Sunday, 28 September 2014


As if some malevolence has been unleashed upon our world the smoke of battle and the stench of death drifts into our nostrils imperceptibly, even when we live far from their origin, even when it is our countries that are doing the bombing and those that huddle in terror or die in an instant dress differently or worship a different deity.

Where they come from, these war makers, what is their essence is beyond us.
We see them as human, may know them to be human, or to have been human once…..
Now, they are far from that.

Now we begin to feel what they are, and yet cannot take the leap of faith in our own instincts, cannot trust our gut feelings, will not put the two and two together to make the four our instincts insist must be the case.

Something inhuman controls our destiny as a species.
Something other.

Now you may think this is old hat, that Icke said this ages ago, that it's not worth your time to continue reading.
I would ask you to consider the vast deceptions at work now, and how those that serve our masters would have prepared such a mindset, would have readied such a pit of apathy and indifference for you to fall into, and ask you to keep reading despite this clever mind control because you are still in control of your will.

Our human tribe is being culled by "them".

They are not Syrians or Libyans or Iraqis that die or survive for another day in anguish, they are not Mexicans or Columbians that live in terror of the drug lords and see their civilisation crumbling, they are not Ukrainians that are being twisted into the vortex of destruction, they are not Japanese that are being continuously and irrevocably poisoned by Fukushima’s foul outpourings.

They are human beings.
They are part of our Tribe.
They are your people and mine.

The minds that shaped their horrors are the same minds that shape other horrors around our globe.

They are not Chinese that are being rapaciously consumed by indifferent capitalists spewing their noxious poisons from unregulated and unchecked chimneys, they are not Africans that are poisoned by this engineered Ebola virus, not Palestinians that are being steadily fed into the pitiless maw of the great steel leviathan.

They are not Greeks that have had their certainty and security snatched from them by robbers, not British that have had their privacy and dignity and freedom nibbled away from them until they become the shadow of their forefathers.

They are not Americans, that have had their intelligence and strength and decency and free will usurped by some monstrous wickedness that invades the mind and packages what is evil and makes them think it’s good.

They are all human beings.
They are part of our Tribe.
They are your people and mine.

The minds that shaped their horrors are the same minds that shape other horrors around our globe.

It is humanity that is under attack.
Our very existence as a species is under threat.

And it is the monsters that shape our reality that cause us to kill each other.

A human being pulls each trigger or drops each bomb, fooled into hatred or tricked into the unquenchable lust for revenge by the words of one of the monsters that drive these events, by the pointing of their fingers at other human beings, by the careful manipulation of events that drive our consciousness from love to hate, from forgiveness to the unforgiving determination to kill.
The third world war is well underway, and it is a war against humanity.

We are all of us brothers and sisters in this, yet with the simplest of tricks they can twist us into hatred and make us want the death of our fellow human beings.

We have always been so tricked, always been so gullible, always been so easy to fool.
The history we know is the history of this dreadful and inhuman manipulation.

Mass murderers have ever been our kings and leaders, genocidal freaks our masters.

They are so now, yet still we hearken to their call, still we fall into line and march, march, march into the very jaws of hell whistling their tunes, succumbed to their hypnotic propaganda, believing all of us that we do to be right when we do such wrong, that we serve God when we serve the Devil, that we kill for good and our created enemies kill for evil.

Those of us that can see witness these masters in their true form, sense their otherness, understand that such wickedness is not a malformation of humanity, not a sick-of-mind human being.

We don’t see psychopaths, we see entities that are alien to humanity taking human form, devils in human skin, body-snatchers of a sort we cannot name nor scientifically identify that may be alien or demonic.

Some of these entities may be your brother, your sister, the leader of your political party, the CEO of the corporation you work for, the holder of your debt, your favourite celebrity, the leader of your church, the holder of your faith in one way or another.

Whatever they are doesn’t matter.
What they are doing to us does.

How they are doing it is a matter of strategy, in that necessary element of strategy that demands that you know your enemy.
But there is no strategy for those that understand our human predicament!
Why is that?
Facing the most intricate and best organised and most well funded and subtle enemy humanity has ever faced is a humanity divided, a humanity leaderless, a humanity robbed of resource, a humanity deceived and carefully mind-controlled into apathy.

Regrettably, most of our human family see them not, most are yet lost in the false reality our masters have woven thread by thread into humanity’s consciousness.
They believe in Terrorists as haters, failing to see the minds that created them.
They believe in the justice of bombing and destroying those that harbour terrorists, failing to see the minds that create such ideas.

They do not see the hand that rocks the cradle….

Most of humanity is mind-controlled.

