Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Int'l. Message for Freedom and Hope
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Long post, again. Musings of a not so tired soul!
We often use this descriptor: “The needle of a lie buried in a haystack of truth”. We do so because this is the modus operandi of the fake alternative media, to speak truth but within that truth to hide a lie, or a distracting rabbit hole, or some never provable fantasy that colours their reputation and, by association, their followers. Amongst them, too, are the utter charlatans, those that see an opportunity to fleece and do so fleece with relish and abandon. These snake oil salesmen and sociopaths are remarkable only in that they illustrate the sheer gullibility of a great portion of humanity, for whilst as a species we possess between us the entire knowledge accumulated by our species over millennia we are, for the most part, simpletons that will believe even the most unlikely tale. Witness the billions now slavishly following the official Covid propaganda and wearing their slave masks. Witness, too, the billions that have followed the various organised religions our species is given to believe in (and often forced and certainly raised and inculcated to believe in) and how these believers in the peace and mercy of God or Allah have tortured, murdered and abused their way through the stream of time. On the other hand we should also recognise humanity's cupidity, how so many will do such evil for a dollar or the promise of promotion or the misguided belief that they do right when they do unpardonable wrong. Our armies, through history, buffed and polished with a sense of duty to King and Church, so indoctrinated, slaughtering countless millions of peaceful human beings that simple want to be left alone and simply pray for enough to eat and a roof and that their children might live and love and procreate.
We are a dumb species, easily misled, easily persuaded, easily bribed.
But also there exists a great nobility, a great yearning for peace and understanding, a determination to bring love into reality for our young, a sorrow of what we have let go and a deep and strong desire to make things right. These inner, instinctive yearnings are those things the predators rely on and use to manipulate us. They scam our money off us on this basis, those great charities that are anything but thrive upon this feeding. Religions suck at this teat. Politics is weaned on it. The media play upon it to force their propaganda down our collective throats. This entire Covid fallacy depends entirely upon the ordinary human beings, in their billions, seeking to do no harm to others.
With this understanding it becomes easy to see how simple it is to control our species.
Tell us repeatedly that we are doing good and, whatever horrors we inflict, we will believe and desire the outcomes we are programmed too perform.
Ask any Nazi concentration camp guard or the Jewish Kapos that enabled that terror.
If nothing else, try and get a sense of what this game is about.
It is about controlling the consciousness of humanity and then using those captured “subjects” to perform some act of evil.
It is about stealing souls by weaving a reality that makes such theft almost inevitable.
Few there are of us that can say, hand on heart, that we have done no evil.
Few that might cast the first stone, remembering that those sinless who might cast that stone would not.
When you look at and sign the Great Barrington Declaration (after all it seems to be a great weapon to employ against the globalists that are marching ahead regardless with their terrifying Agenda) you might hope that the truths embodied within that declaration will bubble to the surface of the collective consciousness of our species so that we collectively at last (rather than just the fringe, but rapidly expanding, “conspiracy theorist” section of the world's population that hitherto has been unaffected by mass propaganda and mind control) burst upon the world en masse and full of righteous indignation about what has been done to our shared reality by the monsters.
We would ask you to consider these facts, though.
First, that the Great Barrington declaration was formulated and then created under the auspices of a multi-million dollar funded “philanthropic” think tank, the “American Institute for Economic Research” (AIER). It's chief funders are the Koch family, mega rich political dabblers. The AIER has funds invested in oil companies, tobacco, Microsoft and Google's owner Alphabet. The AIER's subsidiary Bastiat organisation (self-styled as modeled on the Masons) is linked to the Atlas Network, the Ayn Rand Institute, the Cato Institute and many other Koch funded think tanks. Bill Gates might have modeled his philanthropic monster on such examples. As you no doubt know, anything with the word “Institute” in its title or “Philanthropy” as a descriptor is immediately suspect in this New Normal.
You might ask WHY three Professors would NEED to have the backing of the AIER and the Kochs to create a simple declaration and a simple website?
Could they not have done this simple task without outside funding and support and the associations that has brought?
Without suggesting anything we might ponder the fact that the family's patriarch, Fred Koch, met with Hitler and in Nazi Germany constructed the Hamburg Oil Refinery that provided the Nazi Luftwaffe with its much needed aviation fuel. No Hamburg Oil Refinery, no London Blitz, indeed no Second World War. Previously Fred Koch had worked under Stalin, creating the USSR's oil refining capacity. Two regimes with interesting tales to tell regarding the persecution of those that stand against state power, and indeed the persecution of people of faith often BY people of faith.
Second: Within the declaration are certain “taken for granted” statements that might cause some to question the wisdom of:
“Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates,...”.
There are many of us that might choose to question whether the lowering of childhood vaccination rates might not be a good thing.....!
They say: “Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage,...”
Notice that they do NOT take the opportunity to question the need for a vaccine, the rushed procurement of the vaccine, the massive potential threat to humanity posed by such unlicensed vaccines should they emerge, the history of damages claims paid out by Governments from the taxpayer's purse following the administration of vaccines, the huge question marks posed by many scientists over vaccines.
