Tuesday 18 February 2020

The Power cannot stop it. All Empires end......

Some people identify the world wide rule of fake money and usurious debt as the chief problem humanity faces, and they are right. They see that since the days of Rhodes and his vile assistants a dark Empire has arisen, an Empire built on the foundations of the Royal bloodline's old military empire of seizure, subjugation, enslavement and theft and willingness to kill, but reformed and remodeled to meet the crisis to Power that is the rising collective consciousness of the great mass of humanity. It's a dark and hidden Empire, hidden behind walls of legalese, behind vast edifices of secrecy, behind the jargon of 'economics', behind the fine words and and lying objectives of the well paid executives of thousands of charities that are no such thing and thousands of NGOs that are funded by governments and so are no such thing as Non Governmental Organisations but are simply extensions of the governmental power that is controlled everywhere by the new Empire.

They sought to replace armies of invasion with the more subtle instruments of debt, hierarchies controlled by money and fake democracies, detailed and complete control of thought through all of the avenues that money can buy (from the media through universities and the funding and publishing of science), through the continuation of blackmail, war, assassination and fear as subsidiary weapons, through the emerging science of psychology and an understanding of what makes human beings think a certain way (now developed further from the early days of Tavistock to the current absolute science, aided by data mining, of the entire collective human consciousness), and eventually via the removal of the threat.

The threat is a vast population of human beings, the rise in collective intelligence those numbers bring, the capability to share thoughts, ideas and an understanding of the nature of our human existence, a knowledge of the tricks that have been played upon our species, shared and resented.

Ergo the removal of that threat ultimately relies on one of only two strategies: Complete mind control OR a vast and rapid reduction of our population. BOTH options are in play.

Some people identify climate change as the chief problem humanity faces.
Some people identify the big lie that is climate change as the chief problem humanity faces, which is more correct. Through that lie the Power hopes to convince us (and more especially our children) that it will be good when billions of us die. The Power is busy conditioning children to believe that old people are useless, sick, dependent polluters, that the old 'had it good' at the expense of the next generation, that granddad and nan would be better off dead and the planet would be better off without them. There'll be other 'useless eaters', of course. People that live simple lives. People that carry a disability. People that want children. People that believe there are only two sexes and that family is vital to human society. Others that don't fit the fake new world that is being forced, crammed, down the throats of the new generation everywhere in the world. A new generation of humanity existing in a world of no certainty, no moral cogniscance, no understanding of the right to question and the necessity of questioning.

Some identify Evil, in all its forms, as the chief problem humanity faces, and they too are right.
Not the petty misdemeanours of ordinary human-hearted people nor the great evils we human beings rarely commit when in the heat of passion or jealousy, but rather the great evils perpetrated by our leaders and those that steer them: The orchestrated paedophilia and the destruction of our children's innocence. The endless wars and rumours of war. The great profits made from the organised distribution of addictive narcotics (legal and illegal). The deliberate dumbing down of generations of human beings. The endless propaganda that creates an inhuman reality, a reality full of fear. List the great evils that assail humanity: War, starvation, genocide, pollution, debt, fake religions that promulgate violence, artificial competition, speaking mistruth (I love my job....), injustice, cruel law enforcement, vile addictive narcotics, slavery, prostitution, and in every case it is easy to trace these evils back to their source: Money and the role money plays in the exercise of Power, the practice of Evil.

Some people identify the deliberate slow poisoning of humanity as our greatest problem, and they too are right. The chemicals and ionised radiations sown into our food chain, our water supplies, our atmosphere. From this slow poisoning have emerged the myriad of new sicknesses that have become our greatest killers, our greatest spoilers of life through illness and disability, the thieves of the wisdom of the elderly through dementia and Alzheimer's. These slow poisons work hand in hand with the education of the young into believing that to save our planet there needs to be fewer human beings, and those few that remain need to be fit and healthy. Those that aren't are merely pollutant creatures, a waste of space, need to be reprocessed perhaps as fuel (for fat burns well...).

Some people identify electro-magnetic radiation and the near certain use of this science for the purposes of mind control as the greatest problem humanity faces, and they too are right. EMFs sicken us, slowly. EMFs are the vehicle for much that humanity has become addicted to. That addiction has created a medium through which those that own humanity can engineer our understanding of the past, the present and therefore the future.
Put simply, it is both a mind control weapon aimed at humanity's mass consciousness and a deliberate and invisible poisoner of our natural being and the nature in which we exist.

