Sunday, 17 September 2017

First Novel by the Olive Farmer

The first novel by the Olive Farmer is now available on, erm, Amazon.
"Gift" by Peter Westwood.

It's a thriller set in the world we understand, a world of dark forces controlling humanity, dark forces that are utterly ruthless, that use terror and fake news to control human consciousness. It's also a novel about humanheartedness, about bravery and self-sacrifice, about humanity finding something that unites them, about the Evolution of our species as we approach our destiny.
Buy a copy and help support this blog:
Amazon UK

Amazon US

It will also be on other Amazon sites, both paperback and Kindle versions.

If you like the book, please don't be shy about putting some feedback on Amazon!
Thanks and love to all,
OLive Farmer
xxx xxx xxx

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Meaningless work, busy busy busy doing nothing

As we have pointed out many times here, it is essential that our masters DO NOT allow us free time, it is essential that our species does not benefit from automation, it is essential that families are not allowed one parent at home to raise a family.
They sack workers when they introduce robots, rather than reduce the workers hours and pay them the same so that all benefit from automation.
Since the 1940's, they have deliberately inflated property prices so that one parent cannot sustain a household. They have inflated the relative costs of everything else for the same reason. This was a century long project. They plan FAR ahead, our masters.
They have deliberately managed the unemployed figures and filled the western world with countless unworthy jobs, many of them government jobs spent pushing paper in relation to regulation or law, almost NONE of them to do with what we really need: Good healthy food, a good home, decent clothes, things fixed that break.
What we also need, of course, is time.
Time and places to go and relax with our friends.
The smoking ban, the drink driving ban, both seemingly good ideas have wrecked many meeting-place businesses, closed many bars, added to the effects of the anti-social smartphones we grow ever further apart.
Someone else has noticed this, finally:

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Pawns in the Game

Bear in mind that quantum physics tells us that atoms are 99.9999% nothingness, that the components of each atom only exist as a 'probability' and may or may not be there, that the 'double slit' experiment informed us (over a century ago) that light behaves differently when observed as opposed to when unobserved and that the difference is accounted for by the presence of the consciousness of the observer.

Remember that your senses are weak, your sense of smell hundreds of times less than that of a dog (who can smell much further into the past than you can), your sense of sight much weaker than that of a vulture, that you lack the ability to see magnetic fields as used by pigeons and Monarch butterflies to navigate thousands of miles, and recall that you have never in fact touched anything, only felt the repelling force of the atoms in your skin meeting the repelling force of the atoms in whatever it is you are 'touching' (including those you love), which means of course that you have never sat down, never truly rested on the earth but have instead and in actuality floated all your life on these forces.

We know that each and every living cell of our bodies carry their own DNA and that we never have to tell our body what to do, to breathe, to fix a cut, to digest atoms of material ingested and convert those atoms into new cells carrying their own instructional DNA, all done without our conscious input.

Our body is a self-automated self repairing and self-reproducing (with the help of another) biological entity comprised of trillions of individual cells that run on automatic, (and indeed are conscious and cooperative), the purpose of which is to cart around our consciousness, we that are witnessing this reality.

Neurologists of course will tell you that they have no idea where the consciousness is, that indeed it may be elsewhere and the more widely read of their ilk may point you to the crystalline nature of the Pineal gland and wonder whether it acts as a transceiver, and then refer you to the prevalence of Pineal symbology throughout ancient civilisations and inquire as to the likelihood that they knew something we now don't.

We know that we use only about 10% of our minds. The consciousness that produces the act of witnessing is itself merely interpreting and sifting data provided by electro-chemical impulses arriving in the brain via the 'wires' we call nerves. Millions of bits of data arrive by the second, but most are discarded because the 10% of our minds we can use cannot handle more. We simply can't handle broadband HD, and in fact our processing capacity is so low as to render ridiculous the increases in frames per second delivered by the newest TVs.

So here we are, floating through a reality we can barely see, a reality that is mostly nothingness yet looks and feels 'real', inhabiting bodies that pretty much do their own thing and are more a community than a single entity, not even knowing the true nature of the thing we call “I”, the consciousness witnessing all this stuff.

If you think this reality is the only 'real' thing, despite the evidence to the contrary, despite the evidence that indicates your consciousness occupies a bio-mechanical avatar in the most realistic computer game ever, then please resume your comfortable sleep.

If, however, you are fully up to speed with the true nature of this false reality and your place within it, then it's time to begin the processes that lead to understanding. It is not, of course, a matter of “How?” The How? Is irrelevant. The How? Is simply an extension and extrapolation of what there is now into a future we will inevitably reach.

Know that if we humans can collectively conceive of something it is because the building blocks are in place, that by extension from where we are we will certainly reach the point we can conceive of.
Einstein couldn't see a CGI reality because computers were in their absolute mechanical infancy when he lived. Born into this world, Einstein would make short work of understanding how this world is made, how Newtonian physics is simply a description of the rules of the game, that the real science lies in understanding how it is all made, what level of processing power is required, how the 'game' interacts with the consciousness, how 'atoms' are made, (those things that are the pixels in this 3d reality), how the impression of 'time' is generated by the system. He would no doubt also seek a way to hack the system, if only to cheat death or create something by simple conscious will.

If he was evil, he would probably seek to discover the tricks of consciousness manipulation, those tricks that make human beings want to get on their knees when in the presence of “Royalty”, those tricks that somehow control the collective consciousness of our species and hold us in this perpetual nightmare.
Recall: If the double slit experiment tells us that our consciousness shapes reality, then the collective consciousness of our species determines the entire nature of the 'game', then those that control the collective consciousness can effectively shape this reality.
What might this world be, were we free of that control?
This is the question most who are embarked upon the journey of truth are seeking to answer.
What could we really be, we humans?
What world could we create?
Then recall that we humans can collectively conceive of something once the building blocks are in place, that by extension from where we are we will certainly reach the point we can conceive of.
Our destiny as a species lies in this understanding becoming widespread, because it is the collective consciousness alone that has the power to shake off the bonds and shackles of the current masters of the game.
We call this process 'waking up'.
The consciousness engineers are in charge of that process at the moment, especially through the internet and their mastery of information herein, their control of many of what they themselves call “Agenturs', the thousands of fake alternative websites and voices that lay in wait for the harvest of awakening consciousnesses and wrap them in their web of deceit, disinformation and distraction. What they work to achieve more than anything else is the absence of awareness of our huge and increasing numbers, busying themselves with sowing discord and division such that we never find unity.
That unity is, of course, found in simplicity.
If you are awake, you want an end to evil.
If you are awake, you want a world built on the foundation of love.
There is the unifying energy of we millions of awakening consciousnesses, there our focus should be placed. We need no detail: Seven billion human beings can sort out the detail.
We only need the unifying principle.
So: Let's talk politics, as if it matters.

