Saturday, 30 May 2015

State your price

I hear the cock crowing
The dogs barking
Bird song
Flapping on the line

Bamboo bees chewing

Nothing’s wrong…..

As that sense perceives
The hustle and bustle of normal life

Cicadas beginning

What will become a cacophony of white noise
All of the boys

This listening sense ignoring
The continuous

Noiseless, invisible, atomically indivisible
No scent
Microscopically incandescent
Sly and maleficent

Make no error
This is terror-
isn’t it?

Then think of the mind that went through the grind of making this shit from the pit. Think of the human so lost in illusion that for a pension can stifle our ascension and think what is bad is good.

And so sacrifice their children on the altar of satan for a lifestyle.


For numbers in a computer
For fiction without substance
And what it can buy
From the deluded
Who will, all of them, die

Let me be hard bitten
For so it is written
You begin unknowing

And end.

In between there’s bowing
And scraping
And seemingly nothing
You can do.

Except hold my hand
By which I mean

Hold every.

And it is in this space-time that you follow your lifeline and cling to it for all your worth as if it is all you have, when all you have is limitless hidden from you by duress and stress and strain but you will live again and repeat your mistake not realising what’s at stake.

What’s on the table to be gambled
Is not your blood
Is Not your pain
Is Not your life
Is Not your comfort
Is Not your peace of mind
Is Not your valueless reputation
Is Not what others will say
Is Not what someone will pay

What’s on the table is your soul

State your price.

Ten stars that aged badly

Ten stars that aged badly
Twelve things you should love madly
Five conspiracy theories that turned out true

Cancer cure hidden
Hilary’s midden

Vocabulary that’s forgotten
Brain rotten

Sky not blue
What will you do

Watch and read and be distracted
By the sham-show enacted
And the players you trusted….

Casting aspersions
In elegant diversions
So what you think
Will stink

To high heaven

So the show progresses into the maelstrom of unanswered and unanswerable questions and, chips down, last chance saloon, last spin of the wheel, you dip your toes into potential oblivion made real by plutonium, americium, iodine and caesium, tritium in your tum and uranium from your bum these invisible slow killers that are sprinkled on your dinners and get sucked when you breathe and exhaled if your lucky…

and you care but are scared and lost amongst the host of we humans, trembling and shaking and refusing to contemplate the endgame.

Because you is all you have

And love is all you can give

(Read all this and weep, if you know not of what I speak: )

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Now you read

Now you read
And in reading, in this instant, connect
My soul, your soul

This is the nature of the process
Essences comingling

For this brief moment
Time has stopped

There is only you
And I
Together in Now

Travelling forwards mind-meshed
On the endless path
To that place

Reach out your figurative fingers
Touch the tips of mine
And we will walk as one for a while
In non-time

Where shall I take us?
Where shall we go?

To thoughts of the paradise we squander?
Or to dreams of what might be?

Shall I lead us through the thorns that encircle
By the path I see
And show you your future
Where we share love?

Or scratch us bloody by casting us upon their barbs
And in writhing and fighting and screaming and railing against them
Exhaust us
Until we lie insensate

Incapable even of holding out our hands and clasping
Trust drifting away into the oblivion
Of evil’s deliberate creation

And either way
When will I lose you?

When will you fall away
Seeking new stimulation?
Without obligation?
As reality has taught you to do

But know this, dear friend
These words are written forever
They can never be erased

They are a stitch in the cloth

Once we were together
Now we are always joined
And if by fate we meet again
Let’s relive our moment
And hug

And gaze about us in wonder
At the world we have made
And know that it is good

And was always written
Waiting to be found

Sunday, 17 May 2015

When will it come, the release of our consciousness?

Or: How to spot false alternative thinkers and leaders.

If you believe for an instant that the evil which is master of this reality does not control this internet and through it control the agenda, the mindset, the movements and the leadership of the rising tide of awareness we call awakening then please, wrap your mind in the purple blanket of slumber and sleep.

