A World
without Money:
NOTE: The Power in this reality prevents human beings from finding this information if it can.
You will see why as you read, if you are given the grace to find this place.
Please, share.
Before you
begin, remember that all tribal human beings, then and still now in
remote places, had as their origins a condition of mutual dependence,
a deep understanding that being together enabled survival and
benefited all. Tribal human beings shared labour and shared the
results of labour, shared plenty and shared dearth and hardship. It
is in no doubt that this way of interacting with each other is
humanity's natural state of being, something we have forgotten
and been educated against; for millennia in some places, for just a
couple of centuries in others. Lost as we are in the world of money
it is difficult to imagine living without it, seemingly impossible,
but within that idea rests nothing less than our collective future
and the destiny of our species.
Had those
tribes been allowed to develop beyond the primitive state everywhere,
once they'd arrived at organised sufficiency (as we human beings
have, largely, today), what would the world that emerged have looked
tribes, all of our forbears, had no
understanding of money. Witness, for example, how they traded with
early conquerers and how, for example in the Americas, they had to be
taught about money and persuaded into its use. Once they learned to
accept money or more usually were forced to use money for trade then
they were abused by its power and the corruption that goes hand in
hand with it.
Those who
know US history are no doubt aware of the long struggle against
foreign banks that the Republic fought, losing that long war finally
when Woodrow Wilson connived to establish the privately owned
“Federal Reserve” bank. Now Americans, their children and
grandchildren, 'owe' trillions of fake dollars to that criminal
institution which creates the fake debt-from-thin-air and in that way
has enslaved the future generations of a once free nation.
wars are not wars of defence. They are wars that pursue the interests
and agendas of those that own the USA, wars sold to the unwitting
public through vast and subtle and well orchestrated propaganda via
the mouthpieces of the governments and the controlled media. Until
very recently, and still largely but no longer wholly the case, we
human beings were quite easy to fool. Now, however, there is a vast
and growing understanding of the methods that are used to trick we
human beings into becoming killers and supporting the machinery of
our human history from that perspective. Every Empire, and notably
the British Empire, is the story of conquered and subjugated tribes
(in England's case those British tribes conquered by the current
Queen's ancestral Viking line through William the Conquerer in 1066)
being forced into using the conquerers fake money, then being forced
into the conquerer's army and directed to conquer other tribes in
other places.
the Roman Empire and see the same methodology.
Toss in
some ideas like “patriotism” or “God', wave a few flags (or
drape them over the coffins of the young dead heroes), and you have
more than two thousand years of we human beings trooping off
to fight the wars of Kings, Emperors or the money men, killing and
wrecking much of beauty.
That is
our human history, but it is assuredly NOT our human future.
In every
case the Empire introduced to the conquered tribe the idea of money,
pieces of metal bearing the image of the Emperor.
That the
Emperor controlled the minting of such money goes without saying.
In England
it was the Royal Mint that pressed the coins and later printed
the even-faker paper money. Still does.
that before money the Emperor or King could only steal stuff
from their subjects, only take food or objects or labour to build
their castles, all temporary things that could not be stored. Money
allowed a population to be taxed, allowed the ruler to store and pass
on, generation to generation, the stuff called money that could be
used to buy labour, pay soldiers, bribe and corrupt.
This is
what money is: Stored human energy. It can be used to buy human
effort at any time.
A ruler
can utilise that stored energy to pay assassins or armies, to reach
out and kill or steal across the world. That is the story of the
British Empire, an organised criminal enterprise funded by the
stored energy of those that payed tax at home, that crossed the world
stealing other countries' wealth and resources, bringing those tribal
peoples everywhere into the money system, taxing them likewise and
then recruiting them into those armies, such that the Power
A careful
examination of these historic Empires shows that there were recurring
themes in every case. These were: The subjugation of tribes, the
introduction of money, the introduction of organised religion, the
destruction of tribal understandings of our human relationship with
nature (with creation), the murder of the tribal elders and shamans
that carried much in the way of tribal wisdom.
have been, and still are, wars against humanity, wars against
a system of mutual dependence and sharing, wars against an
understanding of our human relationship with our world and its
Some might
say that this represents a war against the Creator itself, a war
against good, a war against love, a war against wisdom, a war against
justice, against God if you choose to give the creator that name,
against Gaia or nature if you view things differently.
