Monday, 22 August 2016

Duterte: A Human being stands against global evil.

In a world that had fallen to the greatest depths of corruption, in a world where all power has devolved to criminals, what chance does a decent politician have of serving his or her people and delivering to them a country free of crime, free of corruption, a country where ordinary men and women can exist in safety, free of fear?

Those who are educated to the truth now understand that the forces of evil are rampant amongst humanity. In governments and in their ministries and civil services, on the streets where organised crime operates, within the police and judiciary, within the fourth estate of journalism, everywhere we witness the growing power of an inhuman force amongst us.

At the international and transnational level we witness their overarching presence. Organisations like the EU, the UN, multinational corporations, world charities, unelected and well funded NGO's, by the thousands such organisations weld together the global hegemony of evil.

This is a long video, but includes zero tolerance for drug lords, zero tolerance for high level corruption, shows the MSM for what it is (the lackey of the evil force), shows his contempt for the hypocricy of the United Nations and the USA and the West, shows his love of decency, of family, of peace, of justice. Please find the time to watch it as an example of what might be.

More and more human beings are inculcated into their cult through music, through movies, through computer games, through the relentless barrage of lies masquerading as truth pumped into the consciousness of humanity by the media. As a species we are now surrounded by this organised and dark force. It feeds upon us as a predatory species. It takes our children off us and feeds upon them. It destroys nations, murders the innocents, kills innocence everywhere.
As a species we are under attack.

We have been taught to seek help from the very agencies that we now see are held in the grip of evil. We look to the law, to the police, to the judiciary for justice and get the opposite. We look to social services to protect our children and find them acting as pimps to paedophiles. We look to politicians to protect our nation and find them oblivious to our desires, pumping our countries full of people of different cultures, calling us racist for caring about the loss of the culture we'd spent a thousand years developing.

We call on our leaders to give us peace and find that they give us war. We call on our religions to protect us and find that every single religion is packed with child abusers, headed by those that support the very wars the governments make and their God tells them should never happen.

We are left, as a species, at this moment in our evolutionary path, in a world that is perhaps about to be the cruellest it has ever been, at a point in history which bears almost no difference to the thousands of years of history that went before.

We find ourselves still believing in myths, still our consciousness is ravelled up by the lies that form the base programme of reality. We believe we are a warring species. We are not. We believe we are a violent species. We are not. We believe we are destroying our planet. We are not. We believe we are untrustworthy. We are not. We believe we lack honour, lack a sense of duty, lack the desire to share, lack the ability to cooperate. We lack none of those things.

The image we have of ourselves is shaped by the media, media that tells us all day every moment of every day how bad we are, but never mentions the billions of smiles we give every day, the billions of small acts of kindness, the billions of acts of selfless courage.
It never speaks of the love we share, the empathy we feel, the sorrow we express, the acts of generosity. Every news bulletin could be full of such joy because that is our true nature. Evil is an aberration, a rarity turned into a commonality by emphasis, presented to us as a normality to shape our conscious understanding of who we are and what we could be capable of, to prevent us from realising what the shared conscious cooperation of humanity against evil could so quickly achieve.

Yes, they hold the levers of power, official and unofficial, but still they need to execute that power and, among those that serve the evil are those that resent the difficulty they experience in doing their true duty. Police officers and soldiers that joined because of high ideals and for worthy reasons, caught in the vice of the systemic evil. They feel trapped. We should set them free.

As a species we are now coming to an understanding of these things. The evil understands it has been seen and is reacting to that with violence. It is afraid now. We who are awake will one day form the majority, a day later represent all of humanity and, at that moment in history, we will become free.

The evil will be spiteful. It will try and destroy us all for our presumption. We must, at that point, somehow prevent them from releasing the bacteria or virus, prevent them from pressing the nuclear button. Unknown to most, humanity is now engaged in a battle for survival, a battle against the oldest enemy we have, unadulterated evil and those that serve it.