Not only do they not see, they do not want to see, are driven to scoff at the truth by the careful placement of manipulation, by the demonically clever instruments of mind control they are rendered zombies.

Those that do see are distracted, are made mere witnesses rather than actors, and so the great machinery of destruction rolls on towards the inevitability that looms before us all now.

And they pat themselves on the back for knowing that it is coming, for being expert in the methods being used to set our species at war with itself!
But they are rendered powerless, they follow leaders placed there for them by our masters, are dupes just as much as the sheeple they look down upon.

They are crying “I told you so”.

But soon there will be none to crow, and few to crow over.

We apes are too many and grow too clever.

The master race will kill almost all of us, and this process is well under way.
Each daily increment pushes us nearer to the brink.
Now, it will take a kind of miracle to stop this merry-go-round and get off.

We hope, in our deepest hearts, that humanity will discover somehow its Tribe, its oneness in the face of an enemy that is so subtle and so ingenious, find our unity in the face of adversity, identify our common foe.

Reagan said at the United Nations that humanity would unite in the face of some threat from an alien force.
He was warning his fellow “aliens”, instructing them that they should beware of such unity, prevent it at all costs.

They have been amongst us for millennia, and look just like you or I ….. but are inhuman.

We can recognise them by their perversions, these creatures.
Around the world, in every sphere of influence, in every concentration of power these demons group together and feed.

They feed on the misery and fear of our children and they feed on the blood of our children and they delight in murdering our children.
And we let them.

The Churches of our world religions are infested with them and now we are lifting the veils of secrecy and discovering their utter vileness, their INHUMANITY.

We see paedophile priests and Bishops and Rabbis and Mullahs and Cardinals and Popes, we find 800 children’s bodies tossed into a cess pit in Ireland, we see this across the globe, missing babies and children everywhere, missing in their thousands, yet we fail to see the significance of it, fail to understand how organised it is and the depth and strength of the protection afforded these monsters not just by the churches’ own hierarchies but also by the very instruments of state that should be bringing them to justice and instead brush their vileness under the carpet.

We see our pop stars and celebrities raping and molesting our children, even sexually interfering with our dead, and we witness the broadcasters hiding the evidence, witness the conspiracy of silence amongst the management of these organisations that we rely on to bring us truth in our news. They create a safe haven for these monsters, knowing at the same time that these very monsters are adept at winning our loyalty and love, are the casters of the spell called glamour, are the demon manipulators of our consciousness, can draw our attention like pied pipers.

We see our politicians dipping their filthy snouts into this vileness, protected by our police and our judiciary who enjoy the same sport, are as malevolent as Satan itself, who “lose” evidence and “dissuade” witnesses, express regret when key witnesses die in some tragic accident or other, ruin the careers of honest, human coppers that want to do their job and fight this cancerous wickedness that perverts the very essence of their duty.

Everywhere the false reality has grown its sinews of power we witness this feeding off our children, this lust for humanity’s innocence, this manic greed for perversion. It causes our warmongering elite to smile in grim satisfaction when they unleash their weapons of mass destruction and feel the terror and the anguish as another child is rendered and broken by their malice.

There are those, many of them, amongst our human tribe so lost in the false reality, so dependent on the scraps from our masters table, so desirous of another bauble or the promise of security that they allow themselves to acquiesce to this atrocity or become willing bit-players in the great game. They are like the native bearers that carried our “monarch’s” guns when they sported themselves murdering innocent beasts (and still do).
Our masters use of the glamour of position and the authority of tone of voice and the display of “class” and wealth and power to draw these loyal acolytes in and subjugate them to their revolting practices. They use religion and faith to bind them, money and baubles and sex to pervert them. The promise of luxury and security to wrap them. These servants of evil are a vast cancer amongst us. They are traitors to their tribe. They are quiet when they should speak. They are cowards when they should be courageous. They are servants of Satan, pure and simple. They know it, and care not, so lost are they in their beliefs or so befuddled by the psychological manipulations of our masters, they who speak of ‘loyalty” or “flag” or “crown” or blind “faith” or “duty” to these things, to “country” or to “god” or to “queen” or now even to Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga or Cliff Richard or Jimmy Savile or Lady Diana.

And so it is clear.

We are owned by a species that is inhuman, that delights in mayhem and murder, that fucks our babies and kills them, that does so whilst creating amongst us loyalty to the most monstrous of incarnations, that has built around us a false reality that we are all of us enslaved by, that maintains this awful and most disgusting state of affairs with psychological control over our consciousness that creates the things we believe in that are in fact mere chimeras, are inventions, but that we bow down to and worship whilst they continue to fuck every single human being up the arse and feed on our misery and are now destroying us, wholesale, lest we discover them and destroy THEM.