We know that over a century ago the Tavistock Institute (under its former name) was created. Its purpose was to shape beliefs and behaviours, to fully understand propaganda and methods of shaping the thoughts of human beings such that they would be willing to pick up a weapon and go off to a foreign land and kill another human being that they had never met, even bomb their children. After each of these 'wars' many human beings travelled in the places they had previously tried to destroy and found the inhabitants different, but delightfully so, friendly, as loving and caring of their families as 'we' are.
Geneticists now tell us that every human being is a 'mongrel', none are 'pure', that way back in a blonde blue-eyed Nordic type there will have been an emissary of the Mongol hordes or a Chinese trader or an African traveller that sowed seed or shared eggs and planted a genetic signature that can never be forgotten or lost.
These scientists also tell us that every human being shares 99.9% of their DNA with every other, that there is more genetic difference in a small population of monkeys on one hillside in Africa that there are between we human beings.
To all intents and purposes we are a single 'tribe', the 0.1% of DNA anomaly accounting for skin and hair colour, eye shape and colour and so on.

There are no pure races, only minor differences and cultural heritage and a splinter planted in our minds that somehow we are not one single homogeneous species.
There are of course people that benefit from that lack of understanding and indeed encourage and promote it in order to divide our world tribe, for in such division we find the weakness, historical and current, that prevents humanity from creating a world without war, without pollution, without vast inequality and so on.

We know, have we read the literature outside of the mainstream, that the wars of the last couple of centuries were the creation of people other than the 'leaders' we were given to despise, that, as many US Presidents have informed us, there is indeed a power in the world that stands above elected leaders and presides over this reality. We can look upon its work, this power, and know that it isn't good.

The current rise of neo-Nazism across Europe and the USA is a response to the deliberately created and weaponised refugee crisis. The threat those people feel is based upon their perception of the fallacy we call 'race', but the purpose of weaponised refugees is to create an assault on cultural homogeneity, to divide and disturb nations, to create chaos and civil disorder.

A growing number of human beings are coming to recognise that much of what they understand to be the product of centuries of progress towards 'civilisation' is at fault.

Democracies are bought and paid for and no matter who is elected the agenda continues such that in many nations commonly half of electorates choose to stay home. Everywhere the law that stems from such elected governments is seen to favour the rich and powerful, seen to punish the innocent and weak. Everywhere human beings know that the hierarchies of corporations and political parties and government bodies at all levels are designed to focus power in the hands of the very, very few at the expense of everyone else, that certain human beings will forget their duty to the species just so they can drive a better car, live in a more expensive box and maybe eat better stuff and wear nicer things.

Such creatures have been with us since the invention of money, the oil in the machine of hierarchical systems and the single most ridiculous piece of Magick inflicted upon our species.
It is notable that Mr Levi (or 'Karl Marx') was sponsored by his banker relatives and as such made sure that he included a 'strong central bank' as vital to the cause. Folks still read this deliberate and contrived dialectic without first discovering who sponsored its creation, such is the almost crass stupidity of those Marx himself described as the 'lumpen proletariat'.

The power in the world, seeing that its previously successful confections, its Magick, was losing favour in the world realised that something needed to be done. They saw this more than a century ago. They understood the basic arithmetic of human population growth (and as eugenicists determined to slow it down, giving birth to “planned parenthood” and the idea of a 'woman's right to choose'). They knew that for every million or so human beings there would be one genius. That one billion people would quickly become seven billion and so we would see not 1,000 but 7,000 geniuses. When the number of such bright people increases, their combined output exceeds the simple mathematical progression because they combine. Think, for a moment, what humanity could achieve were we not engineered into competing rather than our natural instinctive and tribal (human) cooperativeness.

Much of the United Nations output has been around the tight control of scientific budgets, scientific publishing, research and, key, the ownership of intellectual property. This to slow humanity down, but even with these measures and the regular wars and the assassination or career destruction of certain scientists we, our human species, is advancing at an astonishing rate. Consider, for a moment, were there not the constraint of money acting as a guiding force and a brake on progress, what we could have achieved already as a species had we been sharing, freely, these last hundred years instead of hoarding.

So the rising collective 'brain' of humanity is seeing the cracks in the system, ergo the power must first of all itself destroy the systems it has built and itself provide an alternative, that alternative seeming to grow from popular demand, that alternative seeming to have arrived organically.
It is for this reason that the Tavistock derived consciousness engineers, having honed their skills in the fake 'colour revolutions' in Eastern Europe and then in the 'Arab Spring' are now bringing to the USA and elsewhere in the 'West” a new round of chaotic civil disturbance.
They simply must stem the rising tide.

Trump was chosen deliberately to create division, to create sides. Antifa was created, stuffed full of agent provocateurs, to agitate the 'left', Alex Jones was planted years ago to agitate the right. There are many other players in the game and behind them all are 'philanthropists' like George Soros (whose money created the colour revolutions) or other agents of the power.

We know that the bankers were behind Lenin, that the Bush family and the bankers and corporations were behind Hitler, that the CIA have managed to create revolutions and civil disturbance across the world in country after country, have assassinated leaders and installed puppet dictators almost everywhere and yet, knowing that these things have been done almost nobody can believe that the same forces are shaping their political beliefs, nurturing their anger, throwing the first brick at police officers, leading the chants, handing out the literature, stirring the emotions.
You are being played, America.

Left alone and in peace we humans would have developed a different system of 'governance', a system that was based on human wisdom and our species' innate understanding of right and wrong, our desire to protect our young, our willingness to share, our great enjoyment of community and commonality, our welcoming of difference for the beauty of diversity, our need to know that justice is blind. We would have seen though the ridiculous and artificial creation of money as debt from thin air and simply en masse refused to pay both as individuals and as nation states. We would have designed a world such that there were no hierarchies of power, so that nobody stood above anybody else other than in terms of respect, where we cooperated rather than competed. Such a way of living is not new but existed in most human tribes before those tribes and their ways were deliberately destroyed over centuries of genocide carried out by the subjects of ancient Royal European families, who noted the threat to their power in human tribal cooperation and determined, via genocide, to erase that understanding from human consciousness.

We are born unknowing.
We receive information presented as electrical inputs to the biological computer we call our brain.
Such programming develops into a sense of “self.”
So you become a black Christian conservative or a white transgender liberal but all of it is a product of inputs. Had you been born an Australian Aborigine your consciousness would have developed a different sense of self, you would have been someone else, see the world through different eyes, understand things differently.

We none of us choose our programming. It is provided by parents, who pass on their programming, by teachers and books (who say and present a picture that is decided upon at the very top of the hierarchies), by peers that reflect their programming, by media both fake mainstream and fake alternative and, rarely, by truly free publications.
You are not yourself. You are a product.
That product can be engineered into certain beliefs.
Certain events (a created terror attack, for example) can render you susceptible to the control of others. (This is well understood by psychology).

We stand, as a species, upon the threshold of a new world order. We could make it our new world order by seeking to find commonality, that upon which we agree, rather than by allowing those who seek to divide us to so easily do so.

