Sunday 30 August 2020

Tactical Considerations and Allegory.


It is important in war to reduce all situations to their fundamental drivers, to discover what lies at the very foundation of the enemy's ability to wage war.

An enemy might have a thousand tanks, but if it has no fuel for those tanks it has none.

An enemy might have ten times the number of soldiers as you, but if they are utterly demoralised, have lost faith in their cause, or they haven't eaten for a week, or if mercenaries haven't been paid, then they are worthless.

All war is fought effectively through supply.

Supply of the materials of war and supply of a motivational belief to those fighting that war.

In this war against humanity the two essentials for our enemy's success are money, which drives the vast engines of greed that sustain its control matrix, and the Wetiko mind-worm that so possesses its victims that they abandon their humanity and choose to ally themselves with an evil that threatens our species' very existence.

The Wetiko mind-worm enters the psyche of a human being and slowly builds its control over the actions of that human being until it becomes the driver of all of that human being's actions. Take, for example, a crooked police officer. Just after recruitment they are full of an energetic zeal to do the right thing, to bring the bad people to justice. Then, one day, they are taken aside and offered an inducement to look the other way over some minor affair. This is the door opener for the Wetiko.

Every single human being has allowed the Wetiko in, at some point. Most of us, because our “human-heartedness” is strong, resist the Wetiko, push back against its constant urgings and wicked suggestions. This has nothing to do with lawful behaviour, for the laws of this world are not human laws but are the systemic power of money expressed as controlling regulation. Rather it has to do with an innate understanding of right and wrong which we human beings are born with. The police officer that takes that first inducement will then be offered larger inducements, promotions, for perverting the course of justice. They will come to understand that they are separate from the public they have sworn to protect, that the public are there to be bullied, that they will face no recrimination for such bullying, that they will rise through the ranks according to how crooked they allow themselves to become. Day by day the Wetiko grows within until it becomes the master of that human being.

The Wetiko teaches the human being to pretend to be the exact opposite of what they have truly become. All Wetiko controlled human beings become false representations of a human being, become actors, counterfeit spirits. They learn to spout fine ideals, learn to fake empathy, compassion, care, even love. They learn to defend the Wetiko within, to justify and explain everything evil that they do with reference to some higher ideal. From that description it becomes easy to identify the Wetiko in almost all politicians, almost all media pundits, corporate and charity bosses, uniformed officers, civil servants of rank, most doctors (!), senior university staff, experts in many fields that have risen to stardom in their chosen area of expertise and so on. The enemy, in other words.

The enemy now has all of these creatures across the world now marching in lockstep. Their belief system, that which unifies them, has produced that totality of control through so many hierarchies that has shocked we free minded human beings by its completeness. We simply cannot believe there are so few whistle blowers, so few experts standing aside from this global takeover, so few politicians speaking against it, so few media people investigating and reporting on this vast deception and so on.

We human beings are in a spiritual war. Our enemy is the Wetiko demonic spirit that has taken over a few million human beings and, through its propaganda, is making space in many human being's hearts for the Wetiko to grow stronger in them. The masks, the social distancing, the closure of places to gather and the outlawing of gathering, the fines for non-compliance, the encouragement of snitching, the overwhelming fear-shock induced by constant repetition of the threat to people's lives, all of these war efforts are an assault on the human being's innate understanding of right and wrong such that within them all the Wetiko grows stronger every day. These creatures, collaborators with the Wetiko spirit, are the snitches, the finger pointers, those that shout at and bully the non-compliant, will become those that tell on their friends and family who are hiding from the armies of vaccinators.

The Wetiko, it seems, is winning this war, the belief is strong in billions of human beings and will get stronger when the next virus, which Mr Gates tells us we “will notice!”, is released into the world.

Money is an inexhaustible fuel for every part of the enemy's war machinery. As we know, they create it from thin air at the touch of a computer key. They have produced many trillions of dollars or euros or whatever currency they choose over the last few months and have used that fake stuff to reward their chief acolytes, who have directed this energetic fuel to drift downwards through all hierarchies everywhere.

They have, in this process, bought whatever was left of the world's essential resources (a process which had already taken a huge leap forwards following the fake banking crisis). They now issue free “income” to many millions, essentially enslaving those individuals who will have to accept track and trace, the vaccine, the microchip in order to keep receiving this essential “money”, those digital numbers that humanity now accepts as “value”. They are along the path to becoming perpetual slaves to the Wetiko and then to encouraging or making their children become such shadow creatures in whom instinctive humanity has died.

