Monday 18 November 2019

Destiny? (Edited and reposted)

Do you realise what a mess we human beings are in?
But, do you realise that humanity is on an Evolutionary path?
That nothing can stop us?
That the power that has shaped human society for centuries is weakening?
That the power is using every weapon it has to distract humanity from its inevitable Evolutionary path?
It cannot win, this time.
We Are like a great tide, unstoppable, as powerful as only seven billion minds can be.
WE now see that We Are enslaved.
WE now see HOW we are enslaved.
It is only a matter of time before everything changes, before We Start Again and rebuild our reality.

This is the best of all times to be alive and to be human.
Your duty calls.......

As human beings We Are driven away from thinking about the fundamentals of this existence.
What we should be as a species.
How we should live.
How we should transact.
How we should interact with the creation that is the world.
These fundamental questions are rarely addressed because we live according to the system that has been woven around us over the centuries.
This system has been woven by the powerful and operates to the benefit of the powerful and serves to preserve that power. It serves to keep humanity in a condition of helplessness and of perpetual confusion, whilst maintaining the illusion of freedom. 

At present, and for all of our known past, when we humans do consider the fundamentals of our existence we are driven towards examining these fundamentals in the light of false concepts, false ideas, lies built upon lies, layer upon layer of falsehood, each untruth cementing the last until we are, as a species, lost in this false reality that is in essence a matrix of evil.

For example, you might consider an action which will have a financial consequence. You might hate your job, loathe your employer, feel guilty that what you do helps make a plutocrat even wealthier whilst you struggle to pay your usurious debts, but those very debts ensure that you go to work every day. In years past, slaves understood they were not free and were kept in their chains by the threat of or the actuality of violence. Since manumission the power has used more convenient tools to create a condition of bondage, tools which produce profit rather than incur costs. It costs money to keep slave drivers and paid bullies, whilst money is earned from the interest on debts. 

What else can you call this reality but a false reality?
It is a reality framed by false debts created by banks at will and from thin air and enslaving every human being in almost every indebted nation.

(That as a species we allow a few people to create money at the touch of a key or the click of a mouse is an act of collective stupidity that beggars belief. By accepting this fake exchange medium we are granting perpetual power over all of our lives to the money creators. If they told us leaves were currency but only allowed themselves to grow trees we would soon see the great infamy, but they wrap their infamy in complex economics, in jargon, in laws, in mortgage agreements, in the compliance with this great Ponzi scheme of almost every government everywhere. THEIR fake money frames this reality and governs almost all human interaction. It is so ubiquitous that we forget to question its existence, forget to ask what impact it is having upon us, forget to examine how almost all crime has money at its source and so how much crime would be reduced if we chose to do away with the stuff.)

It is a reality framed by hierarchies that derive in the most part from the power of money or from the power of patronage handed down from the scions of 'Kings' that gained their power from the theft of nations and the genocides of tribal peoples. We allow the descendants of mass murderers decide who shall have power over us! 

It is a reality framed by religions that have been crafted and shaped by the hands of the powerful over centuries so as to capture the human urge for connection with the Creator and the human instinct for Good and to periodically turn that yearning for Good into the Evil of crusades, of fatwahs, of burnings at the stake, of excommunications and of death for blasphemy, of inhuman morality shaping our very sexuality. In many places and for many people religions have captured the great moments of our lives and drawn us into their influence and power by this means. They are there at the christening or naming, sometimes they cut the foreskin or otherwise mutilate the genitalia. They are there at the joining together of marriage. They are there at the death...and often in our past have been the cause of it.

It is a reality that has continuously found we human beings driven to slaughter one another en masse in wars, every single one of those wars being squabbles for more territory or more riches or the control of more people between the powerful. 
The fake and orchestrated 'revolutions' that have always scarred human lives, always ended in 'disappearances' or death camps, always divided us, all of them were not true revolutions but were the consequence of decisions made by the power to reshape and reorder the chosen nation.
Do human beings really WANT to kill 'foreigners' or people that believe differently to themselves?
Normally only when we believe that those 'foreigners' have attacked and killed some of our own.