The real awakening hasn’t come to you yet.

You should beware of deceivers and deception if you are to be of any use to humanity.
This is not a game.
This is not a rehearsal.
This is no drill.

Begin, therefore, with the assumption that every site you visit, every article you read, every organisation or movement you are tempted by, every video you watch, every book you plough through is the product of an agent of the evil.

Begin by assuming that this writer is one, so rigorous should your questioning be.

That our masters, owners of the creation of money, masters of a vast army of lackeys and controllers of the minds of the vast majority of the human species (think of religion, of nationalism, of patriotism, of hierarchy as elements of this mind control) have both the financial and human resources to carry out such a vast deception is a given.

That they have the will and determination and evil intent to do so is also a given.

That they would never allow the control of knowledge to slip from their fingers is a given.

Ergo they control what you believe is the opposition, those sprinklers of truth that take leadership for “revealing” what we would have discovered anyway and whose intent is to dissipate our energy and blur our focus and by every means prevent our once getting together and realising our strength and understanding what needs to be done.

Once you have in mind that everything you look at, all the writers and thinkers and speakers you admire, all the sites you follow and especially, but by no means only, those you donate to and that sell lots of stuff, remember the words of Tolstoy that describe cognitive dissonance:

“I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.”

Which characters who populate this internet, which organizations, which movements, which beliefs have you “delighted in explaining to…and proudly taught to …and woven thread by thread into the fabric of your life”?
The intent of our masters was born of their long held understanding that humanity is undergoing a transformative evolution.

The road they tread is different from the road you and I tread, friend. Our road begins with our birth and is short and rocky. Much that we learn early in life is false, much that we weave thread by thread into the fabric of our lives is the product of millennial deception, deception orchestrated to shape our reality by those who ensnare us. Everything we believe and understand of the world and how it works is of their creation, and so the evil that human beings do is the product of a reality malformed and twisted into something which is not of the will of humanity, our species which yearns for love and amity and peace and caring and good times, but the product of a will which can only be defined as inhuman.

Unlike our short and disconnected existences, spent struggling for survival, their lives are part of a continuity, a carpet stained red with our blood stretches beneath their feet back in time to the beginnings of our known and controlled history and stretching forwards to the vile future they are shaping now.

Looking backwards they can see the dust kicked up by generation after generation of their bloodline, revel in the murder and mayhem that their line have perpetrated upon us for thousands of years, glory in the palaces and huge fortunes that such past satanic activity has gifted their now.

In similar fashion and with such clarity do they view the future, knowing that what they have is a result of the thoughtful and informed future-gazing of their forebears, understanding that they are a link in the chain of time..
You, on the other hand, are trained by this reality to think of just now and self, never a moment to consider what was, what has been stolen from your line over the millennia, never a moment to understand the horrors that your past actions and your current inaction are storing up for future generations.

This is a meme taught by the false alternative media. “There is only Now” they teach you, “Connect with your inner self and raise your individual consciousness” they cajole, as if the Buddha himself considered that the one-ness of collective consciousness could be achieved through separateness and individual karma.

This reality must be reshaped by all of humanity, our one tribe, or it will not be reshaped at all and this vile hell will continue, the red carpet will stretch ahead forever until that point, perhaps not too distant, when that which the creator made beautiful has been utterly fouled.

No doubt when you look at your circumstances you have almost nothing to show for the labour and building of the thousand generations that went before you in your family line. You may not even know the names of your great-grandparents, let alone benefit from the stored value of their life’s work. We common humans, we subjects, rarely if ever ask where is our share, where our accumulated property for a thousand generations of effort?

Once, all land was owned by the tribe, all of humanity stem from the original possessors of this reality.

By right of inheritance we are due an equal share.

Once the whole planet was owned by the few that are in your line, for from those first few we all stem.
That inheritance was stolen and those that took by force and fear the “crown”, the head of the collective species, invented their laws to make what was stolen theirs by “right”.