In sales there is something called “an assumed close”. Statement questions like “when we deliver your car it will likely be on a Saturday, is that OK?” (before the customer has agreed to buy). To say “until a vaccine is available” (and so indicating without directly stating it that such an eventuality will solve the problem of Covid) is an example of the subtle use of an “assumed close”.
They say: “We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.”
Once again they infer that a vaccine will be a good thing, that a vaccine will help us reach “herd immunity” and once again they raise NO concerns over that vaccine nor what it might contain in terms of entirely new and un-trialled genetically modifying components.
Or indeed a number, a beastly mark of some sort, and all that impending deprivation that will apply to those who do not carry their “vaccination certificates” ALLOWING them to travel, to shop, to access services......
Such unquestioning repetition digs into the subconscious of the reader.
The reader agrees that lockdowns should end. The reader's subconscious registers that vaccines can help fight this Coronavirus and are without risk, otherwise potential risks would surely have been referred to by these eminent scientists.
Further: “By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent PCR testing of other staff and all visitors.”
It is not understood by most people (but fully understood by all of us) that the PCR test , especially as used with a 45x concentrating effect, is NOT capable of accurately diagnosing Covid?
That the PCR test, according to its inventor, should never be used as a diagnostic tool?
That upwards of 90% of PCR tests produce false positives?
That there is a fear producing propaganda exercise currently underway employing the PCR tests to convince humanity that there is a second wave and that we should all be locked down again?
Again, this “assumed close”, this reference to PCR without questioning, this telling of it as if it is a fully reliable testing and diagnostic tool speaks to the subconscious mind and is intended to stick there. Thank you, “Great Barrington”. You have unquestioned belief in Vaccines, and in the PCR test, and you are helped by a vast philanthropic think tank funded by the Kochs.
That adds up!
It would be interesting to research what, if any, connections to vaccines manufacturers these scientists and the Kochs have. Interesting to see what if any Patents they hold in this area. Interesting to see what, if any, research they have done showing that vaccines are safe and what funding was behind that research. Interesting to see what work they have done in association with the PCR test, if any.
It will also be interesting to watch their careers in future and see if they choose to be associated with any other Koch influenced companies or think tanks or accept well paid remunerations therefrom.
What we know of humanity by now is that expertise can be bought, that souls indeed can be obtained, that deception weaves a web so tangled that few can see its origin and fount and follow its perverted course to its dark source. The British Secret Service was founded by that demonologist John Dee back in the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First. He signed himself 007 in his secret communications. Ian Fleming, that wrote the James Bond books, was also in the Secret Service, and Bond's number 007 was no accidental coincidence. We remember he was licensed to kill, as are they all.
You might consider, as a side subject, how a Royal family with a Secret Service hundreds of years in the making and always “licensed to kill” with a history of Empire building and genocide and a vast ordinary military might have made arrangements (with threats) with a bunch of foreign bankers that had developed a useful and long lasting con-trick?
So it goes, dear friend.
And at its bottom, at its core, as it has ever been that we know of, utter and inhuman ruthlessness.
No “protest march” will shift that.
No “petition”.
No “election”.
Only the permanent removal of the source of Power: Money and the hierarchies money sustains.
Only one force can break the cycle: Seven billion human beings, individually dumb but collectively knowing everything.
Our species.
Of other things:
The world as we know it is now evidently controlled by a vast and intricate web of co-conspirators whose intent is utterly evil. They are waging an undeclared war on humanity. The human species must expose the participants in this conspiracy and bring them to justice.
This, of course, is what most of we free souls want, isn't it? The sudden and complete exposure of this vile conspiracy and its supporters, the mass arrest of its aiders and abetters, the sudden swoop of arresting officers gathering up the rich and the powerful and bringing them to justice.
That's a seemingly big list, isn't it?
Let's see:
The world's international bankers, the chiefs of most big tech companies, the chiefs of most big pharma companies, the chiefs of most media corporations, the chiefs of most police forces, the chiefs of most intelligence agencies, high level government officials, almost all politicians in every nation, scientists that colluded or that faked evidence, most of the United Nation's high level officials and ditto those of Europe and other groups of nations, the chiefs of most militaries.
Then, stemming from and supporting these hierarchies, those numberless apparatchiks that for money became treasonous traitors to our species right down to local officials and those cops that are loving to go over the top in using their new-found powers, not forgetting those Doctors and Nurses that kept their mouths shut and followed orders to put Do Not Resuscitate notices on patients or colluded in the denial of medications that work against this virus, the pharmacists that emptied their shelves, on and on and on.
Then the mercenary psychopaths, those that murder for money and torture for fun.
Do you realise that to tackle this enormous list will require the complete removal of their power and authority (usually embodied in laws they created) and a seismic shift in the understanding of ordinary human beings that allows us to realise that this reality is our property and that we should dispose of it as we choose, all seven billion of us.
Because, as we see, though the appear too have all the Aces, WE are the entire pack.
The Power in this reality is HUMANITY.
ONE species.
ONE heart.
ONE future if we choose to seize it.
This can only happen if we come to realise we are, as a species, faced by a common enemy.
This is now happening.
