If you are experiencing
a growing understanding that WE have a mission to save our species,
then this is for you. It's long, so we hope you can persevere to the
end. We believe the message is key to our collective strategy right
now, how we can win this thing. When you get to the end, please act.
Human beings, more than
any other creatures, take the stuff of which this reality is made and
shape that stuff into other things. A bird builds a nest. Humanity
builds vast cities with incredibly detailed infrastructure. In
building our cities we are constrained. Not by the availability of
“stuff” - the resources available, but by the supply of an
artifice called money and its availability and directional control.
Thus our cities have become ugly places because of the directional
control of money. In times past, when money was a more “real”
thing than it is now, the cities we built relied more on the
availability of skilled labour and the availability of stuff, like
stone, with which to create. So it is that we still revere the relics
of past generations of builders, those that gave us soaring
cathedrals, the colosseum, the pantheon, homes of character and
beauty built to last. Those parts of our cities which we still admire
or enjoy living in were usually those built by previous generations.
It is difficult to think of any parts of any city built in the last
70 years or so that we would call “beautiful”. Such beauty is the
exception, rather than the rule, and it has been the directional
control of money which has shaped our reality brutal.
Humanity organises
itself into societies. The winners and losers in such societies are,
everywhere now, determined by the availability of or lack of money
which is, again, largely determined by those that hold the power of
directing the flow of money. Take for example the “Banking Crisis”.
Everywhere governments
“borrowed” huge amounts of money to “save” the banks,
borrowing that money from the banks! Humanity was expected either not
to notice or to be too stupid to understand just how ridiculous that
was. As a result of this activity a series of “austerity”
measures were introduced across the world. This involved slashing
pensions, slashing services to human beings, artificially creating
economic recession, and involved governments selling off publicly
owned utilities (the things we humans must have, from telecoms to
power generation and distribution, from healthcare to postal
services). The banks, we witnessed, having created this nightmare of
austerity, having loaned trillions to governments to place future
generations in unpayable debt and increase the tax burden on
humanity, were the largest buyers of those utilities. Few noticed. No
governments were dismissed by their populace for complicity in such
Taking just these two
examples it becomes clear that there has been a wilful intent by
those that control the flow of money to brutalise our built
environment and to deprive humanity of those pleasures that the
availability of money generates and the security that such
availability grants.
This reality is made of
stuff and of human energy and ingenuity. Despite what we are told
there is largely no shortage of stuff and there is an increasing
availability of both human energy and ingenuity. Austerity is a
creation of money, its supply and direction. History demonstrates
this perfectly, with depressions deliberately engineered and
artificial inflation, particularly of house prices, designed to take
away the value of life savings or to place people in a situation of
crushing lifelong debt just for the privilege of having a roof over
their heads. In simple terms, there has been a clear intent to burden
humanity with debt and to deprive our species of a life free from
worry. This has gone on for too long now and it must end.
Humanity organises to
feed itself. This process, again, is determined by the direction
given to the flow of money. There are, for example, nations rich in
natural resources and valuable commodities where starvation regularly
occurs. Large corporations cream the value out of the natural
resources, bribing politicians for the privilege, whilst the people
starve. The supply of food to those in need relies on money, on the
choices made by those that control its creation and direction.
Starvation represents a choice made by those money-creators, the
choice being whether or not they choose to let those human
beings die. Millions of times each year they do so choose.
Whilst nations or areas might suffer in one year from harvest failure
there has always been enough food in the world for no-body to
starve. In Europe, for example, the EU bureaucrats paid for the
destruction of millions of tons of food every year for decades. Now
they pay farmers not to grow, to set land aside “for the
environment”, whilst still people are starving somewhere in the
world. Much of our food, of course, has been deliberately poisoned or
is the product of unnatural seeds.
It would take a
thousand pages, a million, to list the harm being done to our natural
world and our species by those that control the creation of and the
directional flow of “money”. Now, between we billions of human
beings, an understanding of this is growing. Those same characters
are now targeting our species en masse in a final push to take
absolute control of this world and to reduce humanity both in number
and in that other essential, our human-heartedness, that capacity for
love and compassion and empathy that we have in abundance and would
have enormous amounts of to spare were the world not controlled by
those that do now control it.
As societies and as
individuals within those societies we have forgotten that most basic
of logical conclusions: That there is stuff and there is human effort
and ingenuity, and that we are a species which shares in everything
that the world has. We take nothing from other worlds. Everything
that exists does so because human effort has dug it up or grown it
and human effort has crafted it and distributed what has been made.
