Saturday 15 August 2020

Why 11:11 is humanity's only hope.

We are driven by logic, by a reduction of this great battle to its essentials.

From that emerges the only strategy available to our species.

WE that oppose this terror are being distracted.

Every nation now has its own groups.

Some threaten “legal action” against their governments.

Some promise “demonstrations”.

Everywhere “leaders” have emerged.

All of these groups and leaders gain followers.

All of them have secondary agendas.

They are playing “politics”.

Many, most, evidently have money behind them.

Ask yourself: How else would they have risen to prominence in your consciousness?

Slick websites.

Paid writers.

Charismatic alternative media channel presenters.

Marketing and video production teams.

In every nation, teams of tame “experts” are gathered.

They urge you to complain to your representative.

They urge you to vote one way or another.

They urge you to sign useless petitions.

To march, to demonstrate, to become a small but vocal opposition.

In opposition to the already mind-controlled masses.

Divide and rule, eh?

Always works.

Have YOU fallen for it yet?

They want your money, of course, have shops, elicit donations and Patreon support.

But they already seem to have some source of funding, don't they?

Use your instincts, trust those instincts.

They'll begin to appear (already have) in the mainstream media.

Detail will be gone into, debates had, opinions expressed.

Detail is the demons' favourite playground.

These are such simple operations to mount that it is beyond belief that so many of us are falling, yet again, for these fakes.

Of course, once we “believe”, once we “follow” and especially once we give financial commitment, they know, absolutely, that nothing will persuade you that you have been fooled, yet again.

Your energy will have been effectively removed from the field of battle.

You will have been sidelined.

You will become someone that waits for the leaders you have chosen to “do” something.

And you'll be paying for the privilege of being rendered useless.

All of this has happened before, of course.

A thousand times.

This is how the power dissipates humanity's energy.

Distract, divide, steal loyalty.

These creatures are the sharpest points in the armoury of behavioural psychology, the chief charismatic spell-casters of that dark art.

Their “strategies” are old school, defunct, useless, tried and tested and proven to fail

Human beings have been encouraged in these strategies forever.

Have they worked?


Petitions take time to amass signatories, and are simply ignored.

Demonstrations fail, always.

They are infiltrated by megaphone carrying fakes. They are infiltrated by black clad agents provocateurs that burn things and throw things at police officers.

If the power decides it wants escalation, snipers are deployed. A pro-mask rally will be arranged, people shot at, anti-maskers blamed.

This is how the power creates civil war.

1st , create two vehemently opposed groups.

Lead both.

Then add a spark to the tinder.

Let the killing commence.

It's ludicrously easy for them to do.

Ask anyone from the “Former Republic of Yugoslavia”, or indeed fifty or more nations you care to recall from the last 50 years of human history.

These things are in their “playbook”, as WE well know.

Yet they're working again!

This is not to say that every group that has emerged or will emerge is so controlled.

But each of those groups is taking sides, as is natural.

So each of those groups merely adds more combustible fuel to the coming conflagration.

And none, except we here, propose a way to unite humanity and to utterly disarm the Power that threatens our species forever.

Take away their power, their chief weapon, and they will lose this war.

Nothing else will do.

It is the intent of the power to create absolute chaos in the world.

And through that absolute chaos to render humanity incapable of anything but begging for relief.

Once we are much reduced in number.

Use your instincts: You cannot petition creatures that intend to kill you.

It is a mistake human beings often make to underestimate the capacity for evil in those that rule us.

Because we cannot even think about killing babies for their blood, their andrenochrome, the demonic nutrition of terror and misery, we cannot conceive of these acts being a mainstay of the demonic ruler's chief sport.

Yet it is.

Once that understanding is arrived at it is a short step to understanding what the world power could do, and will do, if we allow them to maintain control over this reality.

This is our single objective as a species.

To take from THEM the Power they have over our species.

Nothing else will suffice but that.

I need not list the potential horrors that face us if we don't succeed.

Therefore it is of no use to follow leaders in each nation, nor indeed to follow leaders at all.

Leaders can be and are bought, funded, controlled, threatened, assassinated if not controlled, blackmailed.

If they are genuine you'll hardly find them on the internet. If they are fake they'll appear in your “recommended for you” instructions. If they are genuine they'll disappear into the memory hole, if they are fake you'll see them on TV and, of course, on each others YT channels or podcasts, referenced on each others websites.

They'll have books and T-shirts just for you to buy, and “special” areas that you can visit if you pay, where they promise you'll get more “secrets” and deeper rabbit holes than the ones they've already lured you into.

Know that in the Power's commercial law a contract has been entered into only once money has been paid over. That is why these creatures always beg for donations or other financial commitments. It seals the deal.

What must be done is easy to see.

Humanity must unite across the world.

It must unite behind a principle, an idea, a shared understanding.

It must unite to deprive the power of its chief weapons.

That is how wars are won. Not with demos, not with petitions, not with legal actions.

But by depriving the enemy of its weapons, its supply lines, its capability to wage war.


They are depriving us of that with their multitude of fake organisations, fake oppositions.

Its chief weapons are all derived from money.

The hierarchies built and sustained by money.

The power of ownership of corporations granted by money.

The power that money has to control the demonic creatures in governments, police, judiciary, NGOs, in every tentacle of the crooked octopus of authority everywhere that we see ranged against humanity everywhere in lockstep.

The money that has bought them all media control so that they can bend and shape human minds everywhere, including the minds of those that oppose them.

Our human unity is found in our human-heartedness, that instinctive knowledge of right and wrong, the realisation that our human destiny can only be reached if we build our world society on love.

That, simply, is what 11:11 stands for.

A different future, built on human love.