Hold out your hand in friendship and ask not what divides us but what we share.

Deep down, in almost every human soul, by going through such a process, we would find we share core beliefs. If we could only de-programme ourselves we would find more. That commonality would be found in such things as protecting our children, feeding the starving, housing the homeless, ending war, ending pollution, ending street crime (all of which derives from money inequality), getting rid of nuclear weapons and other WMDs, finding a cure for cancer, discovering why it is we are increasingly sick from what used to be rare ailments, making sure our police are not brutal but are the most trusted amongst us, ensuring we can all rely on justice.
These things, all of them, when distilled, when driven to their essence, are simply 'good', are simply that which comes from the thing we call love, not the romantic love we enjoy but rather the principle we might call love.

This is what we are: Creatures of love.
One world tribe of loving beings at the threshold of a new world order.

The power can see this even if we can't.

They see what it is we will demand once their engineered chaos makes us all desperate.
And so we will get their New World Order.
Check out the world council of mayors, the 'sustainable cities' movement, the charity 'Common Purpose', the vast numbers of so called charities, non-profits and NGOs that reward their chief executives with vast salaries and give almost nothing to the supposed beneficiaries and see, in these machinations, the New World Order being built to harness and corral humanity for the next millennia.

They are shaping a new system that appears to do away with hierarchies, with global government, with money (as it is today), with inequality and so on. They will plunge us further into chaos, then their King of the World will come to save us all with his 'not-for-profit', NGO, 'Common Purpose', brave New World.

And we will beg for it.

Because we are being played.........
Unless, somehow, we awakened spirits can find a unity of purpose in the limited time we now have.
The future relies upon YOU, dear reader, and on all of us that call ourselves awake somehow standing together as one.
That is OUR common purpose.
Share this understanding.

With Love,
Olive and Aktina

xxx xxx xxx

Saturday, 2 September 2017

There are NO races.

Between 99.0% and 99.9% of human DNA is common to all human beings.

We Are one tribe, separated by tiny genetic differences that, in the scheme of things, are utilised to make us hate each other.

Popular DNA testing services now render ANY race war more evidently stupid than they were already.
Here's a white supremacist getting the bad news he's a tad black:
Here's a famous "black" artist getting the news he's just a tad white, quite a bit "native american"

Rarely, in some particularly closed island communities, where no anscestor ever travelled, where a rigid belief system controlled marriage outside of a community, you'll get a 100% type.
These are so rare as to be inconsequential.
We Are a species that develops communities, places where we have chosen to live together and chosen how we live together, developing traditions and accepted behaviours.
Where we used to live in England we lived in a place that had a more than 50% 'immigrant' population.
When we return to that place we find the community has changed little, that each component element of the whole community has adopted some of the social attitudes of the others, but that they identify now, after a few generations, as people of that place rather than people of a different place who happen to live there.
The place is now their home.
It hasn't changed much.
Just got a little richer from new stuff coming in, old stuff going out.

That we really fear each other because of skin colour is a taught behaviour.
That we hate each other is a product of history, of centuries of Empire Building by the power, sending subjects out to subjugate, to steal, to commit genocide, to murder our tribal understandings of how we should live with one another, of how we share one home.

Go to Youtube and watch a few 'DNA Test Results".
Open your eyes.
Subjugated and divided by an inhuman elite.
Inhuman because they do what almost all humans would never do unless made to.
They kill babies.
At this present moment, we let them, we even contribute to that activity.
This is how low we have got.
It's time to take back our world.
With Love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti
xxx xxx xxx

The last couple of minutes tell us how we should feel about what we are.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Prince William....

Prince William's full name is William Arthur Philip Louis.

There is a legend that tells of a King of England called Arthur, known as the once and future King.
He will return in a Messianic role.

When a Royal becomes a King or Queen, they can choose what name they are called. It's called a Regnal name. So, William has the right to choose Arthur.

There was much research in victorian England tracing the Royal family back to jewish King David.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion speakof their coming King of the world:

"That the people may know and love their king it is indispensable for him to converse in the market-places with his people. This ensures the necessary clinching of the two forces which are now divided one from another by us by the terror. (Islam and Christianity?)
This terror was indispensable for us till the time come; for both these forces separately to fall under our influence. The King of the Jews must not be at the mercy of his passions, and especially of sensuality: on no side of his character must he give brute instinct power over his mind, Sensuality worse than all else disorganizes the capacities of the mind and clearness of views, distracting the thoughts to the worst and most brutal side of human activity.
The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations.
Our supreme lord must be of an exemplary irreproachability."

"Exemplary irreproachability"?
Would a career as a pilot of a search and rescue helicopter fit the bill?
(There's a thousand similar press stories.)

Of course, Queen Elizabeth may still be on the British throne when the once and future King takes his world striding role, either her or her son (William's father and next in line) Prince Charles.

So it will be Prince Arthur that rules the world.

prince arthur in Jewish Gematria Equals: 666 ( p














Just saying.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

The Third Awakening.

There are two forces at work in the world, evil and good. Evil is organised, good in a state of disarray. Every action taken at every moment by every human being falls into one or the other camp. There are no grey areas. We understand that, at core, almost all human beings are spiritually good, driven by love, but that the reality shaped for us by those in power makes it almost impossible for any of us to live a good life, to live without harming others.

If you drive your car is it just one of the particulates exhausted by your car that plants the cancer in a pedestrian's lungs? If you turn on your washing machine, is it the nuclear power station that produces that power that caused the Leukaemia in the child? Was it the plastic bottle you drank from that caused the death of that fish in the Pacific? As you buy you pay purchase tax, as you earn you pay tax: What part of that tax bought the bullets that rained down on Iraq, paid for the cop that got out of hand, funded the rich lifestyle of one paedophile politician or another, helped fund the 'money from thin air' usurers in their global war against humanity?

We have endured this inevitability of evil for so long now that we have forgotten what it means to be human, how we can live, how we will live once more when we have shaken off this parasitic infection. If you know the history of North America you will see that it was ever the intent of the power to destroy the tribal understandings that governed those peoples. The same is true of South America, and of Africa, and of the Middle East, in fact everywhere.

Part of the history of the progress of evil has been the deliberate and ruthless destruction of the ideas embedded within tribalism for those ideas spoke of wisdom ruling rather than power and fear, of sharing rather than competing (other than for fun), of nurturing our mother earth rather than despoiling, raping her, of respecting our learning rather than misshaping it to serve a purpose, of understanding our place in a continuity. Every tribe in every part of the world, all of our ancestors, all of those centuries of learning were deliberately eradicated so that we should forget who and what we are, how to be with one another.
We Will rediscover the wisdom of the past.

When people speak of a paradigm shift what they really mean is a movement from a state of existing within a reality based upon evil (on greed, on control, on misplaced power, on hierarchy, on beliefs which deviate from the original intent, on “I” rather than “We”, on fear), to a reality where all of these things have been ignored into non-existence and a new civilisation is built founded upon love, on good, and we proceed from that foundation with vigilance, lest we should ever slip again and allow a force of evil to insinuate itself into our collective consciousness.

