Sunday 21 May 2023

Just a quiet word.

Can we speak privately, you and me, for just a moment? Just a quiet word.

There is something you need to know.

First, though, could I ask something of you? If you are able, could you try and clear your mind of all of those things that concern you? The meal you need to prepare, the jobs that need doing, the bills that need paying, the wrongs that need righting, the people around you and the circumstances of your existence, all of those things that cloud your mind as you navigate your course through this reality? Can you do that for me?

Let me explain why I am compelled to ask this difficult task of you. 

I knew a man once, let's call him Billy, that died leaving many things undone in his life, many apologies unsaid, many acts of forgiveness not fulfilled, many dreams and ambitions left outstanding, a million other things and chief amongst them  an overwhelming sense of regret that he'd done nothing to make even his tiny part of this reality better for those that would follow. 

As Billy lay dying he came to understand that his life had been formed of two elements. The first element was love, the people he had loved and been loved by and the sharing of love and the acts of goodness and unselfishness he had given into the world. These, he realised too late, were the only things of importance. 

The second element, that which had taken up most of the time and effort of his life, he came to realise had been imposed upon him. He realised that most of his existence had been spent trying to simply survive and then to prosper, in relative terms, in a rigged game. 

He had spent more than fifteen years of his early life in schools striving to learn stuff that he had almost entirely forgotten and that he had almost never had cause to use. He had worried about his performance relative to his peers, competed, strived, felt guilty when he didn't, shone internally when praised for a good mark. He had entered the rest of his life thus programmed and found that he was required to worry about his performance relative to his peers, to compete, to strive, to feel guilty when he idled, to shine internally when he was praised, but most of all, when boiled down to its very essence, he had spent most of his life trying to make money in order to pay debts and to prove his relative worth through the acquisition of. 

If he could pay his debts he need not worry. If he could buy slightly better stuff than others he felt proud of himself. That had become the story of his life.

Now, at the very end of his life, he had come to understand that there were some people in the world that had never had to compete and strive and worry about that stuff because they came from dynasties that had secured the right, written into "laws" the world over, to create all the money in the world and to use that money to rig the game of life. He had, without realising it, spent his entire existence trying to do well in a world entirely shaped by those people. It had consumed his consciousness, filled his waking moments, driven his thoughts, shaped what he thought about himself, stolen from him a million opportunities to do the right thing, taken from him the understanding that what was of real value were those acts born of love that had no monetary value.

He had, he realised, also been robbed of his courage. The rigged game of life had never once let go of its control of his time and effort and its screaming insistence that he make money in order to live, in order to eat, in order to have a roof over his head, in order to "succeed", had come to be the governing motif of his existence. He had, a million times, kept his head down when he should have raised it, stilled his voice when he should have spoken out, stifled the urge to learn about something that was utterly wrong in the world because then his conscience would demand he do something. The need to make money in order to live a normal life had entered his very soul and ruined him, made him less of a man, made him a coward, caused him to do wrong, made him less human.

This is why I have asked of you that you clear your mind, because your mind is occupied by an alien, an inhuman, screaming insistence for normality to continue, a normality entirely dominated by the need to have money in a world shaped that way by those that have the power to make it from nothing. Your mind, do you see, is under occupation by an inhuman force. It orders your daily activities, tells you insistently what to think about and what opinions to have, shapes your mind to serve whatever purpose it has in its plans. It creates almost everything you fear and fills your human soul with such an avalanche of threats that you have become something far less than you could be. 

Now, as always, as history shows us, those same creatures have decided that it is time to kill.

Your desire for a normal life will not let you look at this for what it truly is, in case your conscience raises its ugly voice and insists that you actually do something. You hope that if you keep your head down all of this will just somehow go away. You feel alone and powerless and afraid. You are full of hope that somebody else will come and save you, will set things right, will chase the devils from your door, that a great leader will emerge from somewhere to deal with these things so that you can go back to worrying about money, about debt, about whether you have slightly better stuff than those who are close to you. 

Such has always been the mindset of slaves. 

