Monday, 6 January 2020

New Year.....?

The game of life which we play within is almost utterly convincing.
Most believe that this is the 'base' reality, and has been arrived at by an incredibly vast series of unlikely coincidences stretching across billions of years.
That belief is an error.
Bought and paid for fake science is trying to maintain that belief, just as bought and paid for fake religions pushed a different and equally ludicrous belief system.

Such beliefs, the God delusion or the Science delusion, are errors the Power would like to enjoy the continuance of, but is concerned that humanity will rectify.

The current Great Lie, that of human-caused climate change a.k.a. global warming, is being rammed down humanity's collective consciousness/throat by the bought scientists and the paid for mass media and the enormous edifice that is the NGO industry ('not for profit' except for the enormously fat wage packets of the smiley-faced schemers that run them.....and of course THEY can be trusted, can't they?)

That great lie, perhaps the greatest of them all, is designed to make humanity believe that this, OUR world, would be better off without us, or better off if there were much fewer of us.

When, as you might have noticed and despite the efforts of our rulers to mess things up, the more of us there are the better things get.

AS our human population grows, so our collective intelligence grows.
This enables us to thrive.
We invent our way out of difficulty.
We organise.

Our rulers therefore set out, long ago, to own and control all human development, all science, all initiatives for peace and to deprive us of the progress we would otherwise have made.
They are the brake on our evolution, the barrier to progress, the enemy of our collective future and what our species must and will become.

If it weren't for our rulers we would live without war.
If it weren't for our rulers, we would live without debt.
If it weren't for our rulers we would live without their engineered sicknesses.
We human beings would find our common desires, not focus on the false divisions we have been given by our rulers.

Much of that which we humans call evil is of their origin, most of it sustained by their fake money system which they use to buy the souls of the weak and the greedy and the psychologically malformed, much of it sustained by the fake belief systems that were implanted in the human consciousness millennia ago.

We exist within a creation, a creation so beautifully intricate in its workings and so diverse in its imaginings that it cannot be the work of a single entity.
Rather, it is a cooperative creation.
Perhaps millions, even billions of minds were involved.
But united behind that a driving unity that formed the foundation of everything here.

If our species were free of the inhuman monsters that rule our reality then, in time, our species would develop the capacity to engineer such a creation.
WE have a good model, after all.

Few understand the purpose of the game.
Some suggest that the purpose might only be understood by God, and is ineffable.
We think that's unlikely.
We think ten billion free human beings could eventually work it out.
We think that might be our human purpose.

And in that understanding you will find the urge towards love that is our human story, the narrative we should pursue as we reset our world and co-create our species' future.

With Love for the new year,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti

For our friends....

 A few of our olive trees now that the rain has greened the land.