The consciousness engineers that busy themselves rewriting history and the media busy reshaping the present would have us believe that false flag events are mere conspiracy theories. Some few of we human beings believe this drivel. Most of us, now, know that the powerful are absolutely capable of and guilty of staging events that cause human beings to want to go to war.
9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin, the sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Polish invasion of Nazi Germany.......The consciousness engineers would try and have us believe that these are mere conspiracy theories believed in only by nuts. They might think that they have won that battle for the minds of our species. They have not.
We KNOW, vast numbers of us, that the genocidal freaks that own this world create wars for their own dark purposes and that We ordinary human beings fight those wars, kill or be killed like chess pieces in some grand game of chess.
And in that spreading 'knowing' lies the end of wars between we human beings forever.

Sometimes we become 'racists', when those of different backgrounds and cultures come to live amongst us, but rarely does this turn to killing. The most virulent and dangerous form of racism is that produced by the propaganda of the powerful, that racism created to serve a purpose.

Some have suggested that Hitler's anti-'semitism' and subsequent death camps owe much to the desire of certain powerful people to lift one section of humanity above ANY condemnation for ANY crime for all of time. If that is the case, it seems to have worked.

We should recall that every single human being is a genetic mongrel. The worst white supremacist will have some black blood in there somewhere, the worst black supremacist some white blood. Our DNA tells us a story, a long and geographically interesting story of the movements of peoples throughout thousands upon thousands of years, the inevitable mixing of bloods, the mongrelisation of our human tribe.
We Are one.
Sure, we are a variety of different shades, heights, features.....but We Are Human every one.

Our human story, our journey, is a thing of great sadness. It is a story of a species in the hands of a force of Evil that controls our actions and our interactions at every level in every way. Hierarchy, money, faiths, laws, governance derive from this Evil and shape our human society in its wicked image. We, our human species, live in an utterly false and inhuman reality.

Something better awaits us.

Where has it come from, this Evil?
Not from the meek, not from the dutiful, not from the normal, not from the children we once were long ago before we were assaulted by fear, but from a small number of creatures that have dominated our world for centuries and whose actions can only be termed 'inhuman'.

Every motive for every action we human beings take that is not of our instinctive nature but depends upon some inhuman falsehood. We Are now so far removed from our instinctive nature, from our human way of being, that we have forgotten our humanity, our human-heartedness.

Sure, there are those among us that have decided to become evil. It's very tempting to the sickest amongst us, the puppy drowners and the rippers of wings off insects, those that carry a deep and vicious desire for revenge stemming from some childhood embarrassment.
We all of us know such beings.
They have seen the way the world works and have forsaken their humanity for the dribbles from the plate of those that hold Power here.
But they are few.
They are as dust beneath the heels of the vast majority.

We Are the power in this reality, we mostly harmless, we good hearted, we loving.
We just have to realise our strength, understand our commonality and what we billions of us share that unites us rather than divides us.

This is a unity and a strength that derives from the common sense and the innate goodness of our kind, our human-heartedness.
It's not a strength drawn from the fake rules and dogmas of fake religions, from corporate stipulations and the drive for 'profit', from the falsity of fake 'democracy' and the 'rule of law' that has nothing to do with the rule of what is right, what is just.

It is a strength drawn from our human-heartedness, an understanding of both 'do no harm' and 'do what is right', an understanding of what it is to be human.

The so-called Christians that burnt other Christians at the stake. The so-called Muslims that murder children with their bombs. The so-called Western 'democracies' that have killed innocents for centuries and kill babies every day. The so-called Communists that killed so-called Fascists. Left and Right, Christian and Muslim, Hindu and Zoroastrian, rich and poor, black and white, on and on the fake differences are made real to us by the orchestration of events and the memes that pass into our consciousness through the whole of our lives.........