Consider this:
For thousands of years the vast majority of humans were completely uneducated and ALL formal learning was in the hands of the controlled religions and the bloodline funded universities. That learning which was human, born of our understandings of the nature of reality and our relationship with the creator and its creation, was looked down upon by those drawn into the thrall of the masters of illusion. That human learning that came from our shamanic understanding of reality’s true illusion was eradicated by the inquisition and by tribal genocides perpetrated by the bloodlines who sent their mind-controlled lackeys out into the world to kill in the name of god or nation or race.
Loyalty and fealty to this grand and most horrible concatenation of lives was rewarded.

It is still now.

As a species we continued, for thousands of years during which the sum of our inventiveness was the wheel, held in such simplicity as we were.

Then, around 1700 AD, things began to change.

There grew a desire and thirst for education amongst ordinary peoples. There grew a desire and thirst for change, for equality, for brotherhood. Our species began to invent. These were early symptoms of the evolutionary surge of our species, the first steps along the path to a new world civilization of human shaping, steps which were recognized as such by our masters yet not understood by humanity at large.

They saw us rising centuries ago and have fought a rearguard action ever since.

To explore the fundamentals of reality, the rules of the game both of how reality acts through physics and chemistry and biology and how society is shaped and formed by power is a difficult task for a species so enshrouded with deception and for whom knowledge and so “truth” was and remains in the hands of those that subjugate us, yet generation after generation our understandings have grown.

There are a lot of us and we grow clever, step by step on the accumulation of our understanding, powered by an as yet unrecognized evolutionary surge, a great tidal wave of collective understanding that our masters are now struggling to stem. The danger, of course, is their malevolence and the weaponised products of inventiveness that we have foolishly placed in their hands.

These processes, this surge, gave us modern “democracy” (our master’s device for fooling us into believing we are free) and machine after machine to make our existence easier and more pleasant.

Those machines were of course cleverly turned against us by virtue of their ownership being part of the capitalist wage slavery that goes hand in hand with debt slavery. Instead of bringing us leisure time, they brought us unemployment, hardship and want where there should have been ease and plenty.

Our masters recognized the signs then of this shift brought about by our increase in number and the collective rise in intelligence that accompanies such increase and understood that their rule over us was threatened by these changes, this evolutionary process.

They understood way back then that a new kind of slavery must be engineered. Its form and structure are recognizable now to those who are truly awake. It is a refined and diabolically clever control of the consciousness of the species.

Ever having control of the Magick called money, our masters have for thousands of years bought and so directed the efforts of the finest minds our species can produce. As an example, they used such fine minds to develop the horror that is nuclear weaponry which they have dangled over our heads for the last 50 years. That any human being would design and build such a horror is testament not only to the power of money, the root of all evil, but also to the mind-control that enables one human being to be persuaded that another human being is not their brother but their enemy because they worship a different god or wave a different flag.

They have bought and used such devious and clever minds to design the internet and its content, the latest and most powerful weapon in the war for the consciousness of the species. The internet, mobile telephones, the new generation TVs, smart meters, these coupled with the data-mining capabilities of the master’s servants in MI5 and the CIA and other “intelligence agencies” from all the other nations under their thrall collectively give them an unprecedented and absolute control over our specie’s inner thoughts and desires.

How they are using these things to disconnect our children from family and submerge their consciousness in unreality whilst bombarding their DNA with microwaves is known to us. They are reshaping reality as we speak, conjuring into existence a new model of dominance, creating a new form of human being bereft of true connection with others and drowning in a vast ocean of meaningless “friendship” from where no-one will heed their cries for help when that time comes.

They make heroines for our girl children of fairy tale princesses that morph into pre-teen vixens and the super-sluts of the pop business. They draw our boy children onto the killing fields of war games and inure them to blood and gore and teach them to be separate from the reality and horror of war such that they will grow into drone pilots and kill children without a thought and enjoy such killing.

