Sunday, 1 February 2015

From a foreigner in Crete to Syriza, a letter:

Syriza. Some thoughts…

There are simple ways one can truly measure a government which purports to be bringing change, a Government on which the hopes of a people hang, a government that promises to do what is right.

These are simple signs of a government which truly seeks to stand aside from the world power which brings us global debt, global insecurity, global fear of all out war.

If you are in Government, much more than the ordinary man in the street who takes his world view from the main stream media whose global ownership is in so few hands, you understand the nature of this power and its source.

You understand the bitter nature of its vengeance against those who oppose it, the dark forces it has at its disposal, the secret killers, the “accidents of nature” it can create to punish whole nations, the way in which it can twist world opinion against a nation and make of a peaceful country like Libya or Syria a “terrorist” nation which can be bombed with impunity and where agents of the power can stir endless internecine conflict, destroying entire generations.

The power is to be feared, then.
But some nation has to make a stand in Europe in the name of and for the sake of humanity and the future of our species.
These are the stakes.

The Greek people have a history of saying “NO” to bullies even when their tanks are massed on the border, even when those bullies are known to be cruel and murderous and vengeful.

In such a way can a small but proud people stand out from the crowd and provide much needed leadership to the world. To ordinary men and women and children across the globe they can show that humanity need not be cowed, that freedom can be won, that it just takes courageous leadership and a people that refuse to be bullied.

Greece led the world once before.
It is time for its people to take the stage once more, and build a new civilisation.

A government which is truly destined for greatness is a government of absolute principle, a government which acts at all times with honour, with pride, without compromise in its dealings with those who would oppress or manipulate or dictate its agenda.

It is a government made of individuals who, whatever their politics and beliefs, are wise enough to re-examine the influences that shaped those understandings, to research the history of those ideas and the structure of the organisations of which they are a part and which propound those ideas.

All of the great political movements of the 19th and 20th centuries were ideas given shape and form by hidden guiding hands. They should become aware of this history and understand its implications for the present and set their minds free of any shackles that may have been carefully positioned around their consciousness.

Sometimes, in the search for truth and in the process of winning freedom, great men and women are forced to abandon that which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives and so stand unclothed except for the mantle of natural justice. What is to be done, what needs to be done in Greece and across the world, finally and at long last and after so many millennia of wrong, is quite simply the right things.

The good things.

The simple, understandable, recognisable good that humanity forgets is what we expect and want and should insist upon from those to whom we give the power to govern.
That humanity has the power to insist upon, if only it would recognise that authority.

Millennia ago, when we lived as tribal peoples everywhere, the wise and the good were entrusted with leadership and the decisions of leaders were measured against the understandings and agreement of the tribe as a whole.

Now, humanity everywhere distrusts its politicians.

We feel powerless to alter the unending cycle of sleaze and bribery and corrupt power, the ever increasing intrusions into lives, the surveillance, the spying, the denial of freedom of assembly and of peaceful protest and the interference in peaceful protests by provocateurs intent on discolouring people’s perceptions of the protestors .

Humanity is rendered voiceless in the world and the political classes exchange our children’s future for their luxury and the satisfaction of their sometimes disgusting pleasures today.

And so, will Syriza be different? Will it take the once in a century opportunity to stand out from the crowd, to make an historical difference in the world, to re-establish Greece’s place as the birthplace of thought and offer leadership into a new era of civilisation, of true democracy, that adventure into a new paradigm which the world desires and expects, by some miracle, to appear.

And why not from Greece?