It has taken the power in this reality nigh on two thousand years to complete its monopolisation of all human transactions.

It spread its money systems through many empires, suffered reversals (in the USA for instance several times until it won its final victory in 1913). Those Empires, every one, attacked tribal peoples and introduced the Wetiko money system where it did not exist before. For example, not a single North American tribal people had a money system. Their beliefs were, like all natural human beings, full of the understanding of sharing as an essential to survival and to the production of enough, from which happiness and joy were derived, leaving plenty of time for celebration, for fun and for love.

The Wetiko system also killed tribal shamans, as it killed “witches” in the Inquisition, and killed the tribes oral historians so that the tribe “lost its memory” and its chief guides. A substitute religion was forced upon those people wherever possible, often grabbing children from parents and placing them in religious “schools” (from where many “disappeared”). Those tribes were forced into the world money system and so the door that allows the Wetiko in was created among them.

The Allegory.

“Imagine you were part of a group that was marooned on a desert island on which grew just one tree that had yellow leaves. Then imagine somebody organising a gang and proclaiming themselves “King”, killing those that objected, cowering the cowards, taking Power through fear. Then imagine that they proclaimed that the yellow leaves of that particular tree were “money”, and that they owned the tree. They even took cuttings to grow more trees, just so they could have plenty of leaves. With leaves they bought whatever they desired, and all those that accepted the leaves became unwitting supporters of the King, the Power. Some joined the King's bullies so that they could be close to the tree and receive more of its bounty. After a while, the leaves became “normal”, something desired and fought over by the King's subjects. After a generation or two, nobody could imagine a world without leaves. Their entire lives became dependent upon whether they had leaves or not. The more leaves, the more of everything and the best of everything became possible. Some were short of leaves and had to “borrow” leaves from the King, and had to pay back more than they had borrowed. To sustain that repayment they needed to make sure that their supply of leaves never faltered, or the King's bullies would take their homes or put them in prison. So they became less than human, lacking free will, inhumanly compliant, spiritless.

The leaves became the doorway for the Wetiko spirit. Encouraging greed, encouraging corruption, encouraging criminality, venality, perversion and absolute compliance to the Leaf System .

Then, one day, after many years, a ship landed. The sailors cut down the tree for firewood. They took the King and his bullies captive, tried them for their crimes, hung them, and left.

The islanders scrabbled around in confusion. “We have no leaves!” they cried “How will we survive?”

Then a wise woman stood up.

“We have fruit, we have fish, we have the vegetables we grow. We have wood with which to build. We have fibre to make our clothes. Why do we need leaves? You who were in debt to the King are now free, your debt is gone. Rejoice, be happy. Let's throw an almighty party because, at last, we are all free! But here's a warning. From this day forwards we must never allow a King to bully us into submission. WE must always act together, for all of our future, to prevent such a thing. And WE will never grow that money tree again, for fear that someone will come and take it for their own and so rule over us.”

So party they did.

Share they did.

And, slowly at first but then in a great rush, a great sense of their humanity surfaced.

The Wetiko was pushed out of the driving seat of their soul and their human-heartedness resurged in their spirits. And they were happy.

And no doubt, somewhere, a God, the very essence of Good and Love, smiled contentedly.

And a demon, the very essence of Evil, grew weak, withered and died.”

Its an allegory.

But its the truth.

As a species we have given unlimited supplies of the energy that drives evil to demonic, Wetiko spirits. They now own humanity and own our reality and have shaped it all wrong.

It is laughably stupid of us, as a species.

But ready of an immediate solution.

To win this war, as a species, WE simply need to cut down the leaf tree.

Then the Wetiko will leave this reality.

Will wither and die.

And our human-heartedness will emerge, fear will disappear from this reality, and our species will become what it was destined to become.

Simply, Good.

And the creator, the force of love that opposes Evil, will smile.

And all those that are drawn to God, by whatever name, will see that they are drawn to that force of Love, that nothing divides them but books and ritual and hierarchies and that LOVE was always inside their human hearts and so rejoice.

To do this, dear human, requires all of us, billions strong.

It will be as simple as realising what we all share.

Our human heartedness, and an understanding of the yellow leaved tree and the power it gives to Evil and the door it opens to the Wetiko spirit.

We should call ourselves something.

Warriors of the Rainbow fits.

Research the Hopi prophecy and decide whether WE should choose to fulfil that prophecy.

We should be able to recognise each other and see our multitude growing.

11:11 should be our flag.