Those few maverick humans that think that they have escaped somehow the mind control matrix are likewise fooled into a false reality engineered and designed especially for them.

A special world of our master’s making has been crafted for such as you and I because, raise your head and take note, we are humanity’s last hope and the thing most feared by the multi-generational evil that shapes our reality.
We mavericks are the seed from which the new future will grow. Of course, they seek to and are currently succeeding in modifying the seed to suit their purpose and fit their long worked strategy. Just as the serfs of Russia were readied by the ideas of Marx promulgated by the agents of deception led by Lenin, just as the battered and defeated Germanic peoples raised their heads in pride at the weasel words of the agent Hitler, so your place in history is being stolen by false leaders and your crown lifted on to the heads of liars.

It is for this reason that we must collectively, as one, take the next step.

There is another veil to be lifted, and another beyond that and by raising these obscuring curtains we will see the astonishing simplicity with which the world could be shaped good and how that moment is close at hand and how a new civilization can be born rising like a phoenix from the ashes of our dead past as we learn to forget and forgive what was.

And Start Again.

The next veil to be lifted is this:

That we see we are deceived, that we see we are divided, that we see we are dissipated and our efforts directed down a myriad of rabbit holes, that we see the simplicity of single focus, that we see that unity can only be found in the simplest of concepts, that this concept is symbolized by a single word, that that word is LOVE and from it stems all that is good and that it gives us the roadmap to the evolution of our species built upon what we know to be common to all of us.

Once lifted, this veil reveals the next simple truth:

That there are millions of us, that if we stood together and raised our voices in unison then billions of our tribe would hear that call, be wrenched from their unreality and see the great torch of hope and the light of a new dawn for our species.

There lies your duty.
Find somewhere to stand and be unified with others under that single banner.

The future depends upon you doing so.

And so who can you trust, and how can you spot the legions of deceivers or those innocent repeaters of deception?

Firstly they feed you a constant stream of information, a cacophony so blaring that you fail to notice that there is only one voice you need to hear and that lies deep within you and speaks only one word.

Secondly, they point accusatory fingers at a race (eg the “jews”), a nation (Israel or America or Britain or Russia), at a religion (Judaism or Catholicism or Islam) or at an unending stream of fictions (aliens, reptiles, creatures from hell) or at any number of esoteric societies (“Knights” of Malta, masons, Satanists, frankists, sabbateans, rosicurians, etc ad infinitum). They confuse, they divide, they dissipate.

Thirdly they build a cult of personality. Rense and Icke and Brand and Jones and Corbett and Fulford and a thousand more some greater, some lesser demons of attraction.

Fourthly they are cross referenced between themselves and by the mainstream media.

Fifthly they have money, evidenced by their travels and lifestyles and created by selling stuff and wheedling for donations and, to judge by their websites and the flashy videos they create, funding from much deeper pockets. (Sure, we have a donate button! We have received around 300 euros over the 7 years, every penny of which came at just the right time, thanks.)

Sixthly they speak words of love and unity that upon examination reveal themselves to be part of the New Age religion being created and foisted upon our consciousness by the likes of Barbara Marx Hubbard and Eckhart Tolle and a thousand others. They sell retreats, seek donations to aid indigenous people (but especially the children….), their websites are always fronted by pictures of happy and smiling faces from many “races”.

This last.
They none of them stake a flag in the ground and say “let’s stand here, united, and count our number”.

That, you see, is the single thing the masters of this reality fear the most.

So: If they do not call for this single, most significant purpose, doubt them.

We know almost no-one reads this blog, that the internet is designed to render this voice weak and ineffectual, but we know we are merely a part of the stream of consciousness that flows towards the future and that tide in the affairs of humanity is surging and will prove irresistible.

We, at least, can see it.

Love to you all,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.
Xxx xxx xxx

Saturday, 9 May 2015



You know enough now, we know enough now, enough of us know enough.
Yet nothing happens.