We speak here often of the collective consciousness, how its manipulation is key to the power grid.
We speak here often of the true understanding of consciousness at the quantum level, how reality is in fact the creation of that collective consciousness.

There are two levels of existence: The first is that in which most people live, believing that reality is comprised of unchanging and 'solid' things, that the world is what it is, that their place in the world is bounded by restrictions of which time is the most unforgiving, trammelled by programming that determines their sense of self.
The second is that level of being wherein it is understood that reality is shaped by the collective consciousness and that the world is a construct of information, that the creator gave us to do with as we please as an expression of free will.

We do not speak of a “God”, for in that is embodied ideas of faith and of worship, and from those ideas come religions with dogmas, creeds, and sacrifices, from those idea come divisions, hatreds, ridiculous 'rules', burning at the stake, suppression of women, persecution and, always, war. From that we understand that 'God” is the creation of the evil power, religion used to serve that power's purpose: To taint every soul with evil.

That there is such a creative force is the product of the progress of scientific understandings. Both Einstein and Planck recognised its existence though the computers which are commonplace now did not exist in their time. It is through computers we see the nascency of a science that can create alternative realities, presently dealing with just two senses (sight and hearing) at low resolution compared to the reality we exist within, but no doubt at some future point being capable of creating a reality as convincing as this.
From numbers. From information.
Just as this reality does.
Ergo, there must be a creator.

We have written here often about what the purpose of the game must be.
The first purpose is that we, as a single collective consciousness, should come to the realisation that there is good and there is evil and that we should choose good.
The second purpose is that we should at some point come to a full understanding of how this reality is made and, from that understanding, develop the ability to create realities ourselves.

There is a certainty in that progression, but the second point cannot be achieved until the first is realised, for our true civilisation cannot be achieved from the current reality wherein there is ownership of knowledge and ideas rather than the free sharing of those things, where money acts as a brake on the speed of advance, where evil controls scientific experiment and research and publishing, where evil can prevent the discovery or spread of life changing science..

If you follow these logical progressions you will find that there is an inevitability to the evolution of our species and the movement to a new civilisation. Everything our masters are now doing is driven by their need to prevent that evolution. Their chief success has been their capability in separating people, in dividing the single tribe that is humanity. Their tools have been religion, ideas of race, money, nation, politics, political ideas, social class or caste, hierarchy, 'capital', ownership and so on.

We should be clear about ownership. Every human being needs to know that the roof over their head is their own, that their clothes and 'things' are their own, and that nobody can take them from them. Every human being should have a decent place to live, one with which they are happy and one which they might grow out of and move on from as time passes. We have utterly failed in this, and yet simply by being human and alive in this reality each of us is an inheritor, by birthright, of an equal share in this planet. It is ours. We 'own' it. Nobody in human law owns more of the planet than anyone else.

We have described here before how a city with the population density of Paris, with its squares and parks, its public utilities, its crowded centre and its sprawling suburbs, how a city such as that extending over the whole of Texas would accommodate all seven plus billion human beings. More, in fact.
There is no over-population.
Our planet is huge.
We do need to stop raping her, do need to repair the damage we've done, do need to change our eating and other consumption habits, do need to focus our science on these things, but there's plenty of room and plenty of stuff for billions more of us. We need to focus on happiness, of course.

When you read this blog please understand that in the future there will be no such thing as money, no system of exchange. All money is fake and we do not require it. It is merely a system of control and a way in which the labour of we human slaves can be stored and concentrated as 'energy' or power in the hands of the few.

The fake idea of communism, developed by a close relative of certain banking bloodlines, insisted on 'money' and 'a strong central bank'.
In practice, communist revolutions were funded by the banking bloodlines, the awful murderous hierarchies they developed a symptom of that control ethos. Still now, 'communist' political groups have their hierarchies, their 'party officials' and so on. Trades Unions, now almost gone, suffered from the same malaise. Good pay and profitable corrupt payments to those that formed the hierarchy of power defeating the avowed intent of the unions origin.

The ideas of communism and national socialism were deliberately staged events in human history designed to besmirch the ideas embodied within them, ideas of community and communal effort, ideas of sharing, ideas of building a sharing society in a place where the culture and history of a people are somewhat distinct. We associate both with killing regimes, so they served their purpose well.

Can we ever learn to dispense with hierarchy, to dispense with leadership, to shake off the idea that we are NOT all equal?
Well, it's do that or die.

What's happening in the world right now is that the human species is slowly waking up to its condition of mind-slavery. This is evidenced by the increasing numbers of disbelievers, people who are not yet truthers but have come to the conclusion that their politicians and media are a bunch of lying rats. These people commonly choose not to vote. Increasingly they search the internet for their take on events. It is these disbelievers that should be drawn into the fold as we progress, adding their billions to the millions of truthers there are right now (deliberately uncounted and by design kept separate from one another).

What unites truthers is a common understanding: That we could, should and will have a world that is not run by megalomaniac psychopaths, a world that is just and fair, a world that feeds the starving children rather than bomb them.
As we know, the power expected these truthers and prepared a thousand 'points of light' on the internet to distract, divide, exhaust and steal the 'leadership' of. The power is winning that battle, but increasingly truthers are beginning to realise that they have been targeted by intelligent and well funded psychologically clever trickery and are now, increasingly, wary.
This is the second awakening.

The third awakening is the realisation that we are all in this together, we human beings.
The news and the fake alternative media which, more often than not repeats the mainstream news with an added comment or two, tries to focus truthers' minds on the old warhorses: Nation! Race! Religion! Money! Gold! US v THEM. Divide and rule is evident in everything the alternative 'leaders' produce. They even argue amongst themselves, with intent, never finding the true focus that is required, the shared common desire for love that exists in almost every human heart.
Remember: Most of the bad people you know were born into an evil world, had harm done to them that made them selfish, bitter, made them bullies or thieves, made them strangers to the power of love. They are to be forgiven, as are you for the harms you have done and, as the generations pass in our new civilisation, those types will grow fewer, will eventually disappear, and our species will have reached its destiny.

To reach the point of the third awakening is to understand that almost everything you have grown to believe in must be shaken off.
As a species we must cast off the religions we were given, must do away with money, must dispense with hierarchy, must ignore fake democracy and find a way in which the kind, the loving, the wise amongst us can guide us (rather than lead us). We must rediscover that peace is bought through the collective actions of good people, that we must carefully all of us police each other, not through lynch mobs and swift injustice but through the rule of common law, born of love, collectively and actively applied by everyone.
In the future, every person born will at a certain age and for a year or two become a protector.
Protectors will protect people, ensure everyone's safety.
Every young person will learn the value of protection and understand from the experience that there is no room for fear in our world, that every bully at every street corner or in every class must learn that we will not tolerate their kind. We will not be bullied at work. We will not be bullied by an unjust system. We will never allow a power to develop or a hierarchy to be formed so that we will never be afraid again.