Empire that has ever been was an Empire that killed, an Empire that
committed genocide, an Empire that stole, that raped, that tortured,
that sullied nature with its vile greed. Recall the great murder of
the buffalo herds in what is now the USA. Recall the great tiger
hunts of the British Raj. Recall the vast pollutions now ignored by
most fake 'green' charities and NGOs (as they try and convince
humanity that CO2 is the only pollutant we need care about) whilst
the vast corporations owned and controlled by the money power
endlessly pour killing filth into our air, our water, our food.
As we
said: It is a war against what has been created here (if you
understand this world has been created) or against the beauty and
pure balance of the natural world if you believe this place was
arrived at by accident over billions of years.
Emperors that see no evil in setting out to enslave vast numbers of
human beings evidently do not care about anything else. They enjoy,
and still do, shooting lions or tigers or rhinos. Some say they enjoy
the hunting and killing of human beings the most, and of course that
is a truth of all of our human history, that Kings and Emperors
have relished killing human beings.
still do.
Do you
think there are no Emperor Kings now? Do you think that the
bloodlines of these monsters somehow gave up their power to conquer
and kill, somehow decided that all that murder and blood simply
wasn't the right thing to do? Somehow decided to give up their
ancient power over humanity and the vast wealth that brought them? Do
you think the advent of 'democracy' somehow forced these monsters to
say “Oh well, it was good while it lasted!” and sit back in their
palaces and play cards? Do you think that those monsters that had the
ability to reach out and kill whoever they wanted to kill, anywhere
in the world, suddenly decided not to bother any more and just gave
the mind set of those ancient 'aristocratic' bloodlines. They saw
humanity as something to be killed so that they could take whatever
they wanted that the humans had grown, made, mined or even given
birth to. They saw it as their right. Their privilege. That
sense of privilege to kill and steal and rape was absolutely and
unquestionably visible right through the Victorian age and beyond,
clear and unarguable only a century ago. The “British Empire” was
an Empire driven by aristocratic privilege. Through centuries the
British aristocrats had created pirates, privateers, armies and
navies and, as time wore on, private Limited Companies that
carried on the business of the theft of nations and the mass murder
of human beings. Notable, for example, was the East India Company
that set about the rape and pillage of the Indian sub-continent with
its own army of subjugation, that discovered
the Opium business, that invaded Afghanistan to steal the opium, that
built railroads across India to carry the stuff, that twice invaded
China to force the Emperor there to accept its import and secured
Hong Kong as a port of entry for the vilest trade of all.
Many great
aristocratic stately homes through the ages were built on such evil.
Human beings are still deferential to their owners, the descendants
of drug dealers and murderers whom time has granted respectability
When we
saw the Taliban reduce the production of heroin to almost nothing,
then see now the record harvest that have been produced seen since
the US/Anglo invasion of Afghanistan in modern times, one cannot help
but wonder whether the same greed, the same hands indeed, are as much
behind the drug business now as they have always historically been.
This then
leads one to the question: Did the great ruling families that
dominated human history for thousands of years give up their
privilege, OR did they find a way to disguise their power yet
retain it?
researchers point to the Rothschild banking dynasties as the source
of power in the world today. They are right to see the control of
money and its creation as debt as an instrument of absolute power,
because money is the source of the dark energy that gives the Power
its control of all human institutions, all human endeavour.
Previously that money had to be stored in the form of gold or silver,
but since the days of paper money that energy has been created at
will. Now, as money becomes digital, its creation and the power that
act of creation grants its creators has become absolute.
Do you
believe that the ancient aristocratic families, those that carried
with them the tradition of killing to obtain what they wanted and
held that killing as their privilege, they that throughout the
Victorian period and for at least a thousand years before killed
anyone that threatened their privilege, simply handed control of
the world to a few bankers?
that they could have had killed at any moment? Bankers whose
businesses they could simply have taken away?
Or do you
think an arrangement was made, an alliance, an
employment of the banker criminals and a bringing of them into the
the bankers were given titles by the aristocratic rulers. Certainly
they were allowed to forge blood-alliances through marriage.
As we
humans have developed, as we have emerged from a state of ignorance,
as we have grown in number and so grown in collective intelligence,
as we have have come to expect and even demand freedom from the whims
of undeserving hereditary criminal families, do you not think that
those families would have created a different image of themselves,
would have endeavoured to disguise and hide their power whilst
still retaining it, whilst still continuing to extend that power?