Through this medium they are taking a never before witnessed and absolute power over our reality, what we understand as 'truth', what we accept as 'proven fact', the entirety of the inputs to our consciousness that together coalesce to form “now”, our reality, our world.
It is the instrument through which they hope to control, for a thousand years, the collective consciousness of our species.

Those that have the eyes to see know that a new generation is growing into a world where the absolute truth resides in that dreadful Wikipedia (Wicked Paedia) and the state approved media and state sponsored websites, where every other version of reality has been deleted. Every book-burning dictator, every religion that burned 'heretics' and 'blasphemers' at the stake, every vile 'Royal' that had dissenters and objectors killed, every single iteration of Power under its single source has murdered truth and tried to remove from the genetic substance of humanity those genes which are embodied in the mavericks, those that see truth as a high ideal, the scientists and journalists and thinkers and philosophers those that speak for justice, big and small, shoved into camps or simply murdered through all of our human history by the Power that hs always understood the genetic engineering and selective breeding processes required to produce an acquiescent herd.

Ask any farmer.

Some people identify the 'Jews' as the dark overlords of this reality. Such a belief has been engineered, of course, and is a useful shield to those that own us.

Some people identify the Royals as the dark overlords of this reality, and they are closer to the truth.

Some people identify an alien bloodline as the dark overlords of this reality, rulers that have interbred with humanity over thousands of years such that they resemble we humans, are almost indistinguishable from us.
Blood and DNA tests might determine whether that is true or not, when the time comes.

Some people identify mass stupidity as the chief problem humanity faces, that combined with the intricate web of financial reward systems that secure the services of those that are not stupid but are merely wilfully ignorant, or simply so left-brained that they are utterly stupid whilst appearing clever (in a world that rewards the accumulation of information (true or not) over the exercise of intelligence). There is much that is true in this belief. Society has been engineered to reward those that are capable of 'learning' what they are given to learn, whilst rarely exercising their right brains, wherein lies the ability to question. Science and religion rely on these unquestioning 'learners'. All dogma and the evil that results from dogma has left-brained learners at core.

Some people identify the mass mind-control that is organised religion as the chief problem humanity faces, the age-old belief systems that are self-perpetuating and rely upon the yearning for connection with the force of love that exists at the core of many human-hearted human beings, that takes that yearning and turns it into an instrument of division, enmity, and hatred and that has, for thousands of years, been used to provoke mass murder, torture, genocide and the wholesale destruction of the accumulated knowledge of entire civilisations and the tribal understandings of this reality and its creator and the relationship between we humans and creation itself.

They are right, of course, to see religion as the greatest emanation of evil, the greatest perverter of all, that which contrives to transform the urge to good into the frenzied killer that is 'belief'. We are, or at least we were and are now coming to see we were, creatures susceptible to a lie well told that appealed to our innate willingness to believe in archetypes, those old stories that are inbuilt and reside in our deep subconscious. Every great novel appeals to these deep understandings, ALL propaganda and mind-shaping speaks to our mass subconsciousness. Humanity has had its collective mind controlled for thousands of years. They appeal to our human-heartedness, these tales, then, having won our belief, twist and render evil that which was intended to be and is inherently good.

Do you see?
Believers, everywhere, are incensed by such understandings.
Those that create and control belief systems KNOW that we humans will react in such a way.
Now there is a new belief system being wrought around us. A belief in the truth and absolute good of 'science', a belief that humanity is 'bad' for the planet, a belief in what appears on the internet (where, within a few years, no truth will any longer exist, just the fake 'consensus' built by the vast resources being poured into the exercise, resources paid for by the fake 'thin-air' money that the Power has at its disposal and which can buy human beings, those willing to sell their human-heartedness (their soul) for a fancy house, a fancy car, the promise of a fat 'pension', the opportunity to feel they have 'succeeded' in the fake competition, the chance to bully, the award of a worthless 'title'.

There are more of these great problems, so many that it might seem that they are insurmountable and that, because of this insurmountability, our species is doomed.

This, of course, is how our world is intended to be viewed by those that own and shape this reality.
Power, in all its forms, has cemented our species into this mind-set of hopelessness.
But those that do feel so hopeless forget simple mathematics.

WE human beings, we simple, human-hearted, powerless creatures......
Are more than SEVEN BILLION strong.

We are elements of the greatest force that has ever been. The largest army. The greatest force for good that has ever existed. Individually we know, each of us, a tiny portion of the vast puzzle.
Collectively and between us all we know EVERYTHING there is to know, everything we need to understand, every piece of the jigsaw from KNOWING how to properly collect and recycle rubbish to KNOWING how to cook the perfect meal to KNOWING how to raise our children to be good to KNOWING how to delve into the intricacies of DNA or of atoms, to KNOWING how to get food to each other from across the world just when we need it and so on and so forth.