Understand the true nature of the world now and you will see that no nation can stand alone, no nation is any longer self sufficient. Our world is Global and this works in the favour of evil, for evil holds sway almost everywhere and is drilled deep into our societies. Thus, when a nation stands against the evil, as for example Venezuela did, its leaders and its survival face a limited future.

When humanity finally faces the enemy it must be as a global entity, for only through a global response can a global enemy be crushed. We are a single tribe, divided by invented differences, united by our global desire for good, for love, for peace, for freedom, for fun.

The purpose of this post:
When a President that understands these things is elected, he or she finds that the entire mechanism of power he or she has inherited is infected by evil. The congress or senate or parliament, the financial system, the offices of justice, the military, the intelligence agencies.
That President finds that doing what his people require, the ending of corruption, the giving of justice, the scouring of evil from the system, those imperatives are opposed by every facet of power within society.
Further, the systemic evil within has powerful allies without. The Evil holds sway everywhere, so the President finds himself the target of US or British death squads, finds he cannot trust his food, finds himself a victim of unprecedented heart failure or cancer.
His nation is punished, the economy is collapsed, financial embargoes are engineered, the currency fails, inflation becomes rampant. The suffering people are offered relief by the evil, posing as political opposition. There are terror attacks, the nation falls into internecine warfare.
Count Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuala and so on in your reckoning. Realise also that the also the United Nations is part of the global hegemony of evil, that no help will ever come from that quarter.

Here now is President Duterte of the Phillipines, elected in a landslide to cleanse the country of evil.
He tells his police to shoot to kill drug dealers that draw a gun and, in a few short months, over a thousand have died. Note please: There are 3.7 million metamphetamine addicts in the Phillipines (pop. 100 million). That the entire fabric of society is disordered by the addicts and their need to find money to sustain their habit. These addicts and their dealers were robbing and killing at a far greater rate than that at which the police are now eradicating the evil. The MSM and the pronouncements of the United Nations do not refer to that equation. The death of innocents means nothing, but the summary execution of the guilty counts for everything in this inverted world.
President Duterte a few days ago announced the dismissal of senior Ministers, arrested senior police generals, has identified those at the very top that connive in and are at the head of the sickness that pervades there. No doubt plans are in place to kill him now.

He is a human being, this man, a good person placing his very life on the scales, courageously facing the enemy globally and calling it what it is, a force of pure evil and the enemy of humanity.
I wish him well in his struggle, but know there will be no allies from other nations, for only Iceland had freed itself so far. There should be more nations that enter the fray against evil, but alas humanity mostly sleeps, mostly still believes, mostly accepts the programming.

Most human souls are still lost in the heart of darkness, believing myths like nation and race and religion and money, never seeing the beauty of what we could be, the future we could co-create, the unity we all have already at the deepest level, the single conscious desire for love that we most of us share.

Here's an obvious “force of evil” gathering of political opponents to Duterte, all of them faux communists, most of them guilty of terror attacks. (An example, 20 women were sealed in a building for refusing sex to the so-called communists, then the building set alight, burning them all alive. Educated people know the source of communism and its intent and its vile history.) Somehow these false communists gathered the finance to get together in Oslo where they hope to bury their artificial 'differences' and unite to destabilise the Phillipines and create civil war there. How predictable....

With Love,
Fear nothing,
xxx xxx xxx

Monday, 15 August 2016


Our thoughts on the nature of reality and the stage humanity is at in the game, taking ideas of reality as a computer generated system and of God and the creator, discussing evil, discovering what must be done .

The creator, God-being or machine, made this place from information.

The “screen” of this reality is a submersive 4 dimensional entity, time being the fourth dimension.

Reality is shaped of sub-atomic particles dancing to the tune of the core programme, 'simple' cellular automata giving eventual rise to novelty especially through interference and interaction.
We have yet to discover the medium in which they subsist, but perhaps the medium is the dark energy which they say exists but can't find. Dark energy is the medium, the binding force, the signal carrier, creating reality where we look at it.

Within the “game” time is an expression of processing speed. A million “years” might pass in a second of 'real' processing time. The faster the processor, the more reality can be created in a short time. The history of creation could be only a few seconds of real time here in the machine.

