In earlier posts we highlighted how the
Power deals with revelations about its Satanic Blood Sacrifice.
In this post (link below) we showed how the
mainstream media stages interviews with the accused and attempts to
affirm, in the minds of the unthinking masses, that there is no case
to answer, that the accusers are mistakenly and cruelly attacking an
innocent person.
Watch them. They are informative.
Watching both videos, that of the
Alefantis/Jimmy Comet character and the vile Ricky Dearman character
one is most struck by the deference offered to both, as if in the
demonic order of things both characters are more powerful than their
human status would seem to indicate. The MSM interviewers are full of
faux concern, ask no penetrating questions, indeed are focused
entirely on the task of putting the accusations to rest in the minds
of the viewers.
Aktina and I believe that the power of
the MSM to achieve their goals in areas such as this are waning, that
indeed most if not all of the “Fake News” sites deliberately
advertised by the Washington Post and other MSM are truly fake
alternative news sites, established deliberately because the Power
understood that we humans were growing in awareness and needed to
control the outflow of truth.
Did you wonder why Alex Jones
apparently took the lead with Pizzagate (though the real leaders were
the countless researchers on Reddit), then dropped the story? Do you
wonder why the Young Turks poured scorn on the story? As an aside,
have Jones supporters wondered how it is that a 'man' who for years
decried the left-right false divide paradigm suddenly came out for
Donald Trump, as if that creep were any different from the rest?
In another post we jokingly sent a
letter to the President outlining how the British always deal with
these allegations of Satanic Child rape and murder, both in the home
nations and in “The Commonwealth” countries (countries of the old
British Empire such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and others
where the Queen still holds power).
See that post here:
This technique involves a number of key
strategic strands:
- The MSM strongly refute the stories, or call proven cases of abuse “Historic” so as to fix in the minds of the dumb masses that these terrible things only happened 'ago', and of course could NEVER happen now.
- The police stage false investigations and inquiries, lose evidence, fail to interview accusers, bully accusers, fail to investigate the unusual accidental deaths or strange suicides of accusers, sanction, demote or fire officers that do their duty and, after all of that, announce years later that they had failed to find any wrongdoing. So that's all right, then..
- Set up Government enquiries that cost millions, reward bent lawyers, take sometimes as long as ten years, keep their deliberations secret, and finally announce that there was nothing that's all right then.
- Witnesses, as referred to above, disappear, die in accidents or suicides, or retract their statements. Almost without exception. Weird, really!
So, Pizzagate researchers, EXPECT
NOTHING from the police, the FBI, the legal system. NOTHING.
Expect NOTHING from the journalists
from the MSM, AND the liars from the Propornot list.
Those people will carry the story, but less and less, filling your
minds with other, newer stuff to get annoyed about, such that slowly
Pizzagate will drift from your consciousness.
They will only carry the evidence that
YOU dig up, the connections that YOU make, stealing what's already
out there and other people's work to increase their following yet, at
the same time, CONTROLLING the story, controlling the truth, taking
false leadership and managing the awakening of humanity.
That is what they were made for, these
sites, these characters.
False leadership, distraction and
Ask yourself: Do any of them COUNT OUR
Do any of them try to UNITE US?
Because their job is to make sure we
don't find out just how many of us there are...........
Do you see?
Pizzagate wouldn't just fizzle out if
we knew there were 20 million of us in the USA.
Why, if we knew that, we'd get together
and MARCH.
If we knew that, we'd collectively
arrest these criminals and bring them to trial.
Do you see now?
The fake alternative media's JOB is to
stop you finding just what power you already have.
When the internet was first invented
the Power realised how it could be used to control what they knew was
coming, an awakening of humanity to their condition of slavery.
The Power spent billions of its fake
thin-air money to make sure the internet went everywhere.
The world-wide mind control
opportunities were simply too good to miss.
In their plans, decades ago, they
formulated the fake alternative news strategy. It is MASSIVE. It
covers every area of human endeavour and thought. It stretches from
the fake New Age and UFOs through health and food, via politics,
spirituality, ….the list goes on.
The internet was designed to take
control of the NEW humanity, the humanity emerging from the dark.
Because you may have thought you were 'woken up' by one of these
sites you cling to them, because not to would be to admit you erred.
Humans don't like to admit they were wrong, are nowadays trained to
deny errors whereas in our tribal days we spoke the truth to our
mistakes and were educated to do so.
Truth is: NONE of these sites does
investigative journalism. They merely check the net for whatever has
been discovered by human beings and then run the story themselves, so
as to steal the energy and control the direction if the story.
EVERYTHING they write about or speak of is already out there.
They are just leeches, sucking our
power from us, distracting us daily.
They also take our MONEY, and live the
life that provides
Does that make us suckers?
You bet it does.
They laugh all the way to the bank.
We have spoken here of the human
propensity for BELIEF, that we believe easily because we don't
much like lying and so can't see why someone would lie to us.
We have spoken here about all the
belief systems established by our masters, how they use these belief
systems AND our refusal to believe we are wrong, our refusal to
believe we have made a mistake, to tie us in to those beliefs and
from that get us to kill, to cheat, to lie to ourselves and others,
to do harm to our home.
There is a new world around the corner.
A human world. A world of fun and peace and sharing. A world of pride
and honour and duty. A world of beauty. A world WE humans make.
It is just a moment away.
It is what we all of us want.
The moment when the vast majority of
humanity realise we share these desires, that the power in the world
lies NOT in the hands of false leaders, but in the hands of the meek,
the quiet, the peaceful, the fun-loving, the loving.
This is our world.
Time to take it back?
Please share, click to follow because
it makes us determined to keep going. We've had one donation this
year and could use a second, as everything seems to be breaking and we had no rain, so have no olives to pick, and because a donation fills us with happiness!
Love to all,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.
xxx xxx xxx