We already share that bounty, but the sharing is badly organised and
massively unequal and the cause of that inequality and sometimes
murderous mismanagement is the responsibility of our governments and
those that our governments corruptly serve, the money-creators. Other
than the simple act of giving there is not a transaction that does
not involve the money created by power and the tax that the power
insists its pet governments collect to pay “interest” on their
usurious loans. As a species we can, already, neither buy nor sell
without this stuff. The Biblical “mark of the beast” is already a
structural part of our human reality.
There are still a few
human beings so lost in the propaganda vortex created by our puppet
main stream media, and parroting expressions given to them to parrot,
that would call such basic understandings “conspiracy theories”.
These overly compliant collaborators have a shock coming to them, for
if nothing else these times will produce one of two outcomes. The
first is that the power wins this war for the consciousness of
humanity, which will see those mugs (for that is what they are) given
the gift of Mr Gates' vaccine and suffering the terrible
consequences. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth, but
it will be too late. The second is that humanity wins this final
battle, whereupon truth will flood the world for the first time and
they will be confounded at their own stupidity and compliance and be
ashamed of themselves. That would be a just outcome, for the
compliant and those that repeat the orders from above, those that
believe the Covid propaganda or merely follow orders are little
different from those that collaborated with the Nazis. The doctors
and nurses of Hitler's Germany murdered 250,000 disabled “useless
eaters” and thought they did right by doing wrong. Others drove the
trains to Dachau and other camps. Others volunteered as soldiers.
Those truly infected by the Wetiko spirit became camp guards or S.S.
So it goes with
humanity. We are ridiculously easy to be caused to believe something
and, once we believe, easy to persuade to do terrible harm, to do
evil, demonic acts. This fake crisis will produce its own order
followers. Already has. Those that snitch on their neighbours for
breaking lockdown rules will become those that snitch on the
unvaccinated and who will applaud when uniforms drag those folks from
their homes and take them off to the FEMA camps that were built in
readiness for these times. Those that stare at you if you wear no
mask will become those that are silent and quietly approve of the
terrors to come, their inner spirit murmuring to them “Well, it's
their own fault. They're putting everyone at risk”. This piece of
their programming is already in place.
There has always been
plenty in one part of the world whilst there has always been dearth
in another. In a world that did not have money these things would be
readily dealt with. We have extra stuff somewhere else, we just need
to distribute it.
We keep a few chickens
next to our little cottage. They lay more than we can eat. We give
the excess to neighbours, just leaving them at their door. Often we
will find bags of vegetables, bottles of home-made raki, yesterday a
large bag of peaches at our door. This most basic of processes is
seen in human charities, but sadly many of our human charities have
become little more than organisations that provide well paid
sinecures given to those that have been useful to those that
control the creation and direction of flow of money. In most
charities almost all of the money raised by well meaning and human
hearted folks is spent on sustaining the organisation and its well
paid executives rather than on those for whom the charity was founded
to assist. Even good intentions, even charity itself, are thereby
robbed of their energy to do the good they purport to do through the
power of money.
Some people say that
money has benefited trade, has produced plenty. This is a ridiculous
argument, based entirely on the fact that money has been with us for
so long that it is difficult to imagine a system that does not rely
upon it. There has always been and always will be just stuff and the
human beings that create from that stuff. The only people to have
experienced “plenty” are those that have, over millennia now,
taken for themselves the sole “right” expressed in “law” to
create from nothing and control the flow of that great imposter, that
energy form that grants terrible power to those people to order and
shape societies, to decide who shall live and who shall die, to
decide how much joy or how much misery we human beings might have. As
we can see from the examples already described it is evident that the
chief intent of those money creators has been to produce vast stores
of the stuff for themselves and their inheritors such that long
bloodlines of absolute privilege can be produced whilst, with malice
aforethought, they have deliberately created misery and
suffering for the rest of us for as far back as our history can go.
Few realise this has been their intent for all of history. If you own
the right to create money then you do nothing for “profit”. Why
would you? But by forcing humanity to use the stuff you issue as debt
you force our species to consider “profit” in every transaction
we make. A species that should concentrate on fulfilling needs and
wants and measuring everything on a scale of good will has been
forced to let an imposter dominate the process of transaction for so
long that very few of us can imagine a human world without this
demonic intruder.