1. Will Syriza examine itself and discover what outside influences are at play amongst its own ranks, what voices are speaking into whose ears that are not representative of the people? Will it police itself, will it root out from the beginning those whose bank balances are already being filled, those whose agendas are being dictated by outside forces or by wealthy interests here in Greece? Those who are already playing the self interest card? Such introspection is the first sign of greatness, the first measure of those who will be good against the global tide of wickedness.
2. Will Syriza recognise the importance of press freedom? The media is owned by very few hands and those few hands shape the thoughts and ideas and set the agendas of the ordinary man and woman. There are everywhere journalists whose honour and dignity and purpose of serving truth are subjugated by the ownership of this media. Syriza should consider ways in which the voice of the people as expressed through honourable investigative journalism can be set free. A new television news channel, funded by the population and governed by independent representatives of the population could be quickly set up. The BBC in the UK would serve as a model in terms of avowed intent and funding methodology. The BBC has allowed itself to be governed and managed as an extension of government and so Syriza will understand, if it seeks to do the right things, what pitfalls should be avoided.
3. Will Syriza have the courage to disentangle Greece from the great octopus that is the global banking syndicate, those very few families that have for centuries by sleight of hand and by deceit and by bribery and by murder taken control of the issuance of money globally? This is the great test, the test upon which humanity’s future truly rests. Syriza understands that the artificial “debt” created through the complicity of previous governments in what is a vast, global fraud was made artificially at the press of a few keys on a computer. This money was not taken from the bank accounts of those that have money and lent to Greece and so must in honour be repaid. This money was created by the bankers, out of thin air, did not exist in the world before its creation, was created as debt by the pressing of those computer keys. Almost every nation in the world is indebted to these bully banking families, every human being pays tax to service this artificial debt, every government is complicit in this fraud. Will Syriza have the courage to demonstrate leadership to ordinary human beings everywhere and tell these vampires to take their artificial and imaginary debt and, to coin a phrase, to stick it where there is no sunshine? It is only by taking control of the issuance of its own money that a nation and its government can shape its own policies and expenditures free of outside pressures. This is the example Syriza could set to the world’s peoples and enable so much that is good to be done here in Greece.
4. Will Syriza announce to the world that the Greek people will dedicate themselves to peace in the world and amongst its peoples and set an example to the vast majority of human beings that want no part of war but desire only everlasting peace? Greece is part of NATO. The ordinary man and woman across the world understands that NATO, under the leadership of the aggressor nations, is responsible for war crimes and the deaths of countless children across the middle east and elsewhere. Under the guise of fighting terrorism the western nations have themselves become the terrorists. That this is not generally understood in the West is as a result of the issue of ownership of the media referred to in the second point raised here. It is time some nation, somewhere, announced to the world that humanity need not expend so much money and resource on developing killing apparatus, that instead that money and resource could be put to the service of good. Greece is, in global terms, a tiny and weak nation. Regardless of its armies it cannot defend itself against powerful nations. What it can do, however, is announce to the world its intention to be a nation of peace, a nation that will do what it can to offer help in the world when it is in our power to give it. There is an understanding of that old saying that we should turn our guns into ploughshares that rests in the hopes of ordinary people everywhere. Could Syriza take the organisation and spirit and human resource of the Greek defence forces and create, from that existing structure, a force of good in the world, an international rescue organisation dedicated to giving fast and competent assistance to places in the world where disaster has struck? To refocus its training from killing to rescuing, from taking to giving? Could its planes be adapted so they no longer drop bombs but drop food or medicine? Could, in this way, Greece announce to the peoples of the world that this nation is dedicated to peace and intends no harm to any nation? Could Syriza thus set an example to the nations of the world of a way forward into the future that could be the path we all of us follow and inspire the peoples of those nations to demand similar actions from their own governments or, if those governments are too involved with the military industrial profit machine, to change those governments. The Greek people have once before demonstrated to the world how civilisations can be built. That duty could be taken up again and Greece and its people take a place of pride in the world once more. There are those who would fear such a stand, but Greeks have a proud tradition of saying “NO” to aggression and not to fear the consequences.
5. Will Syriza clear out the stables? The world is dominated by the corrupt and this corruption is now so embedded in societies across the globe that almost every facet of government policy and spending everywhere is dictated to by the greed of those who are ensconced in positions of power. Syriza will know, for they are not ingĂ©nues, that much of this sleaze is organised, that there are secret organisations that penetrate every aspect of public life and attempt to derail any measures that do not serve their self interest. Syriza will know that these dark organisations are without ethics and without morality and currently operate without fear of the process of justice. A measure of Syriza will be how they tackle these vested interests and create what the people have given up expecting and hoping from their government, a nation where justice is seen to be done, a nation where the forces of good take on and defeat the criminal elements that do so much to create misery and to fill there lives with luxury at the expense of the ordinary working man and woman. We all know these people exist, we none of us want them to continue their criminality. If it takes the establishment of an entirely new anti-corruption police service, a service known and trusted and inspected and checked to prove its incorruptible nature, a police force of untouchables with the numbers and resources required to deal with this issue quickly and with legal authority then this is what must be done and done with alacrity. The taking back of the nation’s right to create its own money will enable many such projects to advance without the delays imposed by the necessity to beg for false money from the bankers that are the masters of Europe. So, will Syriza show its intent and clear out the stables?
6. The future of a nation is the property of its children, those who will come into everything when we are all gone. Thus it is in the education of our children that we must put much effort and have faith in, for that education shapes their understanding of the world and gives them the knowledge and skills that they will need to live with some success in the world we leave to them. It is incumbent upon government to act in loco parentis for that time in which its nation’s young are under its protective wing. The children of this nation are burdened with an education system which does them disservice and expects too much, as if previous governments have sought to defend the inefficiencies of this service by forcing the children to work harder and harder without attending to the obvious deficiencies that exist. Syriza knows that children need to be encouraged to think, to discover by experiment, to question, to learn what is useful to them and beneficial to the whole. Syriza knows that a nation’s children should be taught the truth as humanity understands it to be. The history taught should not be the history written by the published historians that parrot the beliefs and accepted truths of the global establishment that seeks to shape the consciousness of our children and implant its core operating understandings by this method. Syriza must look again at the world of our children, seek to give them their childhoods back, seek to free them from dogma, seek to remove the threat that is presented to their innocence by the corporate internet providers and game makers and phone providers. Syriza has the opportunity to change the paradigm of education. Will it seize that opportunity?

There are a thousand more ways in which Syriza could set a new tone for governments around the world and could lead, by example, the world’s ordinary people to a place where hope can be allowed to flourish once more. It will take courage. It will take much reasoned debate and consideration. It will require firmness and vision. It will need the strength and resolve of leadership. It will involve the understanding that the world power will fight, tooth and nail and as dirty as it knows how to subvert these first faltering steps into freedom and into the world humanity is anticipating and awaiting, somewhere, to appear.

I live here in Greece, have grown to love its people and its place in the world, but I am a foreigner, I have no right to say how it must conduct itself and so these are simply my thoughts, as a citizen of the world, right or wrong they are expressed with love and good will.

Olive Farmer Crete
Xxx xxx xxx