Research those numbers, what they speak of, and the fact that so many of us have seen them too often for “coincidence” to be a factor.

Don't wonder “why?” Just let it in. It speaks os a force of Good that stands against a force of evil.

And of course it's the date, the Moment.

11:11 2020

The moment the world changes.

Do not worry that there will be no “leaves”.

WE will Keep Calm and Carry On.

Seven billion of us will see to that.

WE seven billion will discourage fools, bring justice to criminals, sanction the greedy, prevent looting.

Because WE are a tribe of seven billion human beings, a species.

WE will organise, quickly.

Humanity is good at organising.

We are on this island in space and time called reality.

It is OUR island, not some King's.

No “Kings”, no “Leaves”, no Wetiko.

Just human heartedness, the essence of our species forgotten but NOW RESURFACING.

To create this miracle?

Simply share!

I am a Warrior of the Rainbow. My number is 11:11”

When you see that everywhere, every day, you'll know Humanity is winning this war.

WE will attack their supply lines: Money

WE will attack their belief system: Wetiko

11:11 2020.

Time is short to create this miracle, so get busy, Warriors.

And remember: As long as THEY retain the "legal" right, world wide, to create money from thin air, then their Power to make war on humanity will always be there. Always. Forever.

WE must simply cut down the yellow leaved tree.

With Love and Hope,

Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti

xxx xxx xxx

3 6 9

11 11

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  2. Human trafficking, - particularly child traffic, satanic ritual abuse, 'Blood Cult' sacrifice', etc and all of its derivatives (note the financial reference) such as adrnochrome -is what 'feeds' the enemy (Archontic/Weitiko) forces, and which constitute the major financial operation world-wide, even greater than Big Pharma and the military-industrial complex.
    The child that is being slaughtered alive for its nectar is our OWN INNER CHILD that we have (à la Jung) occulted to our 'dark side' - out of sight, out of mind...for the mindless masses.

  3. There's the great mystery, the source, that which remains unknown to most but which the world mind of humanity is coming to understand. We'll hunt them down and throw them from this reality, though they dwell inside us, and close that door.

  4. On the 3D plane, the 'source' of their wealth is to be found (predominently underground, hidden, occulted, in DUMBs) with the 8 million plus missing children world-wide, which does not take into account those being bred specifically for trafficking/ritual abuse etc., and who have no Birth Certificates with which to be traced/identified.
    All will come to Light in the fullness of time. Humanity has lost awareness of itself, on both individual and collective levels - programmed to de-humanise itself/themselves (whence the masks, anti-social distancing & self-imprisonment/lockdown of contemporary times.
    'Do we need to ask why so many humans bring plants and flowers into their living spaces, particularly when they their unnatural habitat is several stories above earth? Current ‘self-isolation’ brings home, so to speak, the level of deprivation experienced through the loss of contact with our habitual natural environment. Many are experiencing now what constitutes the common experience of most of the so-called controllers aloof in their not so ivory towers, cushioned from organic life by several layers of protective synthetic clothing, surrounded by legions of proto-robotic soulless body guards, – far from the madding crowds! Further from bliss they could not be; but what would they know of bliss?

    All trace of compassion, heartfelt warmth, spontaneous celebrations of joyousness, are strangers to them. For you cannot measure LOVE. You cannot measure passion, the weight of joy or of an ocean of bliss. Yet the survival of these demonic entities depends upon you, upon the fruits of these life expressions that they are incapable of creating, much less producing. For your ‘loosh’ is essential to them, which involves the maintenance of your being in a quasi relentless state of fear which you attempt to mask…for appearances sake. Does not the smiliest of selfies seek to dissimulate and mask its underlying uneasy fear?

    All the techno-toys in the world can never replicate the life force that flows through you with each breath and in between each breath, too. This is a continuum, the life force that breaths into creation the infinite variety of essences both within and upon earth to this day. We tend to take this for granted, each successive breath that unfailingly nourishes us on our way. Yet the Archons have no use for either breath or earth, surviving as they do – as lifeless as they are inert. Neither do their minions care for organic earth, these self-appointed impostor-controllers who consider themselves to be the ‘chosen few’. “Bend over” and “Obey!” Chosen by whom to administer over you?'
    Warm-heartedness to all.

  5. When we come out of this dream as a species we will find those child snatchers and close off that energy source for the monsters.
    Thanks for sharing, John.
    We are full of hope that what's happening now will push humanity in the direction least expected by those engineering this fear. We feel they have underestimated our collective consciousness now we are so many.


We love to hear what you think, thanks.