That number should be the symbol of our unity and our intent, among all of our tribes, a species acting together to reshape our world and remove the Power of evil from our human story.

THIS IS the Moment when our species must choose.

To achieve that WE must take the power from those that hold it now.


If your petition works, if your demonstration stops masks or lockdowns or forced vaccination, BUT YOU LEAVE THOSE THAT HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE MONEY FROM THIN AIR TO KEEP THAT POWER, then how long, do you think, your victories will last?

They'll be back, and soon, with their next reign of terror.

Because you will have left those creatures with all of their power.

When the Nazis were beaten, they were disarmed, their weapons factories destroyed, their chiefs arrested and some of them hung. That wasn't enough, of course. The power that created the Nazis, international banking and those behind those servants of the power, went untouched.

No Nuremberg trials for them!

Indeed, they set up the UN and simply carried on with their programme.

Had already laid those plans.

Do you see?

Any opposition must include all of humanity everywhere.

Any opposition must have no leaders.

Any opposition must share a guiding, unarguable principle: Human love.

Any opposition must target the chief armament of the power: Money creation, indeed money itself.

How can we do this?

Gather in our billions.

Refuse debt.

Refuse money itself.

Understand that the world has resources and effort, Keep Calm and Carry On so that none go hungry, none grow cold.

As a species, be vigilant to avert chaos. Everyone becomes a cop for a while, every street organises to keep peace, every area organises to prevent fools from destroying what's been started.

This is War, friend. Begin to THINK that way.

WE find those best among us in every organisation to keep the wheels of our human society running, to prioritise, to manage, to choose what we should do and what we can stop doing as a species.

We do these things already, organise to best effect already.

We simply need to Keep Calm and Carry On.

But the Moment we refuse money is the Moment we deny our rulers all of their power, all of their positions in human heirarchies, all of their ownership of intellectual knowledge and patents, all of the fear generated by usury.

We will grant our own homes to each other on that day, guaranteed by humanity to humanity.

Every human being needs such certainty.

WE will, over time, give each of us a decent home, everywhere.

Write into our new laws such principles.

At last.

What a great comfort that will bring to our species, to future generations that would otherwise have been locked into lifetime debt and lifetime insecurity.

Our home, our place that none can take.

We will even let the monsters keep one of their palaces.

But who will clean them, who will cook their feasts, who will tend their gardens, who fly their planes or drive their limousines, who polish their silver?

The trappings of their power will disappear over time, their utter luxury very quickly, the “glamour magic” of such things deprived them.

Maybe some of them will get a job!

One thing is for sure.

They will never again have our children as toys.

This WE promise.

Sure, such an historic evolution in the way we humans do things will have problems.

Problems there are 7 billion of us to sort out, to make just, to make as fair as can be.

But these problems will be surmounted.

You or I cannot see all the answers.

But seven billion human beings will find those answers.


A great weight will be lifted from our souls.

There is resource, there is human effort and ingenuity.

We don't require an elite of bloodsuckers sitting on top of the world creaming off human energy to create unwarranted Power and using that Power for evil.

There's stuff, and there's us.

Let's take their Power from them and Start Again.


Kill money.

Nothing else will win this war.

And the consequences of losing are too terrible to imagine.


When we win, gone will be the war mongers, the death camp builders, the dark menace that has dominated humanity for millennia.

Those that insist on injecting your children and you with an untested vaccine.

Those who would track you and trace you for their own nefarious reasons.

Those that hold nuclear annihilation over our heads.

Those that own everything simply because they can make money from nothing and lend that fakery to our species at interest.

Those that, clearly now, intend to cull humanity, to make “their herd” more manageable, to deprive our collective intelligence of its destiny, its future.

How can YOU be a part of this Evolution?

Simply volunteer.

WE , the human species, must become ONE.

Our symbol is this: 11:11

When we see this everywhere so the mind-spell cast over our brothers and sisters will begin to fall away.

WE will not be a “lunatic fringe”.

WE will be a SPECIES standing in opposition to EVIL.

That, dear Warrior of the Rainbow, is how we win.

First: Become one.

Use 11:11 as our symbol, our flag.

Second: Disarm the enemy of its weapon: Money.

Third: Keep Calm and Carry on.

Fourth: Be vigilant and avert chaos. Keep Calm and Carry On.

Five: Start again as a species from shared principles, all derived from Love.

Six: Pray, inwardly, that WE are doing what the Creator always intended. To kill evil, to kill its systems, to rid our reality of those things forever. To care for our children, and pass to them a better world.

All it takes is this:


Just share these numbers, all day, every day.

And begin to see “WE” emerge where there was no “WE”.

And when you do, know that WE will win.


  1. I've been reading your blog having seen a comment you left on a Vernon Coleman video. I check back often and love your enthusiasm for the change that I totally agree is needed. I saw you post in the KBF forum also. I want to share in this hope but I cannot see this happening. I'm with you though. 11:11.

    1. Thank you. Just spread the numbers. The Wetiko/demonic invasion of humanity WILL be beaten. It's about spreading memes (as the Power uses against us) in the collective consciousness. It will happen suddenly, and soon, which is why the demons are fighting so hard. Fill your mind with love and share that. It won't be long.

  2. You are a Noahide! You have my trust and support

  3. You are a Noahide! You have my trust and support

    Rainbow symbol? The seven universal laws for all humankind

    1. Jshalet, Thank you for your kind comments. Aktina and I are very much in tune with universal laws, of which the rainbow is a symbol. Most of humanity have broken one or the other of the laws, ourselves included. What's key is ruth, regret, the urge to not repeat, the idea of raising children into a world where it becomes second nature, human nature, to understand and never break those universal laws and to express them as the nature of our species. xxx xxx xxx 3 6 9 11 11 20 20


We love to hear what you think, thanks.