and the World Bank integrate preparedness in their systematic country risk, policy and institutional assessments, including in Article IV staff reports and for IDA credits/grants respectively. 
• International funding mechanisms expand their scope and envelopes to include health emergency preparedness, including the IDA19 replenishment, the Central Emergency Response Fund, Gavi, the Global Fund and others.

Make sure the Bill Gates Foundation people get a lot of the fake money that is being added to national debts for human beings to pay forever. (Note: the share of that debt in the USA is now 200,000 dollars for every employed American.)

Development assistance funders must create incentives and increase funding for preparedness. Donors, international financing institutions, global funds and philanthropies must increase funding for the poorest and most vulnerable countries through development assistance for health and greater/earlier access to the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund to close financing gaps for their national actions plans for health security as a joint responsibility and a global public good. Member states need to agree to an increase in WHO contributions for the financing of preparedness and response activities and must sustainably fund the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies, including the establishment of a replenishment scheme using funding from the revised World Bank Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility. 

"for the poorest and most vulnerable countries" = make sure we gain compliance from banana republics by bribing their "leaders". Especially as they can be far more vicious in their lockdown enforcement and nobody will care. Surely, then, mandatory vaccination will proceed apace in those countries. After all, the "eugenicists" have long proposed freeing up those delightful places of all those messy human beings.

"a global public good" = the EXACT opposite. Doesn't it make you sick?

Progress indicator(s) by September 2020 
• WHO member states agree to an increase in contributions for preparedness at the Seventythird World Health Assembly in 2020; and Member States, the World Bank and donors provide sustainable financing for the Contingency Fund for Emergencies to a level of US$ 100 million annually.

Watch a little of this freak show, our great "leaders" pledging your "money" to this very stipulated fund. 
3 hours of scripted responses:

The United Nations must strengthen coordination mechanisms. The Secretary General of the United Nations, with WHO and United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), must strengthen coordination in different country, health and humanitarian emergency contexts, by ensuring clear United Nations systemwide roles and responsibilities; rapidly resetting preparedness and response strategies during health emergencies; and, enhancing United Nations system leadership for preparedness, including through routine simulation exercises. WHO should introduce an approach to mobilize the wider national, regional and international community at earlier stages of an outbreak, prior to a declaration of an IHR (2005) Public Health Emergency of International Concern. 

"rapidly resetting preparedness and response strategies during health emergencies" = (note the plural: emergencies... ). A warning to all "leaders' to be ready to act quickly to combat any response from humanity to this orchestrated global cull and the imposition of the world-wide inhuman totalitarian takeover of our planet and our species.
"Enhancing United Nations system leadership" = move towards a global government of a world of shattered and disintegrated nations in a "sustainable" (ie forever) control matrix.
"including through routine simulation exercises" = What? Does this mean there IS NO VIRUS, that it's all an orchestrated False Flag? Surely not. Surely the entire human species would NEVER fall for such an enormous lie? 

Wouldn't we?
Well, wouldn't billions of us? 
Haven't they? 

Progress indicator(s) by September 2020 
• The Secretary-General of the United Nations, with the Director-General of WHO and Under-SecretaryGeneral for Humanitarian Affairs strengthens coordination and identifies clear roles and responsibilities and timely triggers for a coordinated United Nations systemwide response for health emergencies in different countries and different health and humanitarian emergency contexts. 

IE world governments in LOCKSTEP. There are no longer any "nations". Forget the USA or the UK, forget the fake enemies of Russia or China. EVERY government, everywhere, belongs to those that create money from thin air, and those creatures work for their master.

• The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen. 

That bullet point tells you exactly where you are right NOW "in a system wide training and simulation exercise covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen"

Why did they choose to describe it as the "deliberate release".

Why, because they intend to identify a nation that released it.
And that, of course, would be the reason for another "JUST" war.

Do not, under any circumstances, think this thing is over.

We are NOT near the beginning of the end, only the end of the beginning.
The inhumans are promising, here in this document, a second virus ("at least two system wide simulation exercises)......

And, unwritten, the identification of a deliberate actor.

No doubt China, or Russia....

• WHO develops intermediate triggers to mobilize national, international and multilateral action early in outbreaks, to complement existing mechanisms for later and more advanced stages of an outbreak under the IHR (2005). 

Friends, expect a mutated and more virulent form to appear, just as they lift the lockdown.
They want you to be locked away for ever.
And so to hate and want to kill those that created and deliberately released the virus.

Then, it will merely SEEM as though humans want to go and kill other humans.

Remember this: There is no "China" to kill. China is a bunch of human beings: Mechanics, firemen, teachers, trash collectors, accountants, engineers, street sweepers, mothers, children grannies, just like your nation, most sharing the same heart felt desires that YOU have for a world of peace.

• The Secretary General of the United Nations convenes a high-level dialogue with health, security and foreign affairs officials to determine how the world can address the threat of a lethal respiratory pathogen pandemic, as well as for managing preparedness for disease outbreaks in complex, insecure contexts.

BEWARE  any nation that tries to step outside of the control grid. Here is a warning that your nation will be targeted for "disease outbreaks". Watch this space.

For a simplification of the condition of our species (because the Devil is in the detail): Go here:

FOR guidance to how WE humans can break free of this, simply and in good order, and re-create our world in the light of our human-heartedness, see 11:11 here:

To support our work please consider saying thank you however you can.
With great love to you all,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti
xxx xxx xxx