Between we now countless millions of truth seekers there is one question that requires us all to resolve.
Please think about this for a moment:
We have just witnessed and are still witnessing the greatest assault on our species in human history, a globally orchestrated assault, an assault which involved such an enormously comprehensive and systematic exercise of power operating in "lockstep" that even the world of truth seekers was astonished by its wholeness.
We know there is a dark power in this world, we can even point our fingers at those that help to exercise that power, even guess at those we can't yet see, the hidden puppeteer-wizards of Oz, the demonic head of the snake. Yet all of us were more than surprised by the depth and extent of the "plandemic" control matrix.
It involves almost every government and every opposition in every democracy in the world. All of their bureaucracies and civil services. Every governing body of medical practice and virtually every Doctor. Countless medical university departments and professors and virtually every university, college and school management body. Every large corporation. All police forces, everywhere. All judiciaries, everywhere. Almost all media, everywhere. Almost every "expert" in a large number of scientific fields. All of those psychological operations staffs, those propagandists. Organised religions and their priests and imams and preachers. Organised labour unions. The list is, quite literally, endless. Certainly many millions were/are involved in this assault on humanity, countless officials in innumerable hierarchies, in every hierarchy we human beings kow-tow to or obey because that is where authority and power is currently vested in this, our world.
There were/are almost none that stepped out of line. Almost none that refused to conform amongst those many millions that orchestrated and delivered the objective of jabbing humanity with something the true extent of the wickedness of which we are yet to discover. Or perhaps, even, there were none at all. Perhaps those that seemed to step out of line were not a part of this thing, were as surprised as we are, or perhaps they were doing their duty as the controlled opposition we know to exist.
The question we human beings must be asking ourselves, difficult though this question might be, is how was such lockstep achieved?
Let me just ask you to consider this as a proposition: Imagine for a moment that the Nazi party survived the war and, in secret and over the last nearly 80 years, has silently built a vast international organisation to take over the world. Imagine they had gained control of the issuance of money and so had become the world's fount of corruption. Imagine how they might have secretly recruited acolytes, indoctrinated them, rewarded them, killed those that went against orders and let the rest know such that few, if any, would break ranks. Or consider a Marxist group doing the same thing. Or a religious group, perhaps satanists.
Although it is, at an enormous stretch, conceivable that such an almighty task could have been undertaken what is almost certain is that there would have been, over the years, those that emerged from whatever kind of cult we are talking about and blown the whistle. Quite simply, we would have known.
We are a part of the largest ever research group known to humanity. We are many millions strong and between us have read almost everything there is to read, listened to countless opinions and theories, checked and rechecked facts, connected innumerable dots. Collectively we represent millions of years of research. We have concluded, in simple terms, that there is indeed a powerful interconnected group that owns almost everything of value and sits at the head of the pyramid of power in our world. And they are not nice.
That knowledge cannot explain what we have just witnessed and continue to witness.
Millions were involved in this crime against humanity. It had been planned, we know, for decades. It is beyond conceivable that such an in-depth and complete control structure, involving millions, could have been built and maintained with the intent of harming us and we truth seekers not known of this structure, this vast organisation, its breadth and depth.
We human beings are imperfect creatures. We often swear to something then do the opposite. We break our word. We lie. We switch sides.
What is clear is that no such human frailties have been evidenced by the millions involved in this assault. This has been and is the largest and best-organised conspiracy ever seen, with such impossibly and absolutely tight security that millions of truth seekers across the world were unaware of its incredible extent and organisation. Lockstep indeed!
Sure, we see the head of the snake. Sure, we see how it uses its fake money to buy everything, to control everything, to shape our world according to its sick and perverse morality. Sure, we see how that money controls hierarchies, controls human science and so prevents advancement at the rate of which we are truly capable, controls our corrupt politicians and so our laws, controls our media, sits at the top of every pile of filth and corruption, is raping and pillaging our biosphere and blaming us. Sure, we see how it uses debt to control the masses, and fear and war and drug addiction and "education". Sure, we see the Masons and other crooked secret alliances.
We see it all, between us all. Know it all, between us all.
But that great elephant in the room is NOT the Leviathan we now witness. This is something much larger. It extends through all of our societies, from the top right down to "people" you know.
Here are some suggestions. Let us know what you think, or add to the list. Between we millions, some explanation must be found.
1) Science produced some system of mind control which is prevalent and extensive and can be relied upon by the Power. Those in the hierarchies immediately below the very highest levels are most tightly controlled and are not aware of it. (This may well be true as an addition to other conjectures below).
2) There has been an invasion of some sort, alien or demonic, such that those we witness as part of this Leviathan are indeed no longer human. The ancients called them Wetiko or Windigo or Djinn or a thousand other names in every culture on earth. The films "They Live", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and "The Exorcist" perhaps show us what might be.
3) There has always existed a predatory genetic group of what appear to be human beings but are not. Fallen angels some might call them. Archons. Those of the purest "blue" bloods dominate this reality. (This is historical fact). They have, for thousands of years, raped and impregnated human women. Those who are born with these genes to the fore are somehow recognised by the Power and promoted or placed such that the power matrix overall is strong in every hierarchy. Some will be unaware of what is happening and just think of themselves as "winners" in life. All of them are what we would call sociopathic or psychopathic. They will do harm for fun, kill for pleasure. We humans catch some of the more careless ones.
Whilst we think of this Leviathan we might also think about our missing human children. Hundreds of thousands disappear every year, from every nation and especially from the war zones created by our rulers or from areas of natural disaster or other, created, terrible catastrophe. We KNOW, we truth seekers in our many millions, that something truly wicked is happening to our human children. Does this tell us something about the nature of the creatures involved........?
4) Humanity itself is sick, comprised of one section that will do anything to get rich or have power over other people and abuse them, then another section that is too weak willed and cowardly and stupid to do anything but bow down and accept that abuse, even to the point of self immolation.
Is that it? Are we a truly awful species?
Or have we been made awful?
And if so, is NOW the moment we break the cycle of abuse and reshape our reality?
In the movie "They Live" somebody invented glasses that allowed human beings to see the demons/aliens. Any scientists reading this might wish to consider how such things might be made.
With Love,
Comments and theories welcome, if you can break through,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.
xxx xxx xxx