DNA is the signature proof of this genesis.
Quantum physics shows its probability.
Together these sciences represent a lifting of the veil, the passage of humanity from one stage to the next. They prove that everything we thought we understood is wrong, that in fact our journey is only just beginning.

Our consciousness interacts with reality we now know. The tree makes no noise when it falls if there is no observer. The cat only exists, alive or dead, when we open the box.

The dark energy medium is a single entity, always every part connected with every other part. Spooky. Light speed cannot be compared to instantness.

That we exist, creatures capable of unpicking this rebus, shows that we are meant to.

The accident that was supposed to have fine-tuned the universe to enable life stands no chance against the evidence. This reality was no accident.

Don't assume your life is predetermined. It is an expression of novelty, without which we would collectively stagnate. You are unavoidably a part of the whole, a cog in the machine, the machine being the collective human consciousness that “visions” reality into being. Without this collective consciousness there would be nothing here.

What do I mean? We experimentally show, in effect, that things don't exist unless we observe them. Think of a soccer game, with 40,000 spectators, a million more watching on TV. It takes all of us to make that happen. Sure, the players were born and grew. The builders made the stadium. The technicians laid the wires, the farmers grew the food, on and on, we collectively created the game in this reality.
But further: The game exists only in our consciousness. Reality only exists in the mind, fed data via the meat machine that carries it through reality, that meat machine made of atoms that don't really exist unless we observe them.
Our consciousnesses could exist in a nexus of processor functionality. On a quantum computer we could all exist in a square millimetre. The 'brain in a jar' idea, quantised.

What's it all for?
There are three potential purposes:
  1. We humans, in the future, faced extinction and chose to digitise our existence. We should ask why evil could be allowed to flourish if this is the case? Why not programme it out? We should ask why pain wasn't replaced with eg a discolouring of skin at affected sites on the body? We should ask why each “Life” in the game is so short, even for the winners? We should ask why the game isn't better, when anything could have been created? Maybe we chose to exactly copy what we had, for some stupid reason? Maybe the designers made the game so that for all eternity “they'd” be rich, “they” would rule? Imagine if the machine's creator were Bill Gate's company. Don't you think he'd make sure he got the best deal in the game?
  2. In the future we still have death, so we build the game. Then the owners of the game sell entry to the game to the very elderly or very sick for profit. In both case 1 and case 2 there is, for example, the possibility that the designers build in privilege for themselves. Perhaps they alone know they are reborn time and time again and retain their memories? They could be heroic and die with certainty that they'd be back. They could arrange matters in the game to ensure their superiority, be born as Princes, be born with special skills in football or music, whatever. Maybe they alone get to choose each time they get a new life in the game?They might also reshape the downloaded conciousness of their “customers” to respond to eg symbols, gifting them absolute power. Like a sub-routine in the programme that only they have the knowledge of, expressed via symbols and perhaps words, that makes us call them Your Highness and go down on one knee and love them even when they slaughter our children. (Which, interestingly, seems to be the case). They might also keep to themselves a system of reshaping reality from within the game. This we would call magick, and be taught from birth was just a fairy tale.
  3. The third option is the God Option. The game was created by a God Being or a God Machine. The creator could, if it so chose, eliminate evil, eliminate pain, grant longer lives etc. It did not. Therefore we must enquire WHY?

No one would really want options 1 or 2 to be true, because this would mean we are locked for all eternity in a rigged game and humanity has no chance of ever perfecting the experience for all the players. History so far would have us lean towards that concept. That is our experience to date.

Most would prefer option 3, because at least we can hope the creator is giving us the chance, or is testing us? Is offering us the understanding of good and evil so that we grow better over time? If these conjectures are true then perhaps the creator engineers evil as deliberate policy? Whatever, perhaps we lean as a species towards the idea of God because deep down we KNOW. Is this why so many of us seek Him (Her/It).

Are there Avatars amongst us, operating on a different wavelength, creating evil because left to our own devices we'd only achieve naughtiness? (Oddly, is this the cause of the digital “reptilian” stuff we observe? Are our cameras so HD now that they can't process the Avatars in the same way they process the rest of creation? Is there a lot more code in the Avatars?)