Money has become, to
the detriment of our species, the only effective means of exchange
and the determinant of worth in our societies, the measure of
success, the key motivation in most people's lives, what many dream
of having in excess yet almost none do across our world. Forget the
1%, that is a fallacy. 99.9% of humanity have next to nothing, whilst
0.1% or even fewer, perhaps as few as 0.0001%, own virtually
everything. Money is the energy that drives almost all organised
harmfulness in our societies, from drug dealing to street robbery,
from war-making to political corruption, from big pharma to the big
seed corporations. It is money that causes almost all pollution, that
chops down rainforests, that fills our oceans with plastics, that has
surrounded humanity with the time-bombs called nuclear power
stations. It is the power of money that is now creating fear across
our world and stealing from our species the last vestiges of freedom,
the last proofs we had of the right to choose. It is money that
intends to alter, forever, the genetic make-up of our species through
the enforced vaccinations that are approaching at “warp speed”.
From these
understandings it becomes clear that those that create and control
money are in absolute control of the collective consciousness of our
species and in absolute control of our human capabilities to take the
stuff of reality and create our world by those acts of conscious
will. The conclusion one is forced to draw from these understandings
is evolutionary. That there is no way humanity can free itself of
this terrible burden other than by deciding, as a species, to ignore
money to death. If we do not then, whatever happens in this crisis,
even if somehow we beat off the efforts of the united governments of
the world and their hordes of lackeys, then because they still
control money then there is nothing we can do to prevent them from
using that money to create another crisis, another world war, more
bloody civil wars, more laws, more environmental destruction, more
misery, forever and ever more.
This is what NONE of
the alternative media we free human beings are given to entertain us
say. Not one of them. They will ask for “donations”, sell for
profit, suggest we switch to a “gold backed” currency (when the
power owns almost all of the gold) or to a “block-chain” currency
(which the power intends anyway once we are all chipped, but not one
of them identifies the ONLY solution to millennia of misery, which is
to take the power of money to do harm from this reality. What does
this tell you about those the “truth” movement are given to
follow? Either that they lack the wit to understand the source of
almost everything that ails us as a species or that they serve the
very masters they pretend to despise.
The absolute power of
the money creators to create misery and division in this reality is
the product of the will of those that hold such power and of the
compliance, commonly through fear or ignorance or via created
belief systems, of our species. It was not always so. Many
generations ago the world was comprised of tribal peoples, operating
without money, living in nature and respecting that nature as the
source of what we needed, organising to share and to swap. That is
the natural human way of life. We might wonder what the world might
now look like had those tribal understandings been allowed to
develop, over time, to become “civilised”, for treaties and laws
to have developed from them, for human organisation to have developed
without money but with the advances that are the product of our
increased number. For the “world-mind” to have been born from
such a history rather than the one we have been forced to endure.
The history of humanity
has been the history of “Royalty” and of “Empires”? Look more
closely and you will see that in actuality our history, as a species,
has been the story of the spread of the power of money. Every
Empire minted its own money, placed the image of the ruler on every
coin. Our history as a species has concerned itself with rulers
attacking and subjugating tribes, imposing the use of the Empire's
money, destroying the old tribal understandings and ways of
being, killing tribal shaman and oral historians, using money to
create hierarchies, brutally imposing “laws” and then using those
subjugated tribal peoples and the power of money to extend the empire
further. The European tribes were the first to fall under this power
and then be used to extend the power to other continents. Humanity
blames white Europeans for those empires, but the blame rests not
with them, they were merely the most useful of the first subjugated
tribes brought under the rule of artificial money and dragged into
the “Wetiko” system.
Our human story is the
story of the slow but inexorable imposition of money across our
species and so the slow but inexorable growth of absolute power
granted to those that create money. It has been so long now that we
have nearly forgotten the most basic of lessons: There is stuff,
there are human beings, we should share what we have with the prime
objective being to spread the most joy we can to the most people.
This is the forgotten essence of humanity, that which Confucius
described as “Ren” which translated simply means
“human-heartedness”. We have lived for so long now under
this shroud called money and under the control of those that create
it and direct its flow that, as a species, we have nearly forgotten
what joy is. Joy should be our natural state. Something has worked
hard to kill that most human experience and is now moving to wipe
it completely from this world. The objective has been and is to
control, absolutely, the creative force of our species.
If you are able to
stand back from this world and see the flow of time you might begin
to wonder what kind of creatures are there that can set in motion a
system of dominance with an ultimate goal that lies hundreds or
thousands of years ahead and do so with the certain knowledge that
the “bloodline” will retain its power through all those years?