To reach the third level of awakening is to realise that YOU have to give up some of your beliefs and seek the foundation of the new civilisation, love and the good that grows from love. This does not mean you have to give up your belief in a creator, merely to set aside the books and hierarchies that constrain that belief and seek communion with your creator from within.
Did not Jesus say that?

If you are truly awake you will know that the power has seen our coming and has prepared alternatives which are being slipped into the human consciousness via their agents.
They plan to do away with money as we wish, but will replace it with a fake 'gold' backed digital currency. (Note the love affair with gold and bitcoin amongst the likes of Cliff High or whatever he calls himself, Alex Jones and many others.)
They will do away with inequality by paying everyone a basic wage via their chip (though all pigs will be equal, be sure some pigs will be more equal than others).
They plan to do away with nations. Check the world council of Mayors via the United Nations, the 'sustainable cities' project and many more. They will blame the wars they orchestrate on 'nations' and will divide us into embattled cities.
They plan to do away with democracy, having already around the world set up NGOs and recruited into the ranks of civil services and corporations, police and judiciaries people they call “Future Leaders” who have all been mind-engineered by a 'charity' called “Common Purpose”. When the mass of people wake up to the illegitimacy of their elected governments, so they will be persuaded to hand 'governance' over to the people that provide services: Charities, government agencies, corporations, NGOs, all being 'non-profit', all being 'led' by 'Common Purpose' graduates.
They will do away with religions, and bring in a new world religion. First they will get everyone to question their faith by creating a religious world war (underway now), then get the leaders of those religions to come together (already underway as announced by the Pope, the Russian leader of the Orthodox church, many Mullahs etc).

Do you see?
Even though humanity itself has not reached the third level of awakening, the power has realised its inevitability and is preparing, itself, to destroy religion, nation, ideas of race, money, hierarchic power structures and so on.
Then THEY will introduce the replacements humanity craves and create an utterly FAKE new civilisation and everywhere embedded within the new structures will be their “Future Leaders”, their more equal pigs, and everywhere there will be fake digitised money which our masters create, and everywhere there will be the ownership of individual human beings through the control of their ability to either buy or sell.
They plan to make the world so utterly chaotic that the awakening masses will demand these changes and, when they magically appear, will view them as of their own creation.

It is at this point that some greatly honoured world figure will arise. He will promise to exert all his power to bring peace. He will call together the world's leaders and the world's faith leaders and the heads of the mighty corporations. He will pledge his personally vast pile of gold to the new world currency and encourage others to do the same. He will make great promises. He will speak of his family's past evils and resolve to make amends for them. People, everywhere, will love him.
People, everywhere, will spurn or kill those who don't love him.
Those Maverick human beings that have reached the third awakening.
He will choose to go by his second given name. Arthur.
The once and future king.

All of these plans have been laid out for more than a century. Read Pike's letters. Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Read the legend of Arthur. Read the histories produced by the Victorian British Israel society showing the line of descent of the British Royal family from King David of Israel. Research Common Purpose. Research the global cities movement (funded by the Rockefellers). Read the works of Blavatsky and Alice Bailey and the Lucis Trust's involvement with the UN. Research the connections between the Rothschilds and the Chinese lust for Gold. Find out what happened to the Gold the Japanese stole and buried in the Phillipines, who dug it up, what banking jobs certain Admirals gained, where that gold went, who was investigating those crimes, where they were and what happened to them on 9/11. Learn of Cecil Rhodes and the plans he and his co-conspirators laid to extend the 'soft power' of the Crown everywhere throughout the world via alliances with tame bankers and the deep manipulations of various secret societies and 'noble orders'.
Everything happening today is by design.
Everything is planned to prevent humanity from finding their true power, the power of a species to own its planet and shape its reality, the right of a species to live in a world of love and find beauty and happiness, justice and freedom from fear through that shared ownership, through the global understanding that we are one tribe, one species, diverse but connected, sharing one home.

You note the alternative media call the power 'globalist' and insist that globalism is a bad idea?
Well, they would, wouldn't they?
Because no man is an island, because no 'nation' can survive alone, because every human being should have an equal stake in our world, because of these things and many more, ONLY a GLOBAL human solution can answer the needs of our species, can make our species a cohesive entity, can speak for our species to the universe and in that speaking announce:
We Are.
And We Are Good.

Aktina and I are sure that, if there are others in this universe, they are waiting for humanity to find this single voice, to discover that we are Love.

As to the reason the power wants to render us infertile and to kill us through war, wants to dumb us down through bad education, wants to misdirect our science, wants to own our better minds and direct what they research and so on?

As our number grows, so we have more geniuses.
Simple maths, explaining the rate of technological change.
So the more we are, the collectively cleverer we become.
Eventually, through that collective cleverness, we will see how we are enslaved and find a way out.
Through that collective intelligence we will discover the foundations of a new global civilisation.
This is humanity's destiny.
The power seeks to prevent us from achieving this destiny.
It is YOUR task, as someone who has reached the third awakening, to prevent them.

We do this by sharing understandings.
Share this.

With Love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.

Xxx xxx xxx  

WE love comments. If you come here often, or if this is your first time, please leave a comment. If you like these words, please share them. You can see what's at stake.....

Thursday, 17 August 2017

5G: YOU are already an Antenna, courtesy of Chemtrails (NOT 'geoengineering')

We have previously analysed the latest scientific peer reviewed papers concerning, especially, Barium Titrinate nanoparticles which are the chief operative component of the chemtrails that the fake alternative media assure us are "geoengineering" when in fact the science informs us that these particles are entering the brain and individual cells making YOU a receiver in the same way that your phone is a receiver.
Read THIS and get up to date. It's the scariest thing we ever wrote:
There's more here: 
The Luciferian mythos tells us that when we are all shattered by the chaos and war the new 'Christ' (Maitreya) will appear in the world 
Now, how do you think the "Christ" will be able to do that?
By YOU being made into a microwave receiver.
If you read those articles you will be left in no doubt that this is the intent and has probably been achieved already.
Ever wonder why you can inform someone of the shit that's going down in the world and it just seems to pass right over them, as if they'd not even heard you, or they ask you or tell you to shut up?
Is the mind control ALREADY ACTIVE?

Worried about 5G?
This excellent Doctor tells it like it is about microwave radiation and the long list of effects on human beings and how cutting it out of your life can have startling effects.

Ditch the phone. Turn off the WiFi. Make your sleeping place a Faraday cage.(

Feeling like sharing? 
We blog for love,not money, but have received just two donations in the last twelve months and it would be nice, and make us feel appreciated, if someone else sent us a tip.
Ken O'Keefe we ain't!
Love to all,
OLive and Aktina
xxx xxx xxx

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Future speak....