Quantum computing people tell us there are other dimensions which can be seen into by these machines. Are we getting close to building the same sort of device used by the creator? Are these dimensions simply other, slightly different, iterations of the game? (Cue the “Mandela” effect!)

The quantum computers are black monoliths. Were Kubrick and Arthur C Clarke avatars, making the movie '2001, a Space Odyssey' a clue to the purpose or nature of reality? Could this be true of the Matrix and 13th Floor movies?
Is the creator sowing information for us to discover as the game moves towards the closing sequences?

Physics, (or avatars purporting to be physicists?), tells/tell us that reality is impacted by consciousness, created by it, affected by it.

This is where the bullshit “The Secret” came from, though one wonders what those that do real Magick understand of shaping 'nature' in accordance with will (as Crowley described).
They also speak of the time approaching when the “word” must be spoken, and the Bible tells us “in the beginning was the word”. Hmm.

Do not dismiss Magick. You are taught by Disney that it's just fantasy, and we know all about Disney.
For all of history rulers have done business and kept close those adept at Magick. If you don't know about demon summoning, research the lives of John Dee (the original 007 centuries ago, friend and spy for the first Queen Elizabeth), Isaac Newton's late-life obsession, the work of Dietrich Eckhart with Hitler, Carl Jungs 'Red Book', Crowley and his connections across the planet, the attempt at Babalon Working by L Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology) and Jack Parsons (founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA). A string of geniuses, all connected to the world's most powerful, all leaving legacies that live on and shape our world. Research “Thule Society”, the “Golden Dawn”, Ordo Templi Orientalis”, “Skull and Bones” and see how the powerful and super-bright are sharing an interest in something that YOU are taught is just fantasy. Read the Wiki-pedo-ia entry about “satanic panic” , and understand that there IS absolutely and without doubt a worldwide network of very powerful people, aided by judges, the police, social services and politicians at all levels in an intricate and leak-proof web dedicated to stealing our children, raping and killing them ritually in the name of Lucifer or Satan.
The Wiki entry demonstrates how they close ranks, using every tentacle of the power structure from politicians to academics and the media to the police and judiciary. They murder or incarcerate whistle-blowers. For any truth seeker this is the very glue that knits together the power structure of the world and extends its tentacles into our reality. That glue is Satanic Magick, fed by the blood of innocence, ritually shed and shared.

In this digitised reality, what does this mean, this existence of the purest evil that we collectively do almost nothing to put a stop to?
How is it that we as a species have allowed into our collective-consciousness-created world space such utter EVIL, how have we allowed such utter evil to take control of human destiny to such an extent that our world is in constant fear?
We forever have allowed the bad people to take power and rape the rest of us. We are the toys of these creatures. What are they?

As I guessed at above, they are Avatars placed in this reality to teach us the very worst forms of Evil. Look at the world and see. We call such evil “inhumanity” for a reason. That reason is that the base state of humanity is good.
We are conditioned, by the media's constant sharing of examples of bad human behaviour, by the creation by our masters of war and terrorism, by the 'global warming' scam, that humans are bad creatures and don't really deserve this place, that it would be better without us, that there are bad genes that need expunging and 95% of us carry those bad genes.
5% of us carry those bad genes, and of those 5% most are evil because of the way our reality has shaped them through circumstance.
True EVIL exists only in the 1% of 1% and the psychopaths they find to join them.

We could shrug them off in a moment, but only if we seven billion act together.

In this blog I speak of a shared soul of humanity, that every human being is born with the understanding of love (not as an emotion, but as a state of being). I speak of how this core gets walled around by the body-mind, the shell consciousness responding to programmes, those programmes being the false reality created by EVIL. I speak of a different world, perhaps just a generation away, where we have reverted to a tribal consciousness, a one-world global tribe called humanity, where we select our guides (not rulers) from amongst us choosing the good and the wise and the loving, how that would set love at the core of our being, how we could reshape our institutions to eradicate the evil that has reality in its grip, how if we were vigilant and acted as a hive-mind, a unified humanity against the common enemy of evil, how we could dismantle the structures that evil has enshrouded us with (the hierarchies, the false beliefs, the money, the nationalism, the racism) and emerge as a new species. We would be brothers and sisters sharing a single project, the collective co-creation of a better world and, through time, this would become our paradigm.