Yet this has been achieved. The money power and the bloodlines behind
it have had many setbacks over time and set in motion plans to
overcome those setbacks that took generations to complete. It took
many generations, for example, to finally install the control system
in the USA and institute the “Federal Reserve”. Centuries of
intrigue, of bribery, of assassination, of the corruption of
politicians before the goal was finally achieved in 1913. The
families, the bloodlines, involved with that catastrophe for humanity
are those same families now foisting the “virus” panic on
humanity, using the power of their fake money to control every
government in every nation across the world. Those families created
the United Nations, just as they had created the League of Nations
before (and other versions that were prevented from happening by the
Tsar of Russia, who was dealt with a couple of generations later.)
These creatures never
consider anything merely on the basis of what benefit might accrue to
them during their own lifetime. They live lives of absolutes in every
way as the result of the efforts of their bloodline stretching back
through time. There is nothing they deny themselves, however shocking
that might be to we human beings. So THE never think in terms of the
short term. They think in terms of centuries ahead, planning
always to reach the ultimate goal. That ultimate goal is now and has
always been the absolute ownership of the greatest weapon known. The
greatest weapon known is the power of the collective consciousness of
our species, built upon the power of the collected knowledge, gleaned
over centuries and honed and sharpened, of all of our human learning.
Consider: Our rulers
are now very close to controlling the minds of 7 billion human
beings, to owning every single piece of knowledge we have gained over
thousands of years, to sit atop a great tower of power built brick by
brick over millennia by our species and to be able to use that
accumulated power for evil, rather than for good.
This is the war we
have always been engaged in, isn't it? The war between good and evil?
A species mostly given to love and to care slowly but inexorably over
millennia turned into the corrupted playthings of a force of evil
with a deliberate and malicious intent spanning hundreds of
Now, as is evident,
we have reached the end-game.
This is no time to
remain bamboozled or distracted by calls for violent insurrection, by
calls for “legal action” or “petitions”, by calls for the
formation of new political movements. These are merely distractions,
things the power has dealt with countless times before, things the
power usually organises itself. Remember all those Soros created
“colour revolutions”? The power casually creates vast numbers of
believers willing to follow fake leaders into bloodshed, has done so
hundreds of times, always with the same outcome.Yet those
that believed, those that supported, will NEVER be persuaded that
they backed the wrong horse or were made fools of by the power in
this reality.
Step back again and
look at the world from afar and you will see that as we have grown in
number and forged connections between each other by technology the
creative force of humanity has become enormous. There are people that
suggest that all of reality is a product of human consciousness, that
we “dream” our reality. That may well be true, and certainly
quantum physics suggests that. However, even at a simple level it is
easy to see that human consciousness is a powerful tool of creation
in terms of shaping our reality to suit our needs. Now, that powerful
tool of creation is passing through an evolutionary process and what
is happening NOW is a battle being fought by the power in this
reality to prevent that evolution.
Liken this to the
growth of a single great mind, adding more and more brain cells then
adding more and more neurons. This explains the vast leaps forwards
we have made as a species of late. This is a sign of an evolutionary
leap forwards for our species, an indication of the “world-mind”
being born into this reality. Left to our own devices how long would
it take us to realise, as a species via the sharing of ideas we can
now do across our world, that our world could quite easily be
utterly different, a thousand times better for our species, if we
only decided to simply ignore the source of what ails us. Money, and
those that create it from nothing and bring misery to our species.
This explains the great
efforts made by those money creators to control, to the last detail
and by every means at their disposal, that growing creative force we
can call the “world-mind” of humanity. They fear us now. They
are rushing their plans forwards in a last ditch effort to save their
power, keep their control. In doing so, they have revealed
themselves, revealed their collaborators, shown us their cards.
Perhaps for the first time they have erred. They are risking all on
this final turn of the cards.
Through money they have
so far successfully controlled the emerging brilliance of that
world-mind and managed to use it against our species,
directing science towards developing surveillance systems or
developing weapons which can be used against us, buying psychological
expertise to develop mind-controlling propaganda, buying media to
spread falsehoods and buying “experts” to reinforce those lies,
shaping education everywhere to discourage and nullify inventiveness
and reward the gathering and storage of the “facts” that the
power decides we should absorb.