The consciousness is constrained by the ability of the body-mind to assemble and interpret the signals received, those signals being constrained by the operational parameters of the input senses. The life experience itself constitutes an enclosure, bordered by time, existing only within the stage-set of understood reality.

(Showing programme inputs shaping consciousness experienced reality)
Within this parametrised box the human experiencer absorbs understandings which become the 'truths' that shape and give direction to the 'life'. The boundary of time ensures the experiencer has little opportunity to question those truths. This is further restricted by the contrivance of a false need for activity, eating away at the available time for consideration and questioning. These factors, combined with the restricted limitations of individual intelligence, which vary little, ensure the capacity to achieve greater understanding is unavailable.

In this way a 'life' is experienced within a tightly bounded and restricted cell.
In this way experiencers become the captives of the beliefs, the programmes, input by certain agencies that operate within the reality.

In this way the experiencer mistakes decision making for the exercise of free will.

There is no free will, only choices delimited by programming, trammelled by normalcy, that normalcy determined by agencies outside of the experiencer but impinging upon every action, every choice, every decision.

As with all deceptive reality structures the detailed regulation of the life experience entails the manufacture of consensus across all participating consciousnesses over time, the chief transmitters of this consensus understanding being the experiencers themselves, who repeat and reaffirm programmes they have absorbed. This endows the deceptive reality with a generational continuity through time, the concepts made stronger simply by virtue of that continuance.

As with all computational devices the overall capabilities of the instrument are subject to the available processing components.

We should note that a thousand pocket calculators, not connected, are individually weak processors.
This is currently the condition of the experiencers of this reality: one of disconnection.
Additionally, each individual unit is kept busy, leaving little processing time for other calculation.
The disconnection also ensures that each individual unit is operating with unique operational programming, creating artificial separations exampled by language, nationality, status etc.

That this artificial separation is created to ensure the continuance of the controlling agencies is evident.

The separation is designed to create competition between each individual unit, each having been programmed to believe that such separation is their 'right', that such separation is 'natural', that such separation is how things are, indeed that such separation is 'good', contrary to evidence and logic.
Naturally, this prevents the individual units from cooperating, even though it is evident that the combination of their processing capabilities would produce a single entity of immense computational power.
(Showing the inevitability of connection, indicating the power of such connection.)

The experiencers remain individual pocket calculators when, within a moment once connectivity has been attained, they could become something ineffable.

Thus the intent behind all actions of the controlling agencies is to prevent the individuated pocket calculators from realising what they could become if they became a single computational unit. The actions of these agencies are indeed so successful that very few experiencing consciousnesses understand the threshold at which they now stand, how close they are to becoming something greater than the sum of their parts.

Despite these actions, there is an inevitability to this destiny. Once an idea is born into the collective consciousness it will become a reality in time. The shared idea needs only the application of the reality shaping will of sufficient processing power over time to enable its existence. It has been seen that ideas born of prescient science fiction writers have entered reality in this way, proving that everything is possible through the application of thought.

We should recall, at this juncture, that the parametrised reality is a function of information interpreted electronically by each experiencer and is subject to the collective consciousnesses of the experiencers, reality 'existing' only as an electronically generated display within each consciousness, having no substance otherwise, being a product of those consciousnesses .

It should be noted, then, that control of the collective consciousness is the objective of the reality shaping agencies, ergo who must understand this conceptual musing, must indeed have understood it for aeons, which conclusion is demonstrated by actuality.

The resultant step of logic from that understanding is that either these agencies are comprised of a continuity of some form, that continuity possessing hidden knowledge, or these agencies are comprised of a collective superior intellect, 'human' or 'inhuman' in nature. In either case there is an evident purpose to their control of the human consciousness, which is to prevent it becoming something collectively more powerful than the agency itself and by doing so freeing itself from the parametrised cell and enabling the expression of its collective intent.

There is an additional threat to this destiny, which is that once those agencies perceive the inevitability of such connectivity and understanding, they would naturally seek to harness and constrain that new and powerful instrument and make it their own.

It is in this light that we experiencers should consider the device-led, microwave-delivered fake connectivity represented by the internet. Certainly it would be advantageous for the agencies to harness the collective power of humanity and thereby control the entity that collective could become.
Certainly there is evidence in abundance to indicate such a stratagem.

The intent is not to further subjugate humanity as is, but to construct the fetters and chains that will constrain and direct the power of the something other we will become, as the Lilliputians enchained Gulliver.

In essence we rely upon this:
That there are, within the power-construct of the agencies, individual consciousnesses that both understand the juncture at which we are and are willing, at personal risk, to spread this understanding.
Who tie a faulty knot, who fail to secure a peg, who ensure that a link in the chain is weak.
In that way, Gulliver can raise itself and snap the restraints.

Please recall that it is only through and in love, the principle, and all that is good that grows from that principle, only that common understanding which can serve as the uniting force which takes seven billion individuated units and forge them into a collective consciousness.

Time has no beginning nor end, the past exists and shapes our present, but the future also exists and that future is now reaching back to do battle with the past. What we will become is reaching back to ensure our birth as a collective consciousness.
Here is one such message:
(Showing an entity comprised of entities, the sum of the parts, complexity brought together by simplicity)

Understand there is Good out there.
Understand we are close.
We Are close.
And know that We can change Everything.
With Love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.
Xxx xxx xxx

(As we write, the cicadas are gifting us with their white-noise cacophony, the sun its heat, the wind its cooling, all of this reality of vibration interpreted and presented as real when we choose to focus on it, drifting into nothingness when we are occupied elsewhere, as it is when we sleep. Now the collective consciousness is so occupied, sleeps. It needs to awaken. The future awaits.)

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Fake snake oil salespeople dominate the alternative media????

Dark Matters.

Somehow, and from somewhere, there is serious money to be made in the 'alternative' 'truth' community and, wherever there is money to be made, so the snake oil salespeople, the sociopaths and the plausible fraudsters make their appearance to milk humanity and exploit our gullibility and bathe in the ego-jacuzzi of fame.

Only a complete idiot has not arrived at the evident truth that the masters of this reality funded and created vast numbers of 'consciousness thieves' to steal the hearts and minds of an awakening humanity.

Well, they would, wouldn't they?
Well they could, couldn't they?
So they did.

Still believe in one or another of them?
Still defend that belief?

Welcome to the world of the duped.
Don't feel ashamed.
It's humanity's history, being duped.
It's what we are.
Dumb believers.

Billions believe in one fake religion or another.
Billions believe in the fake money shit that enslaves us.
Billions believe their vote counts.
Billions believe what they're taught at school.
Billions believe the fake history.
Billions believe whatever some newscaster tells them.
Belief causes death, misery, division, pain, yet we continue to believe in an entire catalogue of fake shite.
“Dumb believers” sums us up.

You might as well be a Jehova's Witless
or a Moron
or a Moonie.

Whatever happened to “question everything”?