Divide and conquer is familiar to all of us, we human beings.

Reality is a divisive construct, made by the powerful, used to make we human beings something less than we could be, than we shall be, than we must be if we are ever to make this world the place of beauty it should be. It is designed to weaken our billions, designed to prevent us from realising we can cast off the power as easily as we change our clothes. The slaves ALWAYS outnumbered the slave owners, thousands to one. They just had to realise their power, break the mind-chains that held them in place. This is true of humanity, and in that truth lies a great promise, the promise of a different, of a human-hearted future, of a world built on the foundations of human Love. 

This is our destiny.
What other outcome do We wish for, we human beings?

We human beings.
We human-hearted.
We that want something useful to do, something good to eat, somewhere nice to lay our heads, some hope, some love, some hugs, some comfort, some fun, some laughter, some idea that we have been of use and are of use, some nice sex, some sense of fulfilment however humble, a safe place for our children to grow and share their laughter with us, the preservation of their innocence, the understanding that what we will leave for future generations will be an improvement on that which we inherited.

This is what billions of our human tribe desire, what we share.
And in that sharing lies our power, our unity, and the understanding of what we MUST do.

We Are currently denied this actuality, this reality, that future, that destiny.
It is time for an Evolutionary step.
Time to start again.

There is, amongst us, an age old and systemic malaise. It is the Power derived from our natural human fear, our natural disinclination to kill, our natural urge for simplicity and pleasantry, our desire for normalcy.
We Are, as a result of our instinctive goodness, easy prey.

We can none of us imagine creatures that would kill a child for pleasure or for gain.
So we are disinclined to believe that others would be so Evil.

And yet they are.....and we know it now.

Every so-called 'war' that the Power has forced we human beings to engage in has involved massive loss of children's lives.

THEY, those that are the Power in this world, intended this.

We KNOW, now, just how regularly the Powerful are associated with paedophilia and child murder, though our fake 'justice' systems always fail to make these creeps pay for their crimes against humanity. In our billions, we know these things now.

Churchill, that scion of the 'great' aristocratic house of Marlborough, ordered the destruction, by fire bombs, of Dresden, a city where the Germans had sent their children to be safe. Dresden, being a place of no military value, a university city, a place of learning and beautiful architecture, a small city.... full of children.
Incendiary bombed and annihilated, the fake historians covering up the numbers of dead children....

These child slaughters have gone on for millennia.
Our human children are now and have ever been a target for those that have preached the benefit of sacrifice.
We know this from our history, yet cannot believe it of our recent past or indeed of our present, even though we see the Epsteins and the Saviles and all the rest pandering to the bloodlust of the POWER.
We cannot believe it because we are HUMAN, because such crimes are unthinkable, because we fear to look them in the face, because we are human-hearted.

Think of us as a species, not as separate races, not as generations, not as left or right, not as the winners and the losers, not as Muslim or Catholic, not as of one nationality or another, but as a kind, as an entirety, as humanity. 
WE know child murder is the very worst of crimes, yet our leaders have ordered the bombs dropped, even once orchestrated the Child's Crusade, today have created 'Extinction Rebellion' to persuade our children that they should suicide to save the planet.

Think of how our minds, our collective consciousness, is so manipulated by propaganda, by what is surely mind control. See how our children are manipulated to believe in 'global warming' and how they believe, in their very hearts, that humanity is destroying our world. 

So beliefs have ever been inculcated. 
Begin with the children. 
There are few Christians that began as Jews, few Muslims that began as Christians, few Socialists whose parents were Conservatives, few Americans that don't believe their country is the best place on earth (despite the evidence to the contrary), few Brits that don't think they're the best, few Frenchmen (or women) that don't believe that La France should rule the world. 
So they go on, these beliefs. 
They are born of the natural human instinct known as tribalism, that desire for communal togetherness, that instinct which the Power understands so well and knows how to use to drive division between us all, to create hatred. To use to make us want to kill.