NOTHING is beyond we human beings now.
Nothing at all.
Everything that IS, IS because we make it so, because we are collectively clever, because we know how to organise, because we CARE.
This understanding is hidden from us by everything we have already spoken of here, but it exists, is known, and every human being no matter how 'humble' sees their part in the whole, sees how things are capable of being, knows deep down that humanity has a destiny that is close.

Over the last century the Power has examined all of the elements that together create unity between we human beings and picked them off, one by one, such that we have become lonely in a world of billions of human beings. We compete against one another, rather than cooperate. We have been engineered into selfishness. We charge for rather than share. We look for insult so that we might feel offended rather than accept insult as part of normal human interaction. Even our great charitable giving has been brought into the fold of the Power, so that charities have become career opportunities for the greedy, protective covers for the child-stealers and perverts, thieves of goodness and sharing, stealers of beneficence.

By such means, via all of these created problems, through such a series of intricate strategies some centuries in the making, the Power believes it has defeated the great threat, the rising consciousness of billions of human-hearted people.

We can see this belief in everything they now do, acting as if humanity is of no concern, proceeding with their great and final solutions as if we humans cannot see the terrible evils being perpetrated upon us.

This arrogance is its chief mistake.

The great threat to Power is not yet understood by most human beings, though the owners of this reality have always known it will come and have been fighting its emergence for centuries.

You can see how they fear it through their tight control of every aspect of our human development, through their ownership of the budgets for scientific research and the hierarchies of universities, through their control of all media, through their organised debt-creation, through their control of governments and religions and corporate hierarchies, through their determination to create endless wars, through their attempt to control our minds in every way possible. All of their strategies have been and are focused on this single objective, one that most of we human beings don't even realise exists. All of the greatest problems we face as a species were created by the Power in order to prevent the emergence of the thing they fear most.

You won't find this threat discussed or even mentioned in the fake and well orchestrated alternative media, in the myriad of websites created by agentur of the Power to distract humanity from this understanding. Such is the depth to which the Power's control of our human consciousness goes, much further than most 'awake' human beings realise.

Those that do understand are being systematically sidelined, or simply removed from the game by murder (as usual).

THIS is the threat to the Power you should realise exists and work towards spreading the understanding of:

Since Confucius wrote of “Ren” thousands of years ago the power has sought to deprive our species of this understanding and to absorb much of its strength into the hierarchies of fake religions and fake charities and other absorbers and misdirectors of human good will.
In other places the Power has sought to destroy entire nations and tribes that had the understanding of this power and to remove all vestiges of that learning from the face of the earth, such that those tribes would never develop and become what the Power fears most.

Humanity's power lies in human-heartedness, being human, the true nature of our species, a species that has been enslaved by evil for millennia to such an extent that it now hardly recognises itself.

We have lived, for ages, in a world organised by an entity that rewards evil, that grants power to those that have no conscience, to those that seek self-gratification in all its forms, to the wicked amongst us. This is evident from all our history, from every moment of it, the domination of human beings by those that enjoy killing, rape, theft, usury, bullying, cruelty, those that take pleasure from the misery of others, those that care not for anyone else but themselves, those that descend to utter debauchery and psychopathy. THAT is our history. Examine it for truth.
But it is NOT our destiny, not our future.
That history is INHUMAN.
Our future is human, is human-hearted.

Though not one of us is absolutely good, we most of us hold deep within us a knowledge of love, of the deep desire for love, the love between parents and children, the love that gives birth to care and charity and justice, the love between two human beings that makes them one, the love of this creation and all of its utter beauty, the love of love itself, foundation of everything that is good.
THIS is our Power, our human power, seven billion souls understanding what is right and wrong, seven billion slaves in a world of evil coming to the realisation that THIS world is NOT OUR world, that there is much that is wrong …..

and that there are enough of us, and we are clever enough, and we are human-hearted enough....

to make this world a human world, a human-hearted world, a world full of love......

And that, dear friend, is our destiny.
The conduit is closing,
There is good out there.”

It will not be long.

Share this.

Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti.
From our high castle,

The Power cannot stop it.
All Empires end.

Note: We have been getting comments lately. More are welcome. But we find that we cannot REPLY to comments at the moment (MICK: We wish you luck and joy in your switching off of the internet weapon and send you our love.)

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful write-up about the human condition. Two thumbs up.


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