“Well”, I hear you say, “ (Insert Name) woke me up. He/she tells a lot of truth/exposes the NWO/(choose a topic)”

Well, they would, wouldn't they?
But it's never a truth that some other human being somewhere hasn't already put out there.
They steal stuff.
They also conspire to rip you off by selling you some worthless crap wrapped in snake-oil sales patter.
As the drug companies know, there's money in health concerns.
They also conspire to sell you bullshit financial advice (BUY GOLD!) because they know you desire more than others, or desire security.

Listen: You woke yourself up. It was you that went looking because you felt, deep inside, that there is something completely fucked up about this world. YOU took that first step, on your own, to begin the voyage of discovery. Down deep, maybe without you realising it, you began to search for a better destiny for your species.
You maybe don't realise that that's the journey you're on, but it is ONLY that journey.
It's all there is.

You opened up your PC, typed in a search, and discovered one of the many thousands of plausible creeps who 'woke you up'. You found, on their sites, interviews and videos with other creeps, opening up a thousand rabbit holes of truth for you to bury your head in. Every one of them tried to sell you something or begged for your help to sustain their 'noble' work.
And linked to each other.....
Because it;'s a mutually reinforcing circuit.

A mutually reinforcing circuit.

Think about how you browse.
You read or watch something.
Your interest spikes.
There are links to other similar content, other of the 'circuit' speakers, other websites repeating the same mantras.

In the UK there was Jimmy Savile, 'Sir' Jimmy Savile.
Everybody loved him, he was such a nice chap, raised millions for charity, smoked a big cigar, raped and murdered kids, was a regular at Buckingham Palace, spent every Christmas with Margaret Thatcher, fucked corpses, battered children's brains out with hammers dressed as Satan, hung out with Prince Charles, supplied 'food' to Prime Minister Edward Heath, presented TV pop shows, was an all round good guy, spoke with a choke in his voice about how even the small gesture he made by running a marathon might “help the little kiddies”.
Do you see?
Thousands wept when he died.
He was a one man PsyOp, the 'man' who said to Louis Theroux “I've known the Queen for a million years”.......(Do you see yet?)

We are an eminently foolable species.
We have two thousand years of utter stupidity to prove it.
We have the present to prove it.
Aktina and I prove it, for we are dumb too in comparison.
YOU prove it.
We are all of us lost in this great myth that purports to be real, surrounded and fed upon by succubuses, those demons that fuck the sleeping.

Back to the fakers:
Our masters would have been careful in their selection of 'staff', ensuring they found the right charismatic and completely immoral liars to perpetrate their fraud.
That would be easy, wouldn't it?
They're hardly in short supply.
Check the banking industry, politics or Oncology.....

Throw into this admixture of deliberate and carefully considered deceit the allure of the market place (for the alternative, truth community IS a marketplace, offering as it does EASY money for the oldest snake-oil tricks in the book) and, as our masters must have understood, the mistruth missile they fired would drag along in its slipstream literally thousands of shysters.

They row amongst themselves, these fraudsters, with beautifully divisive effect.
Witness the row between two snake oilers par excellence.
Horowitz was paying Jones $8,000 a month to advertise his Oxy Silver.
(! $8000 a month to advertise. We live on less than 8000 a year!)
Here's their row, from Horowitz' viewpoint:

Do you see something here?
YOU are worth advertising to at the rate of $8000 a month!
How much does Horowitz make from this crap?
How much do you buy?
Answer: Enough to warrant $8000 a month to get at the dupes that follow Jones.
With the “NASA developed super blah, secret, miracle, known to past civilisations, gifted by aliens......” etc etc ad nauseam.

These tossers are everywhere, in every area that we human beings are discovering we have been lied to we find some idiot propounding some deliciously tempting theory that we can PAY to find out more about, because everywhere they ask for money or try and sell you something.
YOU are a cash cow, being milked.

I went to school with a guy, then later had a chance to give him a job at which he was not great, though nor was I (being at the time a corporate bullshit artist). The business went kapoowie and, later, I chanced to meet him and he told me he was really into Megaliths (big standing stones). I was dumb enough at the time to think that HE was crazy, though I knew he was a bright guy. Now he's “Doctor” Andy Collins, a circuit speaker on one of the rabbit hole circuits featuring Golbeki Tepi etc etc, dressing as you would expect any British “explorer” to dress like Indiana Jones and I wonder, just wonder: Has he been sucked into the faker circuit? Does he believe he is making a difference? Does his exposure make him feel famous? What, exactly, is the true nature of Andy's humanity? Is he for good? Or has the allure drifted him somewhere else? He always seemed like one of the good ones.

You see, we never know.
We ourselves appear to other people as the mask we are wearing.
I spent 30 years of my life wearing a mask, pretending to be interested in some fake 'business' or another so that I could feed my kids and provide a home.
Then I woke up and got the hell out.
It was David Icke that 'woke me up', but it wasn't.
The burning disquiet inside me woke me up, and Icke was where I landed.
I've moved on.

We have moved on.

Do you feel an extra sense of separation at the moment?
Let us know.
Something is occurring, dear friends.
With Love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.

Xxx xxx xxx   

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Global Unity the Only Weapon in this War on HUmanity

The war on humanity is, in effect, a war on love. 

Conducted at the level of consciousness and reality engineering the war has been waged for millennia.

The main prongs of the initial strategy were firstly to destroy the tribal systems and understandings and, eventually, even the memory of them, secondly to create a fear based hierarchical system, thirdly to harvest humanity's labour through the imposition of a money system of exchange (something utterly alien to tribal humanity), fourthly to gain control of human consciousness through psychological operations which drew heavily on the effects of symbols on the human subconscious. These psychological operations included the myths we call religion, the myths we call class or caste, race or nation, myths substantiated through symbols drawing on a knowledge we have yet to fully comprehend.

This war of planetary conquest has been conducted by a force which is evidently inhuman, in that it bears none of the characteristics which we identify as being human. It relishes child murder and sacrifice, it has no moral qualms with regard to genocide or mass murder. For all of known history it has raped, murdered, crucified and otherwise brutalised humanity, still does so today, and yet is able to maintain the control over human consciousness that causes us to worship the key figures of this hierarchy and their psychopathic half-breed servants.

Witness the abject and crass servitude of those that love the Royal families that help dominate this inhuman reality. A century ago the First World War trampled humanity into the mud and slaughtered millions as two cousins fought for supremacy in the Empire. Still at that time the Royal family of England controlled 40% of the world's land surface. Other European Royals added to the total with their Empires. They are interrelated, as we know. To build these Empires the Royals had used their subjects to cross oceans and murder entire nations, then had their subjects at home wave flags and feel proud of themselves for the carnage wrought. This is much the same in the USA today, which continues to be a subject nation, its politicians merely knee-bending acolytes of the world's owners, the consciousness of its citizens still now entrained by flags, by symbols, by myths and fake religions to believe they do good whilst the last seventy years has seen that nation surpass Hitler and Stalin in cruelty and inhumanity. In the same false mythology that has caused the Jews to believe they are God's chosen people, so Americans believe their nation is God's own.