We know that with deliberate intent they have filled our world with ionising radiation from their 2,000+ “test” explosions of their foul bombs. We know they passed the technology between their vassal nations such that a “race” could be staged. We know they have further intent to use these most awful creations. We know the threat of them hangs eternally over humanity’s head like some great sword of Damocles, threatening our very extinction. We know they have conspired to do nothing about Fukushima, we know that “sage” voices like “James the Liar” Corbett reassure us that there is no danger, we know that Fukushima pours torrents of death into the Pacific every day and that all life in that ocean is dying and that it spells tragedy for our world and our species. We know that Fukushima poured enough perpetually lethal ionised atoms into the atmosphere to spell a slow and lingering death for millions upon millions of us far into what future we currently have. We know that the worldwide epidemic of cancers have their origins in these vile intents. We see that none of our masters seem, miraculously, to suffer from them, and so we know they have a cure and fear it not and that they hide that cure from the rest of us.
This knowledge, alone, is enough.
We know that they have for centuries pitched human beings against each other in their wars. We know how they manufactured these wars and benefited from them. We know they were behind the great revolutions in France and Russia and elsewhere. We know they created the terrorists and that they have used this created monster to tighten the bonds around us and restrict our liberty. We know they have ruined by these strategies countless millions of lives, rendered hundreds of millions of us homeless or otherwise damaged, hundreds of millions of us have died, hundreds of millions of us have been permanently psychologically destroyed. Dreams of happiness have been permanently shattered, time and time again. We know they are doing these same things right now around the globe. We know they are planning more and worse.
This knowledge, alone, is enough.
We know they have engineered the entire planet into debt slavery. We know they have tightened their grip around the necks of all seven billion of us. We know they are with slow deliberation strangling the joy of life out of all of us. We know they have weakened all those things that gave us strength. Family, friendship, loyalty, union, cooperation, a sense of community and of place, decency, morality, hope, trust, faith, understanding, sharing, caring, honour, fairness, all those things that were the best in us have been systematically and with great cleverness attacked in a million ways. We know they create their “money” out of thin air as debt that can never be repaid. We know that nearly every government on the planet connives with them to perpetuate this false debt, that these governments strangle humanity with tax to “repay” the “interest” on this “debt” and we know that these politicians are rewarded with cushy jobs and positions of power over others and heaps and heaps of “money” for being the boot that stamps endlessly on the face of humanity with no end in sight. We know that countries that try and step outside of this global bankster mafia are labelled as terrorists or dictatorships. That their countries are invaded or wrecked by armed insurgency. That the leaders who dared to oppose the masters have their heads taken from their bodies as a lesson to the rest. That those countries are plunged into perpetual armed conflict as a lesson to their peoples and because our masters like nothing better and find nothing simpler than contriving hatreds between us and watching us kill and brutalise each other.
This knowledge, alone, is enough.
We know that through their control of money, its creation as debt and its issuance, that they control every aspect of life that is essential for humanity. They control food, its growing and packaging and distribution and sale, and fill our bodies with vile chemicals and our planet with their destructive plastics as they do so. They control the energy we need to keep warm or to move from place to place and price it such that some die of cold. They control the manufacture of the things we need or want and make them to become obsolete so that we have to buy them again and again and our precious resources are squandered and our future generations will not have them because of this profligacy. They control and own our water and fill it with poisons. They tax us, through their carbon taxes, for the very air we breathe. They control land and property prices such that we are saddled perpetually with debt, generation after generation. Mortgaging their future for a roof that should be theirs by birthright sitting on land that should be theirs by birthright by virtue of being human.
We know that they have built around the globe a vast system of electronic spying that intrudes into our homes, that listens to our private conversations, that reads our private correspondence, that watches every step we take and tracks where we are and with whom we meet and interact. They count every penny of their money we spend and where and on what, such that we can neither buy nor sell without their tax being paid. They imprison millions of us for smoking weed, (yet own the patents for medical uses ready for when they desire to use them), and own and profit from the prisons they put people in.

