Sunday 18 December 2016

Trump, Hillary, the next few days, prophecy....

"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."
(Benito Mussolini to Edwin James of the New York Times, 1928.)

We should remember: When Lenin revolutionised Russia, none of the peasants knew that behind Lenin crouched the hidden hand, the gold of usurious bankers whose purpose he served. What lay ahead for Russians was decades of totalitarianism, repression, death camps. But first came the struggle, the civil war between ideologies and the forces of entrenched power, the struggle in which beliefs were forged and stamped with blood.

We should remember: When Hitler revolutionised Germany, none of the people knew that behind Hitler crouched the hidden hand, the gold of usurious bankers whose purpose he served. What lay ahead for Germans was decades of totalitarianism, repression, death camps. But first came the struggle, the civil war between ideologies and the forces of entrenched power, the struggle in which beliefs were forged and stamped with blood.

Behind the crouching bankers lurked the deeper evil, the older power, whose purpose they served, a power that had fully understood the power of Magick money since their rule in Venice, the Black Nobility that relocated to northern Europe, to Germany, Denmark, Holland and then Britain, the current home of the full-blood King, the once and future King.
(King Edward the 8th, AKA the Duke of Windsor and Wallace Simpson shake hands with the Adept Hitler).

Behind those, those who had and still hold the belief in their 'divine right' to rule, lay and lies the divinity that holds the power to grant that right, the divinity to whom they sacrifice innocents, sacrifice innocence, and in that blood ritual drink of the essence of evil.
(Arkansas, Arkancide!)
But we understand just how widespread this is, right?

There are many other examples in the history of humanity where Adept leaders arose, adepts whose charisma sucked in the energy of the downtrodden and disgruntled masses of slaves, of serfs, of subjects.
The Adept's particular skill lies in winning the hearts and minds of humans, in engendering the belief that the change they seek finds its personification in the adept, that the adept is an expression of the people's will, that the adept is doing what the people want.

The Adept is their dream fulfiller, harvesting the great upward surge of human energy and emotion, co-opting it, turning its good intentions into dark actions.
There is nothing and nobody that holds power in this reality that is not connected to the evil source.

Dietrich Eckart of the occult Thule society said of the man he had made Adept, Adolf  Hitler:

"Follow Hitler; he will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers in vision, and given him the means to communicate with the powers."

They said of Hitler, before he made a speech, that he seemed to become possessed.
They say of Hillary, that before she makes a speech, she seems to transform.
Many Rock Stars go through the same transformation before they go on stage.......

Once they beecome believers in the adept nothing can shake people free. They are told there are enemies and they will scour them out and kill them, will be ruthless in their efforts to preserve the revolution and protect it from decriers, and they will think themselves good by doing so.
Opposition to the rule of the Adept is crushed.
Especially those lost in the thrall of another Adept......

Now America is entering its revolutionary stage, the moment when two opposing Adepts are theatrically poised, their followers itching for something to begin, both sides under the thrall. 
As Mussolini averred all those years ago:
"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."
One doesn't have to be sighted to understand that history repeats itself, sometimes in the most obvious of ways.......
Then of course there's this image and quote circulating, though we can't find the source for the quotation, which may be fake, but still illustrates the point:

As we progress down this particular rabbit hole of conjecture or understanding, whichever it is, we have to remind ourselves of the remarkable Illuminati card game, which seems to act as a future predicter in this game we call existence. (Is this the AI that created this place giving us clues?)

This card tells us exactly what the wet dreams are of  the SJW Hillary supporters, whose extreme behaviour already speaks of being under the thrall:
This tells of a charismatic leader, and of a shooting!

Interestingly, an attempt was made on Mussolini's life. In 1926 a woman called Violet Gibson, daughter of Lord Ashbourne, shot three times at Mussolini and injured him, slightly, in the nose.
Just as seems to be predicted by the Illuminati card, the bullet's path just grazing the nose.
Was Violet carrying out orders?

((Interestingly, her descendant appeared in the UK press not long back. Read into this story about the son of the fourth Baron Ashbourne what you will.....

Pc Walker said Gibson ignored his instruction to stay where he was, so he tried to restrain him, which led to them “grappling” for 11 minutes.
The police officer said that even though he handcuffed one of his hands, the suspect threw him off his back like he was “nothing”.
He said: “Which considering I weigh 13-and-a-half stone, was quite impressive.
“At some point, he has taken a swing at me, which I moved to avoid. He said to me ‘you’re not arresting me, I’m going home’.
“I have then reached for my capacitor (pepper spray) and sprayed it directly into Mr Gibson’s eyes. He stood there, wiped it from his eyes and called me a coward. 

“At this point in my career, that is the first time I have ever had a capacitor fail on me.”
The officer said he then drew his baton and hit Gibson “as hard as he could” three times on his shins, which also had no effect.
He said: “This was an ‘oh no’ moment on my part, because I have never come across a person I have not been able to physically overpower.”
Pc Walker said he grabbed Gibson again and was punched in the side and told: “I’m nobody and I do not have the power to arrest somebody like him. 
Dear reader, you may interpret that story how you wish. Go back in my blog and find posts about "something other", living amongst us and feeding off us.))
Dear reader, the next few days will be pivotal in America's history.
Be careful who you believe.
And remember, behind both Trump and Hillary lie crouched
the hidden hand, the gold of usurious bankers whose purpose they serve. What lies ahead for Americans are decades of totalitarianism, repression, death camps. But first comes the struggle, the civil war between ideologies and the forces of entrenched power, the struggle in which beliefs are forged and stamped with blood.

Make yourself aware of what's really happening, make yourself rise above these things, know that the new human civilisation which these theatrical events are supposed to steal will be founded on Love, founded upon an understanding of unity, NEVER DIVISION.

The MSM do their duty for Hillary, the fake alternative media do their duty for Trump, the effect is division.

By their works shall you know them.

If they speak of peace and of unity, they speak of the future.

If they speak in anger of division they are of the past.

Cast them off. The world is at stake now.

With Love,
Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti
xxx xxx xxx

P.S. For all you gold bugs, following the urging for gold backed currency from the likes of the fake alternative media. It's a quote about Mussolini, and Gold:

"He also combated an economic recession by introducing the "Gold for the Fatherland" initiative, by encouraging the public to 'voluntarily' donate gold jewellery such as necklaces and wedding rings to government officials in exchange for steel wristbands bearing the words "Gold for the Fatherland". Even Rachele Mussolini donated her own wedding ring. The collected gold was then melted down and turned into gold bars, which were then distributed to the national banks." (National Banks owned by whom?)

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1 comment:

  1. Donation with you soon. Bless you so very much. X


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