Each and every one of
us that retains a largely free mind can name many examples of this
malignant cancer's harms, but few yet realise that the cumulation of
these harms and the overall intent has been and is now especially
to control the emergence of the world-mind of our species,
the evolutionary birth of something massively powerful in this
reality which those in power must abort at all costs for it threatens
their millennial rule over us.
This explains
everything we need to understand about this world and what is
happening now.
Those that have power
see the emergence of an evolutionary understanding coming as the
product of the formation of the world-mind. What is this evolutionary
understanding? At its simplest, the understanding of how as a
species we have given all power to the money creators and how that
dark energy flows through our reality creating misery, fear, harm and
From that simple
realisation would grow the solution, to organise our world such that
the dark energy of money no longer flowed through our societies. As a
species we could redirect every organisation we have, every
scientific endeavour we made away from “profit” (and out of the
controlling hands of those who mean us harm) and towards the
production of benefit for our species. How long would it take to find
and share a cure for cancer? How long would it take to eradicate the
distribution of heroin? How long to close down and render harmless
nuclear power stations? How long to discover a new beneficial energy
source? How long to remove the perpetual fear of debt?
There are those that
would suggest that those things would be with us already if they were
The same idiots that
believe there is no conspiracy at work in this world! Those that say
such things are the same poor creatures that wear masks every chance
they can, that applaud the imposition of government controls that
steal our rights to liberty, that are sadly the believers that have
fallen under the great spell that has been cast over our species by
the power in this reality. They are useful idiots, like putty
in the hands of the powerful. Regrettably, as history shows, they can
be shaped into monsters. As we said, such creatures build the camps,
drive the trains, wear their insignia with pride, think they do right
when they do the greatest of harms. They wore their crucifixes in the
Crusades, pointed fingers during the Inquisition, frothed at the
mouth when Fatwah was declared, cheered at lynchings, burned books,
voted for Trump, voted at any time for any party in the great lie
called “democracy”.
Intellectual useful
idiots are worse. They rationalise and “prove” that terror must
be inflicted on other human beings, as we now witness, quoting
“authoritative sources” in a world where authoritative sources
are bought and paid for and where authoritative sources that disagree
are shoved down the memory hole by the servants of the power via
their digital “book burning”. They wrote treatises against
Catholicism or Protestantism, they planned how invasions might be
carried out, they designed better weapons because they believed in
“nations”. They are the economists wheeled out to describe the
world of money to humanity that never mention how and by whom
the stuff is created. They are the Chancellors that add a few more
pennies in tax to this or that to tighten the pinch on all of us but
never say “Hey, let's print the stuff ourselves and energise our
They are the bought
“experts” being wheeled out to “prove” the big lies right
now. These creatures are, simply, traitors to humanity and,
when this battle is over and humanity emerges victors, they will be
granted the justice they deserve.
Now, if you have
followed this so far, I ask you to consider something else.
That the history of the
enforced spread of money by power masks another, more sinister
The war against
humanity for the ultimate control of the collective human
consciousness, the world-mind, has always been a spiritual war.
This is not to say it
is a war against organised religions, for what is clearly evident to
the most shallow scholar is that organised religions have always been
created and formed by the same powers that created Empires. It was
the Emperor Constantine that called together the Nicene council and
edited and added to the Gnostic gospels and shaped them to meet the
needs of the Empire, then spread and enforced that new religion on
the masses. In every conquest of the power the missionaries followed
behind, murdering “blasphemers”, burning the innocent, installing
through fear the current religion of the power, killing all
knowledge of the indigenous understandings of both the nature of
reality and the creator (often gained through the use of entheogens)
and thereby killing the very essence of humanity. Guns, God
and Guineas might sum it up.
What we are witness to
from this long, long narrative, is not merely the spread of Royal
power, not merely the spread of money, not the spread of fear as the
key motivator of human life, not the spread of harmful belief
systems, but rather the use of these techniques to spread a virus
into every corner of human existence, a virus that finds its doorway
into the human psyche through these principalities of power, a virus
called “Wetiko”.
This Wetiko spirit is
the spirit of pure evil and has been reflected by the actions of the
powerful throughout human history. A human being might kill, but only
a “demon” would order his or her subjects to band together and
commit genocide solely so that the demon's power and territory might
be extended. Rulers have always been, and are now, those that
can with a light heart commit mass murder. Some might suggest that
this is simply an indication of a sickness, a psychopathy. But such
sicknesses are not genetically transmitted down long bloodlines
stretching back thousands of years, but Royal murderers can so trace
their family histories and those pages are drenched with blood.
