Thursday 20 August 2020

Doctor goes "off script" Watch before it's gone

Watch the Wetiko/Demon journalists desperately trying to spread the FEAR and this superb human being doctor speaking TRUTH to the dark power. The media scum absolutely exposed for what they are: Wetiko. What else could explain this behaviour everywhere other than some kind of connecting agenda that goes beyond anything normal, or some kind of "OTHER" connection? WETIKO.


  1. Only one secret society covers the whole planet. The freemason's

    1. Maybe. Maybe there's a darker group that sits atop of the Masons and other groups. Seems that there is only one "Crown" in this reality that sits above even the ancient Royal blood lines. The Queen can only enter the City of London by permission. It is the only place she does not walk through doors first. There are rumours that the Crown is called Pindar, some kind of ancient demonic entity. That would not surprise me at all, for something malevolent controls this world and enjoys creating misery. Perhaps, when this is all over and humanity Start Again, WE will find this creature.
      Olive, Warrior of the Rainbow. My number is 11:11

  2. I've seen this creature you speak of as a child I had to dimiss it 11:11


We love to hear what you think, thanks.