Do you
think they just gave up, after all that time?
Do you
honestly believe they and their advisors lacked the intelligence
to take the appropriate action?
Or did
they simply get clever, because they saw the rising threat to their
privilege represented by the growing number of humanity and our
burgeoning collective intelligence? Have they hidden their power
through an impenetrable screen of tier upon tier of trusts, corporate
holdings, nominee accounts, offshore and secret banks, disguised
shareholdings? Is their power these days almost entirely dependent
upon money and the use that dark energy can be put to, coupled with,
in the case of the pre-eminent British Royals, a still substantial
power over government and the hierarchies of the armed forces and the
police (who still swear allegiance to the Queen)?
As nearly
every nation is held in the debt thrall of the fake money Empire, as
nearly every student emerges from college deeply in debt, as nearly
every marriage and new family is swallowed into the maw of debt just
to gain a roof over their heads, as almost every human being
everywhere lives with personal debt or the fear of losing their
ability to service debt one might readily realise that the
Empire never died, rather it took on a different form and has grown
to conquer and control our entire species.
That this
money Empire is evil is without question. Take vaccines as an
example. Do some research into the SV40 polio vaccine. Read
the article in the Lancet (the UK's foremost medical journal). Know,
then, from reading between the lines of that article, that for 50
years a vaccine that actively creates cancers in human beings and
actively turns off the DNA that suppresses cancers has been injected
into human children across the world. Hundreds of millions of
human beings. See, from that article, that this vile product was
identified as cancerous decades ago, that the scientist that
discovered the problem had her job, her lab, her funding taken from
her, that the discovery was suppressed. Big Pharma and governments
(including the Russian government among them) colluded together to
hide the discovery of the cancer giving nature of this vaccine for
half a century. Behind big pharma and these contemptible governments,
at the last analysis, lies the power of money, thereby the power
to create and issue money, thereby those that have that power who
have hidden themselves from humanity's gaze behind a wall of
complexity and detail.
See, too,
how they connive to control all research into cancer cures, go after
those that find alternatives and kill or imprison them, and how big
pharma profits massively decade after decade 'treating' the very
sickness big pharma injected into generations of human beings.
Note, too, as the Lancet reminds us, that those scientists that were
at the top of the hierarchy of science and were rewarded with money
and position and title, those Judas human beings, would all
have to die before a new generation could establish the wrongs that
had been perpetrated........
One might
assert the same thing about 'global warming' and 'climate change'.
killers among us, the enemies of human beings, still strong, still
powerful, still absolutely uncaring of human misery, still
privileged, using the power of money and the control of hierarchy
that money grants to pervert human beings and cause them to make an
alliance with evil.
WE can
be bought, we human beings, and have granted to a very few the
Power to create from thin air the very stuff with which we
are bought.
That an
entire species can be so foolish is a wonder.
That we
will continue to be so foolish is that which our rulers are concerned
Know that
everything that enters our collective human consciousness day by day
does so by design.
We are
living in a technological dream, an electric dream, comprised of
inputs that are orchestrated across the world to shape our minds day
by day, second by second, to fill us with concerns, to cause us to
tremble with fear, to desire an escape yet to fear the attempt, to
feast on petty distractions rather than stand erect and look our
enemy in the face and, by doing so, understand that despite
appearances WE are the power in this reality.
Our rulers
are not overwhelming in number, are not any longer fearsome. Only the
instruments of their power hold them in place and allow them to
continue to despoil our planet and our species. Those instruments all
now rely on fake money and the vast organisations that money
We need
not face these monsters in battle. We need simply to ignore their
instruments, those principalities of dark energy, debt and
fake money, money itself.
If our
species returned to its original, tribal understanding of a common
interest shared between us and stepped away from money (that which
all of our forbears lived for thousands of years without) then ALL of
the power of this vile world order would vanish, in a moment.
We can
still grow food and distribute it, still build, still manufacture
everything we need, but do so in a world where every human being is
free of debt. This merely requires organisation, and that
organisation already exists.
There used
to be a country called Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. Rhodesia was created
by the man Cecil Rhodes, who stole a nation for himself. You may have
heard of 'Rhodes Scholars', bright people from the USA like Bill
Clinton that get sent to Oxford's Rhodes College to receive their
instructions from the power.
Rhodes was
a bright, murderous empire builder. He saw that the old way of
doing things could not carry on for much longer, that Royal and
Aristocratic power would be challenged by the rising intelligence of
a species growing in number and insisting upon educating itself.