One of the tribal,
human understandings that has all but been erased from human
understanding but which was common to every tribal people
across the world was the existence of, to use one of the Native
American words, “Wetiko”.
Do not imagine that,
because something is not discoverable by instruments of measurement
yet (as “science” might demand) that it does not exist. We
fall into the service of the enemy of humanity by accepting their
insistence that “demons” do not exist, that they are the product
of ignorant and superstitious minds, that to believe in Demons is
like believing in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy.
Carl Jung, arguably one
of the finest minds of the last 150 years, spent more than a decade
summoning and interacting with Demons and producing perhaps
his finest work from which, later, he derived all of his principles
of “psychology”. That work, “Liber Novus” or the “Red Book”
was hidden from humanity for decades after Jung's death and only
released after much entreaty and legal demands. The book, hand
written in calligraphy and supplemented by amazing artworks (which
carried, in symbols, that which could not be expressed in words
because language did not exist that could describe what Jung
experienced), also foretold certain events the prophecy of
which was given to Jung by the Demons. The First World War was
intimated, but more importantly the death of one epoch and the
beginnings of a new epoch.
It is this death
and rebirth, with its accompanying pain and blood, that we are living
through right at this moment.
Many human beings
share, at an instinctive level, the feeling that our species has
arrived at a great turning point now. As each day passes now that
sensation increases and is shared more widely. This is evidence of
the emergence of the world-mind, the awakening of humanity to both
the truth of its current situation and then, it is to be hoped, the
simplicity with which we could effect a change and rid our
world of the forces of evil that have dictated the very nature of
reality for millennia. This is the epochal moment Jung's interactions
foretold. In effect, a transfer of power from evil to good.
Other great scientists
and minds have understood that there is more than the reality most
people believe is the “only” reality, and that dark entities,
full of malice, can pass through the veil and enter the consciousness
of human beings.
Isaac Newton, John Dee,
Aleister Crowley, Adolph Hitler, L Ron Hubbard (originator of
“Scientology”), Jack Parsons of NASA's precursor the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, far too many eminent and infamous names to
list here stretching back through the ages. The stamps or marks,
the symbols of these
understandings are now massively prevalent in our societies,
the symbols that subsume human consciousness are seen in the logos of
major corporations, in the output of much media, in advertising, in
the music business, the film industry, in the vile output of
“artists” such as Marina Abramovich (recently chosen to front an
ad campaign by one of Gates' businesses......). Politicians and
Royals and Popes raise their hands in the sign of the cornuto,
magazines repeat the “one eye” symbology with intensity. The
power in this reality has allied itself with a dark, demonic, satanic
energy and has utilised the technology which humanity has developed
to spread this demonic spirit far and wide and deeply into the
collective subconscious of our species. This is not mere “mind
control”. Doors into the mind of humanity have been opened and
through those doors something “other” has entered in.
To witness the lockstep
march that all governments, the heads of almost all hierarchies in
almost all walks of life are engaged upon in foisting this current
great terror on our species is to demonstrate the depth and
breadth of this demonic infestation into the collective human
consciousness. This is what has shocked most of us that stand
against this final push for total control of humanity, this amazingly
complete ownership of the spirits of so many human beings. This can
only, to a small extent, be explained by the need for doctors to keep
their careers going or journalists to keep their jobs. There are so
few “whistle blowers” that they are a tiny group of exceptions
(and , for sure, some of them are plants).
How could it be that
there are so few involved in this global act of terrorism that speak
It is certainly more
than just a cult, more than just the “synagogue of Satan” and its
followers (legion though they are), more than just the acceptance of
propaganda as truth. It goes much deeper than that.
This is the “Wetiko”
spirit, a “virus” that has penetrated the collective
subconsciousness of the great mass of humanity, that has edged in
over millennia, that overcomes “Ren” or human-heartedness and
plants in the psyche the “germ of evil” as Jung described it. It
changes each of us into something we were not born to be and, as it
grows in its power over our psyche, we become a simulacrum of
ourselves, projecting into the world what we think is “I” but is
We have become the
Wetiko and it sits in the driver's seat of our actions so
convincingly that we truly believe “we” are still in charge. In
the Gnostic gospel of John this was called the “antimimon pneuma”,
the counterfeit spirit. Jung termed it similarly the “antimimos”,
the imitator and principle of evil. Other Gnostics called these
spirits “Archons”.