This consciousness control runs so deep that these few hundred million people will soon be duped into a much bigger conflict, the third world war which is being prepared in the consciousness of humanity as unavoidable, just as the other world wars were.

That this ancient inhumanity that prevails and owns humanity is unconcerned about the 'awakening' is evidenced by their unfaltering continuance of their current strategy, which involves both culling the herd and installing a more reliable technological control grid over the consciousness of humanity. On their instruction, using our efforts and labour and our planet's resources, they have caused us to invent, refine and also to construct the instruments of this coming control grid and, as ever, to be happy with the shiny things, the toys they give us to play with whilst we do so.

Recall the early traders with the tribal peoples of America, swapping worthless shiny trinkets for items of real value until, that is, the orders to wipe them out were given.

We human beings are simple creatures, can be bought for trinkets. Witness how many sell their entire lives for a 'loan' created out of thin air. Witness how many engage in tasks simply not required by a species in exchange for some numbers in a digital bank account and the ability to exchange those numbers for worthless trinkets. Entire lives are wasted in such utterly useless pursuits.

As tribal people we understood the simplicity of life. We needed to feed and clothe and house ourselves, protect ourselves from threats, create a peaceful and ordered society, care for our young and our sick and, most importantly, create as much free time for individual and collective fun as was humanly possible. Billions of human beings today engage in activities which are of no real use or benefit to our species, accounting for the widespread dissatisfaction with work that we witness. Those that perform readily identifiable useful work are generally happy in their labour, or at least would be were they not enslaved by the two prongs of financial control: Low pay and unpayable debt.
Sure, history is littered with stories of tribes that went wrong, that became aggressive empire builders and warmongers, that engaged in child sacrifice.....

Against which we have to wonder just how long our species has been infiltrated by the inhumans and how widespread they have been throughout human history. Their kind are readily identified. They create, through violence, murder and fear, hierarchies at the top of which they sit which both protect them and enforce their will, recruiting to their hierarchies the few psychopaths amongst our species and the half-breeds which litter the world. They engage in human sacrifice and cannibalism. They enjoy witnessing agony and terror. They relish the art of control, wrapping themselves in symbols, causing us to worship them.

The inhuman creatures that have dominated our species have exercised control over the human consciousness for so long that they have been able to refine and reinforce their control grid to the extent that even today, with our family growing so populous and collectively intelligent, they are still able to do exactly as they please. For them, though, there is a regret. In the past they were able to openly enjoy the sport of killing, raping, executing and eating their herd. Human beings would readily bring their children to be slaughtered and feel a sense of pride if they witnessed their child's head been severed and its heart eaten. Our history is full of such utter and abject servitude, across the world. These days, though, they are forced to disguise their activities, hiding the truth they once openly flaunted. They yearn for a return to the old days, when on a whim they could set out with their dogs and hunt humans down, when they could rape a new wife on her wedding night before the husband could consummate the union, leaving their demon seed and creating half-breeds for future use in their hierarchies.

The problem for our masters is two-pronged: Firstly our sheer number has given rise to a greater collective intelligence, which they can usefully milk and garner to their cause through bribery with their fake money or position within their fake hierarchies but which they still fear. Secondly they have witnessed a falling away of the blinkers they historically relied upon to keep us blind to our true situation. So it is that fewer believe in their fake Gods, fewer are inspired by a sense of national patriotism, more and more are picking at the edges of the consciousness shroud and witnessing the Wizards behind the curtain. More and more of us, in a multitude of different ways, sense an inner disquiet with how things have been and are.

They recognised this more than a century ago and have carefully managed this disquiet, taking its energy and directing it to serve their own purpose. From this next-level consciousness management they have created Jihadists, have engineered the “Colour Revolutions”, more recently created 'Brexit' and the Trump.

Everything we witness in the world today is the culmination of a long strategised plan to meet and defeat the threat to their rule by our growing number, our increasing collective intelligence, our increasing disenchantment and awakening to the fakery of nation, race, religion, so-called democracy and so on. They are careful, though, to preserve as well as they can the myth surrounding the Royals. Not a day passes in the UK when the papers are not full of fawning cult-of-celebrity building bullshit about the Royals. The mythology of Princess Diana, the surge of belief in her that was engineered, the mythologically referenced story of her death, now the cult of William, he who rescues people in his helicopter, the Prince of Peace.

What they are successful in is the strategy to keep the hundreds of millions of human beings now filled with an overwhelming disquiet separate from each other and ignorant of our collective number and the power to change the world that would quickly come were we to understand how many we are.
They have achieved this with such ease that we must seem as children to them. Their agents have built large numbers of cult followings, each with 'believers' that will lurch to the defence of their chosen man or woman, each finding they must argue and fall out with other fake leaders, keeping us divided and separate. Not one of these fake leaders attempts to show, simply by counting, just how many we are. All of them grow rich as they milk their followers, just as churches have so milked the herd in the past and still today.

They have arranged a vast array of agents who speak of love, of peace, of humanity just as the religions do. Each one sucks in a few thousand believers.

They have created thousand upon thousand of agents who 'specialise' in the disturbance of the minds by offering countless rabbit holes of knowledge which countless millions of we truth seekers willingly dive down and get lost in. Everything from aliens to demons, from numerology to Niburu, from lost civilisations to Mars landings, from flat earth to.......
You get the picture.

Human beings are easy to manipulate into obsession and belief, easy to keep divided by opposing opinions, easy to fool. We must be, as we have been conned for millennia into killing each other and getting on our bended knees and giving our stuff to some murdering inhuman psychopath or another.
We consider ourselves bright because we have no competition here on this world, no superior intellect, other than the superior intellect which is hidden within our world and owns us all, body, mind and soul and which ,most of humanity is kept ignorant of.

There is only one way that humanity can alter its immanent reduction.
That is for those that are full of disquiet, full of disenchantment, full of disbelief in the hierarchies placed to dominate our species, for those that are 'awake' even though they have been swallowed by the fake alternatives put in place to deceive us, for those countless millions in the world that have simply had enough of endless war, of endless injustice, of endless manipulation, of the endless despoiling of OUR planet, for we millions to stand together somewhere, somehow, and count our number.

To do this we must recognise our differences and put them aside.
To do this we must find a unifying simplicity.
One thing that identifies us as human, that sets us clearly as a single and powerful entity against the EVIL which dominates this reality.
Some think of LOVE as an emotion.
It is not.
It is a way of BEING for a species.
It is the unifying humanheartedness of a species.
It is the future, if we can unite behind its banner and, somehow and right soon,


The fake opposition speak against a global response. The reason is obvious.

It is with love that we post this message and the hope that those few that get to see it will do what they can to spread it in whatever way they can. Time is increasingly short now. The need for global unity of our species in the war against evil is pressing. We MUST COUNT OUR NUMBER.

With Love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.

Xxx xxx xxx