And they know how to make us want to kill, to take what is one thing, the human species, and fragment us into warring parts.
Ideas of 'nation' and 'religion' and 'economics' and 'hierarchy' and 'race' and so on.

To make a war, they only need a trigger.
The slow build up of consciousness engineering propaganda (The 'Russians" did it!)....
And then the event. 
We now call these things 'false flag' events.
WE KNOW their game, and can see their tactics.


Know that we are a mixed bunch, we human beings. Mixed in terms of genetics, mixed in terms of outlook, mixed in terms of what we have chosen or been taught to believe, mixed in a billion ways. We Are a vast agglomeration of difference, some of that difference stemming from the history of any given place, the circumstances of our rearing, the belief or disbelief in what we have each of us learned and what we have each of us in varying degrees decided to unlearn, the chances offered to each of us or those we have each decided to take and the reasons for those choices.

Within this matrix we understand that there is influence and Power, shaping the growing minds, exploiting the natural tendencies, using for advantage the beliefs that have been implanted in young minds, shaping opinions, shaping reality itself.
Within this matrix we understand there are two forces: Good and Evil.
Within this matrix we understand that all of the Power to shape opinion and shape minds and drive the herd that is humanity in one direction or another is held by a force of Evil that uses its fake money to sustain that Power.

All of our known history and all of our present, and therefore unless and until we decide otherwise all of our collective futures, have been and are in the hands of this Evil.
Its Power appears mighty. Its Power stems from control. Its Power encompasses almost everything we humans believe. It controls Money, it controls therefore all trade and all human interaction, it controls through the Power of money all hierarchies, it controls religions, it controls the new religion of science, it controls justice or its lack, it controls the agenda of every thought and every opinion we human beings are taking in the unrolling of our story.

It fills our minds.
Consider that for just a moment.
It fills our minds.
But its power relies on our human compliance, our fear and our reluctance to face it.
Without our compliance, it is nothing.
We can ignore it to death at a Moment of our choosing.
That Moment is approaching, despite the apparent arrogance of the Power, despite its actions and strategies to reshape our world that are ongoing because it SEES our RISING, sees the EVOLUTIONARY path we are on even if many of us do not yet see that reality.

We are weak. We are easily fooled. We are short-lived. It takes us decades to mature, decades to rue the mistakes we made as children and young adults, decades to learn that we have been lied to, decades to realise what is the true nature of humanity, decades to remember the collective spirit that unites us all.
When we were teenagers, we thought we knew it all, or that everything was just unknowable.
How wrong we were.
When we entered our twenties, we thought the future was ours.
How wrong we were.
In our thirties we saw the way of the world, and mostly conformed.
What alternative was there?
In our forties we became a part of the very system we despised as teenagers, because in that conformity lay the fake idea of normality and the potentiality of prosperity, of promotion, of future security in the form of a 'pension' (now being denied, the age at which you might get one pushed ever back)...
In our fifties we got sick, and started to depend on fake pharma in the hope we might live healthily.
In our sixties we realised what was important, but too late, too late......

We 'die', we human beings, and only at the end of our lives do we realise, finally, what is truly important to us all.


All of these things apply to the individual human being, kept separate from all the others by a strategy of division. They do NOT apply to our species. 
Our species knows everything that there is to know, between us all.
Our species is the power in this reality. 

Because of the nature of this reality, because the controlling Evil has for so long shaped human interaction, because we accept what has gone before as normalcy we have, as a species, forgotten how wonderful We Are and how vital Love is to our species, how love underpins EVERYTHING we see that is of true value.
Love is our collective dream.
It is our solace.
Love is what we most value, above everything else.

There are many that are rich, fewer that have in their hands the means of creating from thin air unbelievable 'wealth' and the Power that comes from that, yet those at the very top have no understanding of Love, lack the riches that love brings, are bereft of that simple joy that lives in the hearts of humanity.