Paul Levy says this of
the Wetiko:
“We are allowed our
seeming freedoms and the ability to lead our “normal lives” so
long as these do not challenge the deeper agenda of these sinister
forces to centralise power and control. This internal process is
manifesting externally in the creeping tendency towards fascism in
the global body politic”.
Do not imagine, because
you think you have avoided the mass mind-control so evident in our
world today, that you have also somehow developed an immunity to the
Wetiko virus.
We all of us know that
inside of our psyche lurks something darker than we would care to
admit to, something that urges us to do things that are not “right”
but that might make us money, or protect us from social
embarrassment, or benefit us in some other way. How many of us
harbour thoughts of hurting or killing someone we dislike, even
That we don't carry out
the worst of these harms does not mean that the Wetiko is not living
within us, but rather that our human-heartedness, our soul, is strong
enough to resist for the moment.
Those of us that are
now emerging as the enemies of the global war on humanity are those
that have pushed the Wetiko from the driving seat of our lives. We
are, although we have not yet adopted the name everywhere, the
Warriors spoken of in the old Hopi prophecy, Warriors that resist
evil, that restore good to the world, people of every colour and
creed bonded together by a determination to set right what is wrong
and to restore our world.
The power in this world
saw us coming, so has stolen the symbol of those Warriors, the
rainbow, and used it for their own purposes. We, no doubt,
will simply ignore that and take it back from them because, if
nothing else, the Hopi prophecy is one that simply must be
fulfilled. So, the Warriors of the Rainbow will emerge and they
will spread good across our world. If they do not, if we that stand
against this evil do not somehow become a world-wide WE
and enter the consciousness of our species as an incredibly numerous
WE, a force for GOOD, then the power of
darkness, the Wetiko, will have won.
Do not be distracted
by nation-based “resistance”, by organised and well funded
oppositions that have “leaders” and “spokesmen or women”.
Don't expect your faith or your political party to come up with the
goods. The power is very well used to controlling its own opposition.
Expect that, and determine to follow no-one. You might note, for
example, that certain doctors will speak our and then vanish from the
internet, whilst others grow in popularity and increase their output
and become “famous”. Maybe a few of their videos will disappear,
only to reappear later after they “appeal” to the censors or
simply reappear under a different branding. The opposition is
carefully managed to retain credibility. Ask yourselves
which of them call for the absolute rejection of MONEY, that chief
instrument of control over reality?
Because we live in a
world which is now almost entirely occupied by the Wetiko and which
has been shaped and formed by this demonic spirit for so long it is
almost impossible to live, let alone prosper, without engaging with
the Wetiko and allowing it to drive our behaviours. Go to any
stock-market trading floor and you will see the Wetiko fully exposed.
Enter the soul of any corporate ladder climber and you will see the
Wetiko with great clarity. In some human beings the Wetiko is so
dominant that they are almost “visible” to those who have eyes to
see or that have highly developed instincts. We can sense them. You
might walk into a bar you've not been to before and instantly know
that those in whom the Wetiko is strong are gathered there. You might
see a group gathered at a street corner and cross the road. Trust
your instincts. At the higher levels they are not the mere brutish
thugs and street corner bullies. They are charismatic, charming,
stand above the law, become indecently wealthy, act as close
associates of the ancient bloodlines of power. Recent examples are
creatures like Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein, Tony Blair, Bill Gates,
Hillary Clinton, Trump. Again, there are too many to mention here.
You know them by their works and also by the ease with
which they seem to convince human beings that they are the opposite
of what they truly are.
The Wetiko cause us to
create a lie about ourselves. They cause us to accept lies
from the powerful. They cause us to be complacent in the face of
evil, to ignore wrong, to walk past those in need. They bury the
natural human instincts of truthfulness, honour, courage and
determination in the face of evil, love, compassion, caring, but they
cause those infected to act out those finer characteristics
and present them to the world in the hope that human beings will be
fooled. Psychology calls this psychopathy or sociopathy but it is no
sickness of the mind, it is the presence of something other within.
If you met with the thoroughly charming CEO of a charity dedicated to
feed the poor and listened to his or her so-genuinely expressed
concerns and pleas for assistance you would almost be convinced by
the Wetiko within.......
Until you asked the
creature what they spend their 500,000 salary on.
Then the creature would
be revealed.
If we come to
understand that there is such a thing as Wetiko, that a demonic
influence pervades the psyche of so many human beings, then I would
ask you to consider what that makes you, dear reader?