These things, alone, are enough.

Yet you read them, know them and a million more facts that alone are enough, and are doing nothing.

You understand there are many of us that know these things, and you see that there is absolutely NO UNITY amongst us, that we are considered crazies by the sheeple, that as a result our masters can continue with their clamping down on the evolution of our species and treading into the dust what should be the birth of a new world civilisation.

You know these things.
You know that if we crazies stood together we would find that we number in our millions, our tens of millions.
You know that amongst are all manner of human beings, from all walks of life, that amongst us there are great minds and greater hearts, that if once we stood together the world would have to take notice.

Yet you seek no place to collect, seek no single cause, no single unifying understanding, no banner of love under which to make your stand side by side with your human brothers and sisters and begin the march into the future that can save humanity, save life on this planet, give people around the world HOPE and the glimmer of light that tells them that this nightmare can end, that this nightmare must end, that this nightmare WILL END and that we, the human race, will build a world of LOVE.

Lift your finger and click to follow.

And if you won’t, ask yourself in all seriousness what worm has been placed in your soul that is stopping you, what thoughts your masters are manipulating, and, lastly, what chance have we got if you don’t stand and be counted and form a part of something bigger.

Let me guess: You need to watch a flashy video embedded with all sorts of symbols you barely recognise are speaking to your subconscious and you barely register must have cost a lot to make. You need to read a hundred headlines more. You need some flashy marketing. You need a “leader” to do your thinking and lead your chanting. You need another rabbit hole of stuff to become interested in. You need to get to work. You need…..

You need…..

You need to not get involved…..

What you think, dear reader, is a product of a million inputs to your consciousness.
Almost all of those inputs are contrived by your masters.
Especially those you believe are not.
Your impulse not to lift your finger and join us here is a product of those inputs.

Simple for our masters, who have spent a century engineering this matrix.

Click to follow.
For by doing so you lead.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

The Collective Soul.

The Collective Soul.
The world, this reality is an expression of the collective consciousness of humanity. Together we co-create this place.
WE can easily and readily point the finger of blame for all that is evil at the masters of this reality, the ancient bloodlines and their money magicians and the systems and beliefs they have programmed us with over the ages.
BUT this is no excuse.

That we as a species allow ourselves to be formed so twisted and inhuman is not a testament to the skill of the masters and the power of their magick but rather bears stark witness to the malleability and weakness of our collective and individual spirit.

It is WE who allow ourselves to be made afraid.
It is WE who allow ourselves to be tempted by that which we understand is evil.
It is WE who justify our actions and swallow the false reasoning of our masters as they shape our minds and subdue our spirits.

We each have allowed ourselves to be rendered so alone, so self-focused that the suffering of our fellow humans can be walked past unremarked.
It is we who have been shaped to distrust other brothers and sisters of our human tribe.

We are dumb, we are weak, we are as clay in the hands of the evil.
Worse, we are cowards.
This cowardice sits at the very heart of our sickness.
Ultimately this cowardice, this urge to self-preserve drives a stake deep into the heart of our species.

If we have not courage we are truly worthless, for without courage the expression of the collective entirety of our species is a reflection of those who are most evil amongst us, those who will harm and kill without remorse and without pity.

There is no collective excuse, there can be no pointing of fingers at others.
It is your personal lack of courage that is in question here.
Otherwise, why are you not putting down the things of daily life, arming yourself with righteousness and the sword of peace and the bow and its arrows of love and caring and peace and understanding and stepping out of the false reality to stand with your fellow humans on the battlements and face, wholly and with all that you have, the enemy that is amongst us and is destroying our species.

Out into the void of space and into the records and annals of our species go the transmissions and signals and communications that form the traffic of knowledge and information between us all.