At stake is all there is.
At stake is our species.
At stake is our future and the beauty a free humanity could create.

We are one tribe, one humanity, and THEY ARE AMONGST US.

Love is our way.
Love our true essence.
Love our future.
We must find our way now, cast off the false enmity, see the brother we hate as the victim of the system, as he must see us likewise.

They have engineered these hatreds, created these divisions with a carefully placed bomb or a carefully spoken word by their false leaders so tasked to stir us to acts of terror or violence.

Beware, my dear fellow human beings, of deceivers.
They want your children’s blood.
Our time is now.
We Are one Tribe, we are human, the moment must arrive soon when we awake to this “alien” threat, these vile manipulators, these body-snatchers that have stolen our world and our minds and use their Magick to create this hell on earth.

Time has run out for many of us.
With love,
Olive Farmer xxx xxx xxx.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

To Veritopian, some thoughts

Hi Veritopian,
I guess what you are involved in is a search for the creator and an understanding of this reality from an understanding of the building blocks your consciousness perceives, formulated into some sort of governing "program". You seek the mind of the creator and the hands that shape reality, the tools employed, the method and the principles. You begin with clues left for us in ancient understandings, in the often mysterious pronouncements and difficult to see through mind-pictures they conjured. Your path is looking at Grammar, at the spoken word (in the beginning was the word and the word was light), others seek this same answer through sacred geometry, through proportion, through numbers. Some now seek it at the very edges of science and mathematics. The geneticists in their computer coded life shaping miracles, the quantum and chaos physicists and mathematicians in their understanding of the relationship between consciousness and the atom and the "other" force which binds the whole and makes what is almost nothing become what is.

For what it's worth, where I am on all of this is as follows:
1. I understand that once you extract the space from atoms the entire human race could fit into an apple, or a similar sized box.
2. I understand that what seems solid is nothing of the sort. We cannot touch solidity, but only sense the repulsion of "our" atoms by the atoms of the "thing" we are touching.
3. I understand that we humans can shape reality. We can plant trees or burn them, we can shape stone to build or throw stones to kill, we can make colours and create wonders of art or use them to make flags that are symbols of division and represent a history of battle. We do shape reality, but there are those amongst us that control that activity and cause us to shape destruction and hatred rather than creation and love.

I suppose what I'm saying is this:
Whatever the nature of this reality, whatever the nature of the creator, whatever the place and substance of the consciousnesses that experience what we think of as life, I believe there is a purpose to this experience.
The creator placed us in this bubble and gave us free will. I guess then it also gave us the yin and yang of good and evil, the ability to shape a reality that is good or the ability to shape a reality that is evil. We are born of love and are creatures of love when born. The test we each face is what we do with our free will when faced with the choices we can make in a reality that is ruled over by the evil we understand.

I think this is not, however, an individual thing. Making oneself a perfect creature of love, living in balance with creation, doing no harm is not enough. Achieved by the 'self' it becomes an act of self, an introspection, an act of navel gazing.

As what is I believe "the game" for want of a better description draws to a juncture I believe the test is to do with the entirety of humanity and what we collectively do with our free will and as custodians of the beauteous reality we have been gifted to shape and form.

As you witness, we are losing. The good we are born to be becomes the evil we all live, driven and herded by the evil force sent to test our will by the creator.

The creator is seeing how we do, and up to now we do badly as our consciousness as a species has been hijacked by the creators of the false reality and as a species we live in a state of almost absolute sin.
This I guess is why I don't look for the nature of the creator but rather look for what the creator expects of us as a species that is capable of shaping the reality we have been given. I know that humanity could build a world of wonder, and weep that we are so distracted from that objective that we create a world of horror, unpicking and destroying the creation that is all we have.

I believe that we live in a time of choice, a great turning point, a "game over" kind of place, but I also know that we have always lived in such a time, that the turning in the road ahead has always been there for us, that we could always have chosen to live with love, that we have the free will collectively and at any time to choose to abandon what "IS" and recreate a world that "WILL BE" based on the simple and understandable principle of love from which all good things flow.

I understand for that to happen will require the conscious choice of almost all of us, for unless we do this together the structures and beliefs of the past, shaped and formed by the power of evil, will draw us back and pull us away from our objective. It then becomes an act of belief: Do we believe we can live as one tribe? Do we believe we can abandon money and replace it with sharing and duty? Do we trust each other enough to try? Do we have the strength of will to draw away from religion and instead be drawn towards the will of the creator expressed as love?