A human being that has
decided to undergo the ridicule of the great mass of humanity, a
human being that has accepted regretfully the loss of friends simply
because you have chosen to see through the veil and speak your truth
to the world in opposition to evil.
A human being that sees
evil, senses evil, has fought off the Wetiko spirit and is now, in
these times, daily gaining a deep resolve to fight the monsters with
every breath you have.
A human being that does
NOT stand alone, but has fellow travelers across the world, from
every race, nation and creed.
A human being that,
dare we say it, now has a growing sense of “mission”, of purpose,
a gritty determination to see these monsters off our world, to unseat
them from their age-old power, to render them null and void and
powerless. To be a part of a great evolution that ends human
suffering and misery and ushers in a new epoch.
To be a part, an
important part, the very seed of human evolution.
What, exactly, is the
spirit within you that puts you in opposition to the terrifying
demonic power in this reality.
Put your own name to
it, but some might say that a spirit of courage determined to fight
evil has within it something that can be referred to as “angelic”,
or “of love” or “of good”, or “of the Creator” or, if you
are of faith, “of God”.
Now you are one cell in
the emerging World-Mind, a force for good in this world.
Ergo you must find the
neurons required to connect you with all of those other cells
wherever they are.
We must become WE.
McKenna gave us this strategy:
your meme boldly and see if it will replicate-just like genes
replicate, and infect, and move into the organism of society. And
believing, as I do, that society operates on a kind of biological
economy, then I believe these memes are the key to societal
evolution. But unless the memes are released to play the game, there
is no progress.”
are a diverse group, as different as the millions of us can be. Rich,
poor, of faith or of no faith, each steeped in traditions that are as
diverse as the brilliance of humanity can make us. But we are united
already, we are one already. That “singularity” is being
born into the world right now and for the very first time.
becomes vital, then, is that the virus of love, of care, of
understanding, of compassion, that “angelic” force that opposes
the demonic, must enter the field of battle as a massively unified
and powerful force, must do so in a way that the mind-control of the
Wetiko spirit is driven from the driver's seat of the psyche of
humanity. WE can only do this by suddenly appearing, en masse, in
overwhelming numbers. There is a gravity involved in the collective
consciousness of our species. This is why the efforts of the Wetiko
are so unified and prevalent. THEY understand the mob mentality, the
great pulling power of numbers. THEY understand how to shape that
collective consciousness and make it bad.
WE must be such a gravitational force.
can only be achieved through becoming the WE our world needs right
by sharing our banner. A simple sigil. A resonant symbol that has
is our meme which we must launch into reality.
as simple as a badge that says “WE”.
is that badge.
some research and feel in your heart if these numbers have
significance for you, for us, remembering that those that rule this
reality certainly understand the significance of numbers and use them
all the time.
why it is that so many of WE have seen those numbers and come to
understand what they mean.
simply spread 11:11 everywhere you can.
a very short space of time, if we all did this, then a WE would
emerge on the world stage.
but sharing resolve.
second part to our meme must be an expression of intent.
“Warriors of the Rainbow” sums that up.
some research and see if what is foretold fits your intentions, your
deepest held desires, remembering as you do that the rulers of this
reality are trying to fulfil their prophecy, the one with four
horsemen that WE can avert.
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US added “I am a Warrior of the Rainbow. My
number is 11:11” to every contribution we made to this great battle
for humanity's future, every last one of us in our hundreds of
millions, then, ask yourself, HOW SOON WOULD WE BECOME A FORCE IN
longer a fringe group of “conspiracy nuts”.
a billions strong force for GOOD in this world.
this way, possibly this way alone, will evolution happen.
harnessing the collective consciousness of our species against evil.
must launch our meme into the consciousness, the growing world-mind,
of a humanity in peril.
this the mission you always felt nagging you, at the back of your
mind, a quiet insistence that there was something you HAD TO DO in
your life?
so, share this please.
with love from Aktina Pempti and Olive Farmer.
are warriors of the rainbow. Our number is 11:11
xxx xxx
11 11
20 20

The olive tree is not what you see above the ground. Rather, it is the roots.
Cut away all the old and cankerous growth, right to the stump, and within a couple of years new fresh clean boughs will have grown, new leaves, bountiful fruit.
Such a pruning is called a "regeneration" prune, creating a new tree from the powerful roots.
As a species this is how we should view our society now, topped with cankerous growth, sick and old.
But the roots, our human-heartedness, hidden but full of power, can give spring to a new society for our world, strong and fresh and full of bounty.
A regeneration prune. Long overdue.