Rhodes formed an organisation to steer this transition from overt to
occult (hidden, secret) power. Chatham House and the Royal Institute
for Foreign Affairs emerged, organisations which promulgated US
versions (the Council for Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission). The use of the secret intelligence agencies of the
nations of the British Empire (including the USA!) that were in this
club ensured that at all times murder could be committed to carry on
the purpose of spreading this new world Empire. The 20th
century is littered with examples of regime change by these
agencies, leaders assassinated, countries invaded, wars started,
nations starved, embargoes enforced. Syria and Venezuela are current
examples. And, at all times, the 'story' fed to humanity was of some
created threat or enemy, or that the assassinated leader was somehow
evil. Rhodes realised that money and its issuance were the keys to
this New World Order, this dark hidden hand. He understood that
the great emerging intelligence of our species must be harnessed and
used against us and that to achieve this end money must be used,
money to buy the hierarchies of academia, money to buy the
acquiescence of politicians, money to course through the vast systems
of corruption that flow through our world today and create every
injustice, every harm to our species and our environment.
allows its possessor to build vast corporations, to sponsor and fund
science, to control university appointments, to bribe and blackmail
politicians, to fund newspapers and TV stations, to create
innumerable websites, to pay for thousands of vast NGOs, to control
governments, to hold in its thrall countless thousands of human
beings that sell their moral compass for a handful of the stuff.
Journalists that bury stories that are inconvenient, climate
scientists that fudge data to make human beings believe that we are
bad for our planet (when those that are destroying it with vile
pollutants are, exclusively, the vast corporations that the money
power owns), policemen and judges that enable paedophiles to escape
justice, scientists that develop worse and worse weapons that
threaten our species, on and on.
It only
seems that the Power in this world is unassailable.
That Power
is money, and behind the fake construct called money sit the same
ruthless creatures that have always seemingly been amongst us,
and they and their Empire of Evil can simply be ignored into history
through the exercise of humanity's indomitable collective WILL.
That which
more than seven billion human beings collectively decide WILL BE.
Unity of
purpose lies at the core of that collective will.
of that which binds us together, rather than the minor issues that
divide us.
humanity is found expressed in our human-heartedness.
The love
we share, the love that sits at the heart of almost all of us, that
would sit in every heart were the world not misshapen by those that
seek to divide us, to render us asunder, to have us at each other's
throats over invented causes. Those drawn to religion are so drawn
because the world's religions profess to represent a universal LOVE.
All of the
detail that we are expected to master in a myriad of divisive issues
that spew from the vile maw of our masters are the property of Evil,
the very opposite of Love. We endlessly discuss economic
alternatives, great minds are put to the task, theories and concepts
and 'isms' are promulgated, yet NONE of these detailed arguments ever
discuss the simple and universal moral wrong that is that we human
beings allow a few 'people' to create all money from thin air and
issue it as debt to nations and to people.
There sits
the leviathan in the room, the monster that is never mentioned on
serious, detailed TV discussion programmes, never mentioned by
government Ministers that 'borrow' trillions from these fake banks.
All of them are complicit, all aid and abet the greatest crime there
has ever been, a crime that funds and pays for every other crime that
is perpetrated in our world. The very font and spring of Evil itself.
Of course,
these criminals are rewarded.
And not
just with money.
For as we
see, they are allowed to wallow in filth and avoid human retribution,
avoid justice.
The flight
lists of the Lolita Express tell us that.
the dark energy of money are the more ancient and lasting forms of
mass hypnosis and mind control that are used to hold us in thrall,
but are now waning.
religions still have power over many human beings, but many more now
see them for what they are and view their historical and their
current catalogue of wars and terror, of torture and burning at the
stake with horror.
to Royals and Aristocrats still pertains in many nations, an
automatic inculcated bending of the knee, but this deference is
rapidly waning.
We still
accept hierarchy, despite all of us understanding that all hierarchy
stems from money, that more often than not those that rise in all
hierarchies are those of psychopathic intent who lack any form of
morality at all. This mute acceptance will only persist as long as
the money power exists, when we will remove the psychopaths from
positions of authority forever.
Many human
beings still believe that their policing systems and judicial systems
are there for their own good. They largely are, of course, where
petty criminality is concerned, but everywhere the upper echelon of
that power system works to protect those in true power in the
world, and that is why those senior officers were promoted.
