Thursday, 27 March 2014


It becomes somewhat confusing, baffling even.
There are questions to which we can see no logical answer, or we are thwarted in our quest by a lack of information or by esoteria.

Unresolved is our origin, now brought into question.

Unresolved is our quest for certainty of the existence of some superior creative force, and how that creative force engendered the reality in which we play out this game.
In this game in which we are the observers of the creature we think of as “I” that has had to survive and thrive in this environment.
Shaped as it is deliberately evil.
As if to test us.

Unresolved is our understanding of the nature of this evil, save that it dwells in greater or lesser force in each of us.
In some of us it holds sway, and the connection between the biological entity called “me”, the “body-mind”, and the consciousness within, the conscience, the observer, US, is almost severed.

Brick by steady brick, in response to hurt, these human entities wall off their soul because they can bear not to look it in the face.
They are ashamed, and so they cut themselves off from that which makes them feel shame.
In response to hurt they learn to hurt.
They become less than whole, and so are sick, and have not the beauty of love within them as we do, and so should be pitied.

These are the ready servants our masters of reality seek out and recruit and promote and reward at every level so that at all times and in all circumstances evil holds the power in the world and is in absolute control of its wielding.

It is this reality that creates those that are sick with evil, nurtures its progeny and makes them able to do harm and so to continue this charade.

This is the true nature of the reality we exist in.
But it is not the only reality we can choose to have.
We have free will, and have yet to exercise that freedom.
A future is the prize, and beauty its decoration, and it is for us, our tribe, to find.

You understand who I am addressing?
The inside you that you dare not look in the face.
The US that is the soul and the common thread that runs through us all.
The true humanity, shrouded as it is but alive within us all.
That thing that has waited, and will now be born.

The most sick of our family are those that rise amongst us to be warrior kings, those we are ever beset by, by whatever title they adopt.

Those that are killing our species now, are summoning forth the evil in all of us and setting us at each others throats. Human against human by their devious strategy they cause us to harm one another.

To bury further our souls beneath a flood of savagery, orchestrated and soul-less and so inhuman.

All this shock and horror is to distract us from our time, to prevent our understanding, nothing else.

To prevent us from finding our power and from understanding that power is love and that it is in each of us, it is of us, it is what we all share.
Only this they fear.

Therefore only this will save us.

And perhaps, despite all we are ignorant of in our search for truth, this thing is the answer to the game and what we are all here to discover.
Perhaps it is that simple, that obvious, that easy to achieve.
A simple act of free will.

And perhaps this is the time.
And that is why the instruments to achieve this common understanding are placed in our hands.

And maybe we will make the right decision.
And we will evolve, and will have passed the test.

And we are one kind, we humans, and each is related somehow by ties of blood going back to the beginnings with the other.
Our family is seven billion strong and more diverse than our imagination can encompass but yet it is one family.

Sinners we are all, some more or some less, some almost without sin, some almost without soul, but within us all is our conscience, our self-disgust, that thing we force ourselves to ignore as we do what we have to do or are angered to do in the reality that has been crafted to force us into this absurdity.

We need only to let our souls into the driving seat, all as one, to understand in an instant, what we are capable of.
The reality, the evil, sees the dawning of this sudden capability and what such a moment of understanding would mean to the world..

All the evil in the world is hatching its vile and centuries old plot to steal this Moment from humanity.

It is time to wake up.
It is time to wake up.
It is time to live in a world of love

We are full of hope.
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.
Xxx xxx xxx .

Thursday, 6 March 2014


The world is an asylum, a prison for the criminally insane.
Look how we do things.
We have a global system which in every field of human activity creates the environment for the most ruthless, the most aggressive, the most scheming and ego-centric to advance and so to have power over the vast numbers of us that want this place to be good.

It is that simple.
It is insane.

Most of us want to be good.
Our systems and those that dominate them are evil.

And our systems are old, so old that they create the world we see about us, shape the false reality in which we suffer and are afraid. They are our history. They are our belief systems. They are money. They are the idea of one human being somehow being entitled to more than another. They are the idea that some shall live in squalor while others squander billions on their personal pleasures.
They are the idea that we are not one tribe, one species, humankind.
They are the idea that we don’t own this planet, that it is ours to protect and to cleanse and to beautify by virtue of our heredity.

And it is our world to rid of the legacy of Kings and the murderous and callous vilenesses their control grid perpetrates upon us.
And our duty.

You see, we are one tribe and the world is our Homeland, the land of our forefathers and ancestors.
It is as one tribe we should live.

Organised around the principles of freedom, equality, duty and share. Governed by codes of ethics. Guided by the most wise and the most caring.
Sharing the objective:
To create a place of beauty for all of our family so that all may be at peace, so that all may find happiness and fulfilment, so that each will know they are safe, because they are of the tribe of humanity and we work together as one.

Nothing else will do, because nothing else will save us.
We must cast aside our history, cast aside our personal grievances, cast aside the systems that girdle the pyramid of power and give it strength, walk away from those that would dominate us and follow those we choose and know to be best amongst us, such that we get those things done that need to be done.

We can do this.
But only if we have the strength to Start Again.
AND ONLY if we somehow can get together and know our strength.

Only if we agree to put aside what the current reality has taught us and look with wild surmise upon the possibilities that our future can bring if we can just do that one thing.
Start Again.

They understand our coming, our age-old masters, and in their spite they are wrecking everything and poisoning the herd by stealth.
And by obfuscation and by lying and by bribing the foul excrescences called scientists, that bank their fat salaries and dream of their comfortable retirement whilst tootling to work in their BMWs to labour on better ways to kill people.

They exist, these people, and somehow those that rule over us make us avoid staring this ugly truth right in the face.
Pure shit in human form, often winning Nobel prizes, we have been made insane enough to honour these fuckers.

Without such human beings the control grid could not function.
They are the cheating judges, the care-less CEO’s, the cop that likes to beat, the drug lord, the grunt that likes the shooting too much, the playground bully, the slime ball politician, the greedy fuckers.

We have let them scare us for too long now.

What gives them their structured power and authority over us are the systems we maintain, designed as they are to cream of the best of the psychopaths, the brightest and most evil to feed the system and preserve it.
We give them gold-bedecked uniforms, we clean their houses, we polish their shoes, we give them our finest stuff and our best places to live.
We do what they tell us to do, even when we know it’s wrong.
They cause us to kill each other! Brothers and Sisters of the same tribe, the human tribe, the owners of this planet.

Is this not a proof of mass insanity?
That we cannot see the absurdity of this and the vast misery it bestows?

And the system is old.
Older perhaps than we know.
And is about to topple.

And so the lifting of the veil is coming.
Apocalypse now.

There are conclusions one can draw about the future.
We will co-operate without money.
We will house and feed and clothe and entertain our family and do it well.
We will be happy and content.
We will care for each other.
We will guarantee each other freedom from fear by always acting en masse to deal with those that seek to dominate by fear.
We will do our duty, and delight in the work we do.
The world will flower and blossom and be rejuvenated by our efforts.
We will live in a world of love.
We will find the answers.
This must be.
For nothing else will do.
The alternative, the old reality is playing out its endgame.
We should keep nothing of it.

This is what it means to be HUMAN.

Let the Evolution begin.

Do something.
Somehow, become one tribe.

With love,
Aktina Pempti
Xxx xxx xxx