Saturday 17 October 2020


I just visited and clicked on the link "Police Break up London Wedding" only to find that the link directs to the private "design" area of THIS blog.

To create such a link the blogger needs to add the link address. They must have posted the link to my private area by accident, perhaps just having been in there and not paying attention.

To view that area they'd have had to hack my password/Google ID.

Once there, they could eg turn off comments, alter past blogs changing words here and there (this has happened before), all sorts of stuff.

If anyone reads this could they please check if the same happens when they press the link and report backi here?

Thank you.



  1. Hi. I got sent to the Daily Mail article relating to the wedding headline and not your webpage private design area.

    1. Yes, they changed it eventually, but it was there for hours.
      Shame, we liked their blog, but now they creep us out somewhat. We always understood the fake opposition, bigger than most understand it to be, thousands of them such that only big money can buy. That's reality. Demonically creepy.

    2. Well, now that you put words on it I've been getting that creeping feeling from that site too. Lately I visit much less and read very little of it. I hadn't solidified my sense reaction until I read your reply.

  2. I used to read Aangirfan (as was) - about 18 months after I started to read, they had a massive DDOS attack and were taken offline for over a week. When they came back the site had been renamed Aanirfan and there was a definite change in writing and tone - I have not been back since ! I suspected at the time that the site had been taken over by 'bad actors', and had sadly become Fake Opposition. Stay true to yourselves Olive and Aktina ... and change all passwords. 11.11


We love to hear what you think, thanks.