The Power understands and has instigated (!) this common understanding so that it can create chaotic vacuums in the power system when governments are rebelled against by human beings, then appear to “save” humanity by pushing their alternatives. This, of course, will come when they have collapsed the fake money system and humanity will be begging for their “universal basic income”.
This collapse of the old and the instigation of the new is already well progressed.
It's all they talk about in the great “Reset”.
They have seen the new collective consciousness of humanity coming, that “world mind” that knows EVERYTHING and so they have set out to prevent its birth.
To do that they hope to crash everything they have relied on for millennia and get US to insist on a new way, a new world order, that they have already prepared.
Clever, aren't they?
And behind it all there'll be the fake money they make, the fake money they hope we'll queue up for, dumb as they think we are, once they have destroyed economies and buggered up the food supply chain and so intentionally screwed “democracy” such that we have lost all faith in “government” that we will DEMAND “governance” by unelected officials that have alreayd been trained and selected and placed and follow a “common purpose”.
Covid is intended to reduce people's faith in their governments and then reject those governments altogether. Perfect for the elite that wish to divide countries into City States of little power and set them against their neighbours, erect borders, build defences and so lock their people in.
City States will be concentration camps. Run by psychopaths, policed by black-clad bullies, clamoured for by the indoctrinated mask wearing cowards they hope humanity will have become.
Sure, they are confident, and why not?
It seems like they are winning.
We are, as a species, too fearful of standing up against wrong. That fear takes two forms. The first is the fear you see at demonstrations when a few organised black-shirted police can mob, beat and cart away those they choose to arrest whilst the crowd dare not suddenly attack or give back the same level of violence being used against them.
That is perhaps the right thing, for violence begets violence, but Solzenitzin reminded us that if residents had gathered at every stairwell armed with hammers and staves and what guns they could find and beat those monsters that came to arrest citizens that objected to what was going on in that Soviet state then those 60 million souls carried off to die in the Gulag concentration camps would have lived.
There are NEVER enough armed police or military to carry out a sustained war against a population that outnumbers them a thousand to one or more.
Only cowardice enables such horrors, cowardice and the absence of a collective understanding.
The second source of fear is economic. We have, as a species, allowed debt to wrap us in its ruthless snare. Almost all income sources in the world now stem from either governments (the largest employers in every nation) or from big corporations. This Covid nonsense has made this even truer, with the mega corporations thriving and receiving, collectively, trillions from their bankster friends (that have significant shareholdings.....). The debt thus created becomes “national debt” to be serviced by the tax payers of future generations whilst the capital is used to buy up more and more of our species' assets. Grand larceny in plain sight.
As a species so reliant on a continuing stream of “money” to pay debt installments or merely survive we have become quietly enslaved, afraid to speak out, scared to object, mere ciphers terrified of the financial and other consequences of raising our head above the parapet. Great numbers of us do jobs we hate, many of those jobs solely concerned with the creation of “profit” whilst serving no true purpose or simply undertaking the management of the State's power or the carrying out of State bullying.
When you realise the extent, reach and depth of the enemy we face you understand that this war is a global war on humanity and so must be fought globally, by a united humanity, and that to win this war we must face the decisions that need facing.
Those decisions must address the denial of power, permanently, to these monsters.
If we do not deny them power, permanently, then we will face these monsters again and again and again until we become exhausted and give up. The consequence of giving up are unthinkable. We have to win this war, and we have to win it now.
Their source of power quite simply is the ability to create money from thin air and to control the direction of its flow. It is from this energy source that they are able to control all media (including the fake opposition...) and so control the agenda totally, able to control so many scientists and so much of the targeted and directed research that “proves” their lies and so many “experts” to “prove” them, able to control politicians and so the shaping and implementation of oppressive laws, able to pay the black clad cops now stamping on heads and arresting the innocent the world over.
Forget “Democracy” and the power of the electorate. All the world's hierarchies are now governed by the dark power of money, from the United Nations down through regional blocs and individual nations, all overarched by vast multinational corporate entities and countless thousands of NGOs and effectively fake charities being massively well paid to have control over the urge to do good that stems from we humans in our billions.
They have in place their alternatives, from Chrislam to Sustainable Cities through block-chain currency to Universal Income through “Green” tech to battling “Climate Change”. Millions of paid- for sites, organisations, seemingly beneficial NGOs, seemingly determined local “Mayors”, all that “money” can buy and all the people it can buy.
And only WE seven billion human beings can stop them!
By understanding what WE ARE and what unites us.
Humanity. Human heartedness. Love.
This date: 11:11 2020.
When we decide to stop the world.
To win this war will not be easy, there is much to do and little time in which to do it. A matter of weeks, in fact.
Don't ask how we know it, but 11th November 2020 will see this historic “Moment” of change.
Share this, if it's the last thing you do.........
With Love,
Olive Farmer.
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AANGIRFAN we so abjure you ... ... ... ........... ........... .................... ....................Saturday, 17 October 2020
Technical article: Mass Mind Control. Must read under this Covid propaganda storm.
For readers who wonder HOW it is that SO MANY have become compliant zombies we repost this detailed article about the intelligence and method behind mind control. IT IS of greater importance now as this mass mind control exercise unfolds.