Taken together they paint a picture of our species. There is a digital photograph of our ugliness floating out there for all to see. For the creator to see if you understand there must be such, for aliens to see if you are so minded, for our future to gaze upon with horror just as now we gaze upon the memory of the Nazi death camps or the atomising of Hiroshima or the carpet incendiary bombing of Hamburg and Dresden so delighted in by the “hero” Churchill.

This is your fault.

What this picture shows for all to see, for our future to delve into and recoil from with horror, is as ugly an expression of the soul of an entire species as is capable of imagining.

That is, of course, if we have a future.
This seems increasingly unlikely unless, by some miracle, you find your courage and accept your purpose.

Our ingenuity as a species stands us at the gateway to the understanding of how reality is made, how the creator created, how matter is shaped real from information.

This knowledge should launch us into a new civilisation.
There is a new dawn for humanity approaching, perhaps even overdue and held back by the force of evil.


This same ingenuity has placed in the hands of the force of evil the tools of our destruction.
We have, in our weakness and stupidity, licked the very devil’s arse and handed it, on a plate in exchange for a pat on the head and some toys and beads, vast arsenals of destructive weapons and millions of perverted souls willing to make and maintain and direct them at other human beings.

This is readily seen in the digital picture we have made of ourselves and broadcast into eternity.

Gaze into the picture now and witness what your cowardice has created.
A species that has taken perfection and rendered it foul.
A species that has taken beauty and made it ugly.

A species without ethics, without morals, that has inverted what should be good and made it evil. A species that through cowardice has allowed itself to become the mass murderers of its children, born and unborn, sacrificing them in their millions on the altar of the right to choose our selfish convenience over the right to life of the child or letting them starve or become drone-kill on the altar of apathy.

A species that, through the systems and rewards we have allowed to shape our reality, sets as its policemen and judiciary and lawmakers those who are party to the ritual abuse and murder of our babies, those who are willing for a uniform and a salary and the promise of a pension to be the boot that stamps relentlessly on the face of our kind and is the wielder of the enslaving fear.

This is your fault.
And mine.

Together we are in the digital picture of our species, each a pixel in the whole, a part of the very heart of darkness.

I try to be a spark of light but am weak, flicker, am sometimes afraid.
I pay tax on what I buy and so contribute to the machinery of death that is the expression of evil.
My hands, like yours, drip with the blood of innocence that pours unremittingly from the capstone of the soul eating system and the evil that has made it be and shapes our reality.

This thing we experience called a life, dear reader, is a test.
Not a personal test, not an individual test.
We Are One species, one kind, one tribe, a collective whole not a few billion separate pieces.

One collective, connected consciousness.
One soul.

There is only one picture of us.
It needs all of us to make it good.

Hold my hand.
Let’s find the battlement and stand on it.
Fearing nothing.


Do you see, there is something else that the discerning eye may detect lurking behind the blackness that we have been made.

It is the truth.

The truth that we are creatures of love made evil.

The truth that this love is born within and exists within each and every one of us, even those made most deformed by the reality.
The desire for it is boundless and lives within us all.
The expression of it we see every moment that ticks by, countless times, everywhere.
Love is what we are.

Those with prescience feel something in the air, feel the righteous rage and indignation of the collective soul of our species reaching a critical mass.

We do not all of us see it yet, but our masters do and they fear it.
It is the coming of The Moment.

The moment when we wake up as a species.
The moment we change the picture, because the picture is not what we are.

The unstoppable urge for species Evolution is upon us.
Our future calls.

Our masters have placed many deceivers in our path, false flags wave incessantly, distractions and lures and the sowing of the seeds of desire for revenge are everywhere, false causes for war are created and false leaders lead us into internecine bloodshed, fear strides the globe and yet, and yet through all of this the truth is clear and our path as a species is easy to see.

It is for you to take.
And me.
And all those that join the march of humanity’s irresistible ascension into our new future.

If you will hold our hand, click to follow.
Don’t send money.
Send Love.
And join us on the battlements.

The Evolution has to start somewhere………

Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.
Xxx xxx xxx