The trust we have in our police and legal hierarchies, too, is
rapidly waning.
corporations escape punishment for money laundering, for polluting,
for injecting cancer virus into human beings, for countless crimes
against humanity. Warmaking politicians escape prosecution. High
level paedophiles and child murderers face no penalty, or
conveniently 'die' before they can be brought to justice.
All of
these injustices rely upon the power of money.
So it
goes, for the time being, but such is NOT the future of an
intelligent species of billions.
Our human
destiny does NOT lie in 'more of the same'.
WE will
step into a different reality, for that must be our human destiny, a
world established on the foundations of care, of love, of
human-heartedness that is there for us, just a step away.
Almost all
human beings now realise that there is something wrong with our world
picture, this current reality.
there is a growing sense of unease, a growing distrust in power in
all its forms, a deep resentment, a growing disbelief in almost all
media, a distrust of officials. Everywhere, too, there is a growing
understanding that we human beings could, if once we organised and
shared an intent, merely cast off the parasites that feed off all
of us.
and prey, the nature of all of reality.
mistakenly think that we human beings are the top of the food chain.
evidence shows we are not.
Shows that
our rulers are inhuman in nature.
the history of any place on earth and, somewhere in that history you
will find Kings or Religions taking children in sacrifice,
aristocrats found to have been murdering the young, cannibalism. They
prize the heart, these creatures, for the andrenochrome the terrified
victim creates and the 'high' that is produced from ingesting their
blood and heart.
This is
difficult to think of, something we are conditioned to believe is
merely 'history' and not of this 'civilised' world now.
But this
is not, in any sense, a civilised world. It is a world which is
technologically advanced and organised, but a world where that very
technological advance is utilised to build ever more efficient
killing machinery, ever more sophisticated surveillance equipment, is
utilised to extend power rather than limit it, to treat sickness for
profit rather than cure sickness out of benevolence.
In no way
are we a civilisation, rather its antithesis.
That must
At the
heart of true civilisation is love, is good intent, is value placed
on beauty, is care, is wisdom rather than mere learning.
That we as
a species now are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with those that
have power over us is an indication of the emergence of our single
world wide human-hearted understanding. The growth of 'populist'
parties is a symptom of this emerging collective understanding,
though of course they are mostly the creatures of the power, put in
place to attempt to steal the leadership of human discontent, that
once in power merely continue with the world agenda. It takes a
while, once we have placed our human belief in these new 'saviours',
to realise that we have been fooled yet again, just as generations of
human beings were fooled by Lenin or Mao or Hitler and so many
others, representing ideas that seemed good while having a
determination to sully those very ideas in the collective
consciousness for generations by making those ideas seem the source
and origin of death camps and wars of aggression and the demise of
millions. In that way were the ideas of sharing and mutual dependence
slaughtered in the death camps of Communism and National Socialism,
so that generations might point the finger of hatred against those
concepts whilst the greater evil of capitalism, controlled by those
that create money as debt, grew its vast control matrix over our
world and the font of the real criminality.
Now, the
Power has the very pulse of the human collective understanding
closely monitored through mass surveillance and via data mining. The
new 'smart' world we are being sold is being created so that such
intense monitoring will become absolute, that there will be nowhere
we can go without being eavesdropped or witnessed.
They fear
us now, with justification, and have prepared.
The power
needs, is desperate to have, a knowledge of the emergence of the new
humanity, a deep understanding of our collective psyche so that it
can target its vast array of propaganda engines to deal with each new
settles each of these accounts, allows the Power such enormous
organisation, pays the salaries and bonuses of the Judas human beings
that do the actual work.
What we
are living through, what we are a part of but cannot yet see, is the
emergence of a new epoch in our human history.
It is this
emergence that the power identified more than a century ago and has
been organising to combat every since. It is the product of our
number, the product of there being billions of us, the product of the
collective intelligence that billions of human beings are creating.
The Power
seeks to control the shape of that collective intelligence, has
developed new media in order to do so, but we ourselves are using
that new media to communicate our dissatisfaction. For a brain to
form, the connective wires have to exist, the neurons. So our new
media are enabling the formation of a collective human consciousness,
a single entity, a great mind made
of billions of processors called human beings.
expression of our humanity, our collective human-heartedness, will
find expression through this process. We stand at the very threshold
of a new dawn for our species.