I think this understanding is the purpose of the game, to discover the power of love, to unleash our core programming and shed the viruses that plague us.
The evil seems all powerful.
It would become as dust under the feet of seven billion souls.

I refer my few readers to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I don't believe the Jews made this sick reality, I believe the force of evil made it and is using the Jews as a scapegoat and very often its bright (but not bright enough) instruments.

In reality neither matters because in this document we learn from a century ago the strategy of evil and can readily see its pertinence in today's false reality, how everything in it has come true, how the conscious minds of humanity have been shaped evil with deliberate intent, how our weakness derives from the discord and division the EVIL creates, how we cannot trust the alternative media and must understand its true nature.

We also learn that they fear the rising of a new humanity, a global consciousness, (from which we understand the alternative media's utter loathing of globalism).

Speaking of clues, remember, the meek will inherit the earth.

Those that lack courage individually but discover it en masse, those that do not seek power but just want a life without want so that they can share love, those who are charitable, those that are not greedy, those willing to share, those willing to help.
This is the true nature of humanity, a species whose image has been shaped by the media to appear without redeeming character when in fact billions of us are instinctively good.
Free of the systems imposed upon us, we would and could build a wonderful future, the first human civilisation, shape with our unified conscious intent a world of love.

From that place we would advance at a vast speed. The free sharing of knowledge alone, the lack of monetary value to knowledge and truth would accelerate our progress dramatically. Within a decade the world would be an entirely different place. Would we find how to cure illnesses? Surely. The profit system denies us cures, milks us through sickness. Would we live longer healthier lives? Surely. Would we be happy?
Yes. At last. Happiness would be the purpose of being, the shared and collective aim of all of humanity, something we probably had and lost.

I think this 'ascension' is the purpose of the game, the Creator's intent, that we should learn from this reality what we must do to create a different reality. I think that time, that emergence, has come. It is time to wrest control from EVIL and co-create LOVE. It will take the vast majority of us.

Soon, the evil power will create events designed to further wrench this future from us. Very soon we will witness a great raising of the stakes.

Time to spread these understandings.

We can, as a species, as a collective consciousness, eradicate evil from this world and do so very quickly indeed.
Almost nobody trusts the lies and the liars any more.
Almost everyone can see the game is rigged.
Regrettably, many of us still cling to deceptions, religion, nation, race, money, hierarchy. These things are holding us back, these beliefs. The evil will crash them all soon enough, to insert their new world order paradigms and their global fiefdom and try and seize another thousand years of our future.

We must simply ignore them all.
And just get on with the job.

Know this: The EVIL knows what we can do, knows that we can take this world and reshape it through conscious WILL. With this understanding they have made a good attempt at seizing control of this facet of the opposition in countless ways. If you search for “a world of love” and “consciousness shift” and so on you will find, everywhere, United Nations funded NGOs and charities and religious cults and so on. A huge amount of effort is concentrated in this area. Those who seek humanity's future will find the path strewn with these wolves in sheeps clothing.

They have built this false New Age over the last 150 years (research Blavatsky, the Lucis Trust etc) and within their false philosophy you will discover their false messiah, their Maitreya, ready and waiting to be the King of the World spoken of in the Protocols.
There's a sick Luciferian called Barbara Marx Hubbard.
She says everything I say about the awakening of conscious control of reality, about the emergence of a new humanity.
But with a vile, EVIL twist:

Please read this:
 “Conscious evolution is a worldview that looks at the natural process of evolution in the past, and attempts to understand and guide our own period of transformation now. It acknowledges that humankind has attained unprecedented powers to control and change the evolution of life on Earth.”
 Indeed, Hubbard believes that the human family has come to an evolutionary crossroads. “It’s obvious that if we continue doing what we’ve been doing, including overpopulating, polluting, fighting with this degree of violence that we are heading to a point where we could actually destroy our own life support systems,” she says.
 Words that chillingly resonate as the world recently watched the war in Iraq. Still, Hubbard remains optimistic. “A consciousness is rising on earth against war. And no matter what, the consciousness won’t stop. I think we will see an increased uprising against the militaristic attitude and a real need to mobilize and organize for a better way. In any case, we’re going to be challenged to take greater leadership, not just to protest but to join together to build a world.”
 In reflecting on the many challenges we face, she notes, “We’re now seeing the tail end of egoic based dominator structures, which happen to be in power in the most powerful nation in the world.” Not that she looks to political activists for solutions. “Sure, there was a time when you might have thought that one party or the other was the answer, but now I think something of a far more transformative nature is wanting to happen. The dysfunctionality in our current power structures will be revealed resulting in the emergence of a new politics of synergy, attraction and creation. It will be irresistible because it’s actually life-oriented, but it can’t happen,” she says, “until that which is new-functional matures and connects.”
 Hubbard is now helping to create a new social system to connect the growing movement of individuals working toward a sustainable future. In fact, nearly two decades after she “spoke to the Universe” in San Francisco, her Peace Room initiative is coming to life, through her Gateway for Conscious Evolution, a six-month online educational program that guides individuals through self- and social evolution.
 Visitors to her web site will see the idea graphically represented in the form of an ‘operating hub’ divided into 12 major areas. Categories like Communications & Media, Science & Technology, Environment & Infrastructure and Learning & Education are just some of the initiatives.
 The Peace Room, “means peace through co-creation, through the full expression of human creativity in cooperation with nature, with one another, and with the deeper design of evolution.”
 Though it currently exists on the Internet it will eventually have a physical presence in locations around the world. And sometime within this decade, Hubbard envisions the first Global Peace Room hosted by the United Nations. Says Hubbard, “we will move beyond our current confusion and see that the purpose of our crisis is to activate our newly emerging restore the earth, free ourselves from illness, hunger and war and build a future equal to our vast potential.”

Do you see?
She is of the power, a part of the very EVIL system that is part-manifested through the United Nations, deeply enmeshed with the Luciferians who teach that the world is overpopulated. (Know this: As we grow in number so we increase in COLLECTIVE intelligence, so we increase our ability to assume power, so they must fool us into agreeing we are too many! There's loads of room. Do the math.)

Here's what Marx Hubbard wants:

"Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend ... One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving. ... Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human ... the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. ... Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death."

"The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics - it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes ... This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it."

So, they set out to seize the awakening consciousness with their New Age Luciferian religion over a century and a half ago and the current representatives of this EVIL are established and awaiting the seekers of truth. Do you see the depth of organisation and planning involved with all of this, those of you that think the internet and alternative media are real and are not just the puppets of the power? 150 years of money, planning, writing, conceptualising, just on this particular front of the war against humanity. Connections to the UN, the US Government, vast investments etc etc. They have Universities and Colleges, these people. Dig deep and you'll find childrens charities in third world countries.............think on.

The creator offers us the chance, in this reality, to co-create a world of good.
EVIL is a force that intends to deny us this transformation.
We must recognise it, and refuse to be deceived though the deception is hugely clever.
The next stage of the game is within reach, but it won't be easy.
That's the test we face.

With Love,

xxx xxx xxx  

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Flowing pieces...

Flowing Pieces.
For a while, we stood apart, let the world flow by, flotsam and jetsam drifting unnoticed whilst we drew breath, dipped into the reality of relationships and obligation, paid dues, role played, observed, waited. The world was drawing breath, the tide ebbing before the rush and we were clinging to a rock, watching its far progress and noting when it reached its nadir, catching the faint white smear of the distant tsunami and knowing what it foretold, the great rush of things to come carrying all before it, the force of chaos, tumbling that which we took as certain, throwing that we thought immovable, the crash and smash of events moving as an ocean moves when it seeks new level, irresistible, unknowing, unreasoning, cruel.