To know you are Loved is worth more than trillions of fake money, of digits in a 'bank account'. 
What we humans most desire is to be loved.
To be thought of as worthy.
To go to bed each night with a smile, knowing we have been of value, knowing someone cares, knowing we have done good.

This is our human-hearted destiny.

We have forgotten what we learned about sharing, about how sharing is fundamental to human society and that we all of us benefit from being a part of the greater whole, world-wide.
We have forgotten exactly what that greater whole IS.
It is the enormous beauty of a caring and loving species and what that species can create.

We have forgotten joy, we have forgotten laughter, we have forgotten duty, we have forgotten obligation, we have forgotten honour, we have forgotten decency, because inhumanity has shaped this false reality.

We need to remember.
We need to understand the nature of our species.
We need to re-discover our collective human-heartedness.

We need to look again at our morality.
We need to look again at our sexuality.
We need to look again at our idea of justice.
We need to look again at the way we preserve the innocence of children.
We need to look again at our science.
We need to look again at our systems of exchange.
We need to look again at hierarchies.
We need to look again at authority.
We need to look again at our laws.
We need to re-examine everything in the light of our human-heartedness.

We need, as a species, to Start Again.

To begin with the fundamentals we ALL understand.
The fundamentals of justice, of right and wrong.
The fundamentals of care.
And the fundamental understanding of the ease with which humanity can be bamboozled and the vigilance we need, as a species, as a one-world-tribe, the vigilance we require to take possession of our future and collective destiny.

The destiny of our species.

Ask yourselves: What legacy do you wish to bequeath your children and theirs?
A legacy of perpetual war, of untrammelled greed, of undeserved power, of disgusting pollution, of a diminished world, of perpetual debt, of all the continuing trends that you witness fed to you as 'normal' and 'unavoidable' by the machinery of endless propaganda?

Our human society should and will be built on the guiding principle of love, of good, of wisdom and justice.
What other future would almost all of us wish for?

Is that not what we almost all of us desire, we billions of meek and afraid human beings?
That Good should prevail over Evil?

And so the steps we need to take as a species are the steps that every slave in every moment of our history should have taken.

In the knowledge that THEY are few, and We Are many.

Just tell them to stick their fakery where the sun doesn't shine.

Hierarchy gives us orders that we feel we must follow, because we fear the consequences of refusal.
Money substantiates that hierarchy and we fear its absence, even though we might understand that it has been created from nothing, and that its creators are granted huge power over us by our meek acceptance of this vast trick.
Other beliefs that have been sown into the collective human consciousness, bad lying science and dodgy religion amongst them, fake democracy and the rule of false law, a myriad of other beliefs that have for centuries stemmed from the Power, stemmed from Evil and now, for all of we human-hearted to see, strive with a bloody determination to keep we human beings enslaved.

We are arriving at a great turning point in our collective human history.

It is the relatively simple matter of casting off the fake reality we exist within.
It does not seem simple to YOU, as an individual.
But it is simple for ALL OF US.
Billions of other human beings are WITH YOU.
The future is ours, humanity's.

We just need to realise that We Are one tribe, living in one world, and that We Are Love.

Now, spread this, for as you know the Power is Adept at confusing the issue.
They are adept at dividing Us.
They rely, now, on the messages that enter the collective human consciousness.
It is up to humanity to discern what is right.
It is not easy, for they are devious.

Our human destiny lies in simplicity.
There are no politics.
There are no conflicts.
There are no divisions.
We few of us would walk past a starving child.
We few of us would bomb a community of strangers that want exactly what we want, a simple life, free of fear.
We few of us would seek to profit from someone else's sickness.

We Are One.
We Are human.
We Are human-hearted.

You might wonder where we start?
We start everywhere.

You might wonder when we start?
Why, now, of course!

