Monday 11 November 2019

What is Life?

What is life?
It is the experiencing of an electronic 'reality' that exists within your mind and is interpreted by your consciousness, ....... wherever that is.

You have never touched anything, only interpreted the resistance of the electrons surrounding the atoms of the thing you think you are touching. Take that further and realise you have, quite literally, floated through life. Keeping your feet on the ground is absolutely just a figure of speech. You have never paddled in the sea, never lain on your bed. There has always been a distance between you and everything else. 

You are an entity that floats through 'reality', experiencing 'life' as a continuous stream of information presented in electronic form.

When you taste, marvel at the design of the biological entity that can differentiate between the differing energies of repulsion of molecules of chilli or cheese, which then converts that information into electrical impulses, sending them down a biological wire to the processor you call your mind which then presents that information in a form understandable to your consciousness, the witness of this reality.

When you smell, when you see, when you hear, again marvel at the cleverness of the biological design that can interpret minute amounts of airborne chemicals, interpret and differentiate between a plethora of energetic waves that disturb the air around you, sort out a vastly complex number of light waves and make of them the world you exist in, converting all of this data into a continuous stream of information for you to experience.

It's a very immersive experience.

Then understand that all of the things you see, hear, taste, smell, touch, all of these things are made of atoms, tiny things made mostly of emptiness. Nothing is 'solid' in the way we think of solidity. The chair you think you are sitting on is mostly made of emptiness.
It has the appearance of a solid thing, but is not.
You think you are sitting on it, but are not.
You think you can see it, but what you are really doing is experiencing a stream of data representing that thing.

You think you experience all of these things in a one-way street called “time”, yet the apparent passage of time is just another construct of your mind.

You think your life is experienced in a 'now' that is at the bustling and busy point of a history stretching back millennia, yet cannot truly know that. 
History is a data input, nothing more.
Some of it may be true.
Much of it may not be true.

You think your life is happening in a world shared with billions of others, yet you have never seen with your own eyes more than a few thousand of these others at some sporting event or in a city at rush hour or similar.

Understand that there is another source of information that flows into your mind and colours your experience of life.

That other source of 'reality' is what you are told or shown by others.

Some of those others you know well, most of them you do not know at all and therefore have no idea if what they are informing you of is true.

You understand, of course, that they may be passing on something they 'believe' to be true but is not, or that they know to be false but present as truth.
You know, of course, that so much we call 'News' that fills your consciousness with concerns and fear has no tangible impact on the normalcy of your life.
Giving meaning to the expression 'Ignorance is Bliss'.

You pride yourself on being able to tell the difference between truth and lies, whilst recognising that everyone else is more easily fooled.

Billions of Christians know that billions of Muslims have been lied to and fooled by those lies.
Billions of Muslims know that billions of Hindus have been lied to and fooled by those lies.
Billions of kids are growing up believing that human beings are changing the weather by being responsible for pushing CO2 levels too high, but are never told that CO2 is 0.0391 % of the atmosphere and that human beings are responsible for only 3% of that less than half a percent.

Billions of human beings, floating through life in this electronic dream, believe that life is all about having some 'money'. Almost all of them don't know that all money is made out of thin air at the click of a mouse and lent to humanity, at interest, by a very few 'human beings'.

You live in an electronic dreamland, a false reality, subject to the data streams placed in your mind by others which form and shape the world around you and fill your consciousness with absolute nonsense. 
All politics is fake. 
All money is fake. 
All religions are fake.
Most 'news' is fake, intended to distract and concern you, to sow fear and discord and bring horror to your door, to your mind, to our human collective consciousness.

Through these things we have been forced, century after century, to fight in wars and to kill each other.
They make enemies of friends, fiends of human beings. 

They are just information streams entering your consciousness, put there by liars or those that have believed lies.

The collective consciousness of our species is framed and misshaped by these fake data streams. They have made this world of abundance and love something terrible, something fearful.

Know what you are, know where you are, understand the power of the collective consciousness of humanity.
It's time to take back this reality.

With Love,
Aktina Pempti

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