Sunday 9 August 2020



“They” say you are crazy.

When you go out without a mask “they” stare at you.

Soon they'll hiss at you, point, call security.

Dare we say it, you are increasingly coming to realise that something has protected you from this barrage of mind control.........

You realise that it's the rest of humanity that's become crazy.

The question you should be asking is WHY you have been spared?


We can't answer the “how”, but we think we know why.....

Don't be afraid of feeling somehow “special” right now.

The feeling of “separation” is there because you are different.

Don't be afraid of letting this understanding enter your being:

YOU are here on a mission.

We guess you are slowly coming to understand that now.....

The mission, as you are becoming aware, is to act as a guide.

To guide humanity to its destiny.

To a place in the future that's free of the monsters that shape this reality.

WE know each other by these numbers: 11:11

Who knows how, but there it is.

Too many of us that are free of the mind control have seen these numbers and sense there is something strange associated with them. This is a weird, inexplicable fact, but a fact it is.

We think this:

There is a reason you are immune to the mind control.

There is a purpose to your presence here in this time.

A strong sense of duty, coming to the fore. 

Now, you should seek your fellows, become strong in unity.

To begin, share our numbers.


That is how WE WILL become the host that WE ARE.

When WE communicate by showing our numbers, everywhere.


We are all volunteers, instinct will tell you. 

Now we must reach out and find each other.

WE ARE Warriors of the Rainbow, and WE FEAR NOTHING.

Duty first.

Our number is 11:11


Just add the numbers to every post.

Soon, you will see your fellows.

Soon, everyone will see us.

Get busy.


With Love

Aktina Pempti

xxx xxx xxx

3 6 9

11 11

20 20


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