At some
point that mind will coalesce, become an almighty Will, a single
species acting as one, humanity finally realising what it needs to do
to wrest control of this planet from those who would do harm and have
been the enemies of good, the enemies of love, the enemies of what
some call God, that notion of a universal good that must operate in
this universe.
As before,
the Power believes that we will accept a fake alternative. It has
been incubating this fake brave new world for decades. It has
prepared and made ready to destroy nations and governments, to
destroy corporate capitalism, to create a world of small city states
and 'not-for-profit' organisations, to grant each and every human
being a 'living wage', to wipe out debt, things we might choose to do
ourselves......BUT behind this simulacrum will be a new world
government, populated by unelected leaders, and a 'gold-backed' fake
currency issued by the very banks we know are the font and fulcrum of
evil itself, united as a 'world bank' entity with only 'good in mind'
(they will have us believe) whilst behind it will be the unutterable
evil of perpetual human slavery.
To imagine
that the Power will meekly allow us to seize our planet and shape its
future based on a shared understanding of good, of human-heartedness,
is folly.
they are now doing is part of a strategy that has been developed over
a century or longer, perhaps much longer indeed than that, to prevent
our emergence as a species.
question is, will they be successful?
The answer
is No.
that coming great mind, the collective yearning of human-heartedness,
that great dream of a world of justice and freedom, that collective
will-to-good that will end wars, end pollution, end injustice,
everywhere and for all of our future, that very destiny of an
intelligent species MUST happen.
It is the
destination that any intelligent species must ultimately reach, that
such a great mind must arrive at, and humanity, we billions of
cells in a single great mind, WILL reach that destiny.
yourself, what other future will do?
What other
destination is there for an intelligent, loving species?
In our
mind's eye we have seen this future, Aktina Pempti and I, and it is
good, it is full of wonder, and it is within humanity's grasp.
We are
a moment away now.
this vision, please.
Pass a
Post a
With Love,
Farmer and Aktina Pempti
And to
understand, as our readers do no doubt, that there exists a dualism
within each human being, that both good and evil speak to every
conscience, that there is a switch within each of us that, if
applied, will turn us from that which we should be into that which
others fear.
We are,
each of us, both demons and angels, co-existent within the body which
carries the life through this iteration of reality.
There are
those amongst us that at some point in their lives allowed the switch
to be applied and at that point left behind their inherent humanity
for the sake of the satisfaction they obtained from becoming evil.
These inhuman types (for that is what they become at that moment)
dominate this reality.
suggest that there are alien 'body-snatchers' at work. Others say
that these people have allowed Demons to enter their souls. Some say
that they are followers of a Satanic creed, that they are Frankists
or Sabbateans or Satanists. Some say they are merely psychoipathic
human beings, or sociopaths. Many point to the rich and famous
entertainers that admit they have 'sold their soul' to the Devil.
Some mention the Rothschild scion that died young after he had
admitted that he had been to Satan's villa, here on earth. Others
refer to the symbols that have been set in the great centres of power
here on earth, the Vatican and the City of London and Washington
D.C., those obelisks carried forwards from Babylon, or the Gate of
Ba'al that has been shown off across the world's capitals in recent
days. Some speak of the “Tomorrowland” 'music festivals', of the
world's beautiful youth gathering together to worship openly satanic
entertainments, waving the flags of almost every nation, and who
knows where the 'money' comes from to enable these kids to indulge
their passions....?
the origin or nature of these freaks of nature, that they are the
font and origin of all that perturbs, disgusts and frightens the vast
mass of humanity is without question.
From the
street corner mobster, the school bully, the kitten-drowning five
year old, through the utter bastard that rises to the top of our
major corporations, through the killers that become generals or
politicians, dictators or powerful bureaucrats, via the servants of
false and inhuman hierarchies everywhere, these minor demons dominate
our world as it is.
The fuel
that drives the engine of almost all human misery is their currency,
their fake money, that which grants these creatures lives that the
rest of us only dream of: The vast houses and the servants that
upkeep them, the yachts, the private islands where perversions are
indulged, the very best that humanity can produce, the best foods,
wines, narcotics, sex, gardens, clothes, art, everything that we
produce at our finest they take for their own, including our most
beautiful human beings, sacrificed for their pleasure.
Know how
Power works: It offers, slowly and by stages, the knowledge of
freedom from punishment to be understood. It encourages perversion.