At stake is the future and the nature of the place we would all like to live.
At stake also are our collective souls, the creatures of love we are all born that are so mis-shapen by the forces that currently control this reality.

I guess this is why I ignore detail and don't seek the deep answers you seek and the understandings you are searching for, because I live for the future we might make, and dream of the reality we might create, being masters of this reality and able to shape whatever future we desire.
Being a father and grandfather and teacher I have to do this thing, or at least to keep trying, because that is all there is.
Love to you,
OLive FArmer.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Post a link please

If you care, share:

Sunday, 14 September 2014

No rhyme, some reason

What beginning, what end
What in-between
The story of you
Wrapped in tri-fold enigmas

What past, what future,
What now
The story of you
Wrapped in ignorance

What god, what rules
What reality
The story of you
Wrapped in deception

What acts, what deeds
What truth
The story of you
Wrapped in uncertainty

What to think, what to feel
What to do
The story of you
Wrapped in powerlessness

What good, what sin
What duty
The story of you
Wrapped in confusion

They speak of honour in memoriam
They speak of decency in obituaries
They speak of self-discipline in mockery
They speak of sin as ubiquity
They speak of peace as unattainable
They speak of war as unavoidable
They speak of humanity as deplorable

The ruinous species
The unforgivable species
The filth
The squalid
The animal

The story of you
As taught

But not the story of you
As found

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Images of Humanity

Your resistance to trusting others is no innate and understandable self-defence mechanism, built there at the front of your consciousness by experience and “life”.

It is a feature of the software downloads that have been hacked into your mind steadily by the engineers of the false reality.

Your resistance to joining any group that requires you to leave your comfort zone and act is no experience-led understanding of the futility of resistance.

It is a feature of the software downloads emanating from the same source.

Your inability to feel part of something much greater than yourself, to accept that you are part of a hive mind, part of a global consciousness comprised of billions of free entities, is no accident.

See above.

Your understanding of the world and humanity’s despicable behaviour to itself, to other species and to the world itself is an understanding created by design, a carefully wrought alchemical magick striking at the very core of your humanity, at your inner being, at the soul of you.

What you think is you is not you, it is an artificial construct carefully designed and constructed brick by brick throughout your life.

You are not being yourself.

You have never been yourself.

Your consciousness was enslaved and infected with viruses from the very moment of your birth.

Your mind was constrained and inhibited even before that, the DNA passed from your parents already tampered with.
You use probably around 6% of your potential brain power.

The pure consciousness that would be the result of full use of the amazing device that is your mind would give you the power to shape matter in conformity with will, to speak reality into existence.

Matter, solidity, reality are phantasms that exist in your mind, rendered from the nothingness that is the atom, shaped and given form by the thought of the creator and held in place by vibration, held in just the place so designed that your senses can perceive them, those senses designed to perform this miracle and to convert those chimeras into the electronic mirage you think you see and touch and smell and hear and witness the passage of through something you believe is called time.

My contention becomes apparent.

The meat machine you call your body, (source of so much angst and pain) is created by a program we call DNA which orders and places and gives functions to perform to these self-same chimeric atoms, the result of which you call existence and live through, benighted as you are, and witness the passage of via an electro-chemical construct that connects you with this reality and is the interface between this dream and the consciousness which is experiencing it.

Your vessel is almost empty when you are born.

You carry with you no knowledge of anything but love and the animal base programming to seek a nipple and suck and to pull air into your lungs and breathe.

This understanding does not absolve you of responsibility.

You are expected to find your way, expected to discover the deeper meaning of love, to micromanage reality as best you can given your limitations and the forces ranged against you.

You are expected to resist the viruses that attack you from the moment of birth, to do the best with the resources you have been so limited to, to understand the nature of the whole and the consciousness of your fellow experiencers and your collective ability to shape this reality with the love you were born with.

It is not the creator that has this expectation.

It is you.

You have carried this with you and, deep inside, it still lives.
It is called love.
It is the real you.
It is the conscious experiencer of this life.

The odd sensation you have gnawing at the back of your mind that speculates what this is all about and makes you uncomfortable in this reality is that same thing.

We all have it.

It is time to let those voices speak.
They are there at this time in such profusion around the globe because our consciousnesses are becoming aware.
Otherwise we wouldn't all be questioning so much.
This is why we must beware of deceivers.

To lift the veil that shadows our true selves, our true nature, the human that lives within and to communicate with the seven billion other souls that share this reality requires communication and a gathering around core understandings.

Nothing else will do it.

As a collective consciousness we have failed in this simple endeavour.