But don't be ashamed. Don't even admit to yourself that you are a slave. Don't even face the fact that you are existing in a slave camp, with barbed wire fences made of the need to make money, with slave masters that order your existence from birth to death and that might, on a whim, decide that there are too many slaves altogether and to dispose of them. 

Dispose of you.

Our masters, you see, have always engaged in herd management and selective breeding. In the last century they murdered countless millions of dissenters, so as to breed more compliant stock. 

They have always forced us to go to war, so that those genetically courageous would get killed and so eradicate courage from the herd. 

This is what you are, regrettably. The weak minded cowardly product of a selective breeding programme, engaged in over millennia, a slave whose consciousness is totally engaged with the day to day requirements of a rigged game that has gone on for so long that few human beings realise that this is not how things should be, is not how things could be.

Rest assured, though. You are in good company. Your masters have long understood how to control what is left of  your mind, to shape what remains of your free will, to drive you with the rest of the herd in the direction they choose. 

Almost all of humanity could, tomorrow, be plunged into decades long wars. Your mind has been prepared to accept this. You swallowed, whole, the Covid nonsense and took the "medicine" your masters gave you and felt gratitude that they had saved you with their warp speed science. You swallowed whole the Ukraine war as if there were nothing we human beings could do to stop such things, just as you swallowed Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and so on. You swallowed the demonisation of other nations, the imposition of sanctions, the misery those sanctions caused other human beings. 

Admit it. If you were told tomorrow that the Chinese had attacked Taiwan you'd feel there was nothing you could do to stop it and in fact you'd feel that it was time to teach those bastards a lesson.....because we human slaves have always reacted this way when our masters decide that its time for the killing to begin. 

They manage our minds so well that they caused decent Germans to hate the Jews enough to murder millions of them. They caused decent Russians to hate those who objected to communism so much that they helped murder 60 million other human beings. They caused good Chinese people to round up around 100 million other human beings and kill them. Centuries ago the same masters caused human beings to Crusade and kill others who chose to believe in God differently. 

All of human history is that story. 

The story of our masters controlling our minds and turning us into killers and making us believe that what we were doing was right. They have to do that, have to make us believe that we are doing good when we are doing evil, because it is against our human natures by and large to do evil things. We are essentially quite nice creatures, living in a rigged game. 

That is what they have just done to our human medical profession the world over. Those trusted Doctors and experts have just murdered on behalf of our masters and are now engaged in doubling down on the lies they were foolish to believe in for the same reason all slave-humans do bad things. For a quiet life, for the absence of fear, for money, and as time passes for the chance to bury their conscience and never face the wrong they have done.   

This is why you need to empty your mind, dear friend, and why I have asked for this quiet moment. Because I want you to think about Billy, about the billions of Bills, and what we billions could do differently. So that our human lives are not spent in slavery, so that we are no longer plunged into endless wars, so that we can each one of us feel that what we leave behind us is better than what we came into, so that each of us can let our conscience free and face what it asks of us.

This is not a difficult thing, this great alteration to our human story. It is merely a question of mass consciousness, of great numbers of the slave herd realising that things need not be this way. We need no leaders for this evolution. Rest assured our masters would provide one if they felt that would suit their purpose and we would follow it. 

No, not this time. 

All that is needed is for what is already happening to continue. What is already happening is a great shift in the mass consciousness of our species. This will grow apace and become unstoppable. We are living through the greatest moment of our human history and what will come of it is a human world of good, of love, of amazing brilliance.

So why did I draw you aside?

Because all of we human beings do the dirty work for our masters, who are incapable of doing anything themselves. The soldiers do the killing, the doctors do the killing, the politicians do the killing, the drug dealers do the killing and the good human beings do the killing, believing they do right when doing wrong. 

That is why I wanted this quiet word and for you to empty your mind. 

To offer you the chance to stand on the right side of history.

With Love, 

Olive Farmer and Aktina Pempti

xxx xxx xxx

Please share this if you have a mind to.

Each and every element of the shift in human consciousness forms a part of the whole.



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