As these perversions are adopted so after a while they begin to cloy,
to bore, and so further perversions are sought and obtained. At the
summit of this vile pyramid are the worst perversions human beings
can imagine, the rape and torture and consumption of infants. Those
that feed this market are exalted among the freaks that dominate this
reality, the Saviles, the Epsteins, other friends of the “royal'
and the powerful, feeders of the finest and most delicious
perversions that Evil can furnish to its servants.
we human beings fight over the 'privilege' of supplying these
monsters. Artists sell their finest works to these undeserving
creatures. Architects build their palaces. Craftsmen furnish them.
Gardeners and landscape artists create their earthly heavens.
Servants clean and shine and wipe every surface. Chefs create their
finest foods.
Though we
human beings dream of such luxuries and finery, though we are taught
to desire them, though we buy lottery tickets in the hope that we
might, this is absolutely not what most of we humans really desire.
We desire
The love
of good parents. The love of another. The love of our children and
The love
of a craft or skill or service rendered for others so that we might
sleep proud of our contribution, however humble. Often those that
perform the 'humblest' tasks are those we should exalt the most,
those that do the worst of jobs are the best of us without whom we
would be lost.
We desire
just enough.
We desire
a roof over our heads that is ours and cannot be taken from us.
We desire
good and natural food and freedom from its want.
We desire
good and natural water, good enough wine, good weed, whatever nature
supplies so that we might sit and share with family or friends and
enjoy good company.
We desire
each others bodies, as nature has decreed, and the incredible fun
that sex grants us and in whatever form takes our fancy, free of the
diktats of false religions and fake hierarchy, but bounded by an
innate understanding of what is right and wrong, a knowledge of the
understanding that we should do no harm.
children, our future, should have their innocence protected, should
grow into a world of wisdom and knowledge granted at appropriate
moments as we always understood when we were tribal peoples and as
our human bodies dictate.
The Power,
as we see, insists that we teach anal sex to five year olds.
tells us the wrong of that, but if we object we are reviled by the
Power's media, even arrested by the Power's 'police'. If we object
too strongly or too successfully, we might be jailed.
disturbing the 'peace'.
We desire
freedom from fear, we love certainty, an understanding that if we
fall we will be helped to our feet, a knowledge that of others fall
we will have the time and the energy to help them to their feet.
We love
community, being among others that speak our language and share our
heritage, but we also love to experience other cultures, other
heritages, other places, to wallow in the wonder that is the
diversity of humanity, the difference that should not be abhorred as
it is often now but be relished, enjoyed, experienced so that we all
of us broaden our outlook and become acceptant and full of pleasure
at this great variety.
Behind all
of this joyousness, this love, sits our human-heartedness.
We will
these days walk past the injured, the starving, the crying child,
because the world has separated us from our spirit.
We must
make time for ourselves, must create the freedom from fear that
allows us to devote ourselves to each other, to care.
This was
what we were, as tribal peoples, when we were free of the monsters
and their Empires.
You arrive
late to work today because you paused to speak to someone lonely, and
are lauded for that action.
You miss
an appointment because your child needed comfort, and are given
praise for it.
You eat
less today, because you came across someone whose hunger could not be
ignored, met with the agreement of those that would have done the
same and the offers of those that have already enough.
You spent
the day cleaning your neighbourhood, because it needed doing, and got
the pats on the back such deeds deserve.
together with your neighbours, made it clear to the local bully that
their behaviour wasn't acceptable, that you'd act together to stop
them bullying, just as our tribal ancestors made such things clear.
We don't need vigilantes, but we should be vigilant.
We are, as
a species, approaching a new civilisation.
human-hearted future.
requires organisation, vigilance, and above all the understanding of
That must
be our human foundation.
What else
will do?
What else
denotes progress?
If you are
a believer in any religion, there is its central theme,
there what you can cling to as the world enters a new epoch.
we stand at a crossroads. Before us lies a junction, a place of
choice, a point at which we need to choose. Within that choosing
comes both certainty and uncertainty, both hope and concern, an
understanding of what we are intended to be and a sad recollection of
what we have become. The road ahead is fraught with difficulty, with
danger, but also with possibility, with opportunity. If we do
nothing, what lies ahead is more misery, that which we know so well,
as all slaves throughout our long human history have known.
if we billions choose to act, then what lies ahead are our human
dreams, our human potentialities, a very different place.
world of Love.
Xxx xxx