You might ask, who is the enemy?
Why, what your human-heart tells you is wrong.
The enemy is NOT the powerful. The enemy is the systems the powerful have built.
We need no gallows nor guillotines.
We simply need to ignore the systems the powerful have built, and Evolve our own.

You are just a part, a single element of a great whole, powerless and weak, meek and afraid as a single human being but nevertheless a part of something greater than the sum of those parts.
You are destiny unfolding.
You are the world put to rights.
You are the very foundation of the future of our species.

This, with love,
Aktina Pempti and the Olive Farmer,
High in the mountains of Crete,


  1. Dear Olive Farmer.

    "It is up to humanity to discern what is right.
    It is not easy, for they are devious."

    Strange 'carryings-on' here in the UK at the moment. Unless I'm wrong, in all my years I've never known a GE to take place just before Xmas. Isn't this usually around the time when they are herding the sheeple into buying their 'stuff'? But, instead, there seems to be more emphasis on the likes of B.J. Boris and the rest of his cohort actors.

    I'm really curious as to why they would do such a thing as to insert a GE now.

    Love to you both.

    Mick :-D

  2. Dear Olive Farmer.

    "It is up to humanity to discern what is right. It is not easy, for they are devious."

    The UK's first million-pound winner on the show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire in 2002 was an out-and-out scam.

    Being who she was and where she came from, why would she not know the answer to that million-pound question?

    Love to you both.

    Mick :-D

  3. Hi Mick,
    We think that the West is learning to understand that the fake 'democracies' are just that. We think that the Power is behind this, because they have built an alternative ready to jump in when 'democracy' collapses. This is why referenda have been ignored by governments in many countries. This is why we see fools chosen as Prime Ministers and Presidents. The discontent is being engineered by the Power. Research 'citizens committees' and you'll find them quietly springing up everywhere. In the UK they have these fake committees in line to 'combat global warming'. Guess what they'll suggest? No cars. No gas or oil central heating. More foul nuclear power stations (time-bombs in disguise). Rationing of energy use. More LED lighting. 5G everywhere (as the fake Green Party insists on. Note also the fake 'Extinction Rebellion' children's crusade for citizens committees. Add to this the surge in seperatism and the idea of City States (Rockerfeller's 'sustainable cities' and the UN's World Council of Mayors).
    See also the rise of NGOs, ready to step into the power vacuum as 'non-profits' running all of our services, health, welfare (especially children's 'welfare'...hmmmm) and of course foreign affairs and international 'good will'.
    We could write an essay!
    But this election will produce, for sure, more chaos and more division and show how disaffected the UK is with the political animals. We wonder if the 'Russians' will be blamed for something. The Power does like to lay years of groundwork into creating their endless list of enemies and their vile fake wars, wherein ordinary human beings are taught to think it's a necessary evil to kill other ordinary human beings.
    We Are that stupid....or at least we used to be......

  4. Good day everyone!

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    Address is 68 Fremont Ave Penrose CO, 81240.

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  5. WARNING: This 'comment' from the jacksonwalton scam company, is a scam. We published it because we think it's quite amusing. Not that there are scammers such as these schemers, but that the REAL scammers, the real crooked bankers, are NOT Nigerian hopefuls preying on the weak of mind. Rather, they are international criminals preying on humanity at large. As well we all know.

    1. Dear Olive Farmer.

      Oh I'm so disappointed to hear this sad news. There was me thinking about asking them for a loan so I could pay off my council tax ... I'm crushed.

      Love to you both.

      Mick :-D

  6. Dear Olive Farmer.

    "but that the REAL scammers, the real crooked bankers, are NOT Nigerian hopefuls preying on the weak of mind. Rather, they are international criminals preying on humanity at large. As well we all know."

    And they're all scurrying around like cockroaches trying to escape as their cover is blown.

    Love to you both.

    Mick :-D


We love to hear what you think, thanks.