Sunday 19 July 2020

WE will WIN this WAR.

                                                        The Future.

From small acorns do might oak trees grow.
This is just a blog, but more than that it speaks of an idea.
An idea whose time has come.
It speaks of unity rather than division.
It speaks of Evolutionary change.

It speaks of altering the course of history.
It speaks of billions of human beings, our species, having control of our destiny.
It speaks of shaping the world differently.
It speaks of LOVE, of human-heartedness, stepping into the light.

There is a war against our species right now.
It is being waged by a Power many find difficult to see.
A Power that has our governments, in every nation, marching in lockstep.
A Power that is robbing humanity of every right we have ever had, whilst pretending to care, whilst feigning concern.
A Power that is using a vast array of psychologically driven propaganda, an almost total control of all media, the creation and steering of trigger events and the censoring and suppression of truth to control the collective consciousness of our entire species.

A Power that means us harm.
A Power WE must defeat, or allow our species to be culled.

So, just a blog.
Just an idea.
But we invite you to take some small steps that will change the world.

First, realise that WE, as a species, MUST do something.
Second, realise that WE, as a species, will lose this war unless we unite.
Third, realise that WE, as a species, have to realise our unity against the Power.

To see, everywhere, that WE ARE LEGION.

All that takes a sign, a symbol.
Make it this:
What does this symbol mean?
What does it say?

It says (excuse our language, but we guess you're an adult).....
    FUCK  YOU!
It says fuck you lying media.
It says fuck you lying governments.
It says fuck you billionaires.
It says fuck you police if you don't keep to your oath.
It says fuck the vaccine.
It says fuck the masks.
It says fuck the fake debt made from thin air.
It says fuck you if you are part of this system.
It says fuck you BIG BUSINESS.
It says fuck you justice systems that protect paedos and worse in high places.
It says fuck you war criminals.

It says fuck your fake idea of races.
It says fuck your fake flags.
It says fuck your divisions.


One species, at WAR with EVIL.

It says we SHARE our instinctive HUMAN-HEARTEDNESS.

It says that WE, in our billions, WILL make this world a better place.

WE WILL change everything, take evil from our world, and TOGETHER co-create our human future.

There need be no detail.
There need be no plans.
Simplicity is where we will find unity.
Unity in an idea.

Simply: Make this world good.

That's what 11:11 means.

Make this world GOOD.

In our billions WE will work together to make it so.
But first, the Power in this world MUST GO.

NOW simply share these numbers.

Make them viral, to fight THEIR virus.

A simple idea.
A species together fighting the forces of Evil.
A species taking control of its destiny.
And making OUR world good.
Please, share this today, everywhere.
We human hearted WILL WIN this war.
But it will take all of us.
Nothing else will do.

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