As it approached, through farsight, we witnessed those driven before it, the newly un-anchored, the rudderless, riders of the wave tumbled into uncertainty.

Time to reconnect.

We sought the beacons, the lights that might guide, watched them faintly glimmering still but blinking, irregular, ill defined. Slowly the wave washed over them, leaving just a smear of remembrance, a smudge of smoke, and in their place rose new lights, dazzling rays of artificiality, blinding, sounding claxons relentlessly. “It comes, it comes, it comes” they broadcast, more in worship than warning, more in welcome than regret, high priests in electronic regalia celebrating dark masses, pretending, assuming, deceiving. Behind their earnestness we hear their sniggering, in their eyes we witness blackness, the absence of humanity, dark mirrors reflecting hope.

The wave is at full force now, crowded with detritus that destroys, tumbling forward relentlessly it towers over us, is about to break, its force invigorated by the souls it has gathered, their grim and fearful faces seeking vengeance, retribution, desirous of the unleashing, straining at the restraints of civilisation, wanting savagery.

Humanity swept up and directed as a weapon of mass destruction.

This is the wave, built by shaping consciousness into anger, into resentment, into lust for revenge. We have seen many such waves. This one the largest. This the one that is made to break that which we have built, to finish what was started, the death of love and the good that flows from love.

They believe that when the wave has passed, humanity, love will be gone from the world, a thousand years of cruelty will begin.

When the wave breaks, right soon, salvation will come by seeking the high places.
Remember: The high places are within, within us all, a mind-step away, always there, awaiting release. Be true to your truth, live what was intended from the beginning, humanity unsheathed, billions of lights coalescing, chasing darkness from creation. There is no evil but its mirage,

Poof. It's gone.
Gone in a moment of human understanding.
This is our world.
We shall shape it as we choose.
With Love.


xxx xxx xxx

Friday, 5 August 2016

Be Human. Bad stuff coming, August 2016.

The Progress of the Great Game, August 5th 2016.
For those that asked......

Before I start, contemplate how I end.

Love to you all,
Olive Farmer.
xxx xxx xxx

Understand Love is not romance, nor strong affection. Love is the base of the human condition, that which you see in the eyes of the newborn child, it is the soul of humanity before the false reality causes it to hide behind the false self, that protective liar we shape around ourselves and call “I”, when it is no such thing.

The “I” you believe is you is the product of the programming inputs from the master of this reality. Your parents were so shaped, as were your teachers, everyone you have ever met.

Add to this programming the constant moulding of 'belief'.
You believe in one Magickal system or another.

You believe in the Bible or Koran or Torah or whatever and the God or Gods they purport to carry the direct communications of.

You believe in hierarchy, in class or caste or corporate structure, in the laws and statutes derived from such hierarchy. From your pain-in-the-ass boss to the President or Prime Minister and their jackals in uniform, the police, you bow to their control over your humanity, your free will.

You yearn for more money, or the safety or luxury it can buy even though you may understand it's not real, it's just Magick you believe in, because everyone else seems to. Such is the power of consensus.

We humans are born wiped clean of knowledge and, except for the understanding of love, we are born empty vessels, new laptops into which the operating system is input. You have no choice but to accept that system, yet that system immediately masks your essence. Born in one part of the world you believe in 'Allah”, in another you believe in 'Yeshua', in another 'Yahweh', in 'Monarchy' or in 'Democracy'. On and on.

When I say “Love to you” I'm not speaking to the false you, the avatar. Excuse me, but I'm speaking to the critter inside, the human being that hides there, your inner core, the “you” that was born and is fearful of the evil in the world and accommodates it because it can see no other way.

I want to speak to the inner you because they are fine creatures, our born-selves, our souls of love. They give, and do not count the cost. They forgive, and understand that none are perfect. They do no harm. They rejoice in doing good, but seek no acknowledgement of it. They have courage, and are selfless in that courage. They delight in laughter. They love to learn, love to gain expertise, love to work with others but know they can do so without losing identity. They understand that the cost of free will is duty, that the world is a human mechanism, that we all depend on each other, that creation, reality, is the product of the collective consciousness of humanity.

