Monday 15 June 2009

Open Letter to mankind

First they ignore you,

then they laugh at you,

then they fight you,

then you win.

An open letter to mankind.

We have waited a long time.
We have endured millennia of poverty of spirit.
We have endured millennia of hardship, of fear, of bloodshed.
Millennia of misery; disconnected, bereft.
We are an unnatural species, deprived of the balance with nature accorded to other inhabitants of this earth, deprived of the beautiful earth we could have , should have and would have created as our civilisation advanced.
Something has prevented this. Something evil.
Something that has sown such seeds of discord and disharmony for such a time that we cannot believe of ourselves that we can end this miserable facsimile of life.
Each of us bears a conscious and subconscious burden of preconditioning that drives our conceptions of our fellow spirits, that creates an immovable wedge of difference, a difference that precludes agreement and harmony, a difference that engenders dislike, hatred, violence.
This burden is not natural. It has been imposed upon us. It is the greatest weapon in the arsenal of those that would cause us to remain in this pitiful state.
Our beautiful earth plays host to millions of species, but there is one that dominates. It is not mankind. It is a bastardisation of mankind that embodies an evil of spirit, a wickedness of heart that is beyond comprehension. It finds amongst us the weak, the ignoble, the sociopathic and the psychopathic to act as its servants and the promulgators of its agenda. This bastard specie has created a world to its own liking and controls it with such a plethora of institutions, such an leviathan of organisation, such a myriad of techniques of control and mastery that a single man or woman can hardly conceive of its might, let alone conceive of destroying it.
It is not enough to put a single name to this vast wrong other than evil. It is not the Holy Roman Church, it is not The Jew, it is not The Muslim, it is not The Psychopath, it is not Fascism nor Communism nor the discredited and abused facsimile of Democracy. It is not the British Empire nor the City of London. It is not the street corner bully, nor is it the sneak thief of high finance. It is all of these things and none of them absolutely, it is an ancient and genetic evil that crosses many divides but is harmonious in its genetic composition. It has ever been.
To understand it for what it is, to realise the nature of the beast is the first step. All religions have within them the story of a devil, an anti-christ, an evil doing entity. It is the habit of this fantastic bloodline of evil to ever inform us of its existence, to tell us of its plans beforehand. Its purpose in so doing is to create amusement for itself.
You must understand this: They are so used to their natural superiority and have such a command of us that we are comical to them.
Imagine if you will a squirrel that steals the peanuts you have put out for the birds. At first you ignore it, but when it steals too many nuts you relocate the bird feeder. It’s not enough, the squirrel finds a route to the new location. For amusement, you devise a series of obstacles for the squirrel to overcome, entertaining yourself with how difficult you can make things, laughing at its antics, watching it learn and then creating a new, more difficult obstacle.
Imagine if you will that you had no feeling for this creature other than for its entertainment value, and that if it becomes too persistent and too successful, you simply reach for your squirrel gun or your pot of poison or you summon your rodent operative and you kill it. Without a thought.
That is how they look upon you and I.
Then imagine if you will that the squirrel has a large family. A very large family. And imagine six billion of them entering your bedroom at four in the morning, hungry for nuts and very pissed off at you.

It is just a numbers game, after all...........

First they ignore you,

then they laugh at you,

then they fight you,

then you win.

1 comment:

  1. Please keep up the good work. I am an American just waking up. You and your wife are my new heroes.

    I tried to send a longer comment but google wouldn't allow that many words! I'm thinking of putting up a blog to try to wake up more Americans. If I do, I will come back to you and follow your blog so that it can be linked to mine and people can go over and read yours! You are much more eloquent that I could be and I appreciate your articles. Thank You and good luck with your Olive Farm!!


We love to hear what you think, thanks.