A child will tell you, almost any child will tell you, that you should live with love in your hearts, that you should do no harm, that you should care for others, that you should help those in need, that you should share what you have, that you should do your best, that you should not walk past a wrong but do something to make it right.

The child that was you knew these things well.

You have buried that child within, strangled its innocence and the beauty of the simplicity that is love, allowed the builders of this reality to take control of your very essence, but it still lives.

The engineers that design this reality have almost completed their great work.

The enslavement of an entire species, taking that which is beautiful and good and perverting it, shaping monsters.

The battle has always been fought in your consciousness, always been about the creation of a body-mind that stands between your true self and the false reality they have wrought.
It has been about belief.

They have sought mastery over what you believe in and what you believe of other human beings.

They have for millennia constructed their psychological pyramid of power, making you believe in gods and kings and money and competition and a million more courses of the bricks they have mortared into place as they walled in your true being.

You have lost faith in humanity.
The image of humanity you carry within is completely distorted.

Around the world, every second of every day, we do good to each other.

Unrecorded and unremarked upon and hidden from our understanding we still help each other, we still give selflessly, we still care billions of times every day.

We all of us feel better when we do these things.
We all of us understand this is how things should be.

BUT we do not know that this is how things really ARE.

Your false image of humanity is created by the continual software downloads that speak to your unconscious, alpha wave mind.

The TV and the internet feed your consciousness an endless stream of examples of man’s inhumanity to man, rarely if ever offering you a scrap of information about the vast amount of good we do each day, the vast yearning for a world of good we all share, the commonality of our understanding of the difference between good and evil.

They dare not let you understand how good we are, the vast quantity of good we do each day all over the world.

At the end of each news broadcast, with a wry smile as if this is an anomaly, they let you catch a glimpse of this truth.
Man dives into raging river to rescue a kitten.
Elderly lady spends all her time making dresses for children in Africa.
Charity donations soar after some orchestrated event.
As if these things were odd, were unusual, were quaint and old-fashioned instead of how things really are.

Your so-called alternative media feed you the same diet.
Evil, evil, evil, evil “wise/lovely saying”, evil, evil, evil.

Look again at your favourite sites and see if this is not so.

Imagine, for a moment, if every news channel everywhere in the world focused each day on stories of good being done, of kindnesses, of unselfish acts.
There are more than enough stories to fill every channel every day a thousand times over.

Then imagine at the end they did a story about some harmful act, some anomalous behaviour, something that had gone wrong somewhere….and how you would react.

Your image of humanity would quickly change, your entire worldview would shift.

Your day to day existence would change, your outlook, your relations with other people, the thoughts that dominate your mind, your expectations from other people would alter completely.

Your outlook and attitudes towards many things would slowly transform into a different worldview.

Your tolerance of acts of war and brutality by your government and its uniformed agents would disappear, your expectations of them would rise to the level of good that you see every day being performed by your fellow human beings and you would expect nothing less of those that purport to lead you.

Everybody would be shocked and horrified by such transgressions.
They wouldn’t last a minute.

Now, you just accept these vile things numbly, as if you and the other seven billion human beings can do nothing to change things!

Imagine, too, that your history books were full of the good we have done for each other, crammed with the acts and deeds of those that have given and helped and cared. Imagine they dealt with the history of foul violence and intolerable cruelty for what they were and are today, the vile machinations of a controlling force that cares not for our species and can only be categorised as inhuman, that force being represented by the same bloodlines that have coursed through our history, forever twisting and mal-forming us and shaping our reality and beliefs and consciousnesses to leave us bereft of our true humanity, swallowed by the maw of evil generation after generation.

Imagine teaching that to your children, so that they knew what to be wary of, so that they understood the true nature of humankind and the evil that has beset us for so long.
Imagine how that would change the classroom, form the young minds passing through into adulthood.

See what is taught now and understand the depth and full-spectrum control of the enemy within, see how at every opportunity they shape our emerging understanding to prevent the discovery of our true nature.

The answer, my friends, is simple.
Many would have you believe it is not, that it is immensely difficult, immensely complex, that the enemy has all things covered, that there is much to fear, that events roll on inexorably and all you can do is witness.

Those are the deceivers, my friend.

Understand the true nature of yourself and of other human beings.

Let it out, this inner you, let it take the driving seat of the meat-machine despite the false reality’s insistence that to do so would make you weak, that others would prey on you, that you would lose everything.

You wouldn’t.
You would gain everything.

Start to believe in humanity.

You’re a fucking brilliant and incredible species!

Shape reality, it’s there to be shaped by you all.

Love will help.

Be one world tribe, and hold hands as you walk into the future.

Or let them kill you.

That’s the moment we’re in.

Xxx xxx xxx