THEY know how to act, they know what needs to be done, they understand that it must be done with Love, but reality has rendered them powerless. THEY are your finer self, the one you would feel embarrassed to admit to because you have sinned, the one nobody would believe in because of what you have allowed yourself to become. Don't worry. Our destiny as a species is to be what we truly are, all of us, and that destiny is within reach now, the false reality is crumbling.

There is a truly amazing world awaiting that lifting of the veil which shrouds us. It is close now. The chaos speaks of its approach, speaks of the last and desperate casting of the dice by the dark power that has had us in its grip these last few millennia.

In some avatars that inner humanity has died. You know them when you meet them. They have sold their souls and are in the service of darkness. They increase in number, as we see, are needed by the power to sustain its belief systems. But they are truly few, only seem many because they have the false authority of the belief systems behind them, because they are organised and uniformed, because we have granted them power by believing.

Soon, we will ignore them. Soon, we will ignore their belief systems. Nobody will believe in religion and their dogmas and books, though perhaps all will understand there is a creator and that we are born for Love. Nobody will defer to hierarchy, though perhaps we will value the good, the kind, the just, the wise, the dutiful as we grow to redefine duty. None will believe in money, just understand resource, distribution, balance, effort, the true currencies of humanity.

So when I sign off “Love to you all” I speak to the loving core of humanity and what it is about to achieve once the spells are broken.

You might be aware that all of these things are spoken of in their false New Age religion and their New World Order. They saw, long ago, what was coming and readied themselves to seize the helm and steer this rising consciousness. Many have fallen into their nets, but fear not. When humanity awakes, the tide will carry almost all of us.

Understand that Olive is a reversal, represents evil 0, zero evil.
When I write my kisses, xxx xxx xxx, see that they are 3 and 6 and 9.
In the way Tesla understood those numbers.

They are also a key to understanding the new way we will shape reality through our collective consciousness, how we will choose those we grant the honour of advising us of the way forward, how we will all stay involved in decision making and know that decision making is not subject to lobbying or whipping or interest groups, that there is no power in the new system except collective will. The way to shape a new world is to ensure the involvement of all, the collective will expressed by the souls, the real human beings, the people we were born to be stepping into the light and claiming humanity's birthrights.

All clear?
So, where are we now?

The power holds all the levers that shape reality, we know. These levers operate on the consciousness of humanity, shaping the false “I”. Everything you read in their false alternative media is, as in the mainstream, full of intention and carefully shaped.

Some of their actions are laughably predictable, some as subtle as the snake.

Their intent is to blacken every soul, to make each of us sinners. Not sinners as prescribed in their Bibles, but sinners as we ourselves understand deep down.

Very soon, this August, I see a world changing event occurring. It will be a disaster of such proportions that it will by itself reshape human consciousness. Our master and its servants have been carefully building human consciousness to expect such a thing. We are beset with increasingly random evils which are designed to divide humanity. Our minds are assaulted and confused by it all, but thus far we have only felt the breath of the wind.

Soon, we will feel Moriah in its full force.
What we each of us do is key.
This is a battle the true humanity must win.

A great divide is coming.
There will be those that are lost to the evil, have sold their souls, and those that continue to believe in their Magick, their belief systems, their Money and their Books and their Democracy and their Hierarchy and their twisted world politics and their increasingly more ridiculous and more obvious media.

Then there will be the rest of us, the new/ancient humanity, the world tribe breaking free of the consciousness shackles and seeking our human destiny, our new world civilisation.

They would divide us, have us kill each other, by doing so blacken the entire species.

Chaos approaches, and how we respond will determine the fate of our species and its progress in the game to the next level, a world free of war, free of want, free of fear, mutually guaranteed by honour, by courage, by duty, by truth.

Find you finer self, dear friend, and when you stand let your banner be “Humanity”.
Do you see?

The word Humanity describes the Love I speak of.
Inhumanity its opposite.
Be Human.

Love to you all,
xxx xxx xxx