Everywhere, the state operates as the
control system on behalf of the elite that shapes reality.
It is aided and abetted by the
debt-money system which controls the corporate hierarchies.
They are assisted by the hierarchies of
organised religion.
Between them these instruments of
control form the walls and bars of the prison for humanity's
Because, of course, the world is shaped
by controlling the consciousness of humanity, by creating and
forming what we believe.
And, as we see, it is shaped ugly,
because the shaping force is evil.
When we talk of someone's 'humanity' we
speak of their goodness, the love which flows from them.
When we speak of evil acts we use the term
Ergo the battle is between humanity and
inhumanity, between good and evil.
Everything else is detail.
Among we human beings it is those who
are failing to understand that their beliefs are implanted that
become the 'trustees', prisoners who get a better cell or nicer food
or simply a slightly less troubled life for helping the wardens
control the jail.
Those who are less intelligent are
ignorant of their complicity.
Forgive them, for they know not what
they do, someone once said.
Others are less innocent.....
In the Second World War the
concentration camps were operated by the feared SS, but it is little
known (and almost never mentioned by the oddly Jew-biased historians)
that often the camps were almost empty of SS and were instead
operated by the vicious 'kapos' who, to avoid the worst or secure the
best, became trustees, giving out the beatings, herding the prisoners
to the forced labour works or worse.
(We say 'oddly' because biased is the
last thing a true historian worthy of the name should be.)
Some people (especially those biased
historians working on their next publishing deal) class these kapos
as victims too, but the truth is they were the lowest of the low,
human beings whose honour, dignity and pride was willingly sacrificed
on the altar of self-preservation or, more often, were greed driven
psychopaths who relished sadism.
And so it is that our planet is
dominated by the very few and their lackeys.
By implanted belief systems and by
greed driven and pleasure seeking psychopaths.
By consciousness engineering and by
This is the continuing story of our
enslavement and nothing seems to be changing, despite the place we
have arrived at, despite the closeness of our transformation, despite
humanity reaching that great turning point in its history that is
truly only a step away, if we can only take that step together.
This is the history we must stop in its
In the past only violent revolutions
have shifted the hierarchies, replacing them with even more vile
power structures that gloried in blood sacrifice.
Then we discover that these revolutions
and their chief agents operated on behalf of the same power elite and
served their satanic purpose. Once again, consciousness engineering
and kapos.
Communism and fascism both vigorously
cleansed the maverick gene from society, attempting to produce a herd
which only consisted of fearful, dumb, obedient souls.
They ultimately failed because their
intelligence services couldn't find every objector.
But hundreds of millions were murdered.
This time they have the internet, so
their round-up will be much more thorough.
Quite simply, they know where we live
and what we think.
They know our friends and associates.
They know how we have prepared.
This is how, as we often have stated,
the internet is a weapon pointed at humanity.
Whilst we mavericks believe we are 'at
peace' our masters have treated us as if we are an enemy army,
gathering every single piece of data about us so that, when they
strike, they will instantly negate us.
They seek to prevent humanity taking
that final step into the future.
This objective explains everything that
is happening in this chaotic world right now.
They must at all costs prevent us from
unifying in our shared humanity, so are setting us against each other, everywhere and in every way.
Ordo ab chao.
At the moment, as we witness, they are
successful in this, but their grip on our human consciousness is
loosening. They grow weak and, like any cornered creature, fight most
viciously when the fight is for survival.
Cornered rats.
If they need to, and if we let them,
they will destroy everything rather than let go.
A worldwide Samson option.
(Though please don't take from that
that we blame the 'Jews' for anything. See our earlier posts on
genetics and the reality that we are one species separated by
engineered beliefs, a single tribe imprisoned together and set at
each others throats like dogs in a pit for the entertainment of those
that feed off us.)
The false alternative media was created
to serve the purpose we now witness, mental honey-traps for the
awakening souls, pitfalls for those seeking confirmation of their
instinctive sense that there is something utterly awry with the
Humans feeling the call of their fellow
human hearts towards humanheartedness.
(See our earlier post on
'humanheartedness' to know what this means.)
The elite have often toyed with our
yearning for freedom, for justice, for a sense of rightness about the
world which we find hard to put a name to but which 'humanheartedness' encapsulates.
When we seek such things en masse, so
they provide a leader, a unifying idea, and give us a flag to follow,
a symbol to believe in, a dogma to repeat, a mantra to chant, a whole
new belief system to swallow up our energies and suck in our
commitment such that we will die for this new idea or, worse, kill
for it, believing we do the right thing.
There is never such a thing as
righteous killing.
Religions have sucked up those seeking
a connection with the creator and with the love which is the force
behind creation. For more than two thousand years humans have been
born into or herded into beliefs that somehow tell them an evident
falsehood: That God favours them especially and
despises others that worship God differently.
So for thousands of
years have we been made to burn and kill human beings who happen to
worship God in other ways or by other names. So we have delighted in
making life miserable for those who are 'different'.
Such is the greatest weakness of our
species, which is the simplicity with which we can be made to believe
that the thing we call 'I' or 'we' is somehow better than another
member of our tribe.
Consciousness engineering is the key to
this arsenal of induced hatred.
We are so divided even today, such is
the strength of this Magick, such is the power of belief once it
takes hold of our consciousness.
Fascism was a belief system, as was
Communism, as today is the nascent 'Populism'.
(Where did that name come from, you
might wonder? Who seeks to create a new 'ism' so that it can be
painted black?)
What communism did was blacken,
forever, the ideas of sharing and working collectively.
What Fascism did was blacken, forever,
the ideas of single communities of peoples who worked collectively
for the benefit of their own community, either a 'racial' group, a
language, a nation. Regardless of the name, fascism was simply
socialism between people who had a lot in common.
Then it was shaped evil.
Now these 'isms' are forever associated
with genocide, with death camps, with misery, with war, with secret
policing and vanishing into the night, with inescapable terror.
Populism is heading the same way.
Trump is the torch bearer.
The false alternative media has led
many to his camp.
Those people have become 'believers'.
We know where that leads.
(For those who have given their belief
to Trump, ask yourselves:
Has he closed the Federal Reserve and
issued debt-free money?
Has he arrested the Clinton mobsters,
the Bushes and the rest?
Has he taken the CIA and the FBI and
the police by the scruff of the neck and shaken them into a rage and
directed them at the satanic child murdering elite?
Has he taken the US armed forces out of
those places where the USA is spreading chaos and death and misery,
places where the US has no right to be?
Has he done anything to lessen gap
between the ultra-rich and the rest of humanity?
Et cetera, ad nauseam...”and so on,
until you're sick”)
We wrote here once about the US
military budget and how many thousands of hospitals that money could
build, staff and supply for decades. We asked how the world would
feel about the US, how many would hate the US enough to try and harm
her, had the US built hospitals everywhere it now bombs, had the US
used its plenty to spread happiness and good will around the world?
Many Americans believe they are somehow
the best people in the world, that their country is somehow the
Had they used their power to spread
good into the world they truly would be.
Regrettably they have done exactly the
opposite, have acted for generations as the instruments of chaos, war
and evil like some great satanic metastasising cancer.
Yet still the belief persists.
Such is the power of belief, almost
unshakeable once we allow our consciousness to be smothered by one or
another of those fake 'leaders' supplied to us by our masters.
For our species to free itself from the
pattern we are stuck in, this endless cycle of injustice, war, death,
misery, brutality, we must learn as a species to STOP BELIEVING.
When we are born we know nothing but
how to suckle.
Unlike thousands of other species which
share our earth we have no access to the data stored in our DNA.
Take a moment to find a video of a
spider spinning its web and understand that such a marvel of
engineering was untaught, the knowledge inherited.
This tells us something about the
nature of this experience we are undergoing, that humanity is
deliberately placed here empty so that we absorb whatever programmes
are passed to us or inculcated within us.
It is whether or not we accept these
beliefs once they are proved to be fundamentally inhuman that is the
measure of our learning from the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, the test of our suitability and readiness for the next
evolutionary step.
The Buddhists would have you believe
this was a personal journey.
It isn't.
Humanity is a collective entity,
comprised of billions of individuated units each with free will but
endowed with the potentiality to co-create, to collectively shape
reality and shape it good.
This is not YOUR journey to
enlightenment, it is OUR journey.
Humanity's journey.
It is when we are children and unknowing that much of
this false programming is downloaded, and so we grow 'believing' that
we are German or British, Hindu or Christian, rich or poor, black or
white, high class or low class and so on. We grow to believe that
there are others that we must obey. We grow to believe that life is
about gathering money together and success is measured by the size of
the pile. We learn there are some we should love, but others we
should despise.
Our life is simply expressed as a
consciousness engineering exercise.
Describes the programmes we are fed.
But we have free will.
We can, collectively, choose.
In the past we have waited for a
leader, a messiah, a unifying 'ism'.
We need none of those things to take
the next step.
Just to shake off our implanted
Just to follow our humanheartedness.
And do so together.
As a species we stand at the threshold
of a marvellous future.
We must take the all-important step.
Reach out to each and every one of us
and ask:
Would you like a world of peace, of
justice, of kindness, of sharing, of fun, of freedom from debt, of
freedom from fear, a world where you are valued, where your
contribution however humble is valued, where the non-stop
destruction of our environment is stopped?
Would you like a truly humanhearted
This, after all, is what most of us think our God desires of us.
"Love" sums it up perfectly.
There are seven and more billion of us
in our tribe and if we most of us say “YES” then, in that moment,
we will have taken the next step as a species.
Interestingly, we most of us have in our hands the instruments to perform such a miraculous connection.
Knowing that, should we try?
Well, of course we should.
What else is there?
Seven billion can ignore the power
structures and hierarchies as if they had never been.
Seven billion can reach out our hands
and clasp firmly the hands of strangers knowing they share, deep
down, these common human desires.
We Are at this remarkable stage as a
We Are fed up with history and the
historical baggage that goes with it.
We Are disgusted by what happens 'in
our name'.
The future is ours, and it is
Is it time?
We think so.
People say we are dreamers, but we're not the only ones.
We Are legion.
Please share.
It has to start sometime.
Things aren't getting better, are they?